Redneck girl 01 Posted August 16, 2012 Posted August 16, 2012 My 2012 Hazzard Homecoming Experience…I GOT MY HUG FROM JOHN SCHNEIDER!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAWWWW!!! Anyways…WOW….JUST WOW~!! My Hazzard Homecoming experience this year was just completely and totally awesomer than awesome…(ok asweomer ain’t a word but just go with it)Y’all know me so this may be extremely long and drawn out, but talking I can have it spit out in like 2 minutes because I talk so fast about it because I am in such a good mood and had such a great time. These three days were absolutely amazing. It was like I was really transported back in time to a simpler place. I was really taken to Hazzard County. There is just a certain peace this place and surrounding area had. There was so much space, and it was so beautiful. It was really laid back and wonderful. I didn’t even think about reality these three days. Everything left, even the constant headache I had for about a month vanished into thin air. All worries, concerns, problems, everything just left. I was happy, truly happy. I dunno what it was, but it was amazing. That may not make sense, and anyone that was there may have not felt like that, but for me that is what it was like. It doesn’t even begin to describe what it was really like for me, but it is a start….Ok the in a nut shell version is: It was awesome, no matter how much fun and how great it was last year, this year was 1000 times better and then some! I really do not know what to complain about, or say was negative….well it was pricey…quite pricey….5 here, 10 there, 15 here again, 50 there adds up really really quick!! But looking back, it was completely and totally worth it, even if my mama does think I am crazy (Hey they do call me Krazy Katie!! ) Oh and one other thing I will complain about is the ill-informed, asinine lady who cussed me and a few other people out. If you wanna hear about that you have to read the full story. I did hear a few more foul mouths than I did last year, I was disappointed with that but really I can look over that. That is really all I can think right now that is negative…well minus the sunburn..ouchy…And that I forgot to ask Sonny (Enos) for a hug. 8( Hopefully there will be a next time. But like I said I had an awesome time, even with my experience line jumping wasn’t even a problem this year. I was soo surprised. I thought it was sooo much better than last year…and they were all there too! I heard a lot of people complaining about everything in general, I just figured they were nuts and went on my way…I better run after saying that. I got to meet the whole cast, and enjoy all the other activities as well. If this does happen to be the last year, I went out with a bang….I HAD AN AMAZING TIME!! See that was short..kinda….So here is the long version….Might wanna grab some popcorn and a drink! Ok, so I actually did not think that I was going to Hazzard Homecoming this year. After Betsy (our car) died and had to have a heart transplant and all that fun stuff I figured it was completely and totally out of the question. But I was still going to get to see Cooter at the fair. And when I saw him and asked him about it, he did not sound hopeful for one next year, I told my parents and grandma…etc etc etc….Long story short, they figured there won’t be another one with the entire cast so we would go. This was three or four days before it was to begin. I didn’t believe it until Thursday when I bought my tickets. Even then I wasn’t sure if it was just a dream. So that Monday or Tuesday or something I seen that they were going to have a red carpet premier of “The Return of the Killer Shrews.” On Cooter’s Place on Facebook, they were having a contest where if you shared that post you would be entered in a chance to win two tickets for the Friday night premier. Well I figured I never win anything so I would enter it just for the heck of it. Well I’m not sure what day it was, I think it was Thursday, they picked the winners. I logged into Facebook and a friend I met last year at Homecoming had posted what Cooter’s place had said, and who won. And what do you know! I WON!...well me and some other feller named Josh!! Woo Hoo…So we had just decided we were going Saturday morning and leaving Sunday night. But after winning the tickets we decided to go down Friday and see this movie. I hadn’t seen the trailer for it yet, I had read about it when they first announced it. So I went to youtube and watched the trailer and thought “Oh my gosh, this is going to be terrible…Do I really wanna sit through this…how much crap is going to be in it…The shrews are even worse than the dogs with rugs on them…But I will give it a chance.” And hey all the cast was going to be there except for Tom. So we left Friday morning about 9. On the way there we was coming off an exit and on the main road there was one of those pretty cars we all know and love called The General Lee. So we followed for quite a while, I kinda figured they was going the same place we was. We followed them until they got hungry and stopped at Arby’s then we continued on our way. It was fun, I think even a few times they set Dixie off. I took a ton of pictures following them. Though I must say they had a wee lead foot at times. But hey if I was driving that car, I would too!! Anyways we got down there around one. We found the theatre and no one was in it. The lady who owned the country store came and talked to us and told us they were going to have a pre-red carpet cookout with all kinds of food, so she was handing out flyers…She said the theatre lady would be back later. So we talked to a feller who was standing there for a while. Then we walked around town, Washington Virginia has a whole two streets! We went and talked to some other folks, and then the theatre people came back and we talked to them. So a few hours went by, and folks were beginning to sit up chairs and wait in line so we did the same thing. Time came to buy tickets (thought I didn’t have to thanks to that contest, I just hope it was legit) So we got our tickets and we only had to wait another hour or so before they showed up for the red carpet premier party. So once they got their red carpet sit up, we all went over to stand by it. We was right there at the beginning of the ropes so we would get a good view (We had a great view until they brought the police in to stand there 8( ) We waited and waited. Then Miss Alma and Catherine drove by stopped and chatted a minute and said they were going to go get Ben. So we waited again…Folks kept bringing their General’s through town, and everyone would get excited and then BAM it ain’t one of the cast.So during this time the feller who was with the microphone and the tuxedo t-shirt (he said they wanted someone without an orange t-shirt and he was the only one with a tuxedo shirt) he kept talking and making it interesting. Then he said lets play a game to see who came the furthest. So he asked people to volunteer where they came from and quite a few raised their hand. So he pointed to the lady wearing a hat and said “you in the hat…where are you from?” She replies: “Germany” He was like uhh well that kind of ends the game…you win that one! So everyone talked a little more, and then finally the cast came. They brought them in in the General’s, Dixie, and the patrol cars. I recorded it, mama took pictures. Here are a few pictures mama took.So within a few minutes, it was time to go in the theatre. We all went in and sat down. Mama and I sat in the back, which now I wish we had sat closer to the front. Everyone came in and got up on stage, they all talked and told about the movie. Mr. Best explained that 50 years ago he was in the original, and he decided that he wanted to make a sequel...and so he got John and Rick together and they made a movie. They just wanted to have fun, and that is what they did. He said the original was sooo bad, they wanted to make it fun again. So after everyone got to talk that wanted to say something they began showing the movie. Oh the movie…what can I say about the movie…it was not as horrible as I thought it would be, I actually loved it. I really hope he puts it on DVD to sell sometime. I would love to have a copy of it. They had a lot of in-corporations of other movies in it which helped make it so funny. They also took clips from the original movie and put in it, which made it that Mr. Best’s character was having flash backs. It was really neat. Some of the things that stick out the most are:Stayed tuned for the next post....I typed too much and so it wouldn't all fit...just give me a few minutes to get this all posted....I also have a few videos I would like to share but YouTube was being extremely sluggish today so that will have to wait until another day. Quote
Redneck girl 01 Posted August 16, 2012 Author Posted August 16, 2012 John’s character was an actor (who was drunk most of the time) and he went to act in a scene and his agent said “think of Duke.†And so John says, “I love that show!†And then he goes on to impersonate John Wayne’s Pilgrim line. He did a good job at it I thought so. He did the Tarzan call in one line, and then another line he screamed ESTELLA!!!!! It was just really cool. The shrews were horrible though, they made me laugh sooo much. They blood and gore was also overdone. Another disappointment (not really a disappointment but depressing ) The Killer Shrews ate John half way through the movie!! Hahahaha it was hysterical. But even if this is not up your alley, this type of movie, give it a shot. You might actually like it. And hey it has John, James and Rick in it, what more can you want. OhhhHHH One other line in it that I remember that I think everyone loved was John, James, and Rick characters were sitting at this table (I may not get this exactly right, so if someone else was there, and can correct me if I am wrong have at it) Anyways they were at this table drinking and it went something to the effect where James said to the others they look familiar. He used to be a sheriff in Georgia. And used to chase around these two quite a lot. John said he used to get chased a lot….by girls. And Rick said something to the effect you know, you do look familiar. They went on with this for a minute or so and then was just like nawwwh couldn’t be and went back to drinking. I know that wasn’t exact—You know how when you pay attention to something so much you are basically in a trance. Well I did this, and when I do that I really have trouble remembering. But it was really neat, and I would love to have it on DVD. So if it is ever out where y’all can see it, watch it. So that was the end of the first day. It was awesome…I had sooo much fun. I know I keep saying that over and over, but I dunno how else to say it. I am having a hard time putting my happiness and excitement into words so that it doesn’t look like this: kijhgdfbsjkcviofhjuksdmxclv hjxdfbsm,xckl;bhkdnmasxcvkl;sdfbjnm,cvkl; jihbnkjhbndkcvjhfkdrbnsmcvbjkl fhdrbn vhujfdrbnjckldnmxkcljhbdnjxkchugyjvbnhjxgyftcdvgrdeswdfgtrdsvbghjkm,nbhjklm,nbhgjukilm,nbvghujkilmnbvghyjuknmbvgh…….Then came the next day; We headed to Hazzard County (That is what they had on signs all over the place which I thought was really cool) and the road there was just like what you would find in Hazzard county. This place was beautiful. I love the countryside of Virginia, one of the few places I would be willing to move to beside the place I live now. Stay tuned for the rest of my story...It will take me a few moments to get it all posted. I also have a few videos I would like t share, but YouTube was being extremely sluggish today so that will have to wait until another day.We got there about 2 hours before the gates opened and were quite a ways back from the beginning of the line. So we got in, and I figured since Tom Wopat was the only one I hadn’t got to meet yet, we headed to his line first. We stood about three hours and we finally made it to him. During those three hours I talked to two fellers, Sean and Bill (Maybe it was Will) they have New General Lee’s (The new chargers). They were getting parts of them signed. This made the line go soo much faster. We all speculated whether Tom was going to be in a good mood or not. I took pictures while waiting, and most he looked grumpy in, a few he was smiling. So we were the next in line, the people before us had a couple girls, and he said that he was surrounded by beauty, which I thought was nice of him. Then came my turn his greeting was “Hey beautiful†(So what if he was just being nice, it was a nice self-esteem booster…haha) So I got my stuff out, He signed it all. I was happy cause he even personalized it and wrote “All the Best†I talked to some folks later on that he just scribbled his name on stuff and didn’t say anything. I told myself this year that they were just normal people like everyone else, just a little more talented so I would actually say something instead of just be in this happy daze like I always am before. I always felt like dumb not saying anything before…I still felt dumb talking because they could probably care less about what you had to say but you got a few seconds to babble while they are signing! So I did, and I am glad I did, it added so much more to the experience. Anyways I am off subject. So I talked to Luke and told him he was the only one I hadn’t met, and my mama had so she rubbed it in my face and he was like “sometimes that’s the way it goes.†Blah blah blah…then mama said a few things to him, and he even gave her a hug. He was nice, and seemed to be in a good mood. So I’m glad this experience wasn’t like some of the Tom experiences I had heard about. His prices weren’t too bad, but don’t ask what they were cause I really do not remember. Wait I think they were $10. Something like that. So here is my picture with him….and Bo…My pictures are kind of mixed up, I sorta just pu them all together. I reckon I should have put them together in the order I met them. Once again I wore my 01 mask all day! ha…It is just too much fun hiding…So after visiting Mr. Wopat, we headed to Mr. Best’s line. It wasn’t too too long. We waited about an hour and a half. His policies were the same. No picture taking, you couldn’t get your picture with him unless you bought artwork.His prices weren’t bad, unless you wanted a picture with him. $5 for an autograph, $10 for a black and white 8X10 and $15 for a color 8X10 and then he had some other stuff for sale like his book and what not. Well needless to say I now own another James Best print. It was called “Pedal to the Metal†and it is a police car chasing the General. It will go well with “The Ghost of the General Lee†print I got last year. But I got the cutest picture with him, I was sooo happy with it. He was super nice. I had him sign my Hazzard Homecoming shirt, and he said that he hadn’t seen them until that morning and thought they was really cool. They were Ben and Alma’s idea. Also what they did was give all the cast a shirt and then they signed it for each other to take with them. I thought that was really cool. I told him that I loved the movie and what not. Mama then asked him about knowing Chuck Connors and John Wayne and all of them. His face just lit up and he got all excited that someone knew him besides the Sheriff on the Dukes. At least that is what it seemed like. He told her that they were just great, etc, etc. He done over 200 westerns. She said that we had been seeing him a lot on the older shows and westerns that they played on tv. He said that was just really wonderful. He was smiling ear to ear. So he finished signing my stuff and I got my picture with him. And before I left he asked me again about my scrapbook page (I made scrapbook pages for everyone to sign, they didn’t get finished because I didn’t have time, so I explained to each one that they were unfinished so they didn’t wander why they was signing a strip of paper on a bigger sheet of paper) Anyways I had all my stuff and was ready to leave for the next person and Mr. Best stopped me and pointed back to my page and asked me what else I was going to do to it. I told him that his name would go up at the top in letter stickers, and then I would put like the Hazzard County police car on it, and sheriff stickers and what not. Then he asked if I was going to put a picture on it and I told him actually the one we just took will go on it. He thought that was neat and said it sounds like it will turn out really cool. He was super nice. I would love just to sit down for an hour or so and talk to him. So I shook his hand and told him it was an absolute pleasure meeting him, etc etc. Quote
Redneck girl 01 Posted August 16, 2012 Author Posted August 16, 2012 So next we went to Sonny Shroyer’s line. We stood there about 45 minutes or an hour. He is such a sweetheart. I love him. I talked to him while he signed and he said that my page was really neat (even if they are just being nice, it makes a person feel good 8) …) He takes the time to sign his name so pretty, I dunno if a guy likes being told that his writing is pretty but his is. So then we got up for my picture. There was a bit of confusion there; he was like that will be $10. I said I know, I already told the lady, and paid her. He went to make sure I was truthful but the helpers were all busy talking so he just got up for the picture. I must say I love that mama takes random pictures throughout the whole experience. Or I wouldn’t get such candid shots like the one of me and Sonny below…It makes me laugh sooo much. Mama says he is playing peek-a-boo. I don’t know what he was really looking at, but it makes me giggle. But as you can see I got a good picture where he was looking at the camera and I thought it was really cute. So we said good-bye and we was on our way to the next booth.We decided to go see Rick Hurst next. We waited about 45 minutes. We got there and he is really nice too, and funny. He liked my scrapbook pages too, he kept mentioning about the layout. Again that made me happy. So we chit chatted. I wish I had said now that I was really happy in the movie they didn’t fry him with the electric fence like everyone figured was going to happen. But I forgot and didn’t get to tell him. So I got my picture with him and what not then I was finished for the day. I figured I could get John, Catherine, Ben and the stunt folks tomorrow. Cause I never found Cooter’s booth he was always doing stage shows and working, which was understandable why I never seen him signing. So I had the rest of the night to actually enjoy the homecoming. We went and watched a stage show. Then we went to the car and sat in the nice air-conditioning a while! Then we went back. Then it was time for them to jump the General Lee, yep they had a General jump this year. It wasn’t anything major, just ramp to ramp but it was a jump. So they played around in the General for a while, and the cop cars chased them and then they made the jump. It went off without a hitch. Cooter said he was hesitant to jump it because it was his car and he just had it painted. It was really cool. Here are a few pictures from it. It isn’t a good quality video, my camera takes better pictures than video, but hey it works if you wanna see it. So after the jump it was time for the stage show….THIS WAS AWESOME….BEYOND AWESOME! I am soooo upset that both my mama and my memory card was filled up and I really couldn’t record anything. I just hope and pray that when Cooter makes the Homecoming DVD, they will make one of this concert, the whole thing, no cutting anything out and sell it. It was sooo cool. (This is not the exact order everything happened, but it is the general idea) Everyone got up on stage. Cooter was the first one up on stage, and then he introduced everyone. Once they all got on stage Tom and John sang a few songs. John sang Country Girls, and A Boy Named Sue….I loved that. Tom sang Up on Cripple Creek. They also sung Fox on the Run…That was amazing…I wish I would have gotten it recorded…wow…just wow. Also James got up and sang his Side by Side song again. Then the feller who was impersonating Barney Fife got up on stage with him and they done this alphabet type game. The copper clappers were capered by Clifton Clowers. Is that the same Clifton Clowers from Cleveland who sold crab cakes on the corner who also worked for the circus cutting canvas capes for camels? But the cleaning lady, Clara Clearwater found the clean copper clappers in the closet. It was something to that effect and they kept going over and over it. It was soo funny. Then they also sang “The Good Ol’ Boys†It was just really pleasant and entertaining. I was sad to see when it was over. So after the concert, we all went out into the field and got ready to watch the fireworks. I dunno why, but these fireworks were the best fireworks I had ever seen. They were huge, and full of color and just really pretty. I tried getting some pictures, but I was busy watching them, that I wasn’t that focused on my camera and didn’t get very many good shots. The finale was extremely beautiful. So then they was over and it was time to hit the hay for the night.But during that day we had talked to someone that had come on Saturday at 5 o’**** and they said they was allowed to park and go sit at the gate. So since Catherine’s line was so long, we decided we would go at 4 and go stand at the gate. So we went and got a wee bit intimidated by the Sheriff car that kept circling us, but even said Hello so we went and drove the road for a little while. Then when it got lighter we went and parker at the bottom. The sheriff car came down and talked to us for probably a half hour or so. He said that we could go ahead and park, we could have parked before also. So we went down I think it was like 3 and a half hours or so before the gates opened. We were still 8th in line. So when the time come, they brought the cameras over and said as the line went through they was going to record it. We had to yell Yee Haw! Then the lady beside us in line was like if we yell really loud will you let us in the three minutes early. So they agreed and as everyone went through it was like they realized the camera was on them and they didn’t yell or say much. I was going to run by it and yell and holdd my Dukes of Hazzard poster up, but I chickened out. So everyone headed to their line. It really wasn’t a mad dash like it was to John’s line last year…but there was a dash for everyone to get to their line. They had said the day before they was going to open Tom Wopat’s line up at 7:30am in order for him to get everyone signed, I am not sure if they did or not. So I was speed walking to Catherine’s line and we was still about 30th or so in line. Which I couldn’t complain about. It got long really fast. Then once mama caught up with me, I went and set our chairs up under the tent so we would have a spot to sit. So we finally made it to Daisy. They had her a lot of helpers. They were really nice but everything seemed really rushed. She seemed to be happy, but you could tell she was a bit flustered and what not. So we chatted while she signed and she thought it was really neat that I had all the cast signatures on the pictures. She said addresses at first and then she started laughing and shaking her head and said noo signatures!! I finally got my poster signed by Catherine, John and Tom that I got two years ago for my birthday. I am ecstatic, now I just need to find a frame for it. So she got everything signed and then I got my picture….I love the picture I got I think it is sooo cute. So we said good-bye and we were on our way to John’s booth!! WOOO HOO! I even got my picture with Daisy’s girls. Everyone was having them sign stuff and get pictures with them also. Quote
Redneck girl 01 Posted August 16, 2012 Author Posted August 16, 2012 So we got in line, and his line was moving super-fast, we were only in it for about 45 minutes also. I got there and I got my stuff out for him to sign. Luckily this year he cut folks a break. It was $20 each for everything. But if you got three things it was only $40, instead of $60. That was nice of him. So he signed my stuff and I explained my scrapbook page once again. And apparently he scrapbooks and we started talking about scrapbooking, and he said that he found it very relaxing, we chit chatted while he signed. I am really glad I decided to talk this time instead of just a smile plastered on my face. So when he was done, I asked if I could get a hug. He smiled and said of course..soo….I GOT MY HUG!!!! YEEEE HAW!!!!! Highlight of the day! Well one of the many. He is like hugging a giant teddy bear! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! 8) I was sad that I didn’t get a hug last year, but this year I did, so that was awesome. When we left he said “You got a heart, where your heart is!†I was sunburnt but where my heart necklace was it was white and you could see the heart. Anyways then we went to see the stunt men. There was only one there this year. I want to say Gary Baxley, because I think he said his cousin Corey was with him last year. He was really nice, we talked probably 5 minutes, and then some other folks came along so we had to go. I like listening to what they have to say because they know all about the cars and everything. Then we were basically done, the only one left was Cooter and he wasn’t signing yet. So we went to the tent and listened to the bluegrass band they that were on stage. Then I saw that they were starting with the civil war reenactment so I made my way towards there. They had everyone dressed as they would have been, and the horses and everything. They done what a battle would have been and the North lost this battle. The sent them running for the woods. It was really neat. Then when it was done, they came to the crowd and let everyone pet the horses and ask questions. They asked about the war, about some battles, about the horses and all kinds of things. It was really interesting. I am glad that I made it to see it. So after that I walked around to the cars. They had a good many General’s and what not, but not near as many as they did the first day. It was cool seeing all the different stuff the personalized their cars with. They had a General Lee bus. There was a Dixie, and I think that there was a roadrunner. While I was walking through them, I ran into a feller who was portraying Uncle Jesse, so I got my picture with him. Quote
Redneck girl 01 Posted August 16, 2012 Author Posted August 16, 2012 Ok there is a wrap up post, but the library closed and I cant post it from my phone, so it will have to wait for a day....maybe then Ill have my videos and picturres completely uploaded..... Quote
Redneck girl 01 Posted August 17, 2012 Author Posted August 17, 2012 Then I headed to the BMX bike tricks. I didn’t make it there fast enough for they had finished up for the day. I was sad I didn’t get to watch any of it because it was really interesting last year and they done some really cool tricks. They also had a mechanical bull, which I wish I had ridden but maybe next time. It was $5 a ride. They also had a car set up in which they were taking pictures in the General Lee. A 4X6 was $5 and an 8X10 was $10. You got them right there on the spot. I wish they would give rides in the General Lee!! Anyways they had a water slide type thing, a climbing wall, a little ride like you would see at a fair. It was called Tubs of Fun, and they were seats shaped as tubs and they went around in a circle. Oh random story…. I went to the car to get something and as I was walking by these folks I heard one say to the other “She looks like Daisy†and I figured they were talking about someone else, until I looked around and seen there was no one else to be talking about. I was amused…sorry… Anyways I went over and watched some of the wrestling type thing. I have no idea about any of it, but it was funny. The crowd seemed to love it, and I got a great picture. You really couldn’t get near the ring for all the people that was watching it. You could tell they were enjoying it. So after that I went back to the tent and I watched Dr. Ralph Stanley and The Clinch (sp) Mountain Boys. Dr. Stanley had been in the hospital for the past week and he had to sit through the show. But he said that in his 64 years of performing he had never missed a show, and he wasn’t about to start now. Even if he had to crawl and just watch he was going to be there, and he was. He sung right along with the songs. It was nice, I enjoyed it. So when the show was over, they made the announcement that if you wanted to go get their autograph and whatever to go make a line at the merchandise booth. So a good many people made their way over and we got in the line that was there, because we all assumed that was for Dr. Ralph Stanley. So about 10 minutes later this girl informed us that it was the Cooter line, so we moved over to where the line for Dr. Ralph Stanley was. So we kept moving, and you could tell this lady was getting aggravated and she was beside me so I heard what she was saying. She started out real quiet, basically every third word a curse word. She kept getting louder and louder and then she looked at us and said you know there is a line that y’all could get in and it isn’t fair we have been standing here for Cooter for 8 hours and y’all are just shoving your way in. (This is edited, like I said it was filled with vulgar language). So after a few minutes I got sick of hearing it, and I told her Ma’am we are in a line to buy Dr. Ralph Stanley’s merchandise and what not, you are in a line to see Cooter. We are in no way cutting in on the line to see Cooter. (If she had eyes and would pay attention she would have noticed the line I was in was moving, and Cooter wasn’t out there yet, so it obviously wasn’t his signing line we was cutting in on.) Anyways once I finished my explanation she stuck her nose in the air and scoffed who was Raplh Stanley? Someone else said that old man that was just on stage. She mumbled why anyone would wanna see him. I just went on my way. On the bright side while I was standing there in line they brought Sonny through to take him on stage and I saw him and waved and he put his hand on my shoulder and said “Hey pretty girl, how are you?†(Ok so he was being nice, but hey still makes me feel good… )Anyways…So I had Mr. Stanley and his grandson Nathan to sign the photo they had. I wanted to get a picture with them, but I left my camera in my seat. So I got to meet them and went back to my seat.They brought the cast out and what not. Mr. Best and the guy who was playing Barney done their alphabet game again. John sang Country Girls, Tom sang Up on Cripple Creek and they all sang The Good Ol Boys. It was really nice. It didn’t last very long, I wish they had stayed on stage longer but I reckon they wanted to get home. The following picture is probably one of the better ones I got…I liked it…But they was up on stage and John informed Tom that they was going to jump The General Lee. And Tom was like ohhh no I’m not, not with you driving. John said well we aren’t going to jump it with you driving, I have a picture over there of what happens when you jump it. He looks at the audience and goes it is all squished into a ball and destroyed. They just started laughing. So they headed to the jump and so did everyone else. I recorded it. So here is a link to the video….Bo and Luke actually climbed through the window of the General, it looked like the couldn’t do that as easy as they use to.. John looked like he was having fun playing in the General Lee. The police car chased them, and it was good ol’ country fun!! So they went around the hill, and the General that had the stunt guys came out and made the jump. They got out and posed for their picture and talk to the cameras and then it was over. That moment was really depressing when I realized there was no more. But Cooter was singing from 5:30 on, he said he would sign the whole night if he had to. Mama had got in line while I watched the jump, so I went and got back in line. We waited about a half hour. They cut what each person could have signed down to two things. We finally saw Cooter. He seemed happy but extremely tired, but I can imagine he was. The people before us had the model of The General Lee that had the buttons for the horn, and engine and what not. He said this is my favorite and he started pushing the buttons, he was like a kid in the candy store. Anyways I got to see him, and chat a moment or two, I told him I couldn’t even begin to say how much fun I had and he said they had a lot of fun too. So then it was time to leave. I had met all 7 of the original cast in two days. I was estatic, and I had such a good time. Cooter saw that I had everyone sign my shirt, and he said wow you was really lucky, do you now how long it would take just to start looking for them and have them all sign it. I said a few years at least, so I was really excited. But then it was time to go and we headed for the gate and I ran into my new friends I had met a few weeks ago at the fair. I ended up talking to them for probably an hour. The sun started to set and it was a really nice end to the weekend. I am so blessed and grateful that I got to go. I really didn’t think that I would get the chance. And I must thank my mama for going with me and standing in line and taking my pictures and all of that. I had soo much fun, and I think she even enjoyed it. Seeing all of them on stage together and having so much fun was just absolutely amazing. It was like they gave everyone happy pills! It was really really nice. I dunno how else to explain how much I enjoyed these three days. It was just awesome. Maybe I just needed a vacation. I hope everyone else had such a good time as I did. I know from what I heard people talking, some didn’t, but I hope they make the best of their experience. I would love to hear what everyone else thought that went to Hazzard Homecoming. I hope to have my pictures on Facebook sometime, and I will post the link. Hopefully this year I can get some to the gallery on here, but that upload only one at a time button unnerves me because I then look at how many pictures I have and think that will take days and days. Well I apologize once again for this being so long, Hope you didn’t get too bored. I tried adding a variety of pictures so it wasn’t soo monotonous. Thanks for reading! I hope some of it made sense, this was typed at like three in the morning....And I hope there was something you enjoyed reading/looking at that you wasn’t completely bored out of their mind. Ok so I got YouTube to upload one video....This is the second jump, which was the second day. They made everyone think Tom and John were going to jump it, but they snookered everyone and the stunt folks ended up jumping it (Sorry my video skills are crap…and it is like three videos put together, cause they did a lot of sitting so I cut and pasted the videos—The actual jump is at about 3:18) are a few more videos that I would like to share and I will post once I get them uploaded but that won’t be for a week or so. So until then here are the links to my Facebook albums, there are 5 of them. I took a lot of pictures…and this ain’t even half… 8) I’m done babbling now…. 8) Quote
Redneck girl 01 Posted August 17, 2012 Author Posted August 17, 2012 Ok here is the favorite one I got of the wrestling thing....Ok now I'm done.... 8) Quote
JadedPhoenixBurning Posted August 19, 2012 Posted August 19, 2012 I'm glad that you had such a good time. I was there too for my first D.Fest. I was there with DixieDavenport. We should have all gotten together. I went with my husband who was not a fan really but he was a good sport and sat in the tent while I got Sonny and James's autographs. I was in Catherine's line for over an hour without it moving before I hopped out. I noticed five hours later that the folks that were behind me still looked like they had about another two hour wait on Saturday when my husband asked to leave. He stayed at the hotel Sunday so I was able to stay longer then. I remembered to use my handicapped place-card Sunday since Saturday I didn't and I literally had to walk from the very back of the lot. I also remembered to take my chair in for the wait. Dixie and I waited together for Tom's line from the very beginning; we had about a two hour wait and that was after rushing there from the very beginning. We got our picture taken with him together and then we cooled off under the tent for a while then looked at the cars and such. When I saw that John's line was down from where it had started I jumped in to meet him. I had his signature already since I'm a member of his fan club but I wanted to meet him and tell him that he inspired me to go back to writing after seeing an interview he'd done a few years back and it was posted on Youtube. In that interview he said that if there was something that you felt that you just had to do then do it. He said that everyone has one thing that they love to do so much that they'd do it for free. Well, I suppose that writing fanfiction would qualify for that. When I told him that I currently have readers in eighty-five countries he gave me a big high five. I also told him that my next project is to finish my own original story and try to get it published. Meeting John was definitely my highlight of my trip. Despite the fact that his line was busy he still stopped me so I could explain how he was responsible for me going back to writing. There was so much that I wanted to tell him but I knew that I had to be courteous to the folks that were behind me in line. Again Catherine's line was too long to get into but I did notice for the second day in a row one of the reasons why her line was so slow. It was common for the staff to take handicapped kids and let them cut in line. Now don't get me wrong, I understand the desire to let the kids see these actors. My own son is autistic but there was something that I noticed during my hours of waiting. There were a number of children that I saw taken to the front of the lines multiple times; only they had different adults with them each time. In essence, folks were using their kids to get to the front of the line. That irked me to high heaven. There were times that there were as many as four groups to get their picture taken with Catherine for every one person that she was taking from her line. Like I said, my son is autistic but I would have never used him just to cut in line. In fact I allowed him to stay home with his grandparents since I knew the long lines would push him to his limits. I think that some sort of system was needed to avoid the abuse of the allowances given to these kids. Perhaps a different color of a mark for each actor made on the armband so that the helpers could look at the band and know what tent each person had already gone to. Of course I might have noticed all of that happening since I am paid to notice stuff like that at work and come up with solutions to avoid hold-ups due to lines not running smoothly when I was assigned at my last post. Maybe if there is another D.Fest I'll send in some suggestions. Couldn't hurt. LOL! Quote
GidBrownHollowboy Posted August 22, 2012 Posted August 22, 2012 FINALLY getting around to posting about my Hazzard Homecoming adventure. I really enjoyed reading Katie's account of her wonderful time. This was my first time at a Dukes event although I had visited the Cooter's Place in Sperryville when it was open. You see, this was a homecoming for me too.I grew up in Rappahannock County in an area called Goid Brown Hollow(hence my handle here), between the towns of Washington and Sperryville. I moved back to Rappahannock at the end of June and am still busy getting re-acquainted with my roots. It is a lovely place indeed, and little changed since I was growing up there, no signs of urban blight and commercialization,no malls, no fast food franchises, etc. Where can I start to describe what a wonderful two days?What was the best thing about it? Already thinking about next year's,can't wait .Do hope there is one, please Ben. One thing I have to comment on is the people attending.What a wonderful crowd! All ages and appearances.Older people who looked like they grew up working hard at a blue collar job, young guys with tattoos and mohawks, teenage girls who looked like they might enjoy attending a Lady Gaga concert, little kids, familes, couples,bikers, people in costume, a diverse lot. And they all seemed to have one thing in common.They all seemed to be having a good time, no one looked bored. And so-well behaved for such a huge crowd. I saw no one who looked like they had been drinking, or heard any cursing or such.Katie, sorry about your bad experience in line, guess there'll always at least one jerk anywhere you go . And not knowing who Ralph Stanley was! As to Ralph Stanley it was good to see him for I am afraid we will not have many more chances. He looked very frail. But his voice still sounded the same as ever. Performing since 1946- I was not even born then, and I am no longer young! All the music was great, both days. Had never heard Stella Parton before. And Lisa Meadows with the Garage Band has a terrific voice.And getting to hear Tom and John do solo numbers, wish Catherine had done one as well. An unforgettable and moving moment was when Rev. David Clanagan gave the blessing or invocation before the Sunday gospel sing. For those who were not there and do not know, he is an African-American and a friend of Ben's. So much for the silly argument that has been made that the Dukes represent racism because of the flag on the General Lee.But I shall not go farther into that issue. I did not feel up to standing in the sun in those long lines for autographs, so maybe thats something I can hopefully do next year. The Civil War cavalry re-enactment was very interesting and so was getting a chance to talk with the members afterward. My own great-grandfather served with Company D, 7th Virginia Calvalry, and it us possible he once camped at this place. According to Ben , Stonewall Jackson's troops camped on this very spot during the campaign of the summer of 1862, when much of the action of the war took place in this part of the state, culminating in the Second Battle of Bull Run. Another pleasant surprise was when buying fries at the Amissville Volunteer Fire Department stand. one of the people there was a classmate in high school and is now the President of the fire company. Good food and reasonable as well as delicious. A nice quesidilla from another volunteer fire company's stand the first day , a cheeseburger from a local church's stand. And need to mention great weather, no storms, and none of the extreme heat we had earlier this summer. There was something here for everyone, whatever you liked the most ,Dukes-related, Whether the music, the stunts, the tons of souvenirs(wish I could have afforded to buy a lot more), the wrestling, the wonderful assortment of General Lees and other vehicles, the cavalry event, the things for kids like the water slide, whatever. We all who were there owe a great big thanks to the cast, to Ben and Alma, to the stunt people, the musicians, and anyone else involved with the show who gave so generously of their time. And to the sheriff's department who while they seemed to have few problems to face, gave us their time and cheerfully and professionally went about their duties.And they looked like they enjoyed the show.As did we all. Quote
Redneck girl 01 Posted September 1, 2012 Author Posted September 1, 2012 Howdy….Well I am still on cloud nine from Homecoming….And I finally got a few more videos uploaded if you would like to take a look. There may be one or two more but I dunno when I will get those uploaded. So here are the ones I got (Sorry about the video quality): This is Friday night at the premier thingy of “The Return of the Killer Shrews.†Everyone getting out of the cars and the fans going crazy. It was a lot of fun. This is when everyone is introduced inside the theater. A few of Ben’s comments made me laugh. They are explaining a little more about the movie and why it was made, etc…etc. This one the General Lee jump the first day of Hazzard Homecoming. This one is where John tells Tom they will be jumping the General Lee, and John makes the comment that the General isn’t in good shape when Tom jumps it. Then John sings Country Girls, and then Tom sings Up On Cripple Creek this is the last day of Homecoming. The whole cast and a few friends sing the theme song. I am really glad that I got to watch this. It was so wonderful to see. I will never forget it! 8)That’s all for videos…Anyways I am so glad to hear other folk’s experiences. I like reading them. I also love that y’all was able to sum it up into one post. Now if I were only able to do that. Maybe if I waited a month to post about it, I wouldn’t feel the need to tell every detail…Nawh who am I kidding, I’m still high about cloud numero nueve!! I would have written as much if not more… I was there with DixieDavenport. We should have all gotten together That would have been a great idea! I didn’t even know anyone from Hnet was going this year. It would be nice to meet some of the folks from the forums. I think I logged in Sunday night, the night Homecoming was over that Dixie posted who was in Hazzard for the homecoming. But on the bright side I did meet some really great people. And I met people I had met from last year also. It was really nice. I went with my husband who was not a fan really but he was a good sport and sat in the tent while I got Sonny and James's autographs. Hahahahaha I think I would have left hubby at home But at least he was nice enough to go, and apparently almost lasted the whole day! 8) So what did you think of Sonny and James? I know you said it was your first Dukesfest. But have you met any of the cast at like car shows or what not before this? I am sorry to hear about having to leave Daisy’s line because it wasn’t moving. I know I ran for it….well actually I told myself I wasn’t going to run this year and I just speed walked!! Haha….It was a descent wait. Like I said before they was kind of really rushing her but they was nice. Maybe next year you can see her! (I keep saying maybe next year in hopes they will have it again….but this is being very optimistic and hopeful! :/ ) I know everytime I looked at her line it was extremely long. I think her and Tom were competing on who had the longest line for the weekend. . He stayed at the hotel Sunday so I was able to stay longer then. I remembered to use my handicapped place-card Sunday since Saturday I didn't and I literally had to walk from the very back of the lot. I also remembered to take my chair in for the wait He may have been smart…at least in a hotel there was air conditioning…You said you got to stay longer, was you able to see the jump at 5:30. And oh wow that would have been an extremely long walk. Both days we was in the first three rows and to me that felt like an eternity. I can imagine from the back of the field walking to the car and back.So how was your experience with Tom? I heard negative and positive and neutral. I am just curious. I know he seems to have a reputation of not being nice to be around. I am glad I got him at a good time. When I saw that John's line was down from where it had started I jumped in to meet him. I had his signature already since I'm a member of his fan club but I wanted to meet him and tell him that he inspired me to go back to writing after seeing an interview he'd done a few years back and it was posted on Youtube. I am glad to hear that you had a really good time meeting John. I was also happy to hear while I was standing in his line that he had started his fan club back up. Something I did not know. I am going to have to look into that. What exactly do you get in his fan club? I just love John (incase no one has noticed) He is always happy, and talks to you and you just leave with a smile. As for readers in 85 countries WOW! I give you an internet high five. That is impressive. And I wish you all the best with publishing your story and all once you get it finished. Can I ask what it is about? There was so much that I wanted to tell him but I knew that I had to be courteous to the folks that were behind me in line. True and true. I can think of a thousand things I would love to say, but usually I get tounge tied and can’t spit anything out. This year I did though, and they took time to listen while they signed. Then as soon as they got done signing I shut my mouth, got my picture, said thanks and went on my way. I at least tried to. . There were a number of children that I saw taken to the front of the lines multiple times; only they had different adults with them each time. In essence, folks were using their kids to get to the front of the line. That irked me to high heaven. I agree that would irk me majorly too. That just ain’t right. Something like that happened last year in Catherine’s line. They had the special needs line, but then folks that didn’t have any blended in so they could see her sooner than the folks who had already stood there ALL day. I didn’t think that was right. As for another coincidence with using kids. Last year when Cooter got off the stage, he signed things, and then they made it he would only sign if you had kids. It was amazing how many kids acquired different parents in a matter of seconds. Stuff like that annoys the heck outta me. But this year I was too busy enjoying everything to even notice the negatives…like line jumpers. Your idea about the different color marks on their arm band would be very useful. I think it would help smooth things like that out. I think cattle gates might work too. You know them dumb little gates folks at these events put up to run the line through. I don’t like them, because I feel like a critter being herded through them, but I’ve noticed if they are the metal type fence thingys they do cut down on line jumping. But that also cuts down on the ease of running back and forth to get drinks. The “line limits†they put up with the ribbon stuff didn’t stay up very long folks had a tendency to take them down. And yep suggestions never hurt….it never hurts to try.It sounds like overall you had a good time. 8) I am really hoping there is a next year.I was really trying to keep my responses short and sweet…but that isn’t working. I am sorry :/ Quote
Redneck girl 01 Posted September 1, 2012 Author Posted September 1, 2012 GidBrownHollowboy that is wonderful that is was like your own personal homecoming also. I still have a chuckle when I think about Washington….I thought the town where I am from was small….but we have more than two streets going the one way…not by much though. It is a beautiful area down there. You are lucky to live there. At least I thought it was beautiful, at least where we drove through the places out in the country were. If that makes any sense. Sorry if it doesn’t, I am typing this late so I can get it posted tomorrow. Where can I start to describe what a wonderful two days?What was the best thing about it? Already thinking about next year's,can't wait .Do hope there is one, please Ben. I couldn’t agree more. I would love for there to be one next year. It was so wonderful. I think I am beginning to sounds like a broken record, but hey, it was just too much fun!! One thing I have to comment on is the people attending.What a wonderful crowd! All ages and appearances.Older people who looked like they grew up working hard at a blue collar job, young guys with tattoos and mohawks, teenage girls who looked like they might enjoy attending a Lady Gaga concert, little kids, familes, couples,bikers, people in costume, a diverse lot. I absolutely love how you stated that, and it couldn’t be more true. I had to take a double look at some of the folks and think “They would really like the Dukes of Hazzard? Huh Interesting†It was great to see. The one thing I love is seeing how much the little kids love it, the next generation of Dukes fans. It gives me hope yet!As for the foul mouth lady behind me in line. I actually think I ran into her again at an Aaron Tippin concert about a week ago. She was behind us, again very vulgar and foul mouth. Then she started with Hazzard Homecoming and line jumpers (fortunately I was taking the chairs back to the car so I missed all this, but unfortunately mama had to listen to it). She went on about how she stood in line for Cooter for 8 hours and all the line jumpers and she still didn’t get his autograph. It didn’t register until later, but I’m pretty sure it was the same lady. :/ Oh well…like you said there is always someone! As to Ralph Stanley it was good to see him for I am afraid we will not have many more chances. Sadly I believe you are right. I was disappointed last year that I did not get to see his show. But I was really happy when we had the time to watch it this year. I was amazed that even though he looked as frail as he did he sung along with the songs with all the words and everything. I am really glad I got to see him. I kinda wish now that I would have also got my picture with him afterwards. I know a few other folks did, but he seemed a little spaced out. But he signed away. My mama was really excited about seeing Stella Parton again. She saw her back in 76 and took some pictures. She had an 8X10 made of the one and was going to have Stella sign it, but she left before mama got the chance. As for Lisa, yea she is a very good singer and such a sweet person. I really enjoy listening to her. As for John singing, I think I melted when he started singing…. *_* < -- that is my starry eyed, I’m in love look. Haha! I absolutely loved them singing Fox on the Run (I’m not sure if I already said that but I LOVED it) I hope someone got it recorded and puts it on youtube, or it will be in the DVD. Also I loved they did “A Boy Named Sue†An unforgettable and moving moment was when Rev. David Clanagan gave the blessing or invocation before the Sunday gospel sing. For those who were not there and do not know, he is an African-American and a friend of Ben's. So much for the silly argument that has been made that the Dukes represent racism because of the flag on the General Lee. I did not get to see or hear this, and from your account I wish I had. I really like the fact that Ben arranged for a “Church sing†on Sunday morning, I thought that was really nice, and a very thoughtful touch. The Civil War cavalry re-enactment was very interesting and so was getting a chance to talk with the members afterward. My own great-grandfather served with Company D, 7th Virginia Calvalry, and it us possible he once camped at this place. According to Ben , Stonewall Jackson's troops camped on this very spot during the campaign of the summer of 1862, when much of the action of the war took place in this part of the state, culminating in the Second Battle of Bull Run. That is really interesting. I love history, unfortunately I do not know a whole lot about it. And all my classes in school had a tendency to skip over learning about the Civil War, or anything dealing with the Indians. Heck they didn’t even teach us about Custer’s Last Stand. So being able to see stuff like the re-enactment and having it explained was really nice. It was a great picture opportunity too! I also did not know the troops had stayed on that land. I like your post, I learned some new things, well both in yours and JPB. There seemed to be waaaay more food than there was last year. I seen they had French fries, which I was really happy about, but it was too hot for me to eat. I saw they were only $2 which was reasonable. My mama had a cheeseburger and she said that it was really good. I had some sweet-tea I wish would have been a wee bit sweeter, but it was cold. You mentioned about the merchandise, the t-shirt with all their faces on it was a wonderful idea and I was able to have them all sign it, so I couldn’t be happier. I hope that when I get on Cooter’s website they will have some of the orange shirts left over and I can get one of those so I can wear it. I don’t wanna wear the one with the signatures, I’m gonna frame it! 8) We all who were there owe a great big thanks to the cast, to Ben and Alma, to the stunt people, the musicians, and anyone else involved with the show who gave so generously of their time. And to the sheriff's department who while they seemed to have few problems to face, gave us their time and cheerfully and professionally went about their duties.And they looked like they enjoyed the show.As did we all Very well said, and I say a mighty THANK YOU to all involved. I just hope they feel like being involved next year and do it again!!Ok now I am done yammering….I am sure I sound like some little kid who doesn’t know anything by now. Probably I repeated a lot of things, but ehh. I really hope it made sense. But I just enjoyed this so much. And I love hearing what other people thought, so thank you for sharing. Quote
JadedPhoenixBurning Posted September 1, 2012 Posted September 1, 2012 So what did you think of Sonny and James? I know you said it was your first Dukesfest. But have you met any of the cast at like car shows or what not before this? Sonny was pretty cool and I was surprised by the bear hug that he gives when you get his picture taken with you. I'm not a big touchy feely type person so it was probably good that he did it too fast to be uncomfortable. LOL! As for James, I liked him except for the comment that he made to another when asked if he ever thought about painting a certain type of picture and he responded "It depends on how rich you are." o.Owas you able to see the jump at 5:30.Nope. I got in line to get Ben's autograph instead. I had a time with the start of the line since when the signs were put out I stood at the sign and didn't move for the next two hours. I had ridden with Dixie that day and didn't want to make her wait to go back to the hotel. Anyway, some moron claimed that I jumped the line and I was told to go back to the end of the line by the staff after the guy *****ed a fit (He had about 20 items in a cart that he wanted signed). Still, I didn't complain too much since what was the point? But there wasn't that many folks in line yet so I figured that I'd still get my picture signed in short order. HOWEVER, little did I realize that the few folks that were waiting in line each were saving places in line for multiple folks. Despite the fact that there were only about 15-20 in line before the end of the jump the line did not move at all for an hour due to the influx of extra people in line. It was obvious that Ben couldn't understand why the line wasn't moving much despite the fact that the back of the line had been cut off before I got up to him but more folks were in line than before he had a staff member to cut it off. He was a good sport though and didn't rush anyone and was polite and personable.So how was your experience with Tom? I heard negative and positive and neutral. It was rushed. I rushed into his line the second day when the gates opened with Dixie and we got a picture taken together with him but there wasn't the feeling of really getting to meet him. And that was at the beginning of the day where he hadn't been signing for long. Still I'm glad that I did get the chance.What exactly do you get in his fan club?I got a bumper sticker, a signed picture of John then and now, signed up for emails and numbered card with his picture and signature on it. I'm number 108. Not bad for $20.And I wish you all the best with publishing your story and all once you get it finished. Can I ask what it is about?I have a couple that I'm working on. One is a SciFi fic that sort of takes the "Life ain't always greener on the otherside" to a different level. Though I'm working on taking the Duke element of my series on FFnet too since I've had a lot of comments about it and how they'd like to see the before story of my OC and I really do think that it wouldn't be too hard to "File off the serial numbers" and make it stand on its own. So I guess it depends which one is finished first. I did have a publisher interested in the scifi one years ago but it was destroyed and now I'm trying to revive it from memory. Quote
Kimberly Posted January 9, 2013 Posted January 9, 2013 Hey Katie, It's Kimberly. Facebook is being a bear and won't let me contact you back after you wrote me. I have a few more days to wait before I can message you back so this will have to do. I think Shiralee one of the Administrators contacted you for me on Facebook. Here's the link to the Tom Wopat Dedication Fan Club Group that you asked for. bad for not putting it in the message to you on FB. I'm sorry. Please come to the group. Some of your photos are in it. We would love to see any more photos you took at Hazzard Homecoming 2012. Can't wait to see you in the group. Kimberly Rogers - head administrator for the group Quote
Redneck girl 01 Posted January 15, 2013 Author Posted January 15, 2013 Howdy Kimberly... Yes I received your messages and Shiralee...if I were able to get get Facebook to load with dial-up I would answer back but it is being such a pain. Thanks for the link and I will stop by and take a gander! I'm just glad someone liked looking at some of the pictures. Oh I have oodles and oodles of pictures, I think I sorta picked the better ones out of the ones I took...they are what is on my Facebook in the five albums.And Looks like I have neglected to reply back to JadedPhoenixBurning... I think I will just type JPB for now, its much easier to type!!! Sonny was pretty cool and I was surprised by the bear hug that he gives when you get his picture taken with you. I'm not a big touchy feely type person so it was probably good that he did it too fast to be uncomfortable. LOL! As for James, I liked him except for the comment that he made to another when asked if he ever thought about painting a certain type of picture and he responded "It depends on how rich you are." o.OHahaha yea it is quite surprising when you get that giant bear hug. I know in 2011 I was quite surprised. But I didn't mind....hugs are nice!! That is sad to hear about the comment James said...I've met a few people that make comments like that and it just kind of throws you off guard. I know at times, don't get me wrong I love John, and he is a nice guy and my favorite actor, but at times I get the vibes he does the majority of what he does because of money. If that makes sense. Things like that irritate me, but I try to look past them....Nope. I got in line to get Ben's autograph instead. I had a time with the start of the line since when the signs were put out I stood at the sign and didn't move for the next two hours. I had ridden with Dixie that day and didn't want to make her wait to go back to the hotel. Anyway, some moron claimed that I jumped the line and I was told to go back to the end of the line by the staff after the guy *****ed a fit (He had about 20 items in a cart that he wanted signed). Still, I didn't complain too much since what was the point? But there wasn't that many folks in line yet so I figured that I'd still get my picture signed in short order. HOWEVER, little did I realize that the few folks that were waiting in line each were saving places in line for multiple folks. Despite the fact that there were only about 15-20 in line before the end of the jump the line did not move at all for an hour due to the influx of extra people in line. It was obvious that Ben couldn't understand why the line wasn't moving much despite the fact that the back of the line had been cut off before I got up to him but more folks were in line than before he had a staff member to cut it off. He was a good sport though and didn't rush anyone and was polite and personable.I am glad I didn't see or got through stuff like this this year. Maybe I did I just overlooked everything bad. Sadly there is no point in arguing with people that say you jumped line, it is unlikely you will ever win. I've found that out the hard way. I have to apologize. I was one of the people that was being saved for. I watched the jump while mama went and stood in line because she figured if we didn't we would never see him. I was about ummm gosh I dunno how far back I was. I waited a half hour or so. Maybe an hour....By the time we got to him they had limited it to two items till person. I don't think Ben rushed anyone, but the staff seemed to be very pushy...they were somewhat nice, but they seemed pushy. Ben was very nice but he seemed very very tired.It was rushed. I rushed into his line the second day when the gates opened with Dixie and we got a picture taken together with him but there wasn't the feeling of really getting to meet him. And that was at the beginning of the day where he hadn't been signing for long. Still I'm glad that I did get the chance. That is no good, you wouldn't think it would have been as rushed with it just being the beginning. But like you said at least you got the chance. I know I am happy I did!!I got a bumper sticker, a signed picture of John then and now, signed up for emails and numbered card with his picture and signature on it. I'm number 108. Not bad for $20.Just out of curiosity, what does the bumper sticker say? That is pretty cool. I still haven't been able to look into signing up...If it is still even available too!I have a couple that I'm working on. One is a SciFi fic that sort of takes the "Life ain't always greener on the other side" to a different level. Though I'm working on taking the Duke element of my series on FFnet too since I've had a lot of comments about it and how they'd like to see the before story of my OC and I really do think that it wouldn't be too hard to "File off the serial numbers" and make it stand on its own. So I guess it depends which one is finished first. I did have a publisher interested in the scifi one years ago but it was destroyed and now I'm trying to revive it from memory. That sounds interesting, and time consuming. How long have you been writing? Oh No! That is horrible that it was destroyed...Remembering things from memory isn't very much fun. Especially when you can remember something, but then everything else is just on the tip of your tongue! How is it going? I wish you all the best!! 8)Hope all of that made sense!! Quote
Kimberly Posted January 16, 2013 Posted January 16, 2013 Redneckgirl, I would love to see what you got even if they aren't very good. It doesn't have to be only of Tom either John will do and Catherine and anyone else you were able to get pictures of. hehehehe I enjoy them all because I can't go so I have to live it through other people. hey send me and email of some of them if you can. My email address is Yeah that one will work. I use my other one a lot and your email would get lost. Just type my name in there also Kimberly Rogers Quote
Redneck girl 01 Posted January 22, 2013 Author Posted January 22, 2013 Redneckgirl, I would love to see what you got even if they aren't very good. It doesn't have to be only of Tom either John will do and Catherine and anyone else you were able to get pictures of. hehehehe I enjoy them all because I can't go so I have to live it through other people.hey send me and email of some of them if you can. My email address is Yeah that one will work. I use my other one a lot and your email would get lost.Hahaha that will take some time....When I uploaded them, I only looked at the thumbnails. I didn't put them in separate folders to know which ones have been showed and which ones haven't been. If that makes sense...But I should be able to get around to it. I know what you mean by living it through other peoples pictures and what not, I use to have to do that all the time. But now I get out a little more And with my camera it is great....I hope to get a better camera one of these days, though I am happy with the one I have. Quote
Kimberly Posted January 22, 2013 Posted January 22, 2013 What kind of camera do you have? I am looking for a good one and it also has to work well in low light without a flash. Quote
Kimberly Posted January 22, 2013 Posted January 22, 2013 Oh what I mean by Living through other peoples pictures is, I can not get to these events that are near or on the east coast so it's always nice to be able to see some of what goes/went on in them. I can wait for the upload/download of pictures. I love seeing them. Quote
Redneck girl 01 Posted January 22, 2013 Author Posted January 22, 2013 What kind of camera do you have? I am looking for a good one and it also has to work well in low light without a flash. I have a Canon PowerShot SX100 IS....I got it about 4 years ago. I absolutely love it...It has been an amazing little camera. Especially if you get the settings right. But it is very good for a point and shoot camera. It takes great pictures even without messing with any of the settings. The only thing that I don't like is it has a slow refresh rate for the flash. And what you mentioned. It doesn't do so great in low light situations. I usually have to use flash. I mean it is ok, but the pictures are usually grainy. Actually if you look in the thread Post Christmas Blues, the picture of the deer on the wall was taken in low light. They are not horrible, just not very clear. Also if things are moving in low light it doesn't work. They just blur, so I learned to use flash. I am looking to upgrade to one in the Rebel series. I need a DSLR in order to take any photography classes around me they don't let you register with just a point and shoot. :/ I have only ever used Canons. I had a Kodak point and shoot film one. lol Annnd I have used my friends Kodak digital easy share and I did not like that one. So I cannot be too much help with camera recommendations. Just go to the store like Best Buy and play with them, see what you like. Read the reviews look at test pictures. That is what I did with the one I have now and I love it! Ahhhh i am beginning to ramble I am sorry!! lol....I will hush up now. Oh what I mean by Living through other peoples pictures is, I can not get to these events that are near or on the east coast so it's always nice to be able to see some of what goes/went on in them. I can wait for the upload/download of pictures. I love seeing them. What state do you live in? And I understand I am like that when friends go to events or places that I would love to go but can't. I love looking at the pictures so I can see what it is like. It is really depressing when they do not take any! 8( I will work on the pictures...I have some video around here really need to get better organized!! Quote
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