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Hey, Gang!

I just bought this game yesterday and I'm totally blown away with it by how realistic it is! I'm currently at the level of the game where I have to lure Roscoe away and get Uncle Jesse's truck outta the impound yard but I'm not having any luck because I just don't know what I have to do to get past this level. Can anybody shed some light on this? Plus, this question brings up another question as to why there's not a section on this messageboard devoted to the "DOH: Return Of The General Lee" game...........why is something like that not here???

If anybody can help me, I sure would appreciate it..........


Tony T.


u have 2 knock down trash cans farely fast then u have 2 do donuts around boss`s statue wen it says 2 and at a point they will say honk the horn while u r doing donuts then u lure rosco away by letting him keep up 2 u while driving away from the police and keeping him on ur tail till cooter says 2 lose him and u drive as fast as u can till u lose him and end of level.


Hi Tony!

You make an excellent suggestion on a forum, although instead of it just being for the Return of General Lee game, I have it to cover all of the Dukes games for PC and gaming systems. :)

So all you Dukes gammers out there, check it out! It's just below the "Community" section.


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