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Val and Daney,

Thanks for the sentiment. I have a feeling I'm gonna need it since I just realized I'm gonna be driving though Hurricane Isabel as it hits the US. So at this point, I don't know if I'm gonna end up at my friend's wedding...or Oz.


I got enough trouble packing everything into a suitcase without adding a couple of Coltranes, Dukes and possibly a Strate in there as well. Maybe the trunk?



I don't know if i'm going to be on tomorrow or friday, or even during the weekend either. Hurricane is gonna hit me too :-? Try to stay safe Chance. Watch out for flying tree's, flying cattle, flying fish, and anything else that could wind up airborn lol. Might just be safer if you talk your friend into cancelling if it's in PA, although, y'all won't get it as worse as DE. You're not as close to the coast as I am, though, hopefully it'll be a tropical storm by the time it gets here.... i hope.

As for me, like i said, i do'nt know if i'm gonna be on either. Monday half the county was flooded at the least in my own opinion, so it also depends if i'm not underwater either. The flooding monday was worse than that which came with hurricane floyd from 1999. Some places are still underwater from Monday.

I can tell you right now, i ain't got school tomorrow or friday.

But chance, be CAREFUL CAREFUL CAREFUL! Oh one more thing, if the hurricane hits you, you won't be going anywhere ... during a hurricane, you're automatically in a state of emergency, so keep a good eye on the weather reports as you travel and such. You might just haveta turn right back around and go home.


Thanks y'all. It's nice to know I'll be missed.

Seriously, though I'm gotta get going now. See you Monday, maybe Tuesday.


PS. Brian, Don't tempt me. Right now, I'm thinking you'd be better off on the roof luggage rack. Esp when I hit that storm. :wink:


Heads up, i'm goin gto be on and off tonight probably, or not on at all after this. If my power goes out again, it'll be the third time. Isabelle is hitting me right now and it's still a catagory one hurricane. It's driving me nuts, i done burned my hand once on a lighter lighting a candle b/c we don't have any flashlights (which is really stupid, we should actually have one). It was actually my thumb i burned, but i'm okay, it's not red or anything. Wish me luck, and pray that my house doesn't wind up underwater, a lotta the county is probably going to be considering most of the creeks in the area are over flowing their bbanks, and many flooded on monday too.

Please excuse any typo's in this message, i'm having to type as fast as i can incase power goes out again on me.


  • 5 months later...

Well, I'm at it again.

This Doc is going on a bit of a vacation, probably the last one I'll have for a while, considering nursing school starts in Fall . I'll be out of town Sat, April 3 through Sunday April 11th, perhaps 12th (its a lonnng drive home from North Carolina) .

I'll miss everyone while I'm gone. I'm hoping a select few, you know who you are, will stay out of trouble while I'm away, but I kinda doubt it. :wink:



Doc, I for one will be on mah best behavior. Howevah, I can make no warranties, expressed r' implied, for any circumstances surroundin' me.

I'm also free of liability for natural disasters and any other Acts of God that may eradicate the town in yer absence.

I figured these statements outta give you comfort during your trip. You can be assured that things will be just as calm n' peaceful while you're gone, as they normally are while yer here.

Glad ah could put yer mind at ease. :wink:



Oh lordy, Did anyone else just get a high in blood pressure?

Brian, you ARE A liability for natural diasters. Says so on your resume.

Maybe instead of being concerned about you behaving, I ought to just toss you in the trunk for safekeeping, or maybe the front grill, like a prize buck.

I think its an idea. Anyone else?



Doc, now that was un-called for. I don't find the thought attractive of bein' stuffed into the trunk, or...tied to the grill like a prize buck. 'Specially with Hazzard traffic bein' what it is. Heh heh.

Besides, none of that is necessary! I assure ya.

Trust me. 8)


  • 4 weeks later...

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