Jamanda Posted January 31, 2006 Author Posted January 31, 2006 The next day, Lily goes over to the garage to get her car tuned up. Actually, she uses the excuse of tuning her car to go over and see if T.J. was there.T.J.: <under hood> Yep, that's a busted bearing all right. Ya gotta grease those things.Lily: Well can ya fix it?T.J.: <closes hood> Shouldn't take too long. But it's pricey.Lily: <sighs> How pricey?T.J.: <grins> It's gonna cost you another date.Lily: T.J. Davenport! You ain't even collected on the first one yet!T.J.: You mean I gotta collect before you owe me another one?Lily: Yes!T.J.: Shoot, I was gonna let 'em add up.Lily: Nothin' doin'. T.J.: Are you always this stubborn?Enos: Sometimes she's worse.Lily: Dad! Where'd you come from?Enos: Across the street. Cooter! My car done yet?Cooter: <coming out> Yessir Sherriff. That'll be $50 and 42 cents.Enos: Ding dang it. Prices gone up.Cooter: Inflation you know.Enos: <takes out ticket book> Gets you out of five parking tickets this time.Cooter: ENOS!Enos: Plus 42 cents, cash on the barrelhead.Enos rips up the tickets and pays Cooter. Cooter almost throws the ripped tickets up in the air, but catches himself.Cooter: <frowns> Thanks a lot Enos.Lily: He'll wreck it by tomorrow.Enos: That's enough out of you little girl.Lily: I am not a little girl!Enos: You are to me.Enos takes off and Cooter goes back inside.T.J.: Where were we?Lily: You were going to tell me where you're taking me on a date tomorrow.T.J.: I was?Lily: Yes. You said you had a splendid afternoon all planned out.T.J.: I do?Lily: And you'll have my car done by Saturday.T.J.: I will?Lily: You better, or you can just forget about another one. Bye now.Lily strides away leaving T.J. slightly confused.T.J.: Shucks, I don't remember saying all that. I better figure out what I'm going to do with her tomorrow.Cooter: I must say. She ain't quite as honest as ol' Enos is. Must get it from her mama.T.J.: Well shoot. Where am I gonna take her?Cooter: I have a suggestion... Quote
Jamanda Posted February 9, 2006 Author Posted February 9, 2006 The next day, T.J. shows up at the house on his motorcycle. Tommy is playing with the dog outside.Tommy: Hi! Are you taking Lily out?TJ: Yep.Tommy: What are you gonna do?TJ: Well I...Just then, Enos comes out on his way to work.Enos: Get inside Tommy. Mommy needs help with the dishes.Tommy: Okay Daddy. <scampers off>Enos: You have her back by suppertime right?TJ: Yes sir.Enos: Where you two going?TJ: I was thinking of taking her over to Capitol City...if that's okay.Enos: That'll be fine.Lily: <comes out> Okay, I'm ready.Enos: You two have fun.TJ: Yessir.Lily: Bye Daddy!Enos takes off for work as TJ hands Lily a helmet.Lily: He didn't grill you nearly as bad as he has other guys.TJ: <grins> It's the Davenport charm.Lily laughs and they take off for Capitol City to see a movie and then get some ice cream.TJ: <licks a chocolate cone> You having a good time?Lily: <licks a strawberry cone> Okay I guess.TJ: Just okay?Lily: Well, I guess this is better than the past few dates I've been on. And I won't get in trouble for it either.TJ: Believe me. I don't want to cause trouble.Lily: Dad isn't really that bad.TJ: Who said anything about him? I saw you clobber Louie at school.Lily laughs as TJ eyes a store.TJ: Let's go in here.Lily: Here? But it's a tattoo place.TJ: I know. I've been here before.Lily: You have a tattoo?TJ: Sure.Lily: Where is it?TJ: Right here.TJ pulls up his pant leg and Lily sees a small tattoo just above his ankle.Lily: It's a...potato? Who in their right mind gets a tattoo of a potato?TJ: I got the idea out of a book. **Lily: I can't believe you have a tattoo!TJ: Several of us do.Lily: Like who?TJ: <counting on fingers> Jethro's got one of a basketball on his shoulder...Ol' Ernie had a fire hydrant on his back...don't ask...Cherry has three cherries on her knee...Lily: Oh yeah, she does. I saw it, but I thought it was a birthmark.TJ: Yeah. And Cliff wants a tattoo, but hasn't gotten up the guts to get one yet.Lily: Well...I'm sure my dad would flip if I got one.TJ: Do you think so?Lily grinned. Yes, she was sure her dad would disapprove. But surely he wouldn't mind if she just got a small one...like TJ's and Cherry's...right above her ankle...Lily: Let's go in.** Wayside School is Falling Down by Louis Sachar Quote
Jamanda Posted February 10, 2006 Author Posted February 10, 2006 <Warning, this post will make you hungry>Lily walked in right at dinnertime. Her mother was just putting pot roast on the table, Lucas was getting the dishes out, Tommy was playing with the twins, and Hercules was under the table waiting for Daisy to drop something.Daisy: Now you git out from under there!Hercules: Woof.The bloodhound crawled out from under the table and took another position at the front door.Daisy: So how was your date?Lily: It was fun.Daisy: What'd ya'll do?Lily: Went to a movie and got ice cream.Daisy: Well that's nice.Lily smiled as she sat at the table. Her socks were covering up the "gift" she got from T.J.Enos: <coming in and tripping over dog> Ding dang it mutt! Can't you find a better place to take a nap?Hercules: Woof <licks his face>Enos: Yeah, yeah, nice to see you too. Get off now!Tommy: DADDY!Enos: Oh no.Tommy jumps in Enos's arms while Lucas gives him a tackle around the middle, each twin grabs a leg, and the dog runs around and barks. Even Lily joins in with a kiss on the cheek.Enos: This is a conspiracy! Daisy: Oh Enos, I think it's cute.Enos: Oh you're a lot of help.Daisy: Okay, make way for higher authority.The kids back off so Daisy can give Enos a kiss.Daisy: How was work?Enos: Same ol', same ol'. Not much going on. Not like the old days anyway.Daisy giggles.Daisy: Okay, everyone wash up for dinner.Enos: <sniffs> mmmm...pot roast...mashed potatoes and gravy...biscuits...green beans...and a hot apple pie...Daisy: You're as bad as that dog. Now stop drooling and wash up.Enos: Yes dear <grumbles> At least I don't block the doorway.Hercules: Woof.At dinner, Lily shares about her date, wondering if she should mention the tattoo. She decides not to mention it just yet. Quote
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