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Jenyfer Leigh Sharp Duke was arriving at the Duke farm after working a 8 hour shift at the Boars Nest. When she pulls up in Christine she sees Rosco and Enos' patrol cars there . She gets out and goes insipainde Jenyfer notices that Bo is not there . She asks "Were is Bo ? He is never this late . We had plans for tonight , I know he would of called and let me know if there was a problem."Rosco walked up to her and said "Jenyfer you need to sit down I have some bad news." Rosco sat next to her. " I do not know how to tell you this." Jenyfer asked "Rosco whats wrong ? Why is everybody crying ? " Rosco told her "There was an accident , Bo was driving Jesse's pick up and another driver pulled out and there was a collision." Jen put her hand on Rosco's shoulder and asked "Is Bo in the hospital ? Is he hurt bad ? When can I see him? " Rosco told her Bo did not survive he was killed instantly. Jenyfer gave Rosco a blank stare.

Daisy Jenyfers best friend walked up to her and put a arm around her shoulder and urged the young widow to cry and let all the pain go. Jenyfer could not shed 1 tear. Rosco asked her if she was willing to identify the body at the morgue. Jenyfer said " I need to get this done and over witrh. " Boss and Lulu came by to give her thier condolances. Boss told Jenyfer if she needed time off to make funeral arrangements he would understad and also offered to help all the Dukes did Bo. Thats when Jenyfer broke down and started crying. She and Bo were only married for 6 months and now she is his widow. Luke walked up to Jen and held her. He told her " I will make funeral arrangements if you need me to. We will all pitch in and help you Luke got a hold of Coy and Vance and Jeb Stewart Duke

Uncle Jesse said "That poor girl, I have an idea what she is going through." Coy told Jesse " I want to be there for Jenyfer. I plan to ask her to be my girl." Jesse told Coy "Don't rush her right now she needs a friend." Jenyfer was sitting in the room she shared with Bo . Coy went in there to talk to her. Then he got to the point . " I want you to be my girl Jenyfer." Jenyfer told him " I am not ready for another relationship Coy, I am not rejecting you . I just need you to be my friend now. I need time" Coy understood and agreed to a friendship


Daisy called everybody to the table for dinner. Jesse said grace and everybody started eating but Jenyfer she picked at the food on her plate.

Daisy asked her " Jenyfer why don't you try to eat something? I know you are grieving we all all." Jenyfer said through tears. I'm sorry everybody I just am not hungry." and, asked to be excused.

The Phone rings and its Rosco asking to speak to Jenyfer he had more details . Jenyfer took the receiver and Rocso learned that the other driver that hit Bo left the scene of the accident. Rosco told her that he will be charging him for that also. Jenyfer told him " I hope he gets put away for a long time. Bo and I had a wonderful life ahead of us and now this careless drunk of a driver took it away from us. Rosco I do not mean to be impolite but I got to make funeral arrangement but I will need you and Enos for escorts to the cemetary." Rosco told her that he would help out with the escort. Jenyfer thanked him and hung up the phone.

Jenyfer told the Dukes that she is going to the funeral home to make arrangements for Bo's funeral . Jenyfer got behind Christine's wheel and started the engine. Coy ran outside and asked her "Want some company?" Jenyfer said " Sure why not I could use some company and I also need a friend to help me through this." Coy told her " I will be here for you " Jenyfer turned on Christine's radio and Hank Williams was singing Long gone lonesome blues. Coy asked "Mind if I change the station ?" Jenyfer said "Be my guest." Coy changes the station and Waylon was singing mama don't your babies grow up to be cowboys then there was a static when it cleared Don Gibson was singing sea of a heartbreak. A stunned Coy asked her"What happened to Waylon?" Jenyfer said "I do not know" but she did know Christine's radio only played country music from the 1950s and nothing else.

Coy and Jenyfer arrive to the Hazzard funeral home were Bo's body is at. Jenyfer goes inside to talk to the funeral director about the funeral and burial . She asked what the cost will be . The funeral director told her that Boss Hogg already paid for it. Jenyfer asked hm "would you mind if I use your phone?" He told her "Be my guest." Jenyfer called JD Hoggs residence . Lulu answered "Hello Hogg residence. Jenyfer asked if she could speak to Boss Lulu told her that he was asleep . Jenyfer asked of she could leave a message. Lulu said Yes . Jenyfer said " Tell him I said thank you for paying for Bo's funeral. "

The next day all the Dukes and all of Hazzard county attened Bo's funeral.

Everybody said alot of nice things about Bo and told Jenyfer if she needed anything to call them anytime. Jenyfer thanked them the funeral services were done and everybody headed for the cemetery for graveside services. Bo's coffin was put in a vault and then it was lowered into the ground. Then Dirt filled the hole in the grave. Jenyfer cried and said " I still cannot believe he is gone." Coy walked up to her and put his arm around her and comforted her. Bobbi said to Coy" My sister really loved him and I know he loved her too. but please don't rush her she really needs a friend right now." Coy told Bobbi " I know she needs a friend thats why I plan to be here for her."

Jenyfer excused herself and asked Rosco " Is there a bail amount for the other driver? " Rosco told her " I am holding that dipstick with out bail until his trial he will be facing along time in prison."Jenyfer said " I hope he gets the max. Thank you Rosco ."

Jenyfer arrived back at the Duke farm and walked inside . " I'm sorry I am late I needed to be alone for a while and think things through." she said Daisy knew she was tired and did not question Jenyfer. When Jenyfer was asleep she heard Bo's voice. She woke up and seen a ghostly immage of Bo. it walked up to her. Bo's ghost told her this" I want you to move on and be happy. I know my cousin Coy will be good to you. He is a great guy . Jenyfer said she was not ready for another relationship that she needed Coy to be her friend for now . Bo understood that Jenyfer knew the time was not right now. Coy knocked on the door because he heard something and let himself in. Coy also seen Bo's spirit in the room . Bo said"Coy please take care of her for me and do not let anyharm come to her. " Bo then said to Jenyfer" I will always love you darlin.I willl never leave you I will be here with you in spirit."


Jenyfer woke up the next morning and had breakfast with the Duke family.Everybody at the table still missed Bo's presense but they knew they had to move on and it was hard to especially for Luke because they were very close. It was really hard for Jenyfer since she was Bo's wife when he died in the car wreck. Jenyfer sat down and got her laptop computer and started filling out applications for college. Daisy asked her " Why are you filling out all these applcation? Jenyfer told Daisy " I want to go to college to get a degree in eithere medical billing or a medical assistant. I cannot spend the rest of my life waiting tables at the Boars nest I need to better myself.

Daisy understood and wished Jenyfer luck .

Then the colleges started calling and wanted to talk to Jenyfer. Jenyfer told the administrater that she wanted to major in medical billing and medical assistant. He told her that it will be more than a 2 year course it could be up to 4 years . Jenyfer told him that she wanted to come to the campus and sign up for the courses and wanted to move in on campus so she can be closer . The Dean Mr Johnson told Jenyfer that he would like to meet up wth her about 12 pm so they can talk about signing her up and she told him "Let me get off the phone and I am on my way."

Jenyfer got behind Christine's wheel and headed for the college campus in Atlanta. The radio was on and Faron Young was singing Hello Walls. It took Jenyfer an hour to get there . When she pulled into the campus she asked were can she find the building to sign up for courses The Campus Police officer named Craig Johnson told her were to go .She thanked him and he said nice car. Jenyfer pulled into a parking spot onfront of the building and got out of her '58.

Jenyfer locked Christine and went inside . She mentioned that she was here to sign up for courses. The Dean Mr.jenkins told her about the college and there was a high level of security and noody would bother her while she lived in campus. He asked her if she was working she told him she was waiting tables at the boars nest . she told him she graduated high school over a year ago . He asked her why she wanted to go back to school. Jenyfer told him she wanted to train for a better career. Then he asked her if she was married. Jenyfer told him "I'm a widow. My husband was killed in a car wreck . I just buried him yesterday his name was Bo Duke . It was very hard on me." Jenyfer read over the paperwork and paid for the tuition for the 1st sememster and for the courses she also said she will be moving on campus . The Dean told her that there will be no alcohol or any wild parties. Jenyfer told him I do not drink and I will not have time for those parties. I am here for an education and nothing else. I would like to see about getting a job on campus so I can have some income. He told her there was an opening and will see about her having the job. Jenyfer thanked him and told him I got to go back to Hazzard and pack so I can move on campus.

Jenyfer got into Christine and headed back to Hazzard before she left the Dean gave her a parking sticker so she can have the car on campus. Jenyfer put the sticker on the windshield and kept the paperwork in the glove box incase someone tried to remove the sticker . Jenyfer arrived back at the farm and started packing . Bobbi helped her . She told her sister that she will miss her . Jenyfer told her she would miss her too. She also told Bobbi that she hopes she will sign up for courses so they can share a room on campus.

Jenyfer said good bye to everybody on the farm and headed back to the college campus.


Jenyfer arrived back to the college campus and headed back to her dorm and settled in. Then she went to sign up for the courses she wanted to take.

Jenyfer signed up for medical billing and medical assistant. She also signed up for a couple of more courses. Then she paid for her books and supplies. She also knew she would be in school for at least 2 years or more . Jenyfer gathered her books and all her supplies and headed back to her room.

Jenyfer had a phone in her room but she used her cell instead .

While she was in her room relaxing there was a knock on her door . She asked " Who is it?" Jenyfer peeked through the peek hole in her door it was the campus police officer Craig Johnson. Jenyfer opened up the door . He told her "You forgot to put the sticker on the windshield" Jenyfer said " You got to be kidding I remember putting that sticker on that car. I have a piece of paper in the glove box with the # . Let me go and get it. Jenyfer walked up to Christine and noticed her sticker was gone. Craig followed behind her. Jen told him" I remember it being here I stuck it here myself." Jenyfer showed him the mark were the sticker was at. Craig told her that alot of these stickers are stolen . Jen got the paperwork to the sticker out of the glovebox and showed him. Craig reported the sticker stolen and gave Jenyfer 1 so she can hang it on her rearview mirror.Jenyfer put the replacement on her rearview mirror and locked Christine back up.

Craig told her he will keep an eye on her car for her when he in on duty. Jenyfer thanked him and went back to her dorm. Jenyfer went to get ready for her 1st day of class which was medical billing and the next was medical assistant. After classes were done she went inside her room and hit the books she had alot of studying to do. after she was done with her assignments she went to eat some dinner and then she took a shower and went to bed for the night. The next day Jenyfer had 1 class which was english . The next day was algebra. Jenyfer only had to take English and Algebra for 1 year but the other 4 years she had to take medical billing and medical assistant courses but she signed up for more courses every year. She was doing really well in her classes.

Jenyfer went outside for fresh air . Craig asked her "You must be cramming those books." Jenyfer told him that she needed some fresh air and decided to go for a walk around the campus. Craig showed Jenyfer around Campus . Then he asked her if she was married or single.Jenyfer told him"I'm a widow my husband was killed in a car wreck because of a drunk driver. There was a trial but the judge only gave him 3 years and revoked his DL. I know he will drive anyway but if he gets caught he gets sent back to prison." Craig told her "I'm sorry to hear that, I know its hard to lose someone you love. I have been there too. My sister was raped and killed by a man he got caught but now he sits on deathrow awaiting execution." Jenyfer told him" I was raped when I was 16 I even pressed charges both men got long prison terms but they are now deceased. My husband Bo Duke and I were dating at the time and after what happened to me he was very protective of me . He would not let me out of his sight for a while." Craig then asked her " Would you like to go out sometime? " Jenyfer said "Sure why not . I need to move on and be happy I know Bo would of wanted me to his cousin Coy wanted me to be his girl but I was not ready for that I needed him to be my friend."

Craig called Jenyfer on her cell and asked if they can have dinner in her dorm when he got off duty. Jenyfer asked when does he get off. He told in 1 hour . Jenyfer said let me get ready and I will get some dinner cooking. Jenyfer cooked a really good meal . Craig and Jenyfer enjoyed a really good meal then they talked more . He told her he is going into law enforcement . Jenyfer told him she has a brother and an uncle in lawenforecement. I believe my brother followed my uncle's foot steps.

Jenyfer and Craig got closer then it got serious betwen them . Jenyfer called the Duke farm to say hello and that she found someone to be with and is very happy. Bobbi talked to her sister and told her that she and Coy hooked up. Jenyfer told her I am very happy for you both . He is a great guy . I was not ready when Coy asked me to be his . I needed a friend that time. Bobbi told her that Coy understood . Jen told her I got studying for finals so I will call sometime next week give my love to all. Craig and Jenyfer decided to share a room at the college that way he could spend time with her .


Jenyfer was getting ready to graduate college. She will get a degree in medical assistant and medical billing. Then she plans to apply for a job at the local hospitals . Alot of hospitals offered her a good salary. Jenyfer decided to call the Duke farm and to say hello. Daisy answered and they talked for 15 minuites. Jenyfer asked how her sister was and Daisy told her that Bobbi and Coy got engaged and plan to marry in a year or 2 . Jen was very happy for her sister.

Jenyfer told Daisy about her relationship and it was so far working out. Jenyfer said"Daisy I know Bo would of wanted me to move on and be happy." Daisy told her " Jenyfer you are right." Jenyfer admitted she still missed Bo . Daisy told her " We all miss him ."

Craig called out for Jenyfer . "Daisy I got to go so I will call again sometime soon give my love to all." Jenyfer answered the door . " She asked "Were is your key " Did you for get it ? " He told her "No . Who was on the phone?" Jenyfer told him " I was calling my late husbands family to say hello. I still consider them family they were so good to me and still are. I learned my identical twin sister is engaged to 1 of the family members and they plan to marry in a year or 2."

Craig told Jenyfer he wanted to marry her . Jenyfer told him " I want to get to know you better before we make that step . I want to take things slowly. I do not want to rush things ." Craig said" I understand . I would never force you to do anything you do not want to do." Jenyfer said " I do love you but I want to take things 1 step at a time. I enjoy spending time with you . I want us to have more time together before I make that commitment."

Craig told her that she would be married to a cop when she gets ready. Jenyfer told him " I do feel safe with you around I never had problems when you are here on duty."

Graduation is tomorrow and I need to get ready . Craig suggested they go out and celebrate and have a couple of drinks . Jenyfer told him that she did not dring alcoholic beverages . Craig told her " thats fine . Jenyfer got ready and both she and Craig got into Christine. Jenyfer turned on the radio and Patsy Cline was singing walkin after midnight . Craig noticed the odometer running backwards . He told her " Jen honey thats against the law." Jenyfer told him " I know but I do not know how to fix it there could be a short . If I do not know what causes this I do not mess with it." Craig understood and told Jenyfer he would not give her a hard time about it.


Jenyfer got her college degree for medical billing and medical assistant. She was so happy a couple of hospitals offered her a job. She took the 1 with the highest salary. She went back to Hazzard to Visit the Dukes and brought Craig with her. Jenyfer introduced him to The Dukes and her sister. Craig seen that there were 2 of her . Craig said to Jenyfer "I hope I can tell you 2 apart." Jen Laughed and told him" Bobbi has a ring on her finger thats how yo can tell us apart ." Bobbi told Jenyfer" Coy and I are really happy. I hope you can make it to the ceremony . I also want you to be my maid of honor ." Jenyfer told Her " I would be honored . I want the same when I get married again someday but I do not know when that will be.I got to go visit some one I will be right back. Craig you want to come along?" Craig said " Sure why not ,were are you going?" Jen told him " I am going to visit my late husband's grave and put flowers on it. Even though he gone I still miss him."

Craig and Jenyfer got into Christine and drove the cemetery. Christine's radio was playing Hank Williams Never get out of this world alive. Jen parks the '58 in a parking space she has flowers in her hand and walks to the grave and puts the flowers on the grave. She then dusts off the marker. There is a photo of her and Bo on the stone. Jen has tears in her eyes then breaks down. Craig walks up and holds her . " I know how you feel . I know its hard I have been there too when I lost my younger sister. I just learned the guy that did this will be executed soon and I want to witness this . I would love your company but if you prefer not to see this I will understand." Jenyfer told Craig " I will go ."

Rosco and Enos walk up to the grave and see Jenyfer and her friend Craig. Jen introduced them to him. Rosco seen that Craig had a badge in his wallet. He told Rosco that he is in lawenforcement. "I'm here for a couple of days with my friend Jenyfer." Rosco told Craig " It was very hard on her when Bo was killed . She really loved him." Craig replied " I know she did my younger sister was raped and killed by a man who awaits execution that was why I went into law enforcement to put the bad guys were they belong. I will protect Jen from harm. I will not let anything that will harm her come near her."

Jen hears her cell ring its Bobbi. "Excuse me I need to take this" Jen walks were she can talk to her sister . Jesse Duke Got sick and needed Jen. "Craig we got to go back to the farm its Uncle Jesse. There is something wrong and I need to check him out." Craig and Jenyfer got into Christine and raced back to the farm . Jenyfer runs into the house and checks Jesses pulse. She then checks his vitals . she told him "Uncle Jesse I am taking you to the hospital."

Jesse gets up and walks out and gets into Christine. SHe races to the hospital . Jen was relieved she got him there on time. It was the hospital that offered the largest salary. Jenyfer told the head nurse her name. The head nurse told her that she wanted her to start now. Jenyfer said" That would be great let me park my car in a parking spot. Jenyfer got back inside and seen that Craig was tired so Jen got him a room to sleep in until she got off . Jenyfer did some paperwork for taxes and direct deposit. Jen worked there for along time then she and Craig got married had children . Jen named her son after Bo and her daughter Julie Maria.

  • 3 weeks later...

Uncle Jesse was laying in the hospital sick from the flu. Jenyfer made sure he go the best care. She would check on him every 2 hours taking his temperature and checking his vitals. Daisy asked her "How is he doing?" Jenyfer told her "I am doing everything I can to make sure he gets the best care." Jenyfer seen her husband Craig walk up . She introduced him to Daisy. Daisy said "its nice to meet you . Jenyfer I am happy you found another person to share your life with. I know Bo would of wanted you to do that. "

Jenyfer told Daisy" I still miss Bo but I know I found someone to share my life with and I am very happy . We have a boy and a girl I named my son after Bo and my daughter Julie Maria."

Jesse started to get better. He stayed in the hospital for a couple days then he was released. Jenyfer went back to the farm to make sure he was OK and see if he needed a nujrse around. Luke seen Jenyfer and found out she remarried. Luke told her he was happy for her. Craig called Jenyfer to let her know that the person who killed his younger sister was being executed and wanted her to be there . Jenyfer told Daisy about this . She told her I will take care of Uncle Jesse and make sure he gets his medicine. You go and be with your husband . " She got what they deserved." then the switch was pulled then about 3 minuites later he was dead. Craig said "Thats over with ." Jenyfer said " When some one does something like that to some one and gets executed. I have no sympathy for the perp and his family. The only person I will have sympathy for is the victim and the family members."

Craig said' I am releaved he is gone and will never harm another person again." Jen agreed with him. They got into Christine and headed home.

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