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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. Bo nodded, throwing Luke cold looks as he sees the satisfaction pass through his face, even if it was just slightly. He wasn't intending to take them out while thier backs were turned, that would just be stupid seeing as he couldn't get up and away quick enough anyway.

  2. Bo had to laugh at B.L's comment, but went back to scowling as she pointed out the fact that had been bothering him. He hated the IV's and if he was to get out and help Luke and the rest of them, he had to find a way to get them out. He scribbled a note.

    Can someone get a doc in here please.

  3. Bo now glared back at him, and scribbled furiously on the paper.

    Oh yeah?! So what good are you gonna be lookin' like you's gonna be fallin' over any second? I'll be just as equally danged if you think I's gonna sit by and let you and the rest of the family tackle this by yerselves! I ain't gonna sit here and let you run off no way no how.

  4. Bo softened slightly as he listened to Luke, knowing that he was right...but at the time the worry for his family and the love and protection that he felt for them had overidden his sense of self survival.

    But as Luke talked about creating a plan but leaving him out of it, he frowned and shook his head determindly.

  5. Bo smiles his thanks at the three, still frustrated and annoyed at how he cant do anything for himself. He couldn't even breathe without this stupid tent thing over him. He hated it, he hated being so helpless and he hated being stuck in a bed when there was a plan that needed to be thought up and done.

    He picked up the pencil and paper again and scribbled out the rest of the note.

    At the time I didn't know what kind of bugs they may have placed around the town, whether they were just listening devices or video devices too.....your right Luke, we do need to stop 'em, I was tryin' ta figure out a way 'afore all this happened without lettin' you all in on it so you's wouldn't be in danger.

  6. Again Bo scribbled on the paper, obviously frustrated at having to write everything down. The lying down and writing at the same time was making his eyes hurt and his hands. Frustrated he dropped the paper to his side and gently tried to push himself up into a sitting position, making an obvious noise of anger and frustration as his arms buckled beneath him.

  7. He hesitates for a moment before grabbing the pen and paper again, scribbling quicker, not trusting himself to stop in case he never started again.

    They....I....I lied. That day I said I bumped my head in the General....it was partly true.....they found me on a back road in the General, held a gun to the back of my neck and forced me to drive them to their hideout....then they wouldn't let me go....I was hlaf out the General when they hit me over the head. When I woke up....they's had tied me up and I was alone....I escaped but overheard what they's was sayin'. They.....they dru....drugged me and told me that they's had put bugs all over the town so if I told anyone of their plans they would know....and if I told anyone....they would kill y'all.....one by one....

  8. Bo frantically scribbles on the paper beneath the tent, still feeling weak but needing to get this out before he decided against it again. His hand was trembling badly, although the writing was still eligible.

    It's at 4 tomorrow afternoon. The truck carrying the guns is going to be ambushed on Ol' Mill Road. Boss' two guys are gonna throw the stuff in the quicksand and then Boss is gonna use the money from the insurance to demolish most of Hazzard square and put in some stupid statue of him. But the guys are plannin' to rob Boss blind, and they aint afraid to hurt people doin' it.

  9. As weak as he felt, his body instantly snapped into action, his breathing suddenly no longer sounding rough and course to him, but steady and strong. His family was here and now was the time to get them to understand what the heck was going on. If they stood any chance of stopping the two theieves, and getting away with their lives.

    He had to admit that that part stil scared him, but he had figured long ago that while he was stuck under a sheet of plastic, in a hospital that could pick up bugs through their frequency, there was no way of the other guys knowing that he was telling his family, especially since he would be....well he would be trying, to write it down on paper.

    He didn't smile back at the revelived smiles and tears that he could see through the rumpled plastic. Instead he brought his hand up and tapped on it, then proceeded to pretend to write on his hand with his finger.

  10. Bo looked around weakly, but worridly as the plastic was lowered over the top half of his body. He couldn't move, he was too exhausted for that, and he couldn't question what was going on either. He didn't need this right now, all he needed was Luke and his family to get back to him so he could at least try and explain what had been going on. To say he was now frustrated with what was happening was an understatement.

    Daisy smiled and cried with relief as they were told that Bo hadn't given up, that he was still with them even though he had died for a few minutes. That thought scared her a lot, but it didnt stop her running into Luke's arms, colliding with him and holding him like she never wanted to let go. She knew Bo would never leave them like that, never and she hoped that Luke realised that now too.

  11. Bo gasped as he was jolted sharply back from a dark void that he didnt even know he had been in, feeling the burning pain of the spot where the paddles had been. He still couldn't open his eyes though and all sounds were blurry. His body was still weak though, and it didnt seem up to putting up too much of a fight right now, so he just lay there, trying to get his head around what the hell he was planning on doing next.

  12. Coule he leave Luke to face that? Was he really that much of a coward? But as he tried to make up his mind, the comforting, embracing blackness consumed him. He didnt have time to think about Luke, he didnt have time to think about his family as he chest puffed weakly out, and then fell back to its original position....and didnt rise again

  13. Daisy slipped away from her Uncle's embrace and slid down the wall next to her friend. She couldn't believe it, she just couldn't believe that Bo was dying in the room behind her. She could hear frantic whisperings going on, although she couldn't make out what they were saying. She wrapped tight arms round B.L, remembering how hard this had been on her and feeling so sorry for her to have to see it being replayed in Bo's case.

    Bo could hear the sound of several people moving around him, all talking in blurred whispers, everyone just shadows around him as his vision grew swimmier and swimmier, the edges being tainted with blackness. He could feel the air being forced into his lungs, and he weakly tried to grasp the air, but his body was now having none of it.

    He was dying, he knew he was. He would be away from his family soon, he could rest knowing his family would be safe once the word got out that he was dead and his knowledge had gone to the grave with him....but as the darkness started to consume him more he frantically realized that with him out the way....there would be nothing to stop the two guys robbing Hazzard...and if Luke found out about the robbery he would be sure as hell to go after them....

  14. Daisy looked around at everyone, practically forgetting exactly where they were. With a gentle squeeze to Luke's shoulder and a last frightened look at Bo, she tore out of the room and down the hallway, looking around frantically. Finally she spotted what she had been looking for. She darted forward and collard the doctor that had been treating Bo.

    "Doc! Oh Doc you gotta come real quick! Please Doc, he's dyin' my cousin's dyin' and there's nothin' we can do! Please you gotta come quick or we're gonna lose him!"

    Bo gently shook his head, although it was barley even recognisable as a head shake, it looked more like Bo snuggling more into Luke's strong chest. He held on tighter to Jesse's hand as a sudden wave of pain hit him. His face screwed up tight and he arched out of Luke's hold, one hand gripping Jesse's hand, the other holding tightly onto Luke's shirt. His breathes became more and more strained as he tried to fight the pain, and his whole body seemed to convulse with the combined effort of fighting it back and wanting to say a proper goodbye....

  15. Daisy held onto B.L as she wrapped an arm around her waist, needing the comfort that she could draw from it as the sight of both her cousins broke her heart.

    Luke looked so helpless and vulnerable as he pleaded with Bo, soft tears falling down his cheeks and onto his younger cousins. Bo just lay there, his eyes drooping shut, looking like the very will to live had left him. Daisy just couldn't understand it, how could Bo just start giving up so eaisly? She gently pulled B.L over to Bo's bedside, gently unhooking the breathing mask again, handing it to Luke to see if he could keep Bo breathing.

    Bo's breathing was now weak and shallow, and he could only just open his eyes as his Uncle spoke to him firmly yet pleadingly. Did they really want to torture him so badly? He just wanted to leave so he could escape the dreams, escape the nightmare of keeping this thing locked up inside of him. He looked up weakly as water dripped onto his face, and he found Luke to be crying, his tears making tracks down his cheeks before landing and making tracks on Bo's.

    Swallowing gently as he heard Luke's words that he knew to be true....but how could all this be to do with Boss Hogg? It wasn't Boss that had kidnapped him and threatened his family. He reahed up with all the remianing strength he had to wipe the tears gently from Luke's cheeks, before pressing his (bo's) fingers to his (Bo's) lips and gently giving him what was affectionatly known by everyone as a Bo Kiss. He gently and quickly ran the finger he had kissed down Luke's nose.

  16. Daisy's hand flew to her mouth as she saw Bo, curled up weak and scared in Luke's hold, his eyes drooping closed, his breathing slowing.

    "Oh gods Bo you can't do this to us! Please Bo please! Luke, me and B.L found out some stuff! Boss Hogg is bringing in a truck load of fire arms and he hired two guys to rip it off so that he can get the insurance money for them! Its another one of his schemes Luke!"

    Bo could heard Daisy saying his name and could feel Luke's embrace get tighter and tighter as he slipped further and further. He could hear his breathing slowing, he could feel his heartbeat growing weaker and weaker as his mind registered he was no longer putting up a fight.

  17. Daisy hurries down the hall with B.L, wishing there was some magic route up to Bo's room so they could get there quicker.

    As Luke held him closer, the promises that Luke kept making just made him feel weaker and weaker. Gradually he just let his body grow limp, he let his body do whatever it wanted to . He didn't want to have to fight anymore, he didn't have the strength, not when he knew that Luke was going to try and get the men who had scared him....not when he knew Luke would pay the price for it. He didn't want to be around when it happened....

  18. Suddenly, Bo jerked up, almost catching Luke's chin with his head as he did so. The look on his face as he turned to face Luke was something that no one should ever have to see on a loved one. It was one of complete and utter terror, mingled in with a heart breaking desperation for Luke to understand.

    He slowly shook his head at Luke, all the time looking directly at him, desperatly trying to get him to take what he had just said back. He couldn't even bare to think about Luke even thinking about going after the two men he had met, he just couldn't. He needed Luke to take that back, he needed him to.

  19. Daisy nodded, it didnt make any sense to her either, but it was something they could work out with Luke when they got there, and she told B.L as much. If anyone could work out a connection, it would be Luke.

    At Luke's words, Bo shook his head violently, all of a sudden clutching his head as he had to close his eyes again. But as soon as he closed his eyes he saw the images again....and again....and again....each time one more of his family members being added to the death toll....

    He wanted to scream, he wanted to cry, he wanted desperatly to tell Luke what was wrong and what was going on but he couldn't, he just couldn't. He clutched his head tightly, hiding his face away from everyone, curling into himself.

  20. Daisy was grinning wildly as they sped down the backroads.

    "B.L, its another one of Boss Hogg's schemes. I overheard him telling someone about it! He has a truck full of expensive firearms running through Hazzard, and he's hired two men to hijack the truck and destory the firearms so he can claim the insurance money! This has to be what Bo's so worried about, it just has to be!"

    As the painkillers took effect, Bo could still do nothing but sit weakly in Luke's hold, still trembling. He couldn't close his eyes now, not after thinking about everything that was and maybe already had gone on in Hazzard. Eveytime he had before after thinking about it, all he could see was Luke lying against the wall, riddled with bullet holes, staring blindly at him.

  21. Daisy turned, her eyes wide with excitement but also fear. She rushed forward, throwing her towel onto one of the tables and practically pulling B.L out the door.

    "No, no we have to get to the hospital! I have to tell Luke this! Come on B.L, come on!"

    Bo lurched forward as he heaved, all contents in his stomach being emptied into the pan beside him. He trembled violently as each heave brought a new meaning of pain to his throat.

    Eventually he just fell limp in Luke's hold, having no energy left to even hold himself up. He could feel now the slow soothing movements of Uncle Jesse's soft hand rubbing slow circles in his back but he just couldn't move. His throat was raw and he was sure that it had to be bleeding with the amount of pain he was in. But he couldn't so much as make a sound as the tears mingled with the sweat that ran down his face.

  22. He heard Uncle Jesse's soothing voice and tried to follow the instructions as the coolness of the water on the compress slipped down his face and Luke's gentle hands sweapt his sweat drenched curls from his forehead.

    But he couldn't do it, not this time. He just didn't have the strength or the energy to hold it back this time and he knew it. He looked pleadingly up at Jesse as he groaned and tore his hand away from Luke's to clutch his stomach as it gave a sickening lurch.

    He shook his head furiously, he had to let them know he couldn't hold it, he could feel the bile making its way at a furiously fast pace up his stomach and into his already burning throat.

    Daisy kept on serving the drinks all afternoon, smiling cheerfully and occasionally slapping a few men who thought it would be funny to try and get her to sit with them when she was carrying a tray full of beers. As she started to clean up for the night, she heard Boss Hogg talking in his office. She creapt to the door to listen in, gasping silently as she overheard what was going on. Suddenly she couldn't have wanted B.L to get here quicker more.

  23. Bo couldn't help but start to panic again, his breathing becoming laboured as he tried to fight off another wave of sickness. He needed to find out the time and the day. He looked wildly around for a clock, but what use was that if he didn't know what day it was?

  24. Suddenly Bo can see what this is all about. Luke wanted to know what had been going on over the past week. That was the only reason he was here, because he wanted to know.

    As he thought about his situation again, his stomach churned and once more he felt sick. He didn't know how long he had been out for, what day was it, what time was it? Had the deed already been done or was there still time for him to figure out a way to stop it?

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