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Jenyfer Leigh Sharp Duke was pullling in the Duke farm in Christine her 1958 plymouth after working long hours at the Boars Nest. Roscoe and Enos were there and wanted to talk to her since she is his wife. Jenyfer opened the door and asked "Were is Bo? I thought he would be here when I got home." Daisy was crying and Jenyfer asked her best friend " Daisy whats wrong why are you crying?" Jenyfer also noticed her identical twin sister was crying.

Jenyfer asked "Would someone please tell me what is wrong? " Then she goes towards the room she shared with Bo since they got married 6 months ago.

She was startled by Luke , Roscoe, and Enos . Roscoe said " You better sit down I have some bad news ." "What is it?" Roscoe told her that there was a very bad car accident and Bo was involved. Jen asked him " Is he hurt bad ? Will he be all right?" Roscoe told her Bo did not survive he was killed instantly."

Jenyfer had a blank stare in her face . Roscoe tried to console her . Daisy urged her to cry and let it out. Luke told Jenyfer all the Dukes would help her make funeral arrangements. Roscoe and Enos told her the same they wold help. Roscoe told her that she would need to identify the body and she Said " I want to get it done and over with" Roscoe,Enos , Jenyfer and Luke went to the Hazzard morgue to identify Bo's body . The Coroner opened the freezer were Bo'sbody was laying and took the sheet off Bo's face. Jenyfer said "Thats him " and broke down crying . " I cannot believe he is gone"

Luke put his arms around the young widow and held her . Jenyfer said throught her tears "Why did this happen ?Bo and I were only married for 6 months and now I will be burying him ." Boss and LuLu came by to give her thier condolances . Boss told her to take all the time she needed off from working at the Boars Nest . He also offered to help pay for the Funeral and Burial.

Jenyfer talks to the funeral director about funeral arrangements .They plan visitations for friends and family then the funeral and burial will be the next day.

The next day the Dukes, Cooter were getting ready to for visitation . Alot of people said alot of nice things about Bo . Jenyfer had tears streaming down her cheeks she still could not believe her husband was dead and gone at a young age of 22. Roscoe told her he wanted to talk to her after the viewing. She asked "Is it important?" He told her "Yes" Jenyfer said " Lets talk out in the hall" Roscoe told her that he got the accident report on Bo's accident. Jenyfer asked if she could see it. Roscoe hands her the report and learns that another driver was involved and caused the accident because he was too drunk to drive. Jenyfer told Roscoe because of this fool my husband is lying in that coffin . Roscoe told her that he is being held with out bail until trial. Jenyfer also told Roscoe that she plans to sue this other driver for wrongful death.

The Next day after a good night rest but Jenyfer tossed and turned all night . Bobbi went in the room were her sister shared her room with Bo .Bobbi consoled her sister and helped her get ready . " I know how much you loved him sis. I will always be here for you if you need me." Jenyfer asked Bobbi if she would drive Christine and she said "Yes." Bobbi and Jenyfer get into Christine , Luke and Cooter in the General Lee Daisy and Uncle Jesse in Daisy's Jeep since Uncle Jesse's pick up was totaled in the wreck that killed Bo. Christine's radio was on Hank Williams sr was singing I saw the light .

All the Duke family members and thier friends filled the chapel during Bo's Funeral . Coy and Vance came too to give thier condolances to Jenyfer . Coy told her " Jen I will be here for you if you ever need a friend." 'Thank you Coy that is very kind of you and Vance I know Bo would want me to move on and be happy." Coy seen the tears coming down the young widows cheeks and he held her close to him . Coy knew she needed a friend . After the funeral was over all went to the cemetery for graveside services . Luke said " Cousin I am going to miss riding shotgun with you . I know Coy will protect Jenyfer from harm I also know all of us Dukes will." The coffin was lowered into the ground then dirt covered it . There was a temperary marker were the grave was at is read Bo Duke 1960- 1982 . Jenyfer was having a hard time accepting Bo's death.

All the Dukes arrive back at the farm and have dinner. Jenyfer was picking at her food. Daisy tried to get her to wat something. Jenyfer said with tears in her eyes " Im sorry I cannot eat ." Coy went after her . Luke said " Coy leave her be she is grieving now for Bo" Coy said ' I know she is Luke . I want to be there for her. I'm falling in love with her." Luke and Vance explained to Coy that Jenyfer might not be ready for another relationship now. Right now she needs a friend. Coy said he will ask her himself. " Jenyfer I know you are grieving for Bo . I want to be here for you .I also want you to be my girl." Jenyfer said " Coy I am not ready for another relation ship right now. Right now I need you to be my friend. I will let you know when I am ready . I am not rejecting you. I am just not ready please understand that." Coy understood and said he would be her friend.

Jenyfer was asleep in the room she shared with Bo . In a dream she heard his voice "Jenyfer darlin' My cousin Coy will be good to you . I know he will take very good care of you." Jenyfer woke up and screamed "BO" and broke down crying so hard . Coy went in there and held her so tight and would not let her go . Jenyfer told Coy about the dream. Coy told her that he will give her all the time she needs and kissed her . Vance went in to see if Jenyfer was alright. Coy told Vance that she will be OK I am going to stay in here with her and make sure she gets some sleep she had a rough day . I know this is hard on her losing Bo . I know how much she loved him. Vance told Coy that Bo loved her too.

The Next day the Dukes got a gravestone for Bo's grave site. Jenyfer noticed Bo's spirit looking at her. Coy has seen it too. Jenyfer walked up to the ghost and she felt someting cold touch her. Jenyfer seen a lady walk up to her and said " Your husband recently passed away" Jenyfer said "Yes he did . May I ask who are you and were do I know you from?" The lady told her that she was a psychic and contacts the dead. she told her that she has a message for her from her late husband. Jenyfer said " I would like to hear this " The psychic who was named Serena Johnson told her that Bo will never leave her and will always love her and also told her that Coy will be good to her and will take care of her. Jenyfer told Serena that she had a dream like that last night. Serena told Jenyfer that Bo was trying to communicate with her. Jenyfer thanked Serena and asked her to stay in touch. Jenyfer gave Serena her cell #. Serena told her "If you need anymore help or advice call me and gave Jen her cell #

Jenyfer decided to let Coy in her life and told him that she is his now.

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