Jamanda Posted March 28, 2005 Posted March 28, 2005 It's March now and the twins are finally home. They keep everyone in the family busy with feedings, changings, and whatnot, but everyone manages fine and there's a lot of people to help. Lily however, enjoys having a break every now and then.Lily: So what's up today.Cherry: Not much. It is my birthday though.Lily: It is? You didn't tell me.Cherry: I don't care much.Lily: But you're sixteen now!Cherry: So? Big deal.Lily: You got your driver's liscense today.Cherry: Yeah. You got one and hardly ever drive though.Lily: Yeah, but I lived in a big city where I didn't need to.Cherry: It's just another day and I'm a whole year older. Whoop dee doo.Lily still does not understand her cousin at all. Luke and Amy however, have a little surprise in mind, but it waits until the next day.Cherry: Can I open 'em yet?Amy: Not yet.Luke: You sure about this?Amy: She's old enough now. Okay. Open them.Cherry opens her eyes. There, in the barn, is a black race car with the name LUCIFER painted on it.Cherry: WOAH!Amy: It's yours if you want it.Cherry: YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!Luke: You sure about this? She just got her liscense yesterday.Amy: Would you rather have your daughter driving a car, or in the back of one?Luke: Give her the keys. Quote
Jamanda Posted March 31, 2005 Author Posted March 31, 2005 Lily could not be more excited.Lily: A CAR!? You got a car for your birthday?Cherry: Isn't it the coolest!? Come on!Enos sighed as he sat by his post. Although it was still called the local speed trap, he was a lot more fair about who he pulled over than Rosco had been. But there was no question about how fast that black car was going. Enos did a double take and then sped after it.Lily: Cherry! That's my dad!Cherry: Yeah, isn't it great?Lily: CHERRY ARE YOU INSANE?Cherry: Oh all right.Cherry pulled over for him and got her first ever speeding ticket. Enos: Welcome to the real world Duke girl. Now slow it down...especially when you got my daughter in there with ya.Lily: Daaaaaaaad!Enos: Don't you give me that.After the sheriff left, Cherry resumed enjoying her car, but at a slower speed.Cherry: You know, you should have a car too. Then we could race.Lily: You have got to be kidding me. I can't afford to get a car and Dad would have my hide if he caught me racing. Cherry: I guess I'll have to race him then.Lily looked over and saw T.J. on his motorcycle.Lily: Um...Cherry?...You just got a ticket...But then T.J. sped ahead of them and Cherry stepped on the accelerator. Lily: <clinging to her seat> Some people never learn. Quote
Jamanda Posted March 31, 2005 Author Posted March 31, 2005 The race concluded at the bottom of the Kissin' Cliff, ending in a dead tie.T.J.: <taking off helmet> Whoooeeee! That's some sweet car!Cherry: <climbing out window> I know.Lily: <falling out other window> Tell me again why these doors won't open...Cherry: It's a racecar. All racecars have doors welded shut. The General Lee's like that too.T.J.: Hey! What's that over there?The three of them wander over to the bottom of the cliff, where there's a pile of rubble. Only T.J. is able to make out what it is.T.J.: Woah! It's a car!Cherry: Or used to be.Lily: What happened to it? Someone drive it off a cliff?Cherry: Sure looks that way.T.J.: Wouldn't surprise me.Lily: Wait a minute...I think I remember Dad saying something about a car going off a cliff...what was it?Cherry: Bet your brother would know.Lily: He would...he believes all those stories.T.J.: And you don't?Lily: Oh there's gotta be some truth to them. Dad never lies. But I'm sure he exaggerates quite a bit.T.J.: I dunno about that.Cherry: You don't know Hazzard County.Lily ignores them and looks around at the remains of the car. T.J. also looks at it and blows a low whistle.T.J.: You know...I'll bet this is an old Plymouth Roadrunner. 75 or 76 maybe...Lily: <sarcastic> Oh sure...and I bet you could fix it up too right?T.J.: <grinning> If I really wanted to.Lily: <laughs> Are you kidding? Look at this thing! It was driven over a cliff! There's no way anybody'd ever be able to fix it.T.J. leans over and looks her in the eyes.T.J.: <raising eyebrows> Wanna bet? Quote
Jamanda Posted March 31, 2005 Author Posted March 31, 2005 <FLASHBACK TO 1975>A rugged young man gets off the bus at the corner and looks around. His old hometown looks about the same, but never as beautiful. Neither has his family.Jesse: Welcome home Luke.Luke embraces his dear Uncle Jesse. He'd missed the old man so much when he was overseas in Vietnam. He then turns to the lovely lady with him.Luke: And who is this pretty lady?Daisy: Oh Luke you silly! It's just me!Luke: You've done grown up on me.Daisy also gives him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.Luke: Now where's that no account cousin of mine?Daisy: He's bringing your welcome home present.Just then, a dark blue Thunderbird tears around the corner and screeches to a halt. A young man laughs and walks out of it.Bo: Well Luke? What do ya think?Luke: What? This is mine?Jesse: Well? What d'ya think I was gonna let you drive? You and Bo can share this one.Bo: We got a great deal on it yesterday.Luke: Wow...It was Luke's first car ever. He didn't know Cooter would borrow it and wreck it years later. He didn't know that this car would never be remembered, as the one that came after it was. But at this moment, it was the most beautiful car he'd ever seen. Quote
Jamanda Posted March 31, 2005 Author Posted March 31, 2005 Cherry and Lily were tearing back down the road to the farm.Cherry: Do you think he'll be able to do it?Lily: Would I have made that bet if I thought he could? There's no way...Cherry: I dunno. His dad is a whiz of a mechanic and taught him everything he knows.Lily: But his dad ain't allowed to help him.Cherry: I don't think T.J.'ll need it. You've given him plenty of incentive...Lily: I will say though...I didn't think he'd ask for a date...Cherry: <giggles> Make ya kind of wish he wins don't it?Lily: <makes a face> Yuck! I better win this bet. And he's gonna have to take a bath when I do.Cherry: But don't you see? You win either way.Lily: I don't see how.Cherry: Either you get him to take a bath...or you get a free dinner and a car.Lily: AND a car? Why would he let me have the car?Cherry: Because T.J. don't like driving cars. He likes bikes...AND he likes you.Lily gagged and Cherry laughed as they drove off. In the meantime, T.J. had radioed his dad to come out with the towtruck.Cooter: Well I'll be. I always wondered if this thing was still here.T.J.: So you knew it was here? Who's was it?Cooter: This here car, may it rest in peace, was Daisy's faithful little 1975 Plymouth Roadrunner.T.J.: This belonged to Lily's mom?Cooter: The very same. T.J.: Looks like the brakes needed work.Cooter: Oh it weren't the brakes. Ol' Bo and Luke ran it off this here cliff when the accelerator got stuck. Miss Daisy didn't take to kindly to that...went after them with a frying pan.T.J.: I can picture that.Cooter: You think you can pull it off though?T.J.: For a date with Lily...I think I can do it.Cooter: And you said you had no time for girls...T.J.: Oh shut up.Cooter: I dunno. Maybe I oughta warn the sheriff about you...T.J.: I'd be more worried about her. I saw what she did to Louie... Quote
Jamanda Posted April 2, 2005 Author Posted April 2, 2005 The next week, Lily and Cherry go over to the garage to check up on T.J., and also tease him a bit. However, they have to bring the twins along as it's their turn to babysit.Lily: <carrying Georgia in a carrier> So how's the car coming?T.J.: <grins> Wouldn't you like to know? I'm still working on banging the body back in shape.Cherry: <carrying George in another carrier> So is the bet still on?T.J.: Of course it is.Lily: So where's the car?T.J.: Well I don't work on it here. It's back at our farm.Lily: You live on a farm?T.J.: I gotta live somewhere.Cherry: I betcha thought he slept on a grease rack over the garage didn't cha?Lily: I wouldn't have been surprised.Just then, there's a loud clamorous noise from the back of the garage. The three teenagers jump and George wakes up and starts to wail.Cooter: Sorry 'bout that kids. Knocked over a rack of oil pans.T.J.: Dad! You done scared my dog!Cherry: <picking up George> That's okay. Easy there Georgie. It's okay.Lily looks down at Georgia, who's still asleep.Lily: Georgia honey, how are you able to sleep through that?Lily crouches down by the baby girl, who's still asleep and sucking on her fist.Cooter: <coming out> Sorry about that Georgie. T.J.: At least the other one didn't wake up.Cooter: She didn't?Lily: No. She's still asleep.Cooter: <looking at Georgia> Um...come with me...and bring her with ya.Lily: <standing up> What? Why?Cooter: Because a baby don't just sleep through a racket that'd wake the dead. Quote
Jamanda Posted April 2, 2005 Author Posted April 2, 2005 Enos was out on patrol and was thinking of taking a break when the call came in over the CB.Cletus: <over CB> Deputy Hogg calling Sheriff Strate...You there Sheriff?Enos: <picks up CB> What is it Cletus?Cletus: Um...I got yer daughter on the phone. She wants you to meet her at Doc. Appleby's office.Enos: Why? What happened?Cletus: She just said it's important.Enos: I'm on my way.Enos came into the office and found the Doctor talking to Cooter.Doc: Doesn't surprise me one bit actually.Cooter: Oh there you are. Lily's calling Daisy.Enos: What's wrong? What happened?Doc: Sit down.Enos: <sitting down> What's going on?Doc: It's about Georiga...Lily managed to reach her mother at the Duke farm. Daisy came in later with Jill, who was carrying Daisy Mae.Daisy: What's this all about?Enos: Sit down honey.The doctor explained the situation to Daisy as Enos held her hand. Cherry sat in the waiting room, giving George a bottle. Lily held Georgia close and stroked the baby's soft brown curls.Lily: You'll be okay Georgia...you'll be okay...But of course, little baby Georgia couldn't hear a thing. Quote
Jamanda Posted April 3, 2005 Author Posted April 3, 2005 Dinner was quiet at the Strate house that night. Even Tommy was being quiet. The twins were both sleeping in the nursery as Hercules wimpered by the back door (as he wasn't allowed in the house). To everyone's surprise, it was Lucas that finally spoke up.Lucas: At least we caught it early...Lily: We did...but still...Daisy: I knew there might be something...them being so early and I'm so...Enos: You are not.Daisy: You're no young buck yourself you know.Enos: <laughs> I know.Tommy: Will she ever talk?Daisy: Maybe...she can learn sign language at least.Enos: And it'll be easier for her too...seeing as we caught it early.Lucas: <mumbles> Ain't nothin' wrong with not talkin'...Lucas smiled and played with his peas. After dinner, he and Lily did the dishes while Daisy took care of the twins. Tommy went out back to play with Hercules.Tommy: You can hear me can't ya?Hercules: Woof.Tommy: Good. I don't think you could do sign language too good. Your paws are too big.Hercules licked Tommy's face. He'd grown quite a bit too, hence why he wasn't allowed in the house.At bedtime, Lily was able to position herself on the floor of her room to hear her parents talking.Daisy: You're not sorry we had them are you?Enos: Now whatever gave you that idea?Daisy: Well...we might as well face it...we are pretty old for this.Enos: Maybe so, but if I'm still old enough to handle being Sheriff, I think I can handle raising twins...even if one of them does happen to be deaf.Daisy: Oh Enos...I just hope I can handle it.Enos: You will Daisy...I'll be right here with ya...Lily moved away from the floor and smiled. She wouldn't have traded parents like that for anything. Quote
Jamanda Posted July 13, 2005 Author Posted July 13, 2005 It was a breezy day in April and Cherry and Lily were enjoying the freedom they had with Cherry's car. Cherry: You know...I wonder how ol' T.J.'s doing with that Plymouth?Lily: I don't want to know. I'm just hope I don't have to take him to prom.Cherry: You know you want to.Lily: I do not either!Cherry: Then who will you go with?Lily: I don't know...I don't know if I'll go at all...Cherry: Why not?Lily: Because I'm broke. I mean, we're doing okay. But I can't bring myself to ask for money for prom...even if I had a date.Cherry: The guy's supposed to spend the money on you ain't he?Lily: Yeah, but do you know how much prom dresses are? And a lot of guys don't want to pick up the full tab nowadays. I just don't see how I could afford it.Cherry: I bet you could...if you really wanted to go.But Cherry wasn't reassuring and Lily went home still in a glum mood. She really did want to go to prom, even if it was with T.J., but the money issue was nagging at her. She almost tripped over her dad's feet.Enos: Hey!Lily: Sorry Dad.Enos: What's the matter hon?Lily: Nothing.Enos: Now I know that ain't true.Enos pulled her down on the couch with him.Lily: Dad...did you take Mom to prom?Enos: Well...no.Lily: You didn't?Enos: I wanted to...but I was flat broke. I wasn't able to go at all.Lily: Who'd she go with then?Enos: <laughs> You know that's funny? When she found out about it, she didn't go either. We wound up just sitting out by the lake and having a picnic.Lily: Awww.Enos: Yeah. I would've taken her if I had the money though. That was the last date we had before I left for the police academy...why do you ask anyway?Lily: Oh...I was just wonderin...Enos: You don't think you can go do ya?Lily: Well...I don't wanna ask for any money we don't have...Enos: You're a good kid Lily.Lily: I'm not a kid.Enos: Young lady then...so I'm gonna let you in on a secret.Lily: A secret?Enos: Have you moved them quilts yet? The ones up in your room?Lily: Ewww no. They're disgusting.Enos: Well throw 'em down and we'll wash them. Be sure to have shoes on.Lily: Huh?Out of curiosity, Lily did as her father suggested. She was glad he told her to wear shoes, as she needed them to step on all the spiders that were hiding behind the quilts. But that wasn't all behind them.Lily: Hey Dad! There's a jar of money up here!Enos: I figured it'd still be there. Throw them quilts down.Lily pushed the quilts out the trap door.Enos: Man...these are dirty...oughta burn 'em actually.Lily: <jumping down and holding a jar> Look Dad! There's gotta be over a hundred dollars in here!Enos: Two hundred fifty two dollars and seventeen cents.Lily: But how'd you know it was there?Enos: Because it used to be mine.Lily: But what...?Enos: <taking the jar> Yep...what you're looking at here...is about ten years worth...of gun money. Quote
Jamanda Posted July 13, 2005 Author Posted July 13, 2005 It was a breezy day in April and Cherry and Lily were enjoying the freedom they had with Cherry's car. Cherry: You know...I wonder how ol' T.J.'s doing with that Plymouth?Lily: I don't want to know. I'm just hope I don't have to take him to prom.Cherry: You know you want to.Lily: I do not either!Cherry: Then who will you go with?Lily: I don't know...I don't know if I'll go at all...Cherry: Why not?Lily: Because I'm broke. I mean, we're doing okay. But I can't bring myself to ask for money for prom...even if I had a date.Cherry: The guy's supposed to spend the money on you ain't he?Lily: Yeah, but do you know how much prom dresses are? And a lot of guys don't want to pick up the full tab nowadays. I just don't see how I could afford it.Cherry: I bet you could...if you really wanted to go.But Cherry wasn't reassuring and Lily went home still in a glum mood. She really did want to go to prom, even if it was with T.J., but the money issue was nagging at her. She almost tripped over her dad's feet.Enos: Hey!Lily: Sorry Dad.Enos: What's the matter hon?Lily: Nothing.Enos: Now I know that ain't true.Enos pulled her down on the couch with him.Lily: Dad...did you take Mom to prom?Enos: Well...no.Lily: You didn't?Enos: I wanted to...but I was flat broke. I wasn't able to go at all.Lily: Who'd she go with then?Enos: <laughs> You know that's funny? When she found out about it, she didn't go either. We wound up just sitting out by the lake and having a picnic.Lily: Awww.Enos: Yeah. I would've taken her if I had the money though. That was the last date we had before I left for the police academy...why do you ask anyway?Lily: Oh...I was just wonderin...Enos: You don't think you can go do ya?Lily: Well...I don't wanna ask for any money we don't have...Enos: You're a good kid Lily.Lily: I'm not a kid.Enos: Young lady then...so I'm gonna let you in on a secret.Lily: A secret?Enos: Have you moved them quilts yet? The ones up in your room?Lily: Ewww no. They're disgusting.Enos: Well throw 'em down and we'll wash them. Be sure to have shoes on.Lily: Huh?Out of curiosity, Lily did as her father suggested. She was glad he told her to wear shoes, as she needed them to step on all the spiders that were hiding behind the quilts. But that wasn't all behind them.Lily: Hey Dad! There's a jar of money up here!Enos: I figured it'd still be there. Throw them quilts down.Lily pushed the quilts out the trap door.Enos: Man...these are dirty...oughta burn 'em actually.Lily: <jumping down and holding a jar> Look Dad! There's gotta be over a hundred dollars in here!Enos: Two hundred fifty two dollars and seventeen cents.Lily: But how'd you know it was there?Enos: Because it used to be mine.Lily: But what...?Enos: <taking the jar> Yep...what you're looking at here...is about ten years worth...of gun money. Quote
Jamanda Posted July 13, 2005 Author Posted July 13, 2005 <FLASHBACK TO 1966>An twelve-year-old skinny kid made his way into town with a bundle of skins. They included squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, and even a skunk skin. He laid them up on the counter like he did every Friday."Well hey there Enos," said Mr. Peabody. "What you got for me today?""Ten of 'em," said the boy."All right," said the man, looking them over. "Ten skins...in good condition...at a nickel apiece..."The man smiled and handed the boy fifty cents."Thanks," said Enos."How much you need now?""Just about ten dollars short now," said Enos. "I kin hardly wait. Can I see the picture again?"Mr. Peabody pulled out the catalog and Enos gazed at the picture. It showed a beautiful six-round pistol, worth $75. Enos had been saving up for it since he was seven. Now, after years of trapping and selling skins for a nickel apiece, it seemed like he was actually going to have enough to get it.Enos ran home and hid in the bushes to make sure he was the only one there. The car was gone and so was most of the fishing equipment, so he figured it was safe. Enos grabbed his own fishing pole and went inside, using it to release the trapdoor. He then threw the pole up, stood on a chair, and hoisted himself up into the room. He then used the pole the move the chair away and closed the trapdoor."ENOS!" a voice yelled from downstairs. "ENOS! WHERE ARE YOU BOY!?"Enos quickly ran over to the quilts in the corner and pulled them aside. He dumped the fifty cents into the jar and hid it again."You wait'll I find you boy!" called the other voice. "I know you're hidin' up there!"Someone was thumping on the ceiling now. Enos shivered and ran over to the window, climbing out and into a tree. He stayed in the tree until he saw his brother come outside."You just wait Pipsqueak," the larger boy grumbled. "I'll find you yet." Quote
Jamanda Posted July 13, 2005 Author Posted July 13, 2005 <FLASHBACK TO 1966>An twelve-year-old skinny kid made his way into town with a bundle of skins. They included squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, and even a skunk skin. He laid them up on the counter like he did every Friday."Well hey there Enos," said Mr. Peabody. "What you got for me today?""Ten of 'em," said the boy."All right," said the man, looking them over. "Ten skins...in good condition...at a nickel apiece..."The man smiled and handed the boy fifty cents."Thanks," said Enos."How much you need now?""Just about ten dollars short now," said Enos. "I kin hardly wait. Can I see the picture again?"Mr. Peabody pulled out the catalog and Enos gazed at the picture. It showed a beautiful six-round pistol, worth $75. Enos had been saving up for it since he was seven. Now, after years of trapping and selling skins for a nickel apiece, it seemed like he was actually going to have enough to get it.Enos ran home and hid in the bushes to make sure he was the only one there. The car was gone and so was most of the fishing equipment, so he figured it was safe. Enos grabbed his own fishing pole and went inside, using it to release the trapdoor. He then threw the pole up, stood on a chair, and hoisted himself up into the room. He then used the pole the move the chair away and closed the trapdoor."ENOS!" a voice yelled from downstairs. "ENOS! WHERE ARE YOU BOY!?"Enos quickly ran over to the quilts in the corner and pulled them aside. He dumped the fifty cents into the jar and hid it again."You wait'll I find you boy!" called the other voice. "I know you're hidin' up there!"Someone was thumping on the ceiling now. Enos shivered and ran over to the window, climbing out and into a tree. He stayed in the tree until he saw his brother come outside."You just wait Pipsqueak," the larger boy grumbled. "I'll find you yet." Quote
Jamanda Posted July 13, 2005 Author Posted July 13, 2005 <back to present>Lily: Wow Dad. You ever buy that gun? There's an awful lot in here.Enos: Well, that's a funny story.Lily: What happened?Enos: First of all, it took a really long time to save the money, as I was only getting nickels every week, and sometimes Rufus would find my money and steal it.Lily: So what'd you do?Enos: I took to hiding half of it in another secret place and half in this jar.Lily: So this is only half?Enos: Yep. I think the other half is still out there. I think anyway.Lily: But this is way more than $75...Enos: Well...this is from after I had to start over.Lily: After Rufus stole your money.Enos: Actually, after I had to use the money for a hefty fine. Quote
Jamanda Posted July 13, 2005 Author Posted July 13, 2005 <back to present>Lily: Wow Dad. You ever buy that gun? There's an awful lot in here.Enos: Well, that's a funny story.Lily: What happened?Enos: First of all, it took a really long time to save the money, as I was only getting nickels every week, and sometimes Rufus would find my money and steal it.Lily: So what'd you do?Enos: I took to hiding half of it in another secret place and half in this jar.Lily: So this is only half?Enos: Yep. I think the other half is still out there. I think anyway.Lily: But this is way more than $75...Enos: Well...this is from after I had to start over.Lily: After Rufus stole your money.Enos: Actually, after I had to use the money for a hefty fine. Quote
Jamanda Posted July 13, 2005 Author Posted July 13, 2005 FLASHBACK TO 1967Enos, now 13, walks into the Sherriff's office with a jar in his hands, which are trembling. Sherriff Rosco P. Coltrane sits behind the desk as he sets the jar down.Rosco: My goodness. You keep that money around for payin' fines boy?Enos: No sir. I ain't ever had a fine before.Rosco: Sorry son, but that deer you shot was on J.D. Hogg's land and he insists on you payin' the poaching fine.Enos: I know. He made us give him the deer too. And it woulda fed us for a week.Rosco: But it was still his land.Enos: I know sir.Rosco: How much you got in there?Enos: Seventy-two dollars and eighty five cents sir.Rosco: Quite a lot for a kid to have. Saving up for something?Enos: Yes sir. I've been saving it to buy me a good handgun sir.Rosco smiles. He knows the value of a good handgun and fingers his pearl-handled pistol.Rosco: Hate to do this to ya, but yer fine comes out to seventy dollars even.Enos: Yes sir.Enos counts out exactly seventy dollars from the jar. It takes a while, as most of it's in nickels and dimes.Enos: There you go Sherriff Rosco Sir...Seventy dollars.Rosco: And here's your receipt. Quote
Jamanda Posted July 13, 2005 Author Posted July 13, 2005 FLASHBACK TO 1967Enos, now 13, walks into the Sherriff's office with a jar in his hands, which are trembling. Sherriff Rosco P. Coltrane sits behind the desk as he sets the jar down.Rosco: My goodness. You keep that money around for payin' fines boy?Enos: No sir. I ain't ever had a fine before.Rosco: Sorry son, but that deer you shot was on J.D. Hogg's land and he insists on you payin' the poaching fine.Enos: I know. He made us give him the deer too. And it woulda fed us for a week.Rosco: But it was still his land.Enos: I know sir.Rosco: How much you got in there?Enos: Seventy-two dollars and eighty five cents sir.Rosco: Quite a lot for a kid to have. Saving up for something?Enos: Yes sir. I've been saving it to buy me a good handgun sir.Rosco smiles. He knows the value of a good handgun and fingers his pearl-handled pistol.Rosco: Hate to do this to ya, but yer fine comes out to seventy dollars even.Enos: Yes sir.Enos counts out exactly seventy dollars from the jar. It takes a while, as most of it's in nickels and dimes.Enos: There you go Sherriff Rosco Sir...Seventy dollars.Rosco: And here's your receipt. Quote
Jamanda Posted July 13, 2005 Author Posted July 13, 2005 <back to present>Lily: So you used almost all your money to pay off a poaching fine.Enos: I didn't know it wasn't our land. I'd been tailing that deer for nearly twenty minutes, thinking of how much meat it had on it. First deer I ever shot too.Lily: I didn't think you had a gun yet.Enos: I didn't. I was using Pa's gun. I had a little squirrel gun, but it wasn't big enough for a deer. Besides, I didn't like the long guns much anyway. What I really wanted was a nice little pistol and a holster belt. Peyow!Enos imitated shooting off a pistol and Lily laughed.Lily: So did you ever get one?Enos: Well, I started saving up again after paying off that fine, but I knew it was gonna take a really long time. Then something happened that I never expected.Lily: What was that? Quote
Jamanda Posted July 13, 2005 Author Posted July 13, 2005 <back to present>Lily: So you used almost all your money to pay off a poaching fine.Enos: I didn't know it wasn't our land. I'd been tailing that deer for nearly twenty minutes, thinking of how much meat it had on it. First deer I ever shot too.Lily: I didn't think you had a gun yet.Enos: I didn't. I was using Pa's gun. I had a little squirrel gun, but it wasn't big enough for a deer. Besides, I didn't like the long guns much anyway. What I really wanted was a nice little pistol and a holster belt. Peyow!Enos imitated shooting off a pistol and Lily laughed.Lily: So did you ever get one?Enos: Well, I started saving up again after paying off that fine, but I knew it was gonna take a really long time. Then something happened that I never expected.Lily: What was that? Quote
Jamanda Posted July 13, 2005 Author Posted July 13, 2005 FLASHBACK TO 1967Luke: Come on Enos. You said you'd come over today.Enos: Oh yeah. Bo: Don't look so down. It is your birthday.Enos: I know. But I don't expect much.Luke: Daisy's gonna be there.Enos blushes and follows them to the Duke farm. Daisy and Uncle Jesse are sitting outside with a birthday cake.Enos: Possum on a gumbush! Is that for me?Daisy: I baked it myself.Enos: Shoot Daisy, you didn't have to do that.Daisy: Well, it's not all that good. I forgot to put sugar in it.Enos enjoys the cake anyway, simply because Daisy made it. His father comes by as well.Jesse: Hey there Jeb.Jeb: heytherejessehowyadoinisthatboyofminebehavinhisself?Jesse: Oh yeah. Have some cake...um...if you don't mind that it doesn't have sugar in it.Jeb laughs and sits by Enos, giving him a box wrapped in paper.Jeb: thattheresyourpresentboynowyouopenthatupandseewhatitisEnos opens it and finds a gun holster.Enos: Wow Pa! This is great. But you know I had to give Sherriff Rosco all my gun money. I ain't gonna be able to use it for another ten years.Rosco: Oh will you now?Rosco walks up to the table and also gives Enos a present. Enos hadn't even noticed the Sherriff was there. He tears open the package and finds his beautiful $75 six-shooter pistol.Enos: Golly Sherriff...I dunno what to say...Rosco: Just say you'll stop poachin' on Boss Hogg's land...and use that baby well.It was the best birthday present Enos had ever received...up to that time. He got a real bona fide kiss from Daisy when he turned sixteen, and that one blew all other presents clear out of the water. Quote
Jamanda Posted July 13, 2005 Author Posted July 13, 2005 FLASHBACK TO 1967Luke: Come on Enos. You said you'd come over today.Enos: Oh yeah. Bo: Don't look so down. It is your birthday.Enos: I know. But I don't expect much.Luke: Daisy's gonna be there.Enos blushes and follows them to the Duke farm. Daisy and Uncle Jesse are sitting outside with a birthday cake.Enos: Possum on a gumbush! Is that for me?Daisy: I baked it myself.Enos: Shoot Daisy, you didn't have to do that.Daisy: Well, it's not all that good. I forgot to put sugar in it.Enos enjoys the cake anyway, simply because Daisy made it. His father comes by as well.Jesse: Hey there Jeb.Jeb: heytherejessehowyadoinisthatboyofminebehavinhisself?Jesse: Oh yeah. Have some cake...um...if you don't mind that it doesn't have sugar in it.Jeb laughs and sits by Enos, giving him a box wrapped in paper.Jeb: thattheresyourpresentboynowyouopenthatupandseewhatitisEnos opens it and finds a gun holster.Enos: Wow Pa! This is great. But you know I had to give Sherriff Rosco all my gun money. I ain't gonna be able to use it for another ten years.Rosco: Oh will you now?Rosco walks up to the table and also gives Enos a present. Enos hadn't even noticed the Sherriff was there. He tears open the package and finds his beautiful $75 six-shooter pistol.Enos: Golly Sherriff...I dunno what to say...Rosco: Just say you'll stop poachin' on Boss Hogg's land...and use that baby well.It was the best birthday present Enos had ever received...up to that time. He got a real bona fide kiss from Daisy when he turned sixteen, and that one blew all other presents clear out of the water. Quote
Jamanda Posted July 28, 2005 Author Posted July 28, 2005 Lily was just making her way home from school a few days later, feeling pretty happy. The money she found in the attic would certainly pay for a second-hand prom dress and her mother agreed to help her fix one up. Daisy: We'll go thrifting tomorrow and find something.Lily: I don't want to look like something out of the 80's.Daisy: Hey now!Lily: (quickly) No offense Mom...Daisy: Well, I can help you fix one up to look more modern. It's about time you learned about sewin' anyway.Lily: Did you really make your own clothes?Daisy: Sure did.Enos: They sure didn't sell them shorts in stores...Daisy: ENOS!Enos: (hiding behind paper and blushing) Well they didn't...So now Lily was going to hurry home to shop with her mom. She was just leaving the building when a yellow car zoomed up and screeched to a halt in front of her.Lily: What the...?T.J.: (leaning out the window) Well hello there ma'am...I just got done with your vehicle...Lily: No...no you didn't...this isn't...T.J.: I have fourteen witnesses...including your dad...who say otherwise...Lily: You did it?...You actually...this is the same car?T.J.: (tossing her the keys) Here...take her for a spin...Lily catches the keys and stares at them.Lily: Okay...but I gotta get home...T.J.: Best place to go...I imagine your mom's gonna freak...Lily climbs in as T.J. turns to leave.Lily: Ain't you comin'?T.J.: Nah...got homework and stuff. I'll let you test it for a while. If it meets your approval...T.J. gave a malicious grin and walked away.Lily: Oh great. I almost forgot about that stupid bet...Balladeer: You know, if I were her, I wouldn't be complainin'. She got a car, didn't she? Quote
Jamanda Posted July 28, 2005 Author Posted July 28, 2005 Lily was just making her way home from school a few days later, feeling pretty happy. The money she found in the attic would certainly pay for a second-hand prom dress and her mother agreed to help her fix one up. Daisy: We'll go thrifting tomorrow and find something.Lily: I don't want to look like something out of the 80's.Daisy: Hey now!Lily: (quickly) No offense Mom...Daisy: Well, I can help you fix one up to look more modern. It's about time you learned about sewin' anyway.Lily: Did you really make your own clothes?Daisy: Sure did.Enos: They sure didn't sell them shorts in stores...Daisy: ENOS!Enos: (hiding behind paper and blushing) Well they didn't...So now Lily was going to hurry home to shop with her mom. She was just leaving the building when a yellow car zoomed up and screeched to a halt in front of her.Lily: What the...?T.J.: (leaning out the window) Well hello there ma'am...I just got done with your vehicle...Lily: No...no you didn't...this isn't...T.J.: I have fourteen witnesses...including your dad...who say otherwise...Lily: You did it?...You actually...this is the same car?T.J.: (tossing her the keys) Here...take her for a spin...Lily catches the keys and stares at them.Lily: Okay...but I gotta get home...T.J.: Best place to go...I imagine your mom's gonna freak...Lily climbs in as T.J. turns to leave.Lily: Ain't you comin'?T.J.: Nah...got homework and stuff. I'll let you test it for a while. If it meets your approval...T.J. gave a malicious grin and walked away.Lily: Oh great. I almost forgot about that stupid bet...Balladeer: You know, if I were her, I wouldn't be complainin'. She got a car, didn't she? Quote
Jamanda Posted July 29, 2005 Author Posted July 29, 2005 Lily zooms up to the house in the yellow Plymouth Roadrunner and honks the horn for her mother.Daisy: (going to the door) Now who would be...What in the...AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!Daisy screams and runs over to the car and sees Lily in it.Daisy: WHERE DID YOU GET THIS CAR????!!!Lily: We found it at the bottom of a cliff...T.J. fixed it up.Daisy: (getting in) Move over.Lily: Okay.Daisy takes off in her beloved yellow car and zips right past the Sheriff.Enos: Huh...POSSUM ON A GUMBUSH! Ha ha! The boy did it!Daisy: (over CB) Ain't ya gonna chase me sugar?Enos: How do I know you ain't just a decoy for them Duke boys?Daisy: Well if you don't chase me, I bet Cletus will...Enos: Oh no you don't!Enos takes after Daisy and chases her out of town, but she pulls off and hides so he goes right past her.Daisy: Works every time.Enos: Ding Dang it Daisy! How do you do that?Daisy: (over CB) I'll see you at home Sugar. I'll let Lily drive now.Enos: (over CB) All right then. At least she goes the speed limit.Daisy lets Lily drive to Atlanta to shop for dresses.Daisy: Oh my goodness, but I was so mad when Bo and Luke wrecked my car. Ran after them with a frying pan.Lily: Shoot, I'd a done the same thing.Daisy: Of course you would. After all them threats...and I'd just waxed it too.Lily: It did have a nice wax job.Daisy: Well you don't seem all that thrilled about having a car.Lily: Well...it's just that...I lost a bet.Daisy: Oh no...now you know your daddy don't approve of gamblin'.Lily: But it was a sure thing...I bet T.J. that he wouldn't be able to fix up that car...and if he didn't...he'd have to take a bath.Daisy: (laughing) Oh my goodness...gambling with a DAVENPORT even...you'd better not let your daddy know about this...he'll throw a fit.Lily: Why?Daisy: Let's just say he lost a bet with Cooter once...never gambled again.Lily: What'd he have to do?Daisy: Sorry hon...promised I'd never tell...he didn't even tell me about it for years...oooooh, look at this one.Daisy distracts Lily from the subject of betting by pointing out a nice dress for only twenty dollars.Lily: I like the color...but the sleeves are too...Daisy: 80's?Lily: Poofy.Daisy: We can fix that.Lily: And it's too plain...it needs a design or something on it...Daisy: Well, I think we can take care of that too. Let's just hold on to this one and look around some more.After trying on several dresses, Lily decides on the first one, hoping her mother knows what she's doing. Daisy lets her drive back.Daisy: So who's taking you to prom?Lily: I don't know. No one's asked.Daisy: I thought it might be that T.J. fella.Lily: Oh shoot. It might have to be. He said I had to go on a date with him if he could fix up this car.Daisy: Is that what's bothering you? Well honey, if he's anything like his daddy, he ain't gonna make you take him to prom if you don't want to.Lily: I hope so. Quote
Jamanda Posted July 29, 2005 Author Posted July 29, 2005 Lily zooms up to the house in the yellow Plymouth Roadrunner and honks the horn for her mother.Daisy: (going to the door) Now who would be...What in the...AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!Daisy screams and runs over to the car and sees Lily in it.Daisy: WHERE DID YOU GET THIS CAR????!!!Lily: We found it at the bottom of a cliff...T.J. fixed it up.Daisy: (getting in) Move over.Lily: Okay.Daisy takes off in her beloved yellow car and zips right past the Sheriff.Enos: Huh...POSSUM ON A GUMBUSH! Ha ha! The boy did it!Daisy: (over CB) Ain't ya gonna chase me sugar?Enos: How do I know you ain't just a decoy for them Duke boys?Daisy: Well if you don't chase me, I bet Cletus will...Enos: Oh no you don't!Enos takes after Daisy and chases her out of town, but she pulls off and hides so he goes right past her.Daisy: Works every time.Enos: Ding Dang it Daisy! How do you do that?Daisy: (over CB) I'll see you at home Sugar. I'll let Lily drive now.Enos: (over CB) All right then. At least she goes the speed limit.Daisy lets Lily drive to Atlanta to shop for dresses.Daisy: Oh my goodness, but I was so mad when Bo and Luke wrecked my car. Ran after them with a frying pan.Lily: Shoot, I'd a done the same thing.Daisy: Of course you would. After all them threats...and I'd just waxed it too.Lily: It did have a nice wax job.Daisy: Well you don't seem all that thrilled about having a car.Lily: Well...it's just that...I lost a bet.Daisy: Oh no...now you know your daddy don't approve of gamblin'.Lily: But it was a sure thing...I bet T.J. that he wouldn't be able to fix up that car...and if he didn't...he'd have to take a bath.Daisy: (laughing) Oh my goodness...gambling with a DAVENPORT even...you'd better not let your daddy know about this...he'll throw a fit.Lily: Why?Daisy: Let's just say he lost a bet with Cooter once...never gambled again.Lily: What'd he have to do?Daisy: Sorry hon...promised I'd never tell...he didn't even tell me about it for years...oooooh, look at this one.Daisy distracts Lily from the subject of betting by pointing out a nice dress for only twenty dollars.Lily: I like the color...but the sleeves are too...Daisy: 80's?Lily: Poofy.Daisy: We can fix that.Lily: And it's too plain...it needs a design or something on it...Daisy: Well, I think we can take care of that too. Let's just hold on to this one and look around some more.After trying on several dresses, Lily decides on the first one, hoping her mother knows what she's doing. Daisy lets her drive back.Daisy: So who's taking you to prom?Lily: I don't know. No one's asked.Daisy: I thought it might be that T.J. fella.Lily: Oh shoot. It might have to be. He said I had to go on a date with him if he could fix up this car.Daisy: Is that what's bothering you? Well honey, if he's anything like his daddy, he ain't gonna make you take him to prom if you don't want to.Lily: I hope so. Quote
Jamanda Posted July 29, 2005 Author Posted July 29, 2005 Lily drives the car to school the next day and as expected, T.J. is waiting for her.T.J.: Well? What do you think?Lily: All right, all right. You win.T.J.: Of course.Lily: So?T.J.: So what?Lily: I believe I owe you something.T.J.: Oh that...T.J. grins and raises his eyebrows and then walks away.Lily: Fine...be that way.Cherry: (running up) Hey there! Wow! He actually did it!Lily: (getting out and slamming the door) Yeah, yeah, he did it.Cherry: Which means uh...you lost.Lily: I lost.Cherry: But you got a car...and a date to prom.Lily: I do not have a date to prom! There's no way...Cherry: Hey, at least he's better than Louie.Lily chases Cherry into the building and only stops when she sees the hall monitor and goes to class. Quote
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