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i have reworked some details of my story A Cousin's Betrayal. I hope you enjoy this and here is part one of the storyl

Tonight on the Dukes: An emery from Luke's parents past wants revenage on the Duke family. Something terrible happens to a family member and causes Luke to believe it was their fault. How will the family survive this terrible event while Luke is blamed for the crime.

Part One:

It was a sunny day in Hazzard High School where Luke had caught up with several of his friends after his last class in an area hidden out of view of the front of the school. Luke came to meet his friends who were smoking. One of his friends named Roy had asked Luke," Do you want a cigarette." Luke replied, "Sure." Luke had his own pack of cigarettes but he had hid them in the barn so his uncle would never find them and his other pack was in his locker at school. After a few minutes, Luke had finished his cigarette, he said to his friends," I have to go meet Bo when he is done with his last class. They all answered, "Okay. "When Luke saw his cousin coming out of the building, he yells, "Bo, over here." Bo turned his head towards the direction that Luke was calling him from. Bo says," You ready, let's get on the bus before it leaves without us Luke.

As the bus lets the boys off at their stop which was a short distance from the farm they ran up to the farm house where Uncle Jesse was reading the paper, Uncle Jesse said, "Boys, you have chores to do" The boys answered. "Yes sir." When the boys were finished with cleaning the stables, Luke told Bo that he would be in a little while. Bo answered, "Okay." Unknown to both boys is that someone from Luke's parents past wanted revenge on the Duke family for Jesse helping Luke's parents put him behind bars fifteen years ago. He is watching Luke take out of his hiding place his cigarettes and lighter from the box that Luke has hidden in the barn and gives the man an idea how to destroy Jesse's family.

When Luke saw that Bo was inside the farmhouse, he goes to the box in the barn where he has hidden his cigarettes and lighter and walks outside of the barn that faces away the farmhouse to smoke. When Bo was came into the farmhouse, his uncle asks Bo where his cousin was. He replied," He is in the barn." His uncle told him that he needed Luke to go into town and get some supplies. When Bo went out to call his cousin, it spooked Luke which forced him to quickly drop his cigarette and stepped on it to smother the cigarette out so it would not burn anything. Luke did not realize that the man was watching both of the boys' movements.

Luke walked to the entrance of the barn; Bo told him that Jesse needs him to go to town to get supplies. Luke said, "I am on my way, bye." As Luke was leaving, Cooter drove up in his truck to drop off some stuff for Jesse. He said, " Hey Luke, where's your Uncle Jesse at. " Luke answered," He is in the farm house and I am on my way to get the supplies he needs to repair the fences in the back 40." Cooter answered, "Okay, thanks Luke." and Luke drove away from the farm. As Bo saw Luke leave, he decided to go up into the hayloft and take a short nap because he always loved to sleep in the hayloft. Someone was watching the barn and saw that Bo had climbed up the hayloft. This person also saw Luke smoking behind the barn earlier and knew where Luke had hidden his cigarettes. He thought to himself, "Perfect, I can burn the barn down and have Luke be blamed for it. I need to sneak in there and place the gasoline container and light the straw with Luke's lighter." Once he lit the straw and he ran away from the barn before the gasoline container blew. A moment later, a gasoline container exploded near the ladder to the hayloft. The sound of the explosion suddenly woke Bo up and he saw the fire, he knew he had to get out of the barm quickly. He ran towards the ladder, but the fire that was feeding off the gasoline had destroyed the ladder and he realized that the fire destroyed his only way to safety.

When Cooter and Jesse were looking out the window when they heard an explosion and both of them saw that the barn was on fire. They ran outside and suddenly Cooter heard Bo yelling from the hayloft," COOTER, UNCLE JESSE, HELP ME!" "PLEASE, HELP ME!" All of a sudden, they hear several beams that held the hayloft come crashing to the ground. Cooter tells Jesse to run into the house and call the fire department and the ambulance. I will get Bo out of the barn." He runs into the barn to rescue Bo. By the time that Jesse comes back outside from calling the fire department, Cooter had Bo lying on the ground. Jesse saw that Cooter had grabbed the bucket that was near the farmhouse, filled it with water and put Bo's burned hands into it in order to save his hands from getting any worse. He found a rag and soaked it into the water and applied it to Bo's right cheek and neck that was burned.

When the ambulance arrived and loaded Bo into the back, Jesse asked if he could ride along. One of the paramedics saw the condition of the boy, he said," Sure, you can ride along and comfort him." Cooters told Jesse that he would be driving back to town and get a message to Luke about what had happen. After the ambulance left, Cooter started his drive back to town and saw the pickup truck coming towards him and pulled his tow truck to a stop and Luke stopped a minute later. Luke asked, " What's up Cooter." Cooter replied, Luke, something happen at the farm, the barn burned down and the ambulance took your cousin to tri-county hospital. He has burns on his hands and the right side of his cheek and neck. I am on my way to the hospital." Luke answered, "I am right behind you, Cooter."

to be continued.........


there is part two:

After arriving at the hospital, Luke and Cooter found Jesse in the waiting room. They asked how Bo was and he said that they have not come out yet to tell them the news. So they all took a seat and waited for someone to tell them what was happening. Two hours later, a doctor entered the waiting room, he asked, "Are you the family of Bo Duke, Sir." Jesse answered, "Yes, I am Bo's uncle, what is the news on my nephew." The doctor replied, " Your nephew has second degree burns to his right side of his cheek and neck as well as his hands. I was told that a friend had saved his hands by putting them in a bucket of water and it saved his hands in what could have been a crippling burn." Jesse asked if they could see Bo and the doctor said they could but one at a time and they would need to wear the paper robs and hand gloves to protect Bo from any infections. Luke said, " Uncle Jesse, you should be the first one to see him." "I will wait till you come back out and besides I am going to get some air."

After Luke sees his uncle leave towards Bo's room, he goes outside to smoke and he remember he had left another pack in the pocket of his jacket when he grabbed them from his locker earlier that day and realized they were still there. He found a quiet place that was hidden by part of the building and began to smoke for an hour. When Jesse came back to the waiting room an hour later, Cooter told him that Luke hasn't come back yet. This made Jesse mad because Bo was asking for Luke and wanted to see his cousin. How would he tell Bo that his cousin might have left without seeing him? When Jesse came back he told Bo that Luke went out to get some fresh air and they still couldn't find him. This made Bo sad and he began to cry and said that Luke probably does not want to see him because he looks like some freak. Uncle Jesse said, " Bo that ain't true and Cooter and I will go look for him. As Jesse left Bo there crying, he went back out and still saw that Luke wasn't there still and he asked Cooter to help him look for Luke.

Cooter and Jesse begin to look for Luke again when Cooter said it might be better to spit up and each go a different direction to find Luke. Jesse said okay and walked towards the left side of the hospital. Cooter went to the right side of the hospital grounds. He walked up the sidewalk to an area that is blocked by the building. Luke had put away his cigarettes and lighter that five minutes later he hears Cooter yell to him, "Luke, where have you been. Luke replied," I have been here the whole time, why." Cooter answered, "Luke, your uncle and I have been looking for you because right now Bo believes that you left the hospital and didn't care enough to be there for him. During the fire, he was trapped in the hayloft and not knowing if he was going to live or die." Then Cooter told him what had happen at the farm. Luke answer, " That ain't true, I care for Bo very much, all I needed was to get some fresh air and I didn't realize what time it was." Then Luke walked away from Cooter and reenter the hospital where he walked right into his uncle who was walking up to the same entrance. Jesse yelled at Luke," Where have you been I have been looking all over the place for you because your cousin is crying in his bed thinking that you left him and didn't want to see him. " He also believes that you don't want to see him is that he looks like a freak." Luke replied to his uncle's response," That ain't true, I care for Bo very much. Cooter found me and told me what had happened at the farm. I am going to see my cousin now Uncle Jesse and I didn't realize how long I was outside." Jesse answer, " Okay, I believe you. Why don't you go do that now because he has been asking for you for a long time."

Luke began to walk down the hall to the door that leads into the room where Bo was staying, he began to think of what to say to his cousin and the thought of Bo thinking he had left had upset him very much. He enters the room and sees that Bo is asleep due to the medication. Then he notices that Bo's hands were rapped in gauze and were very red. A nurse was putting rest of the gauze around his other hand from having the surgery for the skin grafts. She told Luke that his cousin is doing better and he is tired because they had finished the surgery on his hands and face. It had tired him out. Luke said, "Well I am here to visit my cousin and is the visiting hours over." The nurse replied, "No, you have one hour left, you should spend some time with him because he has gone through so much today." Luke answered," Thanks," As the nurse left, Luke grab the chair that was next to Bo's bed and sat down after he had put on the paper rob and gloves so he wouldn't cause Bo to get an infection.

Luke then carefully holds Bo's hand in his left hand while brushing his blond hair away from his eyes with his other hand. Suddenly Bo started to feel someone touching his hair and slowly opened his eyes to see his cousin sitting next to his bed. Bo asked Luke," Why are you here, I thought you left without seeing me." Luke replied, " I had been here, but I was outside getting some air and I did not realize what time it was. I do care and love you very much." Then Luke stood up to carefully pull his cousin up to give him a hug and Bo began to cry on Luke's shoulder. He continued crying all his fears that occurred during the fire in the barn. Bo said, " I th….th….thought I was going to d..d…die. The flames had d…d…de..destroyed the ladder and I had no way of getting out. The hayloft fell to the ground and now my hands, face and neck are burned. Now I look like some freak." Luke replied," Bo, you don't look like a freak, I will help you get well." All of a sudden, Luke felt a slow movement of Bo's chest rising up and down and Luke to realize Bo had cried himself to sleep. He gently put Bo back down onto the bed and covered him with the blanket. He slowly left the room thinking that he could have caused the barn to burn and he could never tell his uncle or cousins about it. He felt that if he told his family, he would lose the only family he ever had.

to be continued......

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