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This story is for the "Cliche' Challenge" (and also the "Christmas Challenge", but I think I'm about 6 years too late for that one).

What else could be more cliche'd than a parody of the timeless classic "It's a Wonderful Life"?

In this case, Daisy gets to see how the lives of those around her - and even Hazzard itself, would be different if she'd never been born...and perhaps learn a thing or two about herself along the way. This story takes place the Christmas after "Enos and Daisy's Wedding".

Warning: If you're looking for just a sweet, little happy-go-lucky Christmas story, you might just want to skip straight to the end.

Also, this story can be read as a stand-alone, but the memories that Daisy has of Enos are taken from "The Story of Us". I've tried to flesh them out enough here in this story that you'll get the picture even if you haven't read that fanfic, though.

Link to first half ---> "Before the Dawn"

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Chapter 5 is up!

I know this was supposed to be a short little Christmas story, but...well, it's just the gift that keeps on giving, lol.

This chapter is a little short only because I didn't want to post a 7000 word chapter and this was really the only place I could find to break it up.

Enjoy and please remember to review :D

------->Chapter 5

  • 1 month later...

Chapter 7 is up.

Sorry for the wait, real life just kept taking over, and my husband's grandma (who we were very close to) passed away this last month so I didn't have much inspiration for writing love stories.

----->Chapter 7

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

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