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Jenyfer and her Uncle Roger Demarco decided to leave Pittsburgh,PA and move to Hazzard. After the house was sold and a few items sold at the garage sale . Jen said good bye to all of her friends and told them she would stay in touch with them. Jenyfer was looking foward to the move and getting away from the cold weather. Jenyfer's uncle loaded Christine on the car trailor. Jenyfer got in the passenger side of the motor home. Jenyfer asked him"What about your pick up?" "A friend of mine is bringing it on a flat bed . A moving van will be bringing the rest of the furniture." he told her."OK " she replied. Then she asked "Were are we moving to?" "Hazzard county. I plan to get a job as a deputy but I will not be like that Sheriff Rosco running things corrupt." Jenyfer told him. "I plan to get a job at the Boars Nest working with Daisy."

Roger told Jenyfer that Jesse Duke invited them to stay on the farm as long as they needed to . Jenyfer said" it will be good to see Uncle Jesse again, Bo, Luke and Daisy." Then he asked her "What about Sledge?" Jenyfer told him . " He pushed me away so I guess its over between us." I'm going to check my kittens to see how they are doing. " Jenyfer went to the box were the kittens were . She gave them food and some water. They were already 6 months old she had them nuetered , shots and had them micorchipped. Jenyfer had the paperwork for proof of vaccination.

The trip to Hazzard was not that long . Jenyfer and her Uncle arrived at the Duke farm 11 hours later. Uncle Jesse came out and told them that dinner was on the table and invited Jenyfer and her Uncle to dinner. Daisy heard Meowing inside the motor home. She seen 2 black kittens . Jenyfer came in behind her and said"This is Salem and Midnight. I adopted them from a local animal shelter. I would not give them up so they came with me. " The kittens were purring while Daisy held them and petted them . She adored both of them. Jenyfer also told her " I encourage people to adopt thier next pet from thier local animal shelter.

Bo and Luke arrived in the General Lee. They also seen the motor home and Christine on the car trailor. Jenyfer went to unload Christine off the trailor but her Uncle finished it for her.

Jenyfer went to put Christine in the barn . She started the car the radio came on Kitty Wells was singing It wasn't god who made honky tonk angels. Then she came out . Bo and Luke locked the barn up so no one will try to steal the car.

Bo and Jenyer were having a nice conversation. Jen told Bo that she and Sledge have split up . Bo asked her what happened . Jenyfer told him that Sledge pushed her away when she offered to be there for him. Jenyfer told him she moved on. She also told Bo that Sledge never called her house or cell phone. Jen told Bo" That reminds me I got to check to see if thier is any voice messages on my cell phone." Jen checked and noticed there was 1 . She called the # and it was a message from Sledge. He was telling her he was sorry for the things he said to her and wanted to take her out and told her he would pick her up at 7.

Jenyfer told Bo . "He is going over to an empty house and will realize My Uncle and I moved. I am sure he will figure out were we went. I am not going back to him either ." Bo told advised her if Sledge wanted to explian to listen to what he has to say. Jenyfer told Bo "I will listen but it does not mean that he and I will get back together."


After eating dinner with the Dukes Jenyfer sat down and started reading ber book . Its was titled the Murder of Brian Jones by Anna Wohlin. Jenyfer found out some interesting thing about what happened that night. Jenyfer told her uncle about what she read . She also told him if she was there that night she would of done everything she could to help Brian. Jenyfer's uncle he drowned because of too much drugs and alcohol in his system Jenyfer told him she read the autopsy report that there was very little of drugs and alcohol in his system but not enough to kill him she also heard about a confession that the builder who lived with him killed him . He made this confession in 1993. Jenyfer hoped the case be reopened. She was a Brian Jones fan she read every book about him. Then Jenyfer started to get tired and went to bed.

Jenyfer started dreaming . She went back in time to the year 1965 . She was in London England. She was wondering how she got there this is the year she was 2 but she is 16 in her dream. The members of the RollingStones were walking down the street. Jenyfer noticed Brian . He also noticed her. Brian asked her" Are you Ok ?" Jenyfer told him" I am confused , What year is this?" Brian told her 1965 . Jenyfer told him " I was born July 4,1963 I would be 2 this year . I am 16 this I do not understand unless there is a reason for this. I need to get back to Hazzard county." Brian asked her about Hazzard county . Jenyfer told him its ran by a crooked county commisioner Bos Hogg and a corupt Sheriff Rosco P Coltrane the only honest Lawman was Enos Strate.Jen told Brian if you ever go to Hazzard take some asprin with you Boss Hoggs loud mouth will give you a headache. Brian Laughed and told her he loved her sense of Humor. Then he asked her to join him for dinner . Anita Pallenberg also joined them. Jenyfer told them about Uncle Jesses crawdadbiscs . I will make y'all some someday.

Later Jenyfer seen Brian crying all upset because Anita left him. Jenyfer went over to comfort him. She told him "If you need a friend I am here for you." Brian told her what he did . Jenyfer told him you should of never done that to her that is why she left you. I am not saying this to be mean I am talking to you as a friend.

Jenyfer got to meet Anna Wohlin. She went swimming with Brian, Anna and Frank . Jenyfer went inside to get some towels. That was when she seen Brian at the bottom of the pool she dove in and got him out . Then she started to perform CPR immedialty . She kept it up until she revived Brian . Then he looked at her . She told him what happened and saved his life. Brian was in tears. Jenyfer comforted him . She asked who did this to him. Brian told her his builder Frank Thorogood did this to him. Jenyfer advised him "Brian you need to throw him out." Anna came back outside and Jenyfer told her what happened. Anna thanked Jenyfer for saving Brian Jenyfer told Anna she took a CPR class and used her training to save Brian. Anna told Jenyfer that she is very kind person. Brian then threw Frank out of his home and told him never to come back. The next moring Jenyfer fixed them a good country breakfast. Jenyfer also helped Brian get off drugs. She told him if his friends do this does not mean he needs to. Brian took her advice and got rid of all the drugs except his precriptions and didnot take them until it was time.

Jenyfer also told Brian I wish you can come to Hazzard someday.Then Jenyfer woke up after a good nights sleep.

  • 4 years later...

Sledge found out Jenyfer and her uncle moved to Hazard county and we decided to follow her and hope to straighten things out with her. While he was on his way to Hazzard Bo and Jenyfer spent a lot of time together. They be came very close friends. Jenyfer appreciated his kindness towards her. Jenyfer learned that Sledge was on his way and told  Bo .  He advised her to let Sledge explain. Sledge arrived  at the Duke farm . Sledge seen  Jenyfer and asked if they could go some place and talk. Jenyfer looked at Bo he told her it was OK and to listen. Sledge told her he did mean what he said to her.Jen told I need some time to myself





Sledge found out Jenyfer and her uncle moved to Hazard county and we decided to follow her and hope to straighten things out with her. While he was on his way to Hazzard Bo and Jenyfer spent a lot of time together. They be came very close friends. Jenyfer appreciated his kindness towards her. Jenyfer learned that Sledge was on his way and told  Bo .  He advised her to let Sledge explain. Sledge arrived  at the Duke farm . Sledge seen  Jenyfer and asked if they could go some place and talk. Jenyfer looked at Bo he told her it was OK and to listen. Sledge told her he did mean what he said to her.Jen told him let's to some were so we can talk .Sledge asked her if she and  Bo got together Jen told sledge Not to worry that she is only friends with  Bo Duke and nothing else .I was going to walk away when you came but he advised me to listen to what you had to say. Sledge explained to Jenyfer that he didn't mean what he said to her. He even told her that his mother gave him hell about it. Then Jen told him lets go back to the Duke farm Uncle Jesse invited my uncle and I to dinner.I am sure he won't mind if came too 



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