holly13 Posted June 12, 2007 Posted June 12, 2007 Chapter 1Daisy handed Bo and Luke the suits."Now thanks to you the whole county thinks i am marrying Enos!"Bo and Luke laughed as Daisy continued"I don't know waht he's going to do when he finds out"Enos was stopped by Dobro Doolan on his way to get lunch."Hey Dobro how are you?""Don't give me that you, i know"" Know about what?"Dobro laughed."Very funny Enos, anyway i gotta be going, congratulations"Dobro tapped Enos's shoulder then left. Enos stood in confusion, "What was Dobro talking about?"Enos continued to the cafe to get his lunch. Miss Tizdale was leaving just as Enos entered the cafe and she immediately grabbed Enos's hand."Oh Enos, you finally did it, Congratulations"This was yet another person, Enos thought to himself, he hadn't done anything recently that warranted Congratulations from everyone, but everyone kept telling him that he had.Enso made his way back to the police station. He entered and gave Rosco his lunch."Enos you are always in a daze, wish you would use them to think for once"Enso had npt paid attention to what Rosco had to say to him."Sheriff?""what Enos?""Have i done anything lately that makes people congratulate me?""Enos, you dipstick, you never do anything anyway"Enos sighed and gave his usual expression of raised eyebrows to Rosco's comment.Once Enos finished his lunch, he was called by Rosco."Enos i want you to go to the Boars nest""What for sheriff?"Rosco sighed."To see if Bo and Luke Duke are there cuz' we gotta' arrest them" He gave out his trademark laugh.Enso sighed "Yes Sir"On his way out he was stopped by Lulu."well hey there Enos""Hey lulu""I take it your going of to see daisy now?""well i am going to the Boars nest yeah why?"Enos said with uncertainty.Lulu smiled "ahh you two will make such a lovely married couple""a what""come on Enos you were there , you had to be if you proposed to her""But......"As they were talking Boss hogg pulled up."Oh Enos , mmm congratulations but i don't know why you want to marry that duke girl""J.D!" He was abruptly told off by Lulu"I gotta go" Enso walked to his patrol car zombified by what Lulu had just told him.As Enos drove the dirt roads to the boars nest he couldn'tstop thinking about the events of the morning gone. He never asked Daisy to marry him, he would love to obviously but Daisy never seemed interested in Enos in that way and now she was telling everyone that they were getting married. This didn't make sense to Enos.He parked his patrol car in the space nearest the entrance.The Boars Nest was quiet , well it wasn't but it seemed it to Enos , who at this moment in time was not on the same planet as everyone else.Daisy spotted him and noticed that Enos was acting strange."Hey sugar , are you o,k?""mmm i don't know2it was at this point that Daisy realised."oh no people told you about us" Quote
holly13 Posted June 13, 2007 Author Posted June 13, 2007 Chapter 2Enos noticed the tone in Daisy's voice as she said that statement, why did she say 'oh no'. Was the idea of them getting together really that bad. This was exactly the reason why Enos had never made any attempt to date Daisy, let alone ask her to marry him. He lowered his head. He did not know his feelings, he felt sad for Daisy's reaction but was more confused as to why people were saying that they were getting married in the first place.Daisy saw Enos's reaction and realised that maybe he was a bit upset at the way she spoke about the rumour. She decided to tell Enos why it had started, she needed to get back to work and the awkward silences made her feel uncomfortable."Enos, this whole thing started because i brought posh suits for Bo and Luke. They needed them to see what Boss was upto, and you know what people are like in this county for a bit of gossip." She smiled at Enos. His reply though was not a smile, instead he turned to go."Sorry Daisy i gotta' go""But Enos don't you want to stay for a glass of buttermilk" But Enos didn't stop, he continued for the door almost in a daze.Daisy sighed. Her pause for thought was stopped by Bo and Luke. "Hey Daisy , are you o.k?""mmm, oh yeah i am fine thanks"Luke was not convinced."No your not, whats the matter Daisy?""Oh its nothing , just Enos, he seemed a bit unusual thats all"Bo laughed"Sounds like he's alright to me"Luke joined in with Bo's laughter as Daisy smiled and shook her head.Back at the courthouse Enos was talking to Rosco."Whats the matter with you ?, you've been moping around here all afternoon""nothing" Enos continued writing as he spoke."Is it about Daisy?" Enos sighed. "yeah""whats the matter with you two now?""nothing, its just her reaction about this rumour thats been going round""why what did she say?, oh i didn't think it was true you know, cuz' you would be wearing a grin from one side of your face to the other if it was"Enos smiled. "well she realised that i found out, and she said 'oh no people told you about us'""and whats wrong with that" Rosco asked."Well why did she say 'oh no', she could have shown a slight bit of happiness about the idea" Enos sighed, "if that what she thinks about the possibility of us then, we ain't never gonna get together" Quote
holly13 Posted June 14, 2007 Author Posted June 14, 2007 Chapter 3Daisy had not seen Enos for a couple of days now, which was very unusual. Enos always came into the Boars Nest to see her. In a way she missed seeing him enter the room wearing his bright , cheery grin that always made her want to smile. She decided that after work she would pay Enos a visit. Not only was she curious about why he hadn't been in the Boars Nest, but she was worried too. She realised that there must be something wrong.Daisy was just finishing locking up when she turned round to walk back to get her things. As she turned round she stopped. Standing before her was Enos. Daisy smiled"This is a nice surprise Enos"Enos smiled back. "I have missed seeing you sugar, whats been the matter with you?""Have you really missed seeing me Daisy?"Daisy had never heard Enos speak like that before."What do you mean?""well , the other day your reaction""my reaction to what?""about the rumour, you acted as though you weren't happy about it, i mean you didn't take it lighthearted""I was upset because you found out from the rest of the county, not because i thought it was bad"Enos didn't reply."well Enos , this didn't mean that you had to stop seeing me did it?""no, i just thought that you maybe wouldn't want to, you know, it might have been awkward""No it wouldn't most people know now that it ain't true""yeah but people still still make jokes, and say stuff""i know but that doesn't stop me wanting to see my friend does it?"Enos didn't want to hear her refer to him only as her friend, the point of his trip was to see whether Daisy saw Enos as more than just a friend or could eventually. He decided that he would end the conversation. "i gotta' go now Daisy" Enos said in a quiet tone.Daisy immediately noticed that something was wrong, his body language had changed dramatically."What's the matter, and don't say nothin' cuz' i know there is now tell me!" Quote
holly13 Posted June 16, 2007 Author Posted June 16, 2007 Chapter 4Enos sighed he did not want to tell Daisy what he was thinking in case it made their friendship awkward or maybe even ruined, and that was something Enos didn't want. Daisy was one of this closest friends, always had been and he didn't want to lose that. "I ain't gonna let you leave until you tell me Enos!" Daisy warned."Alright, its nothing,just that..." Enos was lost for words. He walked away so that he didn't face her, he thought that if he didn't look at her it would make it easier to tell her. He sighed and began."Daisy i thought that this rumour would give me an opportunity, an opportunity to see whether you could...." he began to blush "..see,i mean eventually see whether you could give us a chance, even if its one or two dates i don't mind. Daisy smiled. "Well sugar , i must admit i do only see you as a friend to me, at the moment, but one or two dates could maybe help me change my mind"Enos blushed. He went to leave."Don't i get a hug Enos?"Enos smiled as he opened his arms slowly. Daisy moved into Enos and threaded her arms around Enos's neck. She lowered her head so that it lay against Enos's shoulder. Enos began to relax and allowed himself to be inticed by Daisy's aroma. They stayed in the hug for a moment Enos suddenly realised what he was doing and moved away feeling embarrassed. "I'll go now Daisy""Will you come to see me tomorrow?" she asked.Enos didn't have to reply to that he felt his smile and red cheeks said it all but he answered, "of course i will""Take care sugar""You too Daisy"Later on at the Duke farm , Daisy lay awake in bed thinking. Thinking about what Enos had said. A lot had happened in the last couple of days. She was glad that Enos finally broke the ice and escaped the shell he was nearly always confined in. She smiled, rolled over and closed her eyes.Daisy's drive to work involved some more thinking. She realised that the only person she had thought about all night was Enos. Daisy smiled to herself and thought, 'maybe it wouldn't be that bad to marry Enos after all' Quote
holly13 Posted July 31, 2007 Author Posted July 31, 2007 (Ok i thought that i would carry on and set it later, Thanx i1976 for the idea, let me know what you think) Chapter 5Daisy was now married to a man named L.D. They had been married for just over 2 years. But for Daisy, something wasn't right. Again she was spending another night alone,her husband was away touring with a band. She stood and walked over to the window. She looked out of their hotel room window onto the San Diego streets below. Walking into the bedroom she grabbed her case. From it she took a letter. It was now crumpled so Daisy straightened out the edges. It was one of the letters that Enos had recently sent to her. They still wrote to each other. Enos was doing well for himself in L.A, he was enjoying himself anyway. On the other hand Daisy wasn't. She pulled the letter closer to her face and picked up the phone and dialled. Daisy needed company and who better than Enos.The phone continued to ring, Daisy was about to give up realising that he must still be at work, until"Hello""Enos""What.....Daisy?""Yeah, i hope you don't mind me calling you Enos""Don't be silly Daisy, for you i have all the time in the world, you know that"Daisy smiled things like this should have been coming from her husband , but they weren't and nobody said them sweeter than Enos.Enos recognised the silence and broke it "How have you been?""OK"Enos recognised something wrong in Daisy's voice."What's the matter Daisy?" he asked with a serious tone, he was slipping into his police voice."its , well......" Daisy sighed, for some reason she felt like crying."Where are you?" Enos asked"In san diego, L.D has gone to play with the band he is with"She was cut short by Enos."And he left you alone!""I'm in the hotel, it's not the first time" she said quietly. "I don't want to talk about it over the phone""what hotel are you staying in?" Enos replied quickly."Hotel Del Coronado" She replied."OK i will be there as soon as i can""Don't be ridiculous Enos""It's not i haven't seen you for ages, plus you need some company,we can some fun, my treat""I suppose you won't accept arguments""not at all"They both laughed. Quote
holly13 Posted August 7, 2007 Author Posted August 7, 2007 Chapter 6Enos arrived. To Daisy it seemed like she had waited forever for him to arrive, but in fact it wasn't. He entered the reception and approached the desk. He was just about to ask the receptionist for Daisy's room when he heard a scream. He turned and just in time too, as Daisy was running, no sprinting into his arms. He grabbed her to catch her and took a few steps back to regain his balance. Both Enos and Daisy laughed. "It's a good job you called my name or i could have joined that receptionist behind the desk". Daisy laughed and continued to hold Enos. Enos slowly put Daisy to the floor. Everybody had now stopped looking at them."You look as pretty as ever" Enos said as he gave Daisy a loving look. For the second time, Daisy felt like crying and acknowledged Enos's words with a smile. Enos looked down at his clothes. His worn jeans, black converse and plain grey t-shirt suddenly caught his eye. "As for me, i look, well" and gestured to his clothes. Daisy smiled and laughed softly. She grabbed his hand, "I don't care you look just fine to me" Enos smiled back as they made their way outside."I don't know any place round here very well" Enos said."Doesn't matter, we will find some place" Daisy replied.As they walked around, Enos wondered whether he should bring up the phone conversation and Daisy's husband. "Daisy, on the phone earlier, you sounded upset" Daisy sighed. "Are you ok Daisy?" Enos was worried about her. "I don't know Enos" Daisy replied, her voice much quieter now. They continued walking the busy street in San Diego. Enos spotted a bar, similar to one in L.A where he and his friends would go. Enos led Daisy into the bar. Daisy smiled and approached the free table. Enos fetched the drinks. Since there was no buttermilk for Enos, he stuck to root beer. Daisy sipped her drink and looked at the table. Enos noticed that Daisy was ready to talk so he didn't interupt, policeman's hunch thought Enos. Daisy stared at her glass and ran her finger slowly around the rim of the glass. "He leaves me in the hotel regularly now, he didn't start like that, in the beginning of our marriage i would go everywhere with him. Its as though he doesn't want to be with me, doesn't want to be seen with me"Enos let Daisy continue again."i don't know what he is up to at these shows, or who he's with." Daisy took a drink. "All my life i have dreamed of my wedding, my perfect husband and heres my reality, i am so stupid, so blind"Enos found his cue, "Daisy you are not stupid at all, your dreams just important to you thats all, and your not blind, just in love" Enos hated to say it, Daisy loving another man. "those two words usually show up in the same sentence" Daisy laughed softly. but the the smile faded fast "The thing is Enos, i don't know if i am in love with him anymore"Enos could see where this was going he hated to see Daisy upset. He turned and noticed the pool table free." I said we would have some fun, so lets make it a challenge, Miss Duke, like old times""You mean when Cooter wasn't hogging the table" Daisy joked, they both laughed. Daisy stood and grabbed two cues and gave one to Enos. She realised that what she needed was some fun, take her mind off her problems, besides she couldn't say no to a game of pool."Your on Mr Strate" Quote
holly13 Posted August 20, 2007 Author Posted August 20, 2007 Chapter 7Enos won the first two games, then Daisy made a great comeback and won the next two games. They both decided that it would all be on this last game.They had been there a while, Daisy felt like she had lost track of time. She stopped to watch Enos break. Her mind started to wonder. She thought of how much she missed Enos, and how tonight was making her realise. It had been ages since the two of them had spent time together. Daisy came to the conclusion that she had not laughed so much in her marriage as she had tonight. Her thoughts where distracted by Enos's calling."Daisy, Daisy"She snapped out of it and smiled at Enos as she walked to the table."You ok?" He asked."Yeah i am fine sugar" she replied.She took her shot.The game went on for quite a while. The two of them had become increasingly more competitive.Enos walked up to the table as if he was taking this shot to win a major title.He pulled back the cue and..........He missed the black. It rebounded of the cushion. He slumped onto the table as Daisy laughed and walked up to take her shot on the black.Daisy pulled back the cue and calmly slotted the black ball home. Enos held his head in his hands."What's the matter Enos?" Daisy asked jokingly "Don't you like losing to a girl?""No i just hate losing to you"Daisy laughed "Why?""cuz you never let it be" Enos replied."Ahh i am only joking Enos, but you know, i did win"Enso gave a sigh and a look that read 'here we go'. Daisy laughed. That laugh that seemed like music to Enos's ears. He had misssed it for so long. He had missed her. He still hated how she belonged to someone else, especially someone who didn't look after herthe way he should, didn't love her truly.He walked back with her to her hotel room. The streets were silent now, not busy at all."Will L.D be back now?" Enos asked.Daisy sighed "Probably not, when its a night like this i don't see him until the next morning"As she spoke to Enos she linked her arm with his. Enos shook inside and felt a pulse that shot through him to his toes. It was incredible, she still made him feel like that, no one else could make him feel like that.They reached the hotel room, Enos was going to stop but he felt Daisy's hold on his arm tighten, so he continued with her into the hotel room.He sat on the sofa, feeling extremely uncomfartable. Daisy got a drink and came and sat by Enos. She didn't look up from her drink and Enos noticed that she looked the most upset that she had been tonight."What's wrong?" he asked in a soft voice."I don't want you to go, i don't want to be alone again" With this she took his hand. He held it tight.Their eyes met and Daisy slowly leaned to Enos and met his lips. He kissed back softly and sweet.Enos pulled back and stood up quickly."I'm sorry Daisy, i can't, no matter what's happening or i feel about you, your still married" He grabbed his keys from his pocket and hurried to the door."Daisy i gotta' go" he turned back to look at her, maybe for the last time, before he vanished out the door.Daisy wanted to go after him but he was right she was still married and it didn't change anything, no matter how she felt. Quote
holly13 Posted August 28, 2007 Author Posted August 28, 2007 Chapter 8(cut to reunion)Daisy rushed into the duke farm living room close to tears. Why did he have to be here why did he have to turn up now. Luke , Bo, Jesse and Cooter came in after her all offering her support.They saw Enos park in front of the farm and run up the steps of the farm.Bo, Luke , Jesse and Cooter ran to the nearest bedroom to allow Daisy and Enos to talk.They ran in and Luke shut the door."What are we gonna do now?" Bo asked."Just let them talk" was Jesse's answer. * *Enos entered the living room."Daisy" he said soflty as he walked towards Daisy offering his hand.Daisy turned sharply, "no, Enos" Enos dropped his hand as if he weighed more than all of him put together. He looked to the floor. "But, Daisy" he stopped, he didn't know how to finish. L.D had turned up Daisy had called off the wedding, what was he going to say. * * *All the guys hiding in the bedroom had there ears as close to the door as possible."Well fellas it don't sound good" said Cooter."There ain't no noise at all" Luke said abruptly."I know, thats what i mean" was Cooter's answer. * * *Enos decided he had to try."Daisy, i love you, and i am not gonna' let L.D ruin your life again, he's upset you again"Daisy interupted Enos."I can't do it" she said softly. "I love you too Enos, thats why i can't go through with it" she turned to Enos. "I don't want to hurt you"Enos sighed. "Your hurting me now" he said quietly.She turned away from him again. "I still don't know why L.D left me, i don't know whether it was me, and i don't want to do that to you Enos" * * *"Shoot Daisy, it was that...."Jesse noticed that Bo was getting angry and gave him a look. "Bo""Sorry Uncle jesse, but Enos is right, she's letting him ruin her life again, by not letting her be with Enos, if that makes sense"All the men sighed realising that Bo was right. * * *Enos walked up behind Daisy and slid his arms around her waist. Daisy wanted to pull away but she couldn't, she loved this man and had planned that by now she would be married to him, but she wasn't."I am sorry Enos, but i can't" she closed her eyes trying to stop the tears from falling."Daisy, don't do this" Enos replied retaining his hold on Daisy's waist."I can't go through with it Enos, not after seeing him""But i love you Daisy, more than he ever could" He lowered his head and gently kissed Daisy's shoulder.Daisy did not reply. There was silence for what seemed like an eternity.Enos let his arms loose Daisy as he realised he was losing his fight to keep her.He walked away from Daisy with tears in his eyes.Daisy heard the door of the farm shut. She couldn't hold back any longer. The tears poured from her eyes.The boys heard and came out from the bedroom. Jesse immediately took Daisy in his arms and comforted her. She continued to cry into Jesse's shoulder.Cooter looked out the window and sighed. "He's gone"Luke took Daisy's hand. She turned from jesse and looked at him. "You do know , Enos is not L.D. he's that naive boy who has loved you since we can't remember" Daisy laughed slightly. "What i am trying to say is that Enos would never hurt you""Heck he wouldn't even hurt a fly" Cooter added. Everyone looked at him. He shrugged. "Well he wouldn't""Daisy are you sure you've made the right decision" Jesse asked her.Daisy stood and went towards her room."I need sometime alone" * * *Meanwhile, Enos had stopped driving and walked to his old hide out from when he was a child. He sat and looked out at his old home. He decided he would stop here a while and then start his way back to L.A. Where he thought he would never return. * * *Daisy sat on her bed trying to take her mind off Enos but she couldn't. She had tryed sleeping but that had made it worse because she was now used to Enos being there with her. She walked to her dressing table and picked up a tissue. Her eyes suddenly caught a small box. She took it with her and sat back down on her bed. She carefully opened and burst into tears and managed a smile at the same time. It was the necklace Enos had brought her in Hazzard, the one, that years ago, she told him reminded her of Aunt Lavinia's old necklace. She took it in her grip and walked out the door meaningfully. Bo, Luke, Cooter and Jesse looked confused. "You alright?" Luke asked." I am goin after Enos" Everybody jumped to their feet. Bo, Luke and Cooter, all shouted 'Yeeehaaa' Quote
holly13 Posted September 5, 2007 Author Posted September 5, 2007 Chapter 9Daisy and the boys rushed to the the General Lee.Daisy called back to Jesse "Uncle Jesse go and get Rosco and tell him that this wedding is far from over"Jesse nodded and ran to his truck. "Where we looking first Daisy?" asked Luke"Just go towards all the exits out of Hazzard, he couldn't have gone far!" * * *Daisy and the boys had been round in circles looking for Enos's car, when suddenly Daisy spotted it on a short dust road. She pointed and called out "There Bo!" They followed it and realised where they were, the old road out to the Old Strate farm. "I haven't been down here in years" said Cooter."Stop the car Bo" said Daisy apprehensively."OK" answered Bo.Daisy slid out of the General Lee. Bo, Luke and Cooter went to go to, but Daisy stopped them. "No i am going to find him alone, i know where he is and before you ask i will be ok"The boys slid back into the General Lee. "Damn it Luke i wanted to go too" said Bo. "Now Daisy didn't say anything about not following her did she" said Cooter with his usual laugh.Bo and Luke joined in with the laughter. "Alright lets go" said Luke.They followed as quietly as they could and spotted Daisy approaching Enos. The three of them hid behind the nearest tree. After a while they poked their heads from behind it to watch.Enos heard cracking of branches behind. He turned sharply."Daisy" Enos stood to talk to her."I made a terrible mistake, I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you"Enos smiled. He slowly walked to Daisy and took her hands. Daisy looked into his eyes. "Do you still want to marry me Enos?" Daisy asked."Thats the most ridiculous question i have ever heard" he answered. They both laughed.There eyes met and so did their lips. Their kiss was interupted by Bo, Luke and Cooters cheers and yeeha's.Daisy and Enos turned to see them. The boys began to shush each other but it didn't do any good. * * *The Happy couple got into Enos's car, followed by cheers and words of congratulations. Their honeymoon would be spent in L.A, which would allow Enos to quit his job and return with Daisy to Hazzard for their new life together. Quote
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