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I've been told that they were give more of there own personalities in the animated series but I haven't seen it for myself. Unfortunately, I really doubt that many of those that hold a grudge for their appearance would change their mind for any reason. It is perhaps one reason that fics based on them are not very successful. A shame but the truth. That might be why I'm so determined to make them their own men when I do write their characters. The men that played these all to often Duke Boys were/are terrific actors that kept the show alive during a difficult time. For that I feel that fans owe them a debt of gratitude.


Dang, I hate typos. SHOULD HAVE READ:

I've been told that they were given more of there own personalities in the animated series but I haven't seen it for myself. Unfortunately, I really doubt that many of those that hold a grudge for their appearance would change their mind for any reason. It is perhaps one reason that fics based on them are not very successful. A shame but the truth. That might be why I'm so determined to make them their own men when I do write their characters. The men that played these all too often overlooked Duke Boys were/are terrific actors that kept the show alive during a difficult time. For that I feel that fans owe them a debt of gratitude.

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