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Bo, Luke , Daisy , Uncle Jesse and Jenyfer were on thier way to the cedar city fair grounds. Jenyfer was in the back of the general Lee not saying a word but she was glancing at a newpaper article from Pittsburgh, PA the headlines says the Dead walk. Jenyfer remembers that day because she has seen it happen. She was in the Monroeville mall in PA with her Uncle Roger Demarco, Francine , Peter and Stephen. She remembers escaping in the wgon helecoptor that night. Jenyfer also remembers when her Uncle got bit but her uncle was flown to a med unit and the infection was taken care of on time she was releaved of that . Roger Demarco is her favorite Uncle she loved spending time with him. She even remembners risking her own life to save a biker's life He went by the name of Sledge. He and Jenyfer got together when she was 15 and he was 20 .

Jenyfer knew Bo loved her but she loved him as a friend. She cared for Bo . When they arrived at the fair grounds a driver was getting ready to jump over 32 cars . The take off was good but then there was a mechanical problem. The car stalled and the driver got hurt. Jen felt bad for him and hoped he got better. Then a motor home drove up and a lady named Diane asked were she can find Boss Hogg. Bo told her were she can find him .Bo commented " She is 1 pretty lady " Luke told him"I know what you are thinking lets get back to work." Jenyfer then made the Comment" I ought to drag you out there and feed you to those things." Bo wondered what made her say that.

Bo and Luke entered a race to win $100 dollars prize . Alot of other Hazzard county residents entered as well. Bo and Luke won the race then Diane mentioned about making a jump ovedr 32 cars. Luke reminded Bo about what happened . Diane made some comments that Jenyfer did not like. She walked up to her and Said' I do not appreciate you calling my friend a chicken just because he does not want to do this does not make him a chicken. You better watch yourself lady." Bo told Carl to put the money away he was going to do the jump.

Bo and Luke arrived back to the farm along with Jenyfer. Jenyfer went into her room looking at a photo of her and Sledge. Daisy came in and asked Jenyfer if she wanted some lunch ." Yes Daisy thank you." Then Daisy noticed the photo and asked Jenyfer "Who is that guy in the photo with you?" Jenyfer told her "Its my fiance" Daisy said " I thought you loved my cousin Bo." Jen told her " I love him as a friend and I care about what happens to him. I am worried about him making that jump. I even told that woman what I thought about her. I wrote a letter to Sledge telling him were I am at you will get to meet him."

Bo and Luke got into a really bad fist fight. Jenyfer could not believe what she seen . Then Bo asked her if she was coming with him. Jenyfer told him" I'd rathere stay out of it. I hope you do not come back as 1 of those things. I do not want to see you walk around after you are dead . 1 bullet to the head will cure that . " Bo told her "Dead folk don't walk." Luke then told Bo " You lost her cousin she is mine now."

Bo got in the General Lee and left the farm . He arrived at Diane's RV then broke down sayinf " I lost my girl." Diane was sympathic " I am going to help you get her back." Bo did not know about Sledge . Sledge was the 1st to arrive in Hazzard .Rosco pulled him over for no reason and put him in the same jail cell with Luke. Bo was in the othe cell. Rosco pushed Sledge in the cell and he hit his head on the bars. Luke walked up to him and asked " Are you OK? " Sledge told him " I will be fine. " Showing a photo of himself and Jenyfer ."Have you seen this girl?" Luke looked at and recognised her. "yes She is staying with us at the farm and we are taking care of her. " Sledge told Luke. "Thanks she's my girlfriend."

Jenyfer and Daisy were working at the Boars Nest . Moon baby and Blades were there ordering food acouple of beers. Jenyfer took thier order and then served thier food and beer. Then Blades seen cooter and asked him if he had seen his friend Sledge . Cooter told him the town sheriff locked up on a trumpt up charge and told him the law here was crooked the only honest lawman was Enos. Jenyfer went to bail Luke out and she seen Sledge she slipped him a note saying I will explain later love you jen. Sledge nodded his head saying he understood.

Jenyfer went back to the fairgrounds . Diane noticed she was tired and offered her RV so she can get some sleep. Jenyfer went in the back to sleep . Then she started to have a nightmare . The same 1 she was having about her Uncle dying and then coming back as a zombie. Jenyfer woke up very fast. Diane told her you need sleep . Jenyfer told her " I cannot handle the nightmare anymmore." Thats when Bo seen the article in the newspaper and asked" Jenyfer what is this? " Jenyfer told both Diane and Bo about the crisis. Then she heard a Harley Davidson Motor cycle and seen it was Blades. Moon baby seen her and said" There she is" Blades turned his bike around and Jenyfer hopped on the back of it. Blades told her " I got Sledge out of jail. I am taking you to him. "

Uncle Jesse seen Jenyfer on the back of the bike and had Blades pull over. He asked" What in tarnations is going on and who are you ?" Jenyfer told him. "Uncle Jesse he is a friend of mine. " Cooter and Sledge pulled up in his tow truck . Sledge seen Jenyfer and took her in his arms and held her. Jenyfer explained everything and why she ran off from home the way she did. Sledge told her " You could of come to me on this . I told your Uncle I found you. " Jenyfer then introduced Sledge to Daisy ,Luke and Uncle Jesse. Luke told Jenyfer . "We already met. We better get back to the fairgrounds so nothing bad happens to Bo and the General Lee. Sledge asked him "What is this all about." Jenyfer told Sledge that Bo was going to jump a car over 32 parked cars and the last person tried it there was a mechanical problem and the car crashed and I hate to see him get hurt or killed. I care about what happens to him.

Bo was getting started on making the jump and Luke blocked him. Uncle Jesse told Bo to listen to what Luke wanted to tell him Then Bo commented that Luke Stole Jenyfer from him that when Sledge walked up put his arm around Jenyfer . Bo asked Sledge who he was Luke was about to tell him them Jenyfer told him who Sledge was. Bo was in tears. "I thought you loved me Jenyfer." Jenyfer walked up to him putting her arms around him to comfort him. "Bo I love you as a friend a good friend nothing else I will be here for you if you need a friend to talk to . I know you will find that special girl and when you do I want you to be happy. She better treat you right or she will answer to me big time. Be careful making the jump ." The general got fixed and Carl was taken away Bo and Luke made the Jump . Daisy asked Jenyfer's Uncle "What is going to happen with Jenyfer? " He told her " I am going to claim her parents unfit and get custody of her . She told me why she ran off the way she did ."

Jenyfer was living with her Uncle during the hearing . The courts awarded him custody . Jenyfer and Sledge spent alot of time together. Her Uncle never tried to keep them apart. Then a couple of weeks later her 1957 belair convertible was stolen and totaled by juviniles taking it for a joy ride. Peter arrested the perps and Jenyfer went down to press charges. She also told Peter I am also gooing after the parents as well. The insurance company gave Jenyfer $25K for the loss on her '57 then she bought a red and white 1958 plymouth . The cars name is Christine. Jenyfer pulled up in the driveway of her Uncles home. She told him she used some of the money to buy the car . The next day she registered and insured the car. WHen her aunt her Uncles exwife made her park it some were else the car was trashed. When Jenyfer discovered the car trashed her eyes were filled with anger. Jenyfer also suspected who trashed the car. He Uncle arrested all the perps . Christine fixed herself and went after her attackers killing them all.

When her aunt came back to visit she tried to get Jenyfer to park the car some were else again Jenyfer told her flat out" there is no way in hell that car is going anywere its staying right here." Louise said to Roger " Are you going to let her talk to me that way?" Roger told her "Jenyfer is right the car is staying here. DO you remember what happened the last time ?" The car is staying here." She commented about what happened to the perps. Jenyfer said they got what they deserved driving drunk and taking illegal drugs.


Jenyfer learned that Bo and Luke were now on the NASCAR Citcuit and they were racing at a track near she lived.She was telling Sledge about it . Jenyfer told him that she cares about Bo and Luke and they are only friends to her nothing else. Sledge trusted her . Christine was parked outside and then Jenyfer heard something on the radio. She asked the owner of the club to turn it up. She heard something about the dead coming back to to life and attacking the living. She called her uncle from her cell phone and told him. He told her I already know I want you to stop at a fuel station fill your car up and get as much food, water and ammo , Pick up some guns too.

Jenyfer and Sledge got into Christine . They went to a gas sation and filled up the fuel tank got some food and other supplies. Jenyfer seen Bo and Luke pull up in the General Lee. They also heard the reports on the radio. Jenyfer told Bo and Luke to fill up the General Lee and gets supplies especially Guns and Ammo. Bo told her "Jenyfer Luke and me are on probation we cannot have fire arms. " Sledge asked "What are you on probation for?" Luke told Slege " We got caught running moonshine." Jenyfer told him you need guns to kill these things .This crisis should wave it. You also need to roll up the windows on the general Lee. I am going to call my uncle and let him know the cars are filled . " Then Jenyfer's Uncle Roger and Peter pulled up in his chevy silverado. Jenyfer filled the tank for him and he got some more supplies. Then Jenyfer seen a zombie approaching Bo. She gets a gun out aims for the head and fires and kills it. Bo and Luke quickly got into the General Lee and rolled uo the windows . Jenyfer topped off thier tank, Christines, and her Uncles truck . Then Jenyfer slid behind the wheel of Christine . Sledge was sitting in the passenger side . Jenyfer told everybody to lock the doors on thier cars and they drive to a shopping mall. When they arrived they opened the doors wide enough to get the vehicles in.

Peter quickly locked the doors and Jenyfer drove her car in the mall to make sure all the doors were locked. Then they got food and clothing for changing. Luke went on the 2nd floor . Jenyfer remembered the hide out they stayed in. Then Bo and Luke seen thier fellow nascar drivers now zombies. Bo was in shock . Jenyfer told him" They are not the person you once knew they are deadly 1 bite can kill you and you come back as 1."

Then Jenyfer seen Sledge go outside to get something. Jenyfer told him" Get back in here ! I don't want to lose you." Sledge quickly gets back inside.

The zombies are clawing at the doors . Jenyfer taunts then calling them ugly and stink weeds. Sledge remembered the spot were Jenyfer saved him and they walk over the spot. Bo asked Jenyfer " Why are you 2 here ?" Jenyfer told him this is were I saved his life." Bo said " This is the spot." Jenyfer told I risked my life too."

Luke walked up to the spot and Jenyfer also told him. Then she asked" Is Uncle Jesse and Daisy OK? I know this crisis is all over especially in Hazzard. We need to try to get in touch with them . Jenyfer tries the CB no answer and then she tries to call them on her cell no signal. Jenyfer said" I have no signal and I cannot get them on thre CB."Then Jenyfer tries the payphone there is luck there. The phone at the Duke farm rings and Daisy answers it. Jen asks "Daisy are you and Uncle Jesse OK down there ?" Daisy told her tha there were folks not acting like them selves . Jenyfer told her to get guns and ammo and go to a nearest shelter . Uncle and Jesse left real quick and headed for a shelter. All of Hazzard county was in a shelter. Jenyfer told Bo and Luke "Uncle Jesse and Daisy are fine. They went to a shelter. " Everybody was getting tired so They got sleeping gear and changed into night clothes and went to sleep . Jenyfer and Sledge snuggled up against each other . Sledge kept his arms around her . Bo and Luke got in thier sleeping bags so did her Uncle and Peter but they kepts thier guns with in reach . Jenyfer slept through the night she knew she was safe and Sledge was not going to let those things near her.


After a good nights rest in the mall Jenyfer goes to the food court and fixes breakfast for everybody. Jenyfer knew that knew that everybody had to go up top to start shooting and killing the zombies. Jenyfer took Bo and Luke to aside and told them "There is a way to kill these things and thats a bulllet to the head . If you shoot else were it does not bring it down for good. Even if its someone you once knew and they are 1 of them it has to be done."

Jenyfer, Peter and Roger gathered up guns and ammo . Bo and Luke got thier bows and arrows out of the trunk of the general Lee. They also had Dynamite . Jenyfer told Bo " Make sure those things are far away from the building when you shoot those bows I do not want the TNT breaking the glass." Bo then seen a zombie he recognised it was Diane the carnival owner. Bo cried "Diane." Jenyfer comforted her friend. "Bo she is 1 of them now . She is no longer the person you once knew. She will not respond to your emotion. She has to be put down . I know she does not want to hurt anybody. If you cannot do it then I wil." Bo told her "I can't do it darlin." Jenyfer got the gun and aimed for the zombie's head and fired hitting the head and killed it.

Luke walked up to Bo "Are you OK cousin?" Bo told him about the zombie he recognised it was Diane.

Luke told Bo that he was sorry . " I also remembered she used you." Jenyfer said " I remember that also. I also remember telling her what I thought of her as well." Bo looked at Jenyfer with tears in his eyes. Jenyfer comforted him and told him " Bo if you ever need a friend to talk to I am here for you." Sledge was standing not to far away. Jenyfer walked up to him. He asked her "Is he Ok ? " Jenyfer told him " Bo is upset about Diane becoming 1 of them and I ended up shooting her in the head Sledge." Then he asked her ' Is there anything going on between you 2?" Jenyfer answered him "No there is not . I care about him . I do love him but only as a friend nothing else. " Sledge understood . " I know you care for him. I was afraid he was going to take you from me." Jenyfer told Sledge " That will not happed you do not need to worry about that. My parents wanted Uncle Roger to keep us apart but he would not do it. " Sledge remembered. "It was your little sister looking through your stuff and finding the photo of you and I together on your 16th birthday." Bo walked up and asked Jenyfer "When is you birthday?" Jenyfer answered "July 4th I turned 16 . I spent the day with Sledge and had a wonderful birthday because of him."

My identical twin sister told my little sister that she scared me away thats why I ran off. Then Jenyfer checked her watch its almost time for Lunch.

Everybody climbed down into the mall to have lunch . Then stayed in for the rest of the day after killing alot of the zombies.Jenyfer turned on the radio and heard that there was a posse killing all the zombies. Jenyfer commented " I will be glad when this is over." Sledge told her "Me too." Roger Jenyfer's Uncle seen the posse and raised them on the CB . He was letting them know that everybody was alive in the mall. The Posse member named Craig Johnson seen them and that they were not zombies. Roger told Jenyfer when she got ready to open the door.Jenyfer asked him"Are you crazy? I do not want to lose you . You are my favorite Uncle." Craig told him"Stay there we have it undercontrol. " Roger told him I am going up on top to shoot at some of these things." After shooting the zombies from up top and Killing most of them while coming down Jenyfer quickly lets the posse members in to get more guns and ammo. He told her "Its too dangerous for us to go back outside." Jenyfer offers to fix them something to eat.

  • 1 month later...

After eating Lunch Jenyfer fixed everybody decided to stay in for a while and take a break in killing the zombies. Jenyfer went inside 1 of the stores and got a change of clothes. She even found a restroom with a shower to shower and wash her hair. Jenyfer took a gun with her just incase there was trouble. Jenyfer told her Uncle were she was going. He told her to be careful. Sledge went with her so he can protect her from the zombies incase there were some inside the mall. After Jen got done she changed into clean clothes then she went to the petstore in the mall to feed and water the annimals.

Jenyfer seen this little black kitten and fell in love with him . She wanted to take him with her but she seen the sign that both kittens could not be seperated . They were both black Jenyfer loved black cats. She loved all kinds of cats. Jenyfer went over and asked her Uncle if she could take the kittens home when this was over. He told her sure but you are to take care of them that means feed and water them take them to the vet for thier shots and make sure they litter box train them. Jenyfer told her Uncle that she fed and watered the animals . She told Sledge that she would not go near the snakes so he took care of them for her. Jenyfer went inside Christine and turned on the radio. They heard Hank Williams singing never get out of this place alive.

Bo went over the the General Lee and turned on the radio . The announcer said the zombie crisis if over. The posse hunted down and killed every 1 of them. They were gettina g set to build a fire to burn the bodies. The posse came to the door and seen there were people alive in the mall. He told Jenyfer that the zombie crisis was finally over. The employees to the mall were coming in to open it for business. Jenyfer seen the manager of the pet store and told her that she fed and watered the animals during the crisis. The manager Julie Wilson offered Jenyfer a job right then and there . Jenyfer took it but she told the manager she was uncomfortable around Snakes. Julie told her. Jenyfer mentioned the 2 black kittens. Julie told her that the kittens were up for adoption and were from the animal shelter. Julie told her they cannot be seperated. Jenyfer took them both paid the fees . She was given a certificate to get both spayed and neutered. The kittens were 8 weeks old . She got a large bag of kitten food, food and water dish, litter box kitty litter, toys and 2 pet carriers. Jenyfer walked up to the cage and asked the kittens are you ready to go home with me? Jenyfers Uncle walked up and helped her get the stuff in Christine's trunk. She even told him she got a job offer and took it. Jenyfer told him it was part time and after school. Jenyfer told Julie that she is in cheerleading . Julie told her that she will work around the ballgames she needs to be at. Jenyfer asked if the kittens had names . Julie told her Midnight and Salem . Jenyfer said "I am going to keep thier names . Jenyfer picked the kittens up and put them in the pet carrier and put the other carrier in the trunk .Then got into Christine Sledge in the passenger side , Bo and Luke in th General Lee. Jenyfer's Uncle Roger and Peter in his Chevy silverado. Jenyfer stopped and got some groceries . Then she got home she took the kittens in her room and kept them in the carrier until she got things set up for the kittens. Jenyfer let the kittens out fed and watered them. She then closed the door to her room and got the groceries out of her car. Jenyfer's Uncle told Bo and Luke they could stay with them as long as they needed to. Jenyfer's Uncle threw out the all the food in the refigerator and freezer because it went bad. Jenyfer cleaned out the refrigerator and freezer and put the fresh food in there . Jenyfer then called the petstore and gave Julie her home and cell # . Julie told her she can start tomorrow at 4pm-closing. Jenyfer told her thats fine. Jenyfer got 25 hours a week and was making 9.00 an hour. She went to fill out the paper work and signed up for direct deposit. Jenyfer got finished after Julie showed her around the store. She seen a box for donations to the animal shelter. Jenyfer bought some food for both Dogs and cats and put it in the box. Jenyfer then went home to fix dinner for her Uncle , Bo and Luke before she got home she came to a scene to an accident . Peter was at the scene and seen Jenyfer pull up in Christine. She seen a Harley Davidson motor cycle badly mangled. She knew it was Sledge's bike. Jenyfer asked Peter "Is he Ok ? Did he get hurt bad?" Peter told her "Sledge is hurt very badly and will be in the hospital for a while." Jenyfer called her Uncle and told him what happened . Bo and Luke was standing there when the call came. Jenyfer got home and fixed Dinner , then everybody sat down and ate


After eating dinner . Jenyfer went to feed and water her kittens. She gave them both a bowl of kitten food and fresh water. She also spent time with them and played with them. The next day she started work at the pet store which also ran the animal shelter. Jenyfer enouraged everybody to adopt a dog or a cat from the shelter. She loved both dogs and cats but could not stand people who were cruel to animals. She said there was no excuse for it. Jenyfer also helped out at the animal shelter. She also knew about the no killshelter. She suggested that the dogs and cats were sheduled to be put down to be transferred to the no kill shelter until a home was found for them.

Julie told her that was a good idea. Jenyfer even helped at the no kill shelter. She found good homes for the animals. She also enouraged people to spay and neuter thier pets. After her 1st day Jenyfer was ready to call it day. Julie told her she did a good job finding homes for these animals.

Jenyfer feed and watered all the animals before she left for the night . She stopped at the hospital to see how Sledge was doing. She went in his room . He asked her about his bike. "Its totaled." she told him. Sledge told Jenyfer another driver ran a light and caused the accident. "Does he have insurance?" Sledge answered that he did not know if he does or he doesn't. He told her I wont know until I get a copy of the accident report. Jenyfer told him that she got a part time job working in a pet store . She also helped out at the animal shelters as well. She asked him when are they going to release you out of here? He told her he did not know . "I am going to go so you can get some rest. I adopted acouple of black kittens ." Sledge told her to spend alot of time with them and play with them . She told him she does and they get fed twice a day.

Jenyfer arrived home Bo asked her how Sledge was . She told him he will be in the hospital for a while. Jen went in her room to play with the kittens they loved the attention she was giving them. Then they started meowing because they were hungry. Jen gave them food and water for the evening . Then she left the room so they can eat . She fixed dinner again . Bo and Luke told Roger that they were going to find a hotel to stay in. He told them "Save your money you can stay here as long as you need to.


Jenyfer went to the hospital in Christine to pick up Sledge the radio was on and Kitty Wells was singing it wasn't God who made Honky tonk angels. She pulled into the parking lot and went into the hospital to see of he was ready to go home.Sledge told Jenyfer" I am ready to get out of here and to get home. I will stay with my mother until I am well enough to move back to my place." Jenyfer told him "I stopped by there and cleaned the place up for you. Did you ever find out if that other driver has insurcance.? " Sledge told her " They refuse to pay my medical bills." Jenyfer said " Heres some advice call a lawyer and file a suit against the other driver he is liable for what happened and should pay for this. Uncle Roger knows acouple of lawyers and Iam sure he will help you find a good 1 who will take your case."

When they got to the parking space were Christine was parked Jenyfer opened the passenger door and Sledge got in. The Radio was on Ferlin Husky was singing Wings of a Dove. Sledge gave this look and asked Jenyfer if he can change the station. Jenyfer told him "Be my guest." Sledge found a station that played his type of music which was hard rock then staitc came and the radio was playing Hank Williams Movin on over. Sledge asked her "What the hell happened ?'" Jenyfer told him she did not know but she did the radio only played country songs from the '50s and nothing else. Sledge thought the car was strange but he knew Jenyfer loved the car and it would crush her if the car got destroyed.

Jenyfer and Sledge arrived at his mothers home . He got out Christine fast. Jenyfer asked him "Are you OK?" Sledge told her "I am fine I want to get some rest." Jenyfer understood and went on home.

Jenyfer arrived home Bo and Luke asked how Sledge was. Jenyfer told them "He is glad to be out of the hospital but the other party's insurance company refuses to pay his hospital bill. I advised him to talk to a lawyer and I hope he takes my advice."

The next day after work Jenyfer called her home and asked her uncle if he would feed her kittens. He told her he would help her take care of them. He even told her she is getting low on food . Jenyfer got another bag of kitten food and put it in the trunk of her car. Jenyfer stopped at Sledges mother's home to see him . She could tell something was bothering him. She asked "Want to talk about it I am here if you do." Sledge told her " Why don't you leave me the alone I do not want you here at all!" Jenyfer was hurt . Sledges mother seen her leave in tears . Then his mother came in and said "What was that all about?" Sledge told her "I told her to get lost and did not want her around." " Young man you are making a mistake she is 1 of the sweetest girls that came in your life. Right now I am afraid you might of lost her."

Jenyfer arrived home and told her Uncle what happened. Bo also heard the conversation . Bo knew she needed a friend and he was there for her. Jenyfer went out and got the kitten food out of Christine's trunk. Then she went to feed her kittens and change thier water. She also cleaned out the litter box and then she played with them.

Bo told Luke " I am going to ask Jenyfer if she will be my girl." Luke told him "Don't rush her Ok give her time." Later that night Bo and Jenyfer were talking then he asked her if she would be his girl. Jenyfer agreed to be his girl and would go back to Hazzard with him.

Bo and Luke packed up the General Lee and Jenyfer packed up Christine . Her Uncle sold his home so they can move to Hazzard. Jenyfer gave 2 weeks notice to the pet store . She also gave the reminder to please adopt from the local animal shelter . Jenyfer got her kittens neutered and got all thier shots. Jenyfer put them in a pet carrier and in the back seat of her Uncle's truck . Jenyfer's Uncle sold his motor home and most of his furniture. Then all stopped at a gas station and filled up all 3 vehicles. Jenyfer went inside to pay for the fuel and got some food for everybody and a small bag of food for the kittens .

Jenyfer seen Sledge riding his new harley but he did not see her. Bo told Luke he is going to ride with Jenyfer in her car. Jenyfer turned to get on the interstate with Luke in the General and he uncle behind in his truck they stopped at the bank to close out thier accounts and then went to the post office to give a foward address.

Sledge realized he made a mistake and went Jenyfer's home to see her but he looked inside and seen the house was empty . He asked the neighbor were they moved to but the neighbors did not know.

Jenyfer, Bo, Luke and her Uncle arrived at the Duke farm . Jenyfer took a job at the Boars nest working with Daisy . Uncle Jesse told Roger that he and Jenyfer can stay at the farm as long as they need to.

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