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One of my friends and I were talking one day, and she told me that some guy called Dukes fans in general the Dorks Of Hazzard. I started to think about that, and decided that was cute. SO what I did was tell her that if Dukes fans are called dorks, we should call ourselves The Dorks Of Hazzard. She liked it, and I told some other people, and they liked it. Then I posted something up about on my myspace, and got some messages from people saying they liked it, and that was cute.

At Dukesfest this year, I wore a shirt that said "The Proud, the Few, The Dorks Of Hazzard" I got alot of dirty looks, but those that asked what it meant laughed and thought it was cute. John liked it too, and said it was cute.

Anyway, I just wanted to know what you guys thought of the name :) And I thought you guys might like to know about it :)

This is a logo I made for it: DorkOfHazzard.jpg

This is the logo for the shirt my dad made: DorksofHazzard.jpg


Speakin' for myself, I'll pass on being called a "dork" of anything, thankyaverymuch. I don't find "Dorks of Hazzard" as a term of endearment. If I didn't know that you were actually a fan, and I saw "Dorks of Hazzard" on the MySpace thing, I woulda marked you as a mortal enemy.

Whatever floats your boat, but if you're shopping for opinions, I for 01 don't dig it.


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