Guest Posted April 2, 2005 Posted April 2, 2005 Tonight on the Dukes : Luke is changing from a little boy to a teenager and Uncle Jesse thinks Luke is ready for his own set of wheels so he buys Luke a spyder Sports car for his 16th birthday. Unfortunetly Luke drives home drunk from the Party and a deer jumps into the middle of the road he can't stop in time will Uncle Jesse ever be able to trust Luke again. Quote
Jamanda Posted April 3, 2005 Posted April 3, 2005 Luke is walking home from school, laughing with his friends, Bo and Cooter.Bo: You know, I didn't think teachers could get that mad.Cooter: I didn't think their faces could turn all them pretty colors.Luke: You two are just lucky you didn't get caught. Uncle Jesse'd tan your hide Bo!Bo: Aw, you're just jealous cuz you weren't in that class.Luke: Not really. No one can pin this one on me.Cooter: Hey, I'll be at your place tomorrow okay?Bo: Sure thing Cooter.Cooter goes off in another direction as Bo and Luke continue walking home.Bo: You remember what tomorrow is don't ya?Luke: Yeah. My history exam.Bo: Besides that! Shoot, don't you ever think about stuff other than school?Luke: And my driver's test.Bo: And your birthday!Luke: Hence the driver's test.Bo: And the party.Luke: Provided I pass the driver's test.Bo: Luke, you've got a one track mind.Luke: At least mine isn't always on the track to trouble. Quote
Jamanda Posted April 4, 2005 Posted April 4, 2005 The next day, Luke is in somewhat better spirits.Bo: See? I told ya you'd pass the driver's test.Luke: I know. Bo: And now you can see what Uncle Jesse got ya for your birthday.Bo and Luke race home and Luke can't believe his eyes. Uncle Jesse is standing in front of a Spyder Sports car, dangling a pair of keys.Jesse: Well? You want it or not?Luke: You mean it?Jesse: You can drive now can't ya? It's all yours.Jesse tossed him the keys and Luke catches them.Luke: Come on Bo!Bo: I knew you'd like it.Luke gets in the sports car, but not without a warning.Jesse: Now having a car is a big responsibilty.Luke: I know Uncle Jesse.Jesse: You won't be gettin' in trouble now will ya?Luke: I won't. I'll be real careful with it.Jesse: All right then. You two have fun.Bo and Luke take off in the car.Bo: You know what?Luke: What?Bo: With this car, you can go to that party over in Cass County this weekend.Luke: <grins> Yeah I could...Bo: And bring me with ya...Luke: You just wanna go cuz Winifred Montgomery will be there.Bo: Maybe, but then don't you want to see Patricia Henderson?Luke grins even wider.Luke: Cousin, we're going to a party. Quote
Guest Posted April 4, 2005 Posted April 4, 2005 So the Boys is gonna go to a party tonight unfortunetly the party may end on a sad note consideirng their will be Alcohol at the party since Luke is only 16 he get's into major accident.Luke: Oh Lord i can't wait until this party tonight it is gonna be so much fun.Bo : It'll be cool too i tell you Cuz this is gonna be a fun night .Luke : Yep it sure will Cousin this will be a night to remember.Oh it'll be a night to remember Luke will never forget this night.So Later on that night after supper the boys told Uncle Jesse that they is headed out to the Party down in Cass County .Uncle Jesse : Luke you be good now i don't want you getting into any trouble with the car you gave me your word.Luke : Don't worry Uncle Jesse what's the worst that could happen i know all the rules of the road don't you trust me ?",Uncle Jesse : Look Luke i know you think i'm worrying for nothing but sometimes peer pressure can get the best of you and owning a car is a major responiblity but you boys go and have fun.Luke and Bo make their way out to the car they are gonna be having quite a ball but Luke will be paying a price tonight .Bo : Hey C'mon Cuz let's go have some FUN !!!! Luke : Having your own wheels is too cool thanks for getting me this Cuz.Bo : Hey I'm just happy you love it Happy 16th Birthday Luke let's go pick up Cooter.Cue Jamanda Quote
Jamanda Posted April 4, 2005 Posted April 4, 2005 The three boys are on top of the world as they head over to Cass County. They knock on the door of a large house and a girl lets them in.Bo: Hi Winnifred.Winnifred: <batting her eyes> Hey there Bo. Come on in guys.Bo hangs out with Winnifred while Luke and Cooter mingle with other people. Cooter soon wanders off to talk with some guys about cars and Luke spots Patricia Henderson. She smiles at him and offers him a drink.Patricia: Careful now. It's real strong.Luke: I can take it.Patricia: Ooooh. I bet you can.Luke lets Patricia flirt while he sips the moonshine. Uncle Jesse had let him taste some before, but never very much. Wanting to impress the girl, he keeps on drinking it.A while later, Bo is rather bummed at Winnifred got bored with him and went off to flirt with Dewey Hogg. Bo finds Cooter, who's rapidly losing guys to talk about cars with, as the other guys are leaving to find girls to talk to.Cooter: One track minds, the whole lot of 'em. All they care about is women.Bo: Well shoot Cooter. Don't you like women?Cooter: Sure I do. But they don't like me. That's why I stick with cars.Bo: Speaking of cars, how 'bout we get Luke to take us home? This party's getting lame.Cooter: Yeah, just cuz Winnifred got bored with you.Bo: Shut up...there's Luke.They go over to Luke, who's sitting on the couch, trying to make a move on Patricia. However, the alcohol is preventing him from being very successful. Patricia sees Bo and Cooter.Patricia: I think he's had a enough ya'll. Better take him on home.Bo: Uh...yeah.Cooter: Come on now, Lukas Dukas.Luke: Dukas...mucas...flookus...Bo: are wasted.Cooter: We better take him home.Bo: Yeah...Uncle Jesse's gonna have a fit though.They help Luke out to the car and the night air revives him a bit.Luke: What? Are we leaving already?Cooter: Well...Winnifred gave ol' Bo the slip...Bo: And you weren't getting anywhere with Patty.Luke: I guess. Where're my keys?Bo: Oh no. You ain't driving!Luke: Why not?Cooter:'re drunk as a skunk!Luke: I feel fine and I have a lisense. Uncle Jesse'd have my hide if I let either of you drive without permits.Bo: And he'd have ours if we let you drive drunk!Luke: For the last time, I AM NOT DRUNK!The boys continue to argue over the noise of the party still going on inside. Quote
Guest Posted April 4, 2005 Posted April 4, 2005 Bo and Cooter was still trying to talk Luke out of driving but he ain't hearing any of it.Bo : C'mon Luke why don't you lay down in the backseat and take a snooze.Luke : NO WAY Your Funny Cooter : Luke you is wasted buddy c'mon let Bo drive .Luke Stumbles and laughs as he is trying to get into the drivers seat and Bo tries to stop him.Luke : Bo and Cooter is ruining my fun I don't wanna leave why should we anyway the fun is just getting started you is party poopers .Bo : Luke you ain't thinkin' clearly give me the KEYS !!! before you do something stupid and get yourself killed Cuz .Luke : (Giggles) I'm driving wow what a nite this party was fun Oh and Patty she is prett as a picture Bo you is so ..... wrong i'm FINE I ain't Drunk !!!. Bo says well C'mon Cooter let's go and pray Luke don't get us into a wreck.So Bo , Cooter and Luke who is Drunk as a Skunk get into the car i hope nothing goes wrong anyway as Luke is driving he is crossing the line.Luke : This car Rocks !!! how about some tunes it's my birthday and I'm gonna live it up.Bo : Luke please pull over and let me drive No y.o..u is wrong Cuz.Luke : Chill Bo nothing is gonn happen i ain't drunk and i have it under control.Cooter : Luke you is in La La Land for sure buddy cause your mind ain't here.So far everyting is okay but something is about to happen that is gonna change the boys lives.Luke is driving along when all of a sudden he get's a headache and it is so painful that it causes him to fall asleep " Oh my head , then to make matters worse a deer comes out into the middle of the road Luke's vision is fuzzy he don't spot the deer in time then it happens the car goes in a tailspin Bo is screaming all the way Luke is unaware of this then the car stops it turns on his back the glass is shattered and Luke hit's his head on the rearview mirror he has a cut on his forehad and Unconicous . Bo looks over he says " OH SHOOT LUKE WAKE UP !!!.Balladeer : Drinking and Drivng don't mix !!Cue Jamanda Quote
Jamanda Posted April 5, 2005 Posted April 5, 2005 <RATED PG-13 for graphic content>Deputy Coltrane is on night duty that evening. He was just driving along, thinking about asking out the cute new teller at the bank when he spots the accident. A new sports car is in a ditch and two young boys are pulling someone out of it.Rosco: <with flashlight> Hey you boys! Is everyone all right?Bo: No! My cousin won't wake up!Cooter: Ya gotta help him!Rosco: <into CB> This is Deputy Rosco P. Coltrane. I need an ambulance and a wrecker out to Frontage Road right away!Cooter: Is he breathing.Rosco: <coming over> Stand back boys.Bo and Cooter stand back as Rosco kneels by Luke. He sweeps his hand through the boy's mouth and tilts his head to the side. Luke coughs and vomits.Rosco: Was he drinking?Bo: Yes sir...we didn't want to let him drive but...Rosco: Don't worry about that now.Rosco has Luke rolled to his side so he doesn't choke on his vomit. Rosco: You two get in the car and stay there until the ambulance gets here.Bo: But...Rosco: Go on now.Bo and Cooter reluctantly get into the back of the police car and watch Rosco and Luke. The ambulance pulls up and the paramedics take Luke in on a streacher. Rosco then returns to his car.Rosco: Now I'm gonna take you two to the station.Bo: But...Rosco: No buts. I'm gonna call your Uncle Jesse and your parents from there and have them come get ya. I imagine Jesse'll take you to the hospital so you can check up on your cousin.Bo: Yes sir.Cooter: Do you think he'll be okay?Rosco: I've seen these things before. I think he'll be fine.Cue Kitty Quote
Guest Posted April 5, 2005 Posted April 5, 2005 So Bo , Cooter was being driven to the Police Station while Luke was unfortunetly in the back of an Ambulance unconicous , hooked to an IV on accont of he had vomit to make matters worse Bo feels guilty.Bo : Man I feel bad it was my idea to go to the party and now look what happened Uncle Jesse is gonna have my rear end and he ain't gonna be that happy with Luke either.Cooter : You got that right buddy he is gonna tan your hide but i just hope Luke ain't hurt to bad cause that would only make it worse.Bo : Me too Cooter i don't know what i would do if i ever lost him i probably wouldn't be the same I Love him so much and none of this would have happened if Luke had just let me drive.Cooter : Buddy he was drunk as all get out he wasn't thinking clearly i bet that he is gonna be getting a serious lecture of O'l Uncle Jesse.Bo : Uncle Jesse told not to get into any trouble with car and look what happend he broke his word and his promiseAbout 10 minutes later they arrive at the Police Station and Rosco leads Bo and Cooter in and he gets on the phone to Cotoer's parents to pick him up they say " Okay Sheriff were on our way be their soon", So then Rosco calls Uncle Jesse he says " Uh Jesse um ......... um....... , I need you to come down to the station it is important.Balladeer : You know this is one mistake that O'l Luke ain't gonna be able to take back. Cue Jamanda Quote
Jamanda Posted April 6, 2005 Posted April 6, 2005 Bo was nervous when Uncle Jesse showed up. The old man didn't say a word, but just nodded to Rosco and let Bo follow him out to the truck. Only when they were on their way to the hospital did he say anything.Jesse: Now Bo...I want to know exactly what happened.Bo: Well...we went to this party...and Luke got drunk...and I didn't want him to drive, but he insisted and I gave in...I knew I shoudn't have but...Jesse: Don't you worry about that right now. Did you have any alcohol at this party?Bo: No sir. I was too busy chasing a girl.Jesse: Did Cooter?Bo: I don't think so. He was talking to guys about cars.Jesse: All right then. Let's go check up on Luke.By the time they get to the hospital, they are ready to release Luke.Nurse: He's okay. He has a small bump on his head, but he only passed out from drinking. He's somewhat concious now if you'd like to take him.Jesse: Thank you. I will.Another nurse walks Luke into the room. Luke can barely walk in a straight line and isn't sure where he is. Uncle Jesse takes him firmly by the arm, nods to the nurse, and walks him out.Jesse: You hold him up Bo.Bo: Yes sir.As Uncle Jesse drove home, Bo sat in the middle of the cab and held Luke upright, as Luke kept flopping down on the dashboard. Jesse: Open the window.The rush of cool air kept Luke awake until they got to the farm. Then Bo helped Uncle Jesse carry Luke to his room and lay the boy down on the bed to crash.Jesse: You can go to bed now Bo.Bo: Yes sir.Jesse: <looking at Luke> He's gonna have one heck of a hangover.Balladeer: I have a feeling he's gonna have more than that once ol' Jesse gets done with him. Quote
Julieduke Posted April 6, 2005 Posted April 6, 2005 Luke and Bo was talking in their room and Luke says I guess that Uncle Jesse didn't beleve us in meeting girls named Tequila and Brandy. I guess you didn't get him on that one Luke. Luke is complaining that the room is spinning and telling lies about what happened tonight to Bo. Bo is telling him that not even Rosco would've believed you what you had said about those girls names either. Ya, Bo but why didn't I use more believeable name for Uncle Jesse when he asked what happened. Bo had said I think because he saw you walking around and knew what was really going on after all.Bo what if we really did meet a Tequila and Brandy sometime , do you think Uncle Jesse would believe us then. Bo looks at Luke you know I have never met a girl named Tequila Luke, I have met a few Brandy's but never a Tequila. Bo and Luke fall asleep. When they wake up the next morning they have the worst hangovers, and their alarm clock seems to be attached to huge concert speakers.Cue Anybody Quote
Guest Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 Bo and Luke was feeling awful crummy this morning Luke was feeling more crummy then Bo considering he had more then Bo and if Luke can make it through this it is a miracle.Luke : Oh my head it feels like it is gonna pop any minute and why is the kitchen spinning .Bo : Watch your step Luke if you is still dizzy take it slow okay ?Luke : Okay but can you tell me why the floor is switching places with the ceiling ?Balladeer : Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse Luke tumbles and lands on the floor and Uncle Jesse comes into the kitchen wondering what all the comotion is about.Uncle Jesse : What in the world is you boys doing ?Bo : Well Uncle Jesse Luke and me woke up with bad hangovers unfortunetly Luke is still dizzy from last night .Uncle Jesse : Is he okay he ain't unconicous again is he ?Bo : Luke , Luke , Luke, can you hear me cuz are you okay how is your head feelin'It takes Luke awhile but he comes around his vision is at first fuzzy but he makes out Bo .Luke ; Oh i feel like i'm on a merry - Go round please someone stop the ride.Balladeer : I sure hope it don't get worse ?Cue Jamanda Quote
Jamanda Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 Uncle Jesse picked Luke up and put him in the chair.Jesse: Put your head down between your knees and keep it there.Bo: Is he okay?Jesse: It's just a hangover...probably his bumped head too. Here, drink this.Luke: I hate coffeeeee....Jesse: DRINK IT!Luke: Yessir...Luke chokes down the coffee and starts to come to. Bo manages to head outside, as Jesse sits down by Luke.Luke: <looking up> I'm in trouble ain't I?Jesse: Luke, you ain't in're dead where ya sit.Balladeer: I don't know if I wanna stick around for Jesse's lecture. I gotta feelin' it's gonna be loooooong. Quote
Jamanda Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 Luke sits with his head between his legs as Jesse tells him about the evils of drinking.Jesse: I really thought you knew better Luke. And I trusted you. Guess I trusted you too soon.Luke: I'm sorry.Jesse: Yes you are. You're a sorry sight. Not to mention what you did to that car.Luke: <groans> Ooooh. I forgot about that.Jesse: Apparantly so, when you thought you could drive in that condition.Luke: I got a liscense...Jesse: And it's getting taken away! That's the penalty for underage drinking and driving in this county. You should've called and let me come out there for all of you, I would've done it.Luke: I know...I didn't think...Jesse: You weren't thinking at all! Before or after you got drunk! You weren't thinking when you drank the stuff or after it took over your brain.Balladeer: Doesn't look like Jesse's gonna be trusting Luke with anything else anytime soon. Quote
Guest Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 Luke was hot water now and he ain't looking to happy either on account of he won't be able to drive anymore without a license.Luke : Uncle Jesse I know should have used my Brain but i'm only 16 i don't know much yet i'm still learning .Uncle Jesse : I know that Luke that is why i'm so upset you is underage you shouldn't have even been at that party but it's too late now boy you is in so much trouble.Luke : Uncle Jesse this ain't fair having my license taken away cause of a stupid mistake i won't be able to have any fun anymore i won't be able to drive all my buddies have cars they can drive i'm gonna look silly.Uncle Jesse : Well I would rather have you lookin' silly then dead which is what you would have been if Rosco hadn't of shown up why did you do this Luke ? i thought you knew better i raised you better.Luke : Well Uncle Jesse i guess i was just having too much fun and i wasn't paying attention honest i didn't mean to damage the car and i promise i won't do this again.Uncle Jesse : Well Luke for now that is good cause you is still a little boy now maybe when you is older like in your 20's you can drink some beer over at the Boars Nest with Bo , Cooter okay ?Luke : yes sir but my head hurts , i feel dizzy and sleepy i wish it would go away Uncle Jesse why did this have to happen to me ?Uncle Jesse : Luke you probably have a bad Concussion due to the wreck if you is feeling sleepy why don't you go lay down in bed for awhile while i go collect the eggs.Luke : okay but do you still love me Uncle Jesse I hope you don't hate me ? and Bo was the one who brought up the Party he wanted to go and i told him it would be fun so i thought i could take him.Uncle Jesse : No Luke i could never hate you i just am mad at you for betraying my trust , doing something so foolish as drinking and drivng you know this is how your mama and Daddy died you was in the car with them you is lucky to be alive but if they was here they wouldn't be happy.So as Uncle Jesse was making his way out to collect the eggs Luke was staring out the window looking at Bo thinking how close him and Bo came to dying tonight and Luke feels so bad right now his heart is breaking.Cue Jamanda. Quote
Jamanda Posted April 9, 2005 Posted April 9, 2005 That Monday at school, who should Luke bump into but Patricia Henderson.Patricia: Hey Luke.Luke: Oh...hi.Patricia: Ooooh, that's a nasty bump. What happened?Luke: Well uh...we kinda got in a wreck on our way home.Patricia: I hope you weren't driving. You were really out of it after the party.Luke: How do you think we got in the wreck in the first place?Patricia: Oh...I'm sorry.Luke: Now I have no car, no liscense, and worst of all, my Uncle Jesse ain't ever gonna trust me again.Patricia: That's too bad. I was gonna invite you to another party.Luke: I think I've had enough parties, thanks.Patricia: <looking hurt> Well okay, but let me know if you change your mind.Luke watches her walk away.Luke: I shouldn't...I really shouldn't...Balladeer: Oh Luke, you better not. Uncle Jesse's mad enough as it is. Quote
Jamanda Posted April 15, 2005 Posted April 15, 2005 As Luke comes home that day, he hears Bo talking to Uncle Jesse through the door. Instead of going inside, Luke hangs out by the door and listens in.Bo: So how long will it be before Luke gets his car back?Jesse: First of all, I ain't spendin' the money I ain't got for another car. The first one is totaled. When you're old enough to drive, maybe Luke'll be responsible enough and I might, MIGHT, let ya share one.Bo: But that's a big might.Jesse: A very big MIGHT.Luke turns away and frowns. He goes out by the barn instead.Luke: Maybe I will go to Patty's party. Uncle Jesse ain't ever gonna trust me anyway. Maybe she'll give me a ride... Quote
Guest Posted April 18, 2005 Posted April 18, 2005 Luke is in the barn crying his heart out now cause he thinks that his Uncle Jesse don't trust him anymore . Luke : I'm gonna go to Patty's party and i ain't coming home till late cause i don't wanna have to face Uncle Jesse now all i have to do is call Patty and tell her that i need a ride.Meanwhile in the Dukefarm house Bo was trying to ask Uncle Jesse if he was ever gonna trust Luke again ?Bo : Uncle Jesse will you ever trust Luke again he ain't that bad he feels bad enough about this.Uncle Jesse : I will forgive him just as soon as he proves to me that he is responible enough to be able to handle driving without being drunk .Luke meanwhile on the Phone with PattyLuke : Hey Patty I have changed my mind i would like to come to your party it sounds like fun but could you pick me up ?Patty : Sure Luke honey but um i ..... thought you wasn't coming to my party ?Luke : Well let's just say i had a change of heart i really need some cheering up Patty I'm feelin' really down.Patty : Well i'm on my way honey but what has your Uncle Jesse said about your car ? Luke : He ain't ever gonna trust me again i broke my promise that i made him about not drinking and driving he said that i can't have a new car. Quote
Guest Posted April 18, 2005 Posted April 18, 2005 So Meanwhile as Luke was waiting for Patty out on the farm's porchswing Bo and Uncle Jesse was wondering where Luke had gotton off to little did they know that Luke wasn't that far off but uncle Jesse was getting awfully worried about his oldest nephew even though he still was pretty mad at him for betraying his trust.Patty : Wow Luke is gonna have so much fun tonight but i feel so bad for him getting his license taken away but i'm just glad he ain't dead.Patty : I better get moving and picking Luke up he is probably wondering what is keeping me i'm gonna have seven minutes in heaven with him tonight he won't know what hit him. So Patty got into her 1979 T-bird she headed off to the Dukefarm and Luke was sitting their happy as a clam also still sad on accont he loved his uncle Jesse he knows that he made a mistake that he can't take back. Anyway later on that night patty picked up Luke for the party Luke was feeling good tonight he said " Well hey Patty thanks for picking me up ", then Patty said " No Problem Luke i feel bad though for you that you can't drive your own wheels anymore it is a crying shame that you had to go and total your new car but i guess i'm blame too cause i gave you the alcohol to drink ". Then Luke said " Yep you sure did but i should have been more careful not so Stupid which i was last night i hope that tonight will be fun though cause i needs some ", then Patty said " Well c'mon hop in let's have some fun ".Luke is in for the night of his life tonight but unfortunely later on that night him and Bo are gonna be at odds when Luke get's drunk again he faces a close call over at rainbow canyon.Well finally Luke and Patty made it to the party in Atlanta so the party got off to a good start and Luke was having a ball having not a care in the world until Patty asked him to try some new Punch that she made it is a Alcohol Punch so trying to flirt with her he said " Sure Patty but what is in it "?, Then Patty laughed " Oh Luke don't worry it ain't gonna kill you it's just some strawberry Dacquire Punch but just try some for me ", .Luke then smiled he at first thought he would be in deep trouble again with Uncle Jesse but he won't be driving tonight so he figured he could get away with it this time. So he tried some he surprizely liked it he said " Oh it tastes good but um let's dance", so they danced and some more then then a slow song came on they got really close Luke said " Patty I really love you very much and i ain't never felt this way before and i know they say nobody forgets their first love and i want to make this night memorable so then Luke kissed Patty she kissed him back they danced close together like they didn't have a care in the world ", so then Luke said " What do you think , then Patty said " I love you too Luke and that kiss was so romantic and i hope you can fix the problem between you and your Uncle Jesse ", Then Luke sighed and frowned and said " I don't know if i'm ever gonna make this right i mean he hates me and to top it all off i almost killed my cousin Bo who is my best friend that makes me hurt worse but i'm having fun tonight and i don't want it to end ",.But Unfortunetly Luke your fun is gonna end in a tragic way and i ain't lying. Quote
Jamanda Posted April 19, 2005 Posted April 19, 2005 When it comes time to leave the party, Luke is only slightly tipsy as compared to last time. Patty takes him out to her car and they start to head back.Luke: Where we going? My house is that way.Patty: Oh I just wanna show you something real quick.Luke: Oh okay.Meanwhile, Bo wakes up when he sees that the kitchen light is still on.Bo: Getting up. Uncle Jesse? Isn't Luke back yet?Jesse: No. And I'm getting worried.Bo: You think we should go looking for him.Jesse: I'm about to.Bo: Then I'm coming with you.Jesse: You'll do no such thing. Stay here with Daisy.Bo grumbles but obeys Uncle Jesse, who looks out the front door.Jesse: I'm just gonna wait five more minutes... Quote
Guest Posted April 19, 2005 Posted April 19, 2005 Patty and Luke was making the most out of night so around 11 :55 Luke started getting really sleepy he said " Patty could you take me home now i'm ........... (Yawn) tired and i have a little bit of a headache coming on so i think i'm gonna just oh ......... my head ", I'm gonna take a snooze i had a really nice time Patty thanks for making my night a happy one i needed one.Patty " No Problem Luke my pleasure i'll take you home now i bet your uncle and Bo is worried so Luke fell asleep in the passenger seat while PAtty drove over to the Dukefarm.Unfortunetly Luke is gonna be facing alot of trouble.So meanwhile out at the dukefarm Uncle Jesse was waiting up for Luke in the Kitchen and he is gonna give Luke five more minutes to show up before he goes out looking for him and Bo had gone back to bed just when Uncle Jesse was about to go fetch Luke Patty's car pulls up to the DukeFarm drive way and Luke is asleep so she shakes Luke a few times and he moans says " Oh my head it hurt's", then Patty said " Luke your home your Uncle Jesse don't look to happy i hope you don't get into too much trouble.but unfortunetly friends O'l Luke is gonna be in deep trouble tonight but maybe uncle Jesse won't be too mad at him on accont of he wasn't the one driving so Luke tried to make his way up to the farmhouse even though his vision was a little fuzzy he said " Well I'm almost their oh i feel so worn out i need some sleep i bet Uncle Jesse ain't still up but i'll be quiet anyway ", Luke tried to be as quiet as a mouse but unfortunetly his body was so tired that he couldn't see where he was walking but he could see something or a someone so he said " Bo is that you ?", Cue Jamanda Quote
Guest Posted April 30, 2005 Posted April 30, 2005 Then Bo says " Yes it's me Cuz don't worry Uncle Jesse went to bed after you got back", then Bo walked over to a very sleepy Luke " So how was the date with Patty Cuz ?", Then Luke said " I wasn't on date with her Bo i want to another dance at her house but i only drank some Alcoholic Punch and i didn't drive drunk Bo please don't tell Uncle..... then Luke fell asleep on the floor which shocked Bo and Bo bent down and picked Luke up Luke moaned a little but he didn't wake up and Bo looked concernedly at Luke considering Luke has been passing out alot lately .So After Bo put Luke to bed he said " You just rest now Cuz and i won't tell Uncle Jesse i can't promise that he won't ask about your whereabout but i'll see ya in the morning Luke ", So early the next morning Luke had a little trouble waking up the next morning because of the concussion he had last week has just come back to haunt him " Oh Uncle Jesse is gonna kill me why did but then again maybe i won't be in too much cause i don't feel well and my head is throbbing i think i need some more rest then Luke fell into another sleep he said " i don't understand why i feel so dizzy i only drink one cup of the punch ". Cue Anyone Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted May 13, 2005 Posted May 13, 2005 The following morning Luke awoke with a massive hangover and alone in the room and knew he must have overslept. "Oh waht's Uncle Jesse gonna say?" He groaned as he rolled out of bed and wandered down the hall to the bathroom. When he got outside he saw Bo and Uncle Jesse in the barn and slowly walked their direction, knowing that he needed to take whatever punishment from Uncle Jesse that he was gonna give him. Bo looked over at him in shocked surprise and then turned and walked back into the barn when Uncle Jesse said something to him. Once Luke reached his Uncle he stood in front of him with his head down. Uncle Jesse shook his head. "Luke if ya want me to trust you again, ya gotta stop running around like this and be responsible for your actions." He said. "I know Uncle Jesse, I'm sorry." He said and hung his head again. "Luke one of these times all your fun is not going to end the way you want it too." Jesse Duke told his oldest nephew. Luke nodded and slunk away, feeling Bo's and Jesse's eyes on his back. Quote
Guest Posted May 13, 2005 Posted May 13, 2005 Luke was feeling more lower then he has ever felt before he was unfortunetly doubting that Uncle Jesse wouldn't trust him he looked up at his Uncle and Luke said " Uncle Jesse I feel really bad for what i've done i'll understand if you wanna punish me for it i know it was wrong of me to run out last night to another party at Patty's ", Then Jesse said " LUKE YOU MEAN TO TELL ME after last night you still ain't learned your lesson and you got drunk again " ?, Luke said " Well yes but i didn't get as drunk the first time i went to her house you do believe me right ?", Jesse said " yes Luke i believe you i know you wouldn't lie to me or Bo but that still don't make what you done right ".Then Jesse said " You best start on your chores with Bo then Jesse gave Luke a stern look and said " you do realize that some day your fun ain't gonna end the way you want it too their will be price to pay young man ".Luke looked down with tears in his eyes then ran to the barn where Bo was he looked over at Bo with tears running down his face he said " Don't uncle Jesse love me why won't he trust me again i hate myself ", Then Bo runs over to Luke he puts his arms arond his cousin he said " it'll be okay Luke uncle jesse will forgive you in time Then Luke said " i don't know how i'm gonna make this up to him". Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted May 13, 2005 Posted May 13, 2005 Bo and Luke were almost done with their chores when they heard a car horn in the yard and Bo ran to the open barn doors and grinned when he recognized Elizabeth Parker, otherwise known as Liz or Lizzie. "Uncle Jesse, Liz is here, can I go now." Bo yelled. Uncle Jesse stepped out of the barn behind his nephews and waved at the pretty dark haired girl. "Go ahead, Bo." He said. Bo grinned and ran across the yard to where Liz stood waiting for him. Luke watched wistfully and kept watching until Liz's car was out of sight. He'd never been jealous of Bo before but now that he was in trouble with Uncle Jesse and unable to go do anything because he didn't have a car he found himself intensely jealous of his younger cousin. Jesse Duke watched his nephew for a moment and then turned around and walked back into the barn. Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted May 15, 2005 Posted May 15, 2005 Later that evening Luke was laying in bed when he heard a car pull into the yard and got up to look out the window. He watched as Bo and Liz got out of her car and stood illuminated by the headlights. Bo wrapped his arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and then they kissed gently. Luke felt jealously run through his veins and felt bad about it. He hated the fact that his cousin was dating one the prettiest girl's in Hazzard. He'd hit on Liz too but she had eyes for Bo and Bo alone. Luke wished he'd never disobeyed his uncle as he watched Bo and Liz step out of the headlights and walk hand in hand out to the barn where Uncle Jesse was still working. He walked back over to the bed and lay down again, letting his thoughts take him elsewhere and before he knew it he'd fallen asleep. Quote
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