sb61fury Posted December 23, 2017 Posted December 23, 2017 Jenyfer was driving down the road in her 1958 plymouth the radio was on and Hank Williams was singing you never get out of this world alive. The song stopped in the middle and the news was warning people to find a safe place until help comes. There was a disease that caused people to die and come back no matter what the cause was. People were told to get guns ammo any weapon that would put these walkers down. Jenyfer stopped at Cooter's garage she filled up Christine's gas tank . She asked "Did you hear the news?" He told her yes he filled up gas cans and a motor home pulled up . It was a man named Dale who had an RV that was having problems . Cooter pulled the RV in his garage and found the problem and repaired the problem he also filled his fuel tank and gave him gas cans full of gas. 2 girls came out 1 named Andrea and the other named Amy. Jenyfer came back from the store getting non parishable food and water. She opened Christine's trunk. Andrea asked her "Is this your car?" Jenyfer said with a smile "yes" Andrea said " The car is beautiful I have never seen 1 of these before'." Bo Luke, Daisy and Uncle Jesse pulled up in their vehicles they also heard the news and filled their cars with fuel Cooter packed his tools , parts , Filled his truck with gas and motor fluids for other cars in case they were needed. Bo asked " How do we put these sick folk attacking us? " Jenyfer said a bullet to the head or a knife to the skull." Jenyfer looked in Boss Hoggs window . He was not acting right . Jenyfer went in to Boss Hoggs office she was armed with a knife and a 9mm. She already knew what to do since she has been through this before. Roscoe was hollering " Little fat buddy stop ." Jenyfer knew Boss could not be helped he was 1 of the walking dead.. Jenyfer snuck up behind Walker Boss Hogg and put the knife through his skull and it put him down. Rocsoe told her I could of helped the Boss. Jen told him that there was nothing that could of been done to help him. She told him once you get that fever you die and come back as a walker the only to stop it is a bullet to the head , a heavy blow the skull or a knife in the head. We better go get what you need to survive and fill you patrol car with fuel.Roscoe and Enos filled both patrol cars with fuel but left 1 with keys in it so some one can escape to survive Bobbi Jenyfer's identical twin sister just got off and also heard the news she also got survival gear. The Dukes arrived in Atlanta . Roscoe noticed a noticed Rick Grimes on a horse got out of his patrol car and offered to help. He asked were did y'all come from? Jenyfer told him Hazzard County. Rick told Roscoe he was searching for his wife and son. Roscoe told him to hop in his patrol car and he did . Jenyfer noticed other people she waved them over . They were apart of Dale's group when they arrived every body followed Dale to the camp site . When the Dukes arrived with Dale they helped set up camp Daisy and Jenyfer went in to Dales RV to start cooking dinner. they cooked the fish that was caught , cooked corn and pasta it was enough for every body then a man named Shane complimented the women on their cooking. He said I wish I had a girl like that . Jenyfer said " I am sure the right 1 will come along and I hope you do find her ans she treats you good." Daryl and Merle Dixon noticed Christine parked at the camp sight . Merle tried opening the door the Radio came on Webb Piece was singing in the jail house now . Shane looked in side and the radio went off. He said " Now that is a strange car." Bo heard a man named Ed yelling and he also seen him beat on his wife . Bo went over and knocked Ed out . He asked Carol "Ma'am are you alright? " My girl Jenyfer is a counsler she helps women in your situation. " Bo motioned Jenyfer to come and talk to Carol . Jenyfer told Carol about the friend she had that was in the same situation she is in and how she helped her get out. Jenyfer told Carol " You do not deserve this you deserve better . " Walkers came to the camp and started attacking every body got a weapon and started putting down the wakers. Jenyfer seen 1 near Amy and killed it before it bit her. She killed more walkers than every body else in the group they were amazed. Rick asked her " How did you know what to?" Jenyfer told him" I have been through this a couple of times. In the last crisis the other person I was involved in was killed by these things. It really hurt to watch him die and come back but I was the 1 who put him down again." Rick told her " I am sorry you went through that I really am." Jenyfer told him "Bo was there when it happened and he was there for me when I needed a friend to talk to." Quote
sb61fury Posted March 23, 2018 Author Posted March 23, 2018 Rick told the group that this location was no longer safe. Jenyfer noticed a white pick up truck pulling up . Rick asked her " Who is that in the white pick up?" Jen told him "Its Uncle Jesse." He has jugs full of moon shine to put in the fuel tanks so no one would run out . Then the group packed up their gear and loaded them in the cars and left to another safe location. Jesse Duke mentioned he knew a man named Hershel Greene and they went way back, Jesse asked Roscoe " were is J. D. Hogg ?" Roscoe told Jesse that Boss did not make it. Shane asked Jenyfer Who is this Boss Hogg. Jenyfer told him he was some one who had a loud mouth and would attract any Walker with it. After the gear was packed they got in their cars and headed to Hershel's farm Maggie seen cars pull up in the drive way. Jesse , Bo , Luke and Daisy got out of their cars. Then Roscoe , Rick and Shane , Bobbi and Jenyfer got out of Christine and then Dale , Carol , Sophia Daryl and Merle . Hershel came out and seen Jesse Duke and welcomed the Dukes and their friends . Hershel was aware of what was going on and hoped for a cure. Jenyfer told Hershel that there was no cure for this if you die no matter what cause you came back as 1 of those things. I went through this before and some one who I cared about died because of these things. It hurt to seen him die like that and when he came back I put him down again. I wish there was a cure for this but there is none. Jen showed a photo of her and Sledge. and told Hershel and she and Sledge were engaged at the time and Bo was there and he has been a good friend to her since. Cooter was checking all the cars to make sure they were running good in case they had to leave again but they would take Hershel and his family too. Cooter went to get more auto parts in case they were needed Rick went as a back up and Otis went to get medical supplies and luke was his back up Luke knew what to get since he was in the Marines and Otis was an EMT. Quote
sb61fury Posted May 10, 2018 Author Posted May 10, 2018 (edited) Jenyfer noticed Shane had a sad look on his face . She walked up to him and asked what was wrong.? She put her hand on his shoulder and said if you need some one to talk to I am here if you need a friend.Shane told her " You better look at your friend Bo's arm . " Why ?" she asked. " I seen a Walker Bite him ." Jenyfer seen the look on his face and knew he was not lying. Jenyfer knew Bo went with Luke to hunt for some food Luke noticed Bo was starting to act strangely and tried to attack Luke. Jen told Shane lets go look for them I need some back up . Jen and Shane both got hand guns with extra ammo . Jen had a silencer on hers and had an extra and let Shane use it. Luke hollered for help Shane and Jen ran to help , Jenyfer seen Bo Duke as a Walker and She raised her Gun and shot Walker Bo Duke to end his misery, She knew he did not want to walk around like that. I wish I known this happened sooner . Shane told her " I shot the walker but he was already bit I am sorry." Jen told him " Its not your fault I am not blaming you or any one here in this group. I blame the Walkers. Luke Dug a grave and buried his cousin .Luke told Jenyfer " You are still family to us ." Later that evening Jen was sitting on the couch just staring at the wall. Shane approached her . Rick heard what happened and told her how sorry he was this happened. Rick also advised his partner and best friend . " She in mourning right now she needs a friend . " Shane told him " I want to be her friend ." Jenyfer told Shane " I appreciate you want to be my friend but I need some time to my self ." Jenyfer walked to Christine opened the drivers door, She hollered I am going to get more supplies I will be right back and put a loaded gun with extra ammo in her car.Shane hollered for her to wait up he and Rick will go with her as back up. Jen checked the fluids and the fuel gage and put more fuel in Christine before they drove off. Jenyfer turned on the radio and Roy Accuff was singing once more. Shane wanted to find the news about the zombie Apocalypse he heard some one talking about it. Jen pulled in a store parking lot and got a back pack and her gun ready . Rick and Shane killed the Walkers so did Jenyfer . She seen a cart and retrieved it Jenyfer , Shane and Rick got medical supplies non perishable foods and fluids for the cars . Jen grabbed fuel system cleaners and more gas cans, Shane seen a walker walking towards Jenyfer and she seen it too she got her knife and put the blade through the skull and killed it, Rick , Shane and Jenyfer ran out with the cart quickly loaded Christine's trunk and headed back to the farm. When Jenyfer pulled up to the farm Uncle Jesse asked "were were you? I was worried Sick " Jen told him she went for supplies and got what was needed then he asked "were is Bo? Jen answered " He was bit by a walker and he became one so I put him down Rick called a meeting later that night. He said "From now on no one goes out unless they have back up. I do not to lose any more from this group . That means every one takes a weapon or 2 but make sure you cover each others backs while you are out there. Hershel told Jesse how sorry he was about Bo and said if there is anything I can do I am here for you. Jesse told him Thanks Hershel you have been a good friend to me. Roscoe and Enos was talking to Rick and Shane . Rick told them the way to put them down is putting a knife in the brain or a bullet no other place will affect . Jenyfer came outside for some fresh air every body from the group told how sorry they were and were there if she needed a friend. later on Jen was up late at night she asked " Why ?" Why is when I deeply care for some one they die in front of me? What did I do to deserve this?" Jen broke down and started crying . Shane walked up to her and held her to comfort her. He knew she needed a friend . He told her " Its not your fault." Jenyfer told Shane that Bo did not know how to fire a gun,. He was not allowed to have 1 because he was on probation and it was forbidden .Shane asked why was he on probation. Jen told Shane Bo and his cousin Luke got caught running Moonshine . Their probation officer was always trying to frame them and trumped up charger against the Dukes . He was crooked and would try to cheat people out their homes and at the bank. His Nephews are just as bad. Edited May 10, 2018 by msmontecarlo did not finish a sentence Quote
sb61fury Posted June 20, 2018 Author Posted June 20, 2018 Rick walked in and noticed Jenyfer and Shane talking . He over heard Shane what was this Boss Hogg like . Jen told him if he was around right now and with his loud mouth he would attract every walker all over Georgia. He owned a bar called the Boars nest . Daisy and I worked there until this mess started. Uncle Jesse and Boss Hogg used to run shine back in the day. I also heard Maggie's father and Uncle Jesse go way back they have known each other for a long time. Lori Rick's wife ordered Shane to leave Jenyfer alone .Jenyfer told Lori that he is offering her his friendship . " Shane is just being a friend to me and I appreciate that . You have no right to order him around . I just lost some one I care about and right now I need a friend to talk to ." Jenyfer looked outside and seen some walkers . " Get your guns we got company if you get my drift." Jesse, Hershel, Lori , Bobbi, Rick,Carl, Glenn , Maggie went out and started firing to put the walkers down. Jesse told Hershel we better get ready to leave to go to a safer place . Hershel agreed. and He told the folks in the house to gathering stuff. Jenyfer grabbed food, medication and ammo , Shane helped her gather so did Daisy and Maggie since the Walkers were in the back yard Jenyfer ran out and ran towards Christine and moved the 'plymouth close to the house and loaded the trunk of the of the car. Jenyfer ran and told folks lets get out of here . Jesse and Hershel, Rick and Lori got into Quote
sb61fury Posted October 17, 2018 Author Posted October 17, 2018 The group arrived in Alexandrea and learned about group called the Saviors that was lead by a man called Negan. Rick decided to take down this group and took some men with him . Bobbi and Jenyfer followed they were in Christine. The saviors made a lot of road blocks but then they were trapped and could not get out. Simon ordered Bobbi and Jenyfer out of Christine. They got out and he demanded they join their friends and had them kneel on the ground. 1of the Saviors busted Christine's head lights and her tail lights then put some dents in her. Jenyfer started to attack the savior vandalizing her '58. He did more damage to the car . The he stopped and rejoined Simon, All of a sudden they head metal popping Christine's radio came on George Jones was singing who shot Sam 1 noticed the car was repairing her self . Then the engine came on revving, even the head lights came on. Christine darted towards her attacker running him down and killing him. Then this group realized they bullied the wrong group and left them alone. Then Rick walked up to Jenyfer and said that is 1 strange car but credit saving b group. Jen said lets head back home . Bobbi and Jenyfer got in Christine and Rick could not get his car started . Cooter opened the hood and said the fuel pump was bad and he did not have a spare . Cooter syphoned the fuel out of the tank and put some in his truck and Christines fuel tank. Rick, Shane and Abraham got in the back seat of Christine. Christine's radio was on and The browns were singing the three bells. Cooter was in the front seat . They arrived back to Alexadrea and boosted security Quote
sb61fury Posted February 17, 2019 Author Posted February 17, 2019 Jenyfer noticed walker she recognized it was Hughie Hogg. She said there is a little weasel that caused me to crash the General Lee. Roscoe seen it also . "Nephew Boss ." Jen warned Rocsoe not to go near it . It may look like Hughie but it was not . Jen advised Roscoe to got ut the Walker down . When it got closer it went to bite Roscoe but Jenyfer put a knife in his skull and the walker fell. Roscoe told she should not of done that . Jen told him if I let him bitten you that would of been the end you would of died from the bite and came back as a walker. I save your life Roscoe and I would of been thank ful for this . No matter who it was if they are 1 of the living dead you need to put a bullet to the head , knife in the skull or a heavy blow with a bat to the head.I need to go back to Hazzard to see if I can locate Lulu and get more supplies. Jen arrived back to Hazzard . She stopped at the Boars Nest . She got more food and medication. She called for Lulu .She opened the door to Boss Hoggs office and seen Lulu . She looked up and Jen told her I am here to get you to a safe place.there was a generator to turn on the pumps . Jen filled Christines tank and the gas cans . She even got more ammo and guns . Lulu was in the passenger side of Christine. She told Jenyfer that she did not think that some one would come for her. She said Miss Hogg let go to a safe place and a man named Rick Grimes will teach you how to survive .. Jenyfer and Luliu arrived back to Alexandrea . Roscoe seen his sister and gave her a hug. Roscoe thanked Jenyfer for going to get his sister. Lulu asked how to kill these dead folk . Jenyfer told her a bullet to the head will put them down any were else will not affect it Rick taught Lulu how to put walkers down and she caught on and Rick advised her to always have back up when she goes out for supplies Quote
sb61fury Posted August 16, 2019 Author Posted August 16, 2019 Bobbi and Jenyfer were looking for more supplies for the group . Bobbi syphoned fuel out of an abandoned car full of fuel and filled Christine's fuel tank . Jen noticed some walkers with weapons on them and thought that was strange . 1 of them noticed the twins and approached them . Bobbi and Jenyfer got into Christine with Bobbi behind the wheel just as they were about to pull out they all surround the car . 1 named Beta ordered them out of the car . Bobbi and Jenyfer obeyed the order . He asked them who are they and what were they are doing in their territory . Jen said 1st of all we are looking for food and supplies and 2nd we did not know this area belonged to you and your group. Alpha came and told Bobbi and Jenyfer to stay on their side and not to come in their land. Jen told her we are all trying to survive I have been through this crisis for the 3rd time already I have lost 2 people I loved because of these things. I am sure you have also. Jen even noticed a little girl with bruises and asked what happened . Alpha told her to mind her own business. Alpha told the little girl name Lydia to get back over there and hauled off and slugged her. Jen told her you are a mean person after noticing the tears coming down the girls cheeks . Jenyfer told Alpha I do not understand you had no reason to hit her like that instead of doing that why don't you teach her how to survive. Beta and Alpha warned the twins not to come back to the area. Bobbi and Jen got back in to Christine . Ernest Tubb was singing Walking the floor over you. Bobbi and Jen got back with supplies . They told the group about folks dressing up like the dead and to watch out for them and not go out alone take back up . Later on that evening Christine was cruising around with no driver behind the wheel her radio was on and Web Pierce was singing Honky tonk . The '58 was close to the Whisperer's territory Alpha heard a car's radio and noticed the car sitting there. Beta recognized the car . He thought the twins were in it and tried to open the drivers door but could not . The radio was on and Hank Williams was singing a hole in my bucket . 1 of the Whisperers through a rock at Christine she revved her engine and pulled out towards him all of them started to run. Quote
sb61fury Posted November 25, 2019 Author Posted November 25, 2019 Bobbi, Jenyfer , Michone , Daryl and Carol found Siddiq tied up . Jen cut his ropes and asked him if he was OK but he was in a tense. Jen left Christine parked not too far . When they were walking up a hill they seen 10 pikes with severed heads on them . Jen recognized some of the faces and she, Bobbi and Daryl drove a knife into the brains . Carol recognized that 1 of the victims was a relative of hers . Jen comforted her and told her that they need to talk to the other groups about teaming up against the whisperers. Hill top, Ocean side, The Kingdom , and Alexandrea had the meeting and all agree that the whisperers must be eliminated. Jen also mentioned that the fuel was getting low. Jen asked ' Uncle Jesse when you and Boss were running shine back in the day and the fuel tank was getting low , What did you do for fuel.?" Jesse told them they used the moon shine for fuel. Jesse told her now hold on that he made a promise to the US governor that he would no make any more shine. Jen reminded him that it does not exist now and the group needs fuel for the vehicles . Jesse agreed to make it to fuel the tanks and made extra jugs incase they needed more. Rick Grimes noticed the still and seen Jesse operating it . Bobbi, Jen, and other members of Alexandrea filled the fuel tanks of the cars. Luke filled the General Lee , Jen filled up Christine, Rick filled the motor home, Jen had jugs In Christine and went to the Kingdom , Jesse filled his truck and had jugs in the back and filled other vehicles for the other groups but Jesse made more incase it was needed. Jen told Luke about Alpha's horde of walkers and were they were located .Luke and Daryl went to the location . Luke had dynamite on his arrows . Luke lit the dynamite and it blew the walkers into pieces. Luke and Daryl got back to Alexandrea and noticed folks had their cars packed .the walls were getting weaker and they needed a safer place. The Alexandrans went to look for a safer place . Bobbi, Jenyfer, Shane,Siggiq and Carol were in Christine., Luke , Daryl , Rick, and Merle were in the General Lee, Jesse , Hershel and Roscoe were in Jesse.s truck , Michione , Judith , Dale Andrea were in the motor Home and other people of Alexandra went in their cars . While driving Christine Jen turned on the radio Hank Williams sr was singing Buckets got a hole in it. and then Web Pierce sang Honky tonk The group was heading back to Hazzard and invited the other groups to join them and they accepted, Hazzard was not the same when they returned. Rick and Roscoe went to the sheriffs station to get more guns and ammo they also checked pawn shops and the stores for food and supplies. They returned to the patrol car and headed to the Boars nest . were the group put a strong metal door to keep the walkers out. Quote
sb61fury Posted July 4, 2020 Author Posted July 4, 2020 Jen looked around and noticed the group for got Negan .She gathered a knife a gun with some ammo. Shane told her not to go unless she had back up . She told him lets go you can be my back up. She looked outside and seen a walker she recognized it was some one she knew from school but could not stand. It was the only Walker Michonne told her I got this 1 Jen told her be my guest I cannot stand this 1. Michonne asked you knew this 1 before and Jenyfer reviled I am afraid I did know him and it was some one who I could not stand but I will not mention his name . Jen got behind the wheel of Christine , Shane and Michonne got in to back her up . They went back get Negan because Jen knew he would not survive with out food and water. A ll 3 arrived at Alexandrea . Shane opened the gate and Jen drove Christine in she parked right by Negan's cell he was looking out the window and said oh my good ness its that '58 . Jen went in opened Negan's cell gave him Lucille his bat and said lets go we are heading back to Hazzard Negan , Jen , Shane and Michonne headed back to Hazzard . Jen turned on the radio and Web Pierce was singing Hony tonk and then Kitty Wells It wasn't God who made Honky Tonk Angels George Jones White Lightning The Group arrived back to the Boars Nest and Walkers surrounded Christine . Rick , Roccoe , Enos , Jesse , COoter went out to battle the Walkers . When the timing was right Dwight , Daryl and Merle got the walkers away from Christine Negan suggested that she parked the car close to the building and did but they got out of the passenger side of the car . All went inside the Boars nest and then found food in the storage unit. Rosoe said that the food is property of Boss Hogg and no one is to touch it unless they paid for it . Jesse told him knock it off Roscoe , JD is no longer with us we need to survive and work together. Negan asked who is Boss Hogg Jen told him that if he was here and with his loud mouth he would attract any Walker all over the US. Daisy and I worked here before this all started and I hope someday it goes back to normal Quote
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