tanya71 Posted June 20, 2006 Posted June 20, 2006 Bo and Luke Visit the NASCAR Drivers*Takes place after the episode "Undercover Dukes"2/18/01 (Rest in Peace Dale Earnhardt, Sr. 1951-2001)It was a few hours until the Daytona 500, and Boss Hogg allowed Bo and Luke to leave the state to see the first race of the season. Bo and Luke were excited to see their old racing buddies, and meeting some new drivers in the Winston Cup.They get to the front gate and they show their free passes from Cale Yarborough since they are close friends.Luke: I can't wait to see Richard Petty and to get Kyle Petty and Dale Earnhardt, Sr. and Jr's autograph.Bo: I know what you mean cousin. I was surprised that Boss let us come to Florida to see this race. (Getting Antsy) Come on Luke, find a parking spot and let's find the drivers.Luke: (Laughing) You are acting like a kid who can't wait to get on a roller-coaster. (Laughs some more)Bo: (Smiles) I can't help it Luke, I am just excited. Yee-Haa! (Laughs)Luke: (Finds a spot near turns 3 and 4 of the track) There's a spot. (Sees Cale Yarborough) Hey Cale!Cale Yarborough: Hey Bo, hey Luke. You can park the General by the garage area.Bo and Luke look at Cale quizzically.Luke: Are we allowed to do that?Cale: (Laughs) I got special permission from the President of NASCAR. I told him that we were close friends.Luke: Were close? (Laughs)Cale: (Chuckles) You know what I mean.Bo: We do Cale. Hey Luke, park the General will ya?Luke: Cute Bo. We'll be right back Cale.Cale: Ok Luke.Luke drives the General and parks it near the garage area. As soon as Luke parked the car, Bo spots Richard Petty near his son Kyle at the carrier/trailer.Bo: Hey Luke, there he is, Richard Petty.Luke: Oh my Lord, there is Dale Earnhardt, Sr. with his son, Dale, Jr. I'm goin' to get his autograph for Daisy.Bo: I didn't know that Daisy was a race fan.Luke: There is alot that you don't know about our cousin Daisy. (Smiles at Bo)Bo: True. (Laughs)Luke spots Mark Martin who is directing Luke to the area to park the General Lee. They get out and shake hands and talk about the pass races together and talk about what they should add to the General.Mark Martin: So, you think your car could beat my #6 car?Luke: Oh, I believe so. (Laughs)Bo: Definately, with his eyes closed. (Laughs)Mark: When Cale told me that you guys were bringing your car, I told him, "No way"... (Unbeknownst to Mark, Cale walks up behind him and silently tells Bo and Luke to be quiet)... and Cale says..."Cale: "Yes way!" (Mark jumps as he gets spooked by Cale. Bo and Luke start laughing.)Mark: That was really good Cale. Why don't you scare the living daylights out of me? (Laughs)Cale: I thought I did. (Winks at Bo and Luke) Anyway, I came to tell Bo and Luke that both of the Earnhardt's want to talk to them.Mark: I got to go anyway and see how the pitcrew are doing with my car. Talk at you later fella's.Bo and Luke: Ok Mark, see ya!Cale: How's your lovely cousin and Uncle Jesse doing?Luke: She is getting lovelier everyday and Uncle Jesse is doing ok.Bo: Uncle Jesse and Daisy say "Hey".Cale, Bo and Luke walk up to the Earnhardt's. Jr. and Sr. are talking.Dale, Sr.: Remember, I ain't playin' favorites out there on the track.Dale, Jr.: I know that Dad, you've been telling me that every season at every track. (Laughs)Dale, Sr.: I know that son. I just love ya and I don't want ya hurt. (Sees Bo and Luke) Oh, Dale, these are the 2 ugly ducklings I told you about. Bo and Luke Duke.Bo: Ugly Ducklings? Did you hear that Lukas?Luke: Sure thing cousin. I wonder if there is.. (Looking around for something to do to Dale, Sr. <LOL!>)Dale, Sr.: DON'T YOU DARE!!Luke: Nah, I can't do it. (Laughs)Bo: We'll get you later after the race. (Laughs)Luke: Oh Dale, you have a phone that I can use? I promised our Uncle that we'd call.Dale, Sr.: Sure, follow me.Dale, Sr. and Luke walk into the trailer for a phone. Still outside, Bo and Dale, Jr. are talking.Bo: What were you and your dad talking about when Luke and I came?Dale, Jr.: Not that it's any of your business, (Laughs) he is just worried about me and don't want to see me hurt, is all.Bo: (Laughs) I know what you mean. Luke is the same with me.Luke and Dale, Sr. walk out of the trailer and rejoin Bo and Dale, Jr. and sees them laughing.Luke: Ok you 2, what's so funny?Bo: Oh, nothing much Luke.Luke: (Sarcastically)Yeah, right Bo.Dale, Jr.: We were just saying that you and my dad are both worry-warts and that you don't want us to get hurt.Luke and Dale, Sr. laugh.Luke: Ain't that the truth. Me, the elder Duke cousin telling my young Duke cousin not to get hurt.Dale, Sr.: I know what you mean Luke. Dale tells me all of the time, "Dad, I am old enough to take care of myself." (Laughs) Right Dale?Dale, Jr.: Yes sir. (Laughs)While both the Earnhardt's and Duke's were talking, they were interrupted by the announcer on the P.A. System.Announcer: Attention all drivers, please go to your designated garage area for inspection. Friends and family of these drivers, please report to your designated seats. Thank you.Bo: Shoot, just when we were havin' fun. (Pouts)Dale, Jr.: We'll have more fun later after the race.Luke: You got it.Dale, Sr.: See ya later guys. Maybe when the crowd leaves, we can find out who's car is the fastest. (Laughs)Bo and Luke: You're on!! (Laughs)Dale, Sr.: I see what you meant when you said that Bo can sense what you're gonna say before you say it.As Dale Jr. and Sr. went to the garage area, Bo and Luke went to their seats near the pit area. Luke spotted somebody that he knew in the Marines who was also there to enjoy the race.Luke: Bubba? Bubba Jenkins?!Bubba: LUKE! (They hug and shake hands) Oh my God it's been a long time.Luke: I know, too long. Oh Bubba, this is my cousin Bo that I told you about.Bo: Nice to meet you.Bubba: Same here. So, what are you 2 doing here? I thought you had probation and that y'all couldn't leave the city, or the state.Luke: Our commissioner who's also our probation officer had gotten special permission from Cale Yarborough.Bubba: Cale Yarborough? (Jealous) You got permission from Cale Yarborough?Bo: Yes sir. (Laughs)Luke: Oh Bo, I forgot to mention that Bubba saved my life.Bubba: Yeah, if I hadn't seen that booby-trap, your cousin Luke wouldn't be alive.Bo: Thanks. If anything did happen to Luke, I don't think I could live without him.Luke: Bubba, you see my cousin and I are more than cousins. We're blood-brothers.Interrupted by another announcement.Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, we have approximately 1 hour until race time. The green flag will drop at 1:35. Will all racers bring your cars to the pit road? Thank you. Will the owner of an orange car with the number 01 on the doors, please move their car, it's in the way of the dumpster. Thank you.Luke: Dang it! Be right back y'all. (Runs to the car)Bubba: (Laughs) That's your car?Bo: Yeah, got a problem with that? (Smiles)Bubba: Ha, ha. No, it's not that.. Oh never mind. (Smiles)Bo: Luke and I built the car from scratch. Maybe we can show you him to you after the race.Bubba: Him? Don't we men usually call a car "Her"?Bo: Not if it's named the General Lee. It also has a confederate flag painted on the roof.Bubba: Cool.Bo: That's not all. (Laughs) Luke'll show ya later.Speaking of Luke, here he comes.Luke: You won't believe this, I go over to the General Lee and ... (Laughing) You.. you.. (Cracking up laughing)Bo: What Luke?Luke: Come on, I'll show ya. (Still laughing and trying to stop)Bo and Bubba follow Luke to a line of 4 orange Dodge Chargers. Bo and Bubba were stunned to see duplicates of cars like Bo and Luke's car.Bo: Oh my Lord. Luke which one is ours?Luke: Over there. (Pointing towards the garage area) Quote
tanya71 Posted June 20, 2006 Author Posted June 20, 2006 Bubba: I gotta take a picture of this. (Takes out his camera and takes a couple of snapshots)Luke: Can you send us a photo, we gotta show our Uncle Jesse and Daisy this.Bo: They won't believe this. (Laughs)Bubba: Sure what's your address? (Takes out a pencil and a piece of paper from his wallet. <LOL!>)Luke: The address is... (While Luke is giving Bubba the address to the Duke farm, another announcement is made over the P.A.) <*Cut down on story time. LOL!>Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, the time has come for the race to begin. Please find your seats and be ready for the prayer, then the national anthem and those 4 special words to begin the race.Bo, Luke and Bubba walk to their spots by the pits.Announcer #2: To do the National Anthem will be the number 1 country singer "Toby Keith". (Couldn't remember who officially sang the Anthem) And to wave the green flag to start the race will be the brother of the President of the United States, Govenor Jeb Bush. (Couldn't remember who started the race. LOL!) and after the Anthem will be a fly-by the Fabulous Thunderbirds. (Ok so I don't know what aircrafts flew by. Sue me. lol) <The prayer is done...> Toby Keith: (sings) "Oh say can you see...Luke: Oh Bo, you got to see these planes.Bo: Did you get to fly one Luke?Luke: (Laughs) No, but I wish I did. They look awesome in the air. They gave us alot of ground cover during the war.Bubba: Sure did. I was one of them that gave Luke and the men lots of room to work with.Bo: (Confused) I thought you said you saved Luke from a booby-trap.Bubba: I did. Oh, I guess I didn't specify the type of traps, these were...(Interrupted by the engines of the Fabulous Thunderbirds)Bo: Oh cool planes.Announcer: And now to say those 4 special words that we all love to hear, will be none other than a former Quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers - Terry Bradshaw. (Yes, he did say those words)Terry Bradshaw: GENTLEMEN, START YOUR ENGINES!!!The engines roar to life. Driver starting positions are announced. Starting position and driver in order. <car # for Jeff Purvis and Robby Gordon to be found soon.>Inside Row Outside Row01 Bill Elliott (#9) 02 Stacy Compton (#92)03 Sterlin Marlin (# 40) 04 Mike Skinner (#31)05 Jerry Nadeau (# 25) 06 Dale Earnhardt, Jr. (#8)07 Dale Earnhardt, Sr. (#3) 08 Jeff Burton (# 99)09 Andy Houston (#96) 10 Ward Burton (#22)11 Jimmy Spencer (#26) 12 Rusty Wallace (#2)13 Jeff Gordon (#24) 14 Ken Schrader (#36)15 Jason Leffler (#01) <LOL!> 16 Matt Kenseth (#17)17 Jeff Purvis (# See above) 18 Ricky Craven (#32)19 Michael Waltrip (#15) 20 Dave Blaney (#93)21 Casey Atwood (#19) 22 Mark Martin (#6)23 Kenny Wallace (#27) 24 Tony Stewart (#20)25 Steve Park (#1) 26 Kurt Busch (#97)27 Mike Wallace (#7) 28 Kyle Petty (#45)29 Buckshot Jones (#44) 30 Ricky Rudd (#28)31 Dale Jarrett (#88) 32 Joe Nemechek (#33)33 Johnny Benson, Jr. (#10) 34 Terry Labonte (#5)35 Bobby Hamilton (#55) 36 John Andretti (#43)37 Bobby Labonte (#18) 38 Jeremy Mayfield (#12)39 Robert Pressley (#77) 40 Elliott Sadler (#21)41 Robby Gordon (# See above) 42 Ron Hornaday, Jr. (#14)43 Brett Bodine (#11)All 43 cars plus the pace car were now heading for the track to start their pace lap. As soon as the pace car heads for the pits, the green flag will wave and the race will begin. Meanwhile with exactly 1 minute to the green flag, Bo, Luke and Bubba finally found their seats. As soon as they sat down, the green flag waved, the cars picked up speed. Bill Elliott passes Stacy Compton followed by Sterling Marlin and Mike Skinner. Everything was going well until Lap #47 there was an accident and Jeff Purvis hit the wall. Both Bo and Luke were wondering if he was alright. They had gotten news that Purvis is ok.Back in Hazzard County, everything was quiet. Too quiet for Boss Hogg. Since Bo and Luke were in Daytona, Florida for the Daytona 500, he couldn't frame them of anything. (Poor Boss. LOL!) So instead of framing the Dukes for the day, Boss had driven to the Dukefarm to visit Uncle Jesse and share some good laughs and drink some Moonshine that Bo and Luke's Uncle had stashed away for special occasions. (Bo and Luke don't know about. LOL! <naughty, naughty Uncle Jesse>)Boss Hogg: Well Jesse, since your boys are down in Florida for the whole day, I won't frame you and your family. (Smiles)Uncle Jesse: (Smiles) Why J.D., I am greatful that you would do that for me. Thank you J.D. (Takes a sip of Moonshine)Boss: You're welcome Jesse. (Raises his glass and takes a sip of moonshine)Back at Daytona, at the end of lap 175, Mark Martin is in an accident and at the beginning of lap 176, Jerry Nadeau spins and hits the wall. The yellow flag comes out at lap 176. Bo and Luke see that Mark Martin and Jerry Nadeau are both ok.Bo: I'm glad that they're Ok.Luke: Me too cuz.Bo: I thought for a moment that it was gonna be another Adam Petty incident. (Rest in Peace Adam Petty)Luke: (Sighs) I know.Bo: Hey Luke, I wonder how Uncle Jesse and Daisy are doin'?Luke: You mean since Boss don't have us to frame? (Laughs) They're probably doin' ok.Bo: Yeah, you're right.Luke: What could go wrong? I mean look Bo, we're here in Florida and Boss Hogg is back home in Hazzard. Ain't I right?Bo: Yeah, you're always right. (Laughs) I'll be right back, I gotta use the boys room.Luke: (Laughs) Ok Bo.Bo gets out of the bleachers and heads towards the Port-A-Potty area. About half way the bathroom, Bo hears a commotion going on by the ticket booth.Unknown Thief: Don't move! You, I want you to fill this sack with all of the money. NOW!! I haven't got all day!With that, Bo had heard enough. Bo ran back to the bleachers and went to get Luke.Luke: (Laughs) That was fast. (Sees Bo panting) What's the matter Bo?Bo: (Trying to catch his breath) I was..(Pant) .. on my way..(Pant) .. to the restroom..(Pant).. (Interrupted)Luke: Easy Bo, take a deep breath and tell me what's the matter.Bo: (Takes a deep breath) The ticket booth had just been robbed.Luke: What?? Dang it! Um Bubba,.. (Who's still sitting next to the Dukeboys) ..we'll be right back, we got to take care of a little matter.Bubba: Sure thing Luke. I'll let you know how the race is doing.Luke: Ok thanks, Bubba. (Bo and Luke take their leave of the pit area.)As Bo and Luke get closer to the ticket booth, the thief runs out and jumps into the get-away car and speeds off to make his escape. Bo and Luke stop runningtowards the thief and jump into the General Lee through the windows. (doors are welded shut. LOL!) They radio the Florida Highway Patrol (F.H.P.) for assistance.Luke: This is Luke Duke calling any Floridian Smokeys, you got your ears on, come back. (LOL!)Cop: This is Adam-12, <Coincidence?> come back Luke Duke.Luke: There was a robbery at the Daytona International Speedway and we are following the suspect down I-95 heading North. He's driving a white Mazda Miata, Florida license plate ~EAT DUST~ (LOL!)Cop: What kind of car are you driving, so I know who I'm looking for.Luke: My cousin and I are in an orange 1969 Dodge Charger with 01 on the doors. Georgia license plate CNH 320.Cop: 10-4 Luke Duke, I am on my way.Luke: 10-4, we're gone.As Bo and Luke were still chasing after the thief up I-95, the race back in Daytona, Dale Earnhardt, Sr. has taken the lead from Mike Skinner at turn 2 at lap #163. Jeff Gordon at lap #178 and Buckshot Jones at lap #181 are both out from crashes. Meanwhile back at I-95, Bo and Luke finally found some help from the cop whom Luke talked to on the CB.Cop: Ok Luke Duke, I see you and the thief. I will take care of the thief. You can go back to where you're goin' and I'll go after him. Don't leave the state.Luke: We won't be officer. We're headin' back to the race back in Daytona.Cop: 10-4 Luke Duke.Luke takes the next exit and heads back towards Daytona International Speedway.Bo: Uh Luke, I have a feelin' that we'll be in more trouble than a speedin' ticket. Luke: Ehh.. Don't you worry yourself cous.. Maybe they want to talk. Don't ya be thinkin' otherwise. Bo: If you say so Luke. Luke: I do. (Luke pulls back into the garage area and both he and Bo walk back to their seats by the pit area)Bubba: Y'all got that little matter taken care of? Luke: Yup. How's the race so far? Bubba: Jeff Gordon crashed, Buckshot Jones crashed, Johnny Benson is out, Kenny Wallace and Terry Labonte crashed and.. OMG! Dale Jarrett just crashed! Yellow flag is out at lap #186 for Dale Jarrett. Bo: How are Dale's Jr. and Sr. doin'? Bubba: They are still in the race. Quote
tanya71 Posted June 20, 2006 Author Posted June 20, 2006 The top 12 cars pull into their pits to change tires and fuel. Dale Jr. took 2 tires and Dale, Sr. took 4 tires and some fuel. Both are back out on the track followed by Ken Schrader, Robert Pressley, Brett Bodine, Kyle Petty ..etc. 1 more lap until the green flag. ...Green flag! Luke: (Yells) GO DALE!!! Bo: (Laughs) I haven't seen Luke ever get excited about this or anything at all. Luke: Oh hush up. (Laughs) Bubba: Actually I have, when me and Luke and the other guys were being brought home from the P.O.W. camp. Bo: P.O.W.? Luke: Prisoners Of War. Bubba, I am not sure we're supposed to talk about it. Bo: Why not? Bubba: It's supposed to be "Top Secret" and in no way are non-military personnel are allowed to know about it. So Luke, I told your cousin, now what should we do about it? Luke: Well, we could kill him.. (Humor on that one folks.) Bo: Oh Luke, you wouldn't do that. (Get's a little worry face on.) Bubba: Wouldn't he? (Winks at Luke ) Luke: (Laughs) I wouldn't do that to you Bo. You should've seen the look on your face. (*shortened story again) Lap 199, Ken Schrader crashes into the wall and Dale Earnhardt, Sr. spins and hits the wall very hard on turn #4. At the checkered flag Michael Waltrip wins the race and Dale Earnhardt, Jr. comes in 2nd and Rusty Wallace in 3rd. After the race, Dale, Jr. saw the ambulance by his father's car and ran towards him to find out if his dad was alright. The pitcrew were also there to see if Dale, Sr. was ok, but he wasn't moving. Bo and Luke both noticed the commotion going on by the #3 car. Bo: Oh Lord, I hope Dale is ok Luke. Luke: I hope so too cous. After Michael Waltrip had brought his car to the winner's circle, he knew something was wrong, because Dale, Sr. is the owner of Waltrip's car. Usually Dale would be there to congratulate his team-mate. Meanwhile, the ambulance attendees finally got Dale, Sr. out of the car and put him onto the stretcher and put him into the ambulance and Dale, Jr. went with them.Bo: Oh Lord, (Praying for Dale, Sr.) Please let Dale be alright. Amen.Luke: Amen.Bubba: Amen.The Ambulance takes Dale to the nearest hospital. As soon as they got there, Dale's heart stopped and a team-member was pumping on Dale's chest to get his heart restarted. The orderlies wheel Dale to the E.R. to try and get Dale's heart restarted. They tried and tried, but the heart wouldn't beat. The doctor comes out of the E.R. and walks to the waiting room and finds the friends and family of Dale Earnhardt, Sr.Doctor: Anybody related to Mr. Earnhardt?Dale, Jr.: (Stands up) I am. I'm his son.Doctor: We used a defibulator to start his heart, but the heart went flat-line. We tried and tried again.. I am sorry, he's gone.Dale, Jr.: Oh my God..(Gets a little dizzy and a crew chief Hamilton catches him in time)Kevin Hamlin: You ok, Dale? (Concerned about Jr.)Dale, Jr.: Ye..Yeah, I'm fine. Can I see him Doc?Doctor: Sure, let me get the tubes and stuff off and away and then you can see him.Dale, Jr.: Thanks Doc. (Shakes hands with the doctor)While Dale, Jr. was waiting to see his dad, Bo and Luke were inside Mark Martin's trailer waiting word on Dale, Sr., Mark Martin turns on the TV and one of the guys from the NASCAR Association was on with an announcement.President/CEO of NASCAR: I want to let you know that we lost Dale Earnhardt.Bo and Luke: WHAT??Mark: Oh Lord.Cale Yarborough walks into Mark's trailer not knowing about the death of Dale Ralph Earnhardt, Sr.Cale: Hey fella's, how did you like the race?Bo, Luke and Mark don't answer Cale like they didn't see him come in.Cale: Bo, Luke?Luke: Um... Cale..(Still in shock)Cale: (Looks confused)Yeah?Bo: I think you better sit down. (Cale sits)Mark: I don't know how to tell you this, but... (Couldn't continue)Cale: But what?Bo: He's gone Cale.Cale: Who's gone?Luke: (Sighs) Dale Earnhardt, Sr. died.Cale: (Shocked) Oh God. Are you kidding me?Mark: No Cale, we're not.Cale rubs his face with his hands.Bo: Hey Mark, do you have a phone I can use? I'm gonna call and tell Uncle Jesse that we're gonna stay a little bit longer.Luke: Ok Bo.Mark shows Bo where the phone is, while Luke tries to console Cale Yarborough.Back in Hazzard, Uncle Jesse was at the Boar's Nest getting ready to head back to the Dukefarm when the payphone rang. Daisy answers it.Daisy: Hello, Boar's Nest.Bo: Hey Daisy.Daisy: BO! Hey, how's it goin' cousin?Bo: Not good. Is Uncle Jesse there?Daisy: Yeah, hold on. (Hands Uncle Jesse the phone)Uncle Jesse: Hey Bo. How are you and Luke doin'?Bo: We're good. Luke and I will be stayin' down here awhile longer.Uncle Jesse: Why? Is everythin' alright?Bo: (Voice cracks) No Uncle Jesse, everythin' ain't right. Uncle Jesse, do you remember when Luke and I came back from racin' in the NASCAR Circuit, and we told you, Daisy, Coy and Vance about Dale Earnhardt, Sr.?Uncle Jesse: Yeah, when you would be 2 car lengths behind him. What about him?Bo: I know I should tell ya when we came back, but I can't.Uncle Jesse: It's alright Bo.Bo: Dale Earnhardt, Sr. died, Uncle Jesse.Uncle Jesse: Dale what? (Shocked.)Daisy sees Uncle Jesse expression when he mentioned Dale's nameDaisy: Uncle Jesse?Uncle Jesse: One minute Daisy. How did it happen?Bo: Luke is watchin' the news. He'll let me know. What we know is, that Dale crashed at turn #4.Uncle Jesse: Do you know how his son is doin', Bo?Bo: No sir, but I'm sure he's upset about it.Uncle Jesse: I'm sure he is. Let me talk to Luke.Bo: Ok. (Places hand on the mouthpiece and calls Luke) Hey Luke?Luke: (In the other room) Yeah Bo?Bo: Uncle Jesse wants to talk to you.Luke: Ok. (Gets off the couch and walks towards Bo. Bo hands Luke the phone) Hey Uncle Jesse.Uncle Jesse: Hey Luke, how you doin'?Luke: I'm ok. Did Bo tell ya about Dale Earnhardt?Uncle Jesse: Yeah, he did. I'm sorry to hear about that, Luke. You boys were close, weren't ya?Luke: Very close. Like Bo and I were close to Petey Willis.Uncle Jesse: I remember. How is Petey doin'?Luke: Not sure Uncle Jesse, he's re-retired.Uncle Jesse: Oh right, you told me that. Well Luke, I gotta go. Daisy's closin' up. You 2 be careful when you drive back home. Tell Bo I said I love him. I love you too. Miss ya.Luke: Love you too, Uncle Jesse. Tell Daisy the same from me and Bo. Keep it between the ditches. We'll be home soon. ByeUncle Jesse: Bye. (Hangs up phone)Daisy: What was that about? I mean about a guy Dale?Uncle Jesse: It's a long story Daisy. I'll tell ya when we get home.Uncle Jesse helps Daisy close up for the night and get into their vehicles and drive back to the Dukefarm. Enos Strate was patrolling the road that Uncle Jesse and Daisy were on and was now pursuing them.Enos Strate: (Picks up his CB) Uncle Jesse, Daisy, I'm sorry to do this, but y'all are under arrest for robbin' the General Store.Daisy: (Picks up her CB) Now Enos, you know that Uncle Jesse and I didn't rob Mr. Ruebottom's store.Enos: I know that Daisy, but I gotta obey Rosco's orders.Uncle Jesse: (Picks up his CB) We know that Enos, and we know you wouldn't disobey Boss or Rosco's orders, but we also know that you wouldn't want to arrest us, Enos.Enos: I know Uncle Jesse, but I need y'all to pull over now.Daisy: Oh Enos, Boss let us have a break from bein' framed on phony charges.Enos: Possum-on-a-gumbush, if Boss didn't tell Rosco to have me arrest y'all,... then... (Interrupted)Uncle Jesse: Rosco is doin' this himself, Enos. I'll talk with Boss about it.Enos: You'd do that for me, Uncle Jesse?Uncle Jesse: You know I would Enos, eventhough you do obey Rosco's orders.Daisy: I'll owe you a tall glass of buttermilk at the Boar's Nest tomorrow, sugar.Enos: Thank ya Daisy and Uncle Jesse. (Makes a U-turn and heads back towards town)Back in Daytona, Bo and Luke were getting ready to head towards the General Lee when they saw a car come back and head to the garage area. Out came Dale, Jr. from the passenger side. Bo and Luke walk up to Dale, Jr.Luke: Hey Dale, we're sorry to hea' about your dad. Are you ok?Dale, Jr.: I don't know how I'm goin' to do these races without him. I am goin' to be so lost without him, Luke.Bo: We feel ya, Dale.Dale, Jr.: Thanks fellas, but I'm gonna go and lie down for awhile. Then I have to help mom with the funeral arrangements for dad. (Goes to his trailer to cry himself to sleep)Bo: What are we goin' to do, Luke?Luke: Don't know cousin. I don't know. (Sees Bo with tears in his eyes and grabs Bo and hugs him) It's alright, Bo. Get it out of your system.Back in Hazzard, Uncle Jesse and Daisy arrive at the courthouse to speak to Boss Hogg about Rosco and the false charges that they were accused of robbing the General Store. They see Rosco behind the desk. Rosco sees the Dukes entering the booking room.Rosco: Alright Jesse and Daisy, I see you've come to surrender yourselves.Uncle Jesse: Rosco, we've not come down here to surrender ourselves. We've come to tell ya, that we didn't rob the... (Interrupted)Boss: Well, well, well and well. What's all this about, Jesse?Uncle Jesse: Well J.D., your sheriff is saying that Daisy and me robbed Mr. Ruebottom's store.Boss: Is that so? Rosco, I thought I gave you and your deputies the day off.Rosco: You did, Boss? I don't remember you tellin' me that.Enos: (Just walked in) He did sheriff, I remember that Mr. Hogg had told us to take the day off.Rosco: (Imitates Enos) Mr. Hogg told us to take the day off. Enos you dipstick, just hush.Boss: Rosco, you and Enos go on outta here and let the Dukes go back home and take care of their business. Jesse and Daisy, enjoy the rest of the day. See you in the mornin' Daisy.Daisy: Yes sir, Boss. Thanks.Boss: Welcome.After Uncle Jesse, Daisy and Enos left the courthouse, Rosco went to Boss Hogg's office confused.Rosco: Um Boss, are you sure you don't want me to arrest the Dukes?Boss: OF COURSE, I want you to arrest the Dukes, you lamebrain. It's Bo and Luke I want you to arrest when they get back from Florida tomorrow.Rosco: When Bo and Luke... Ooh, I love it, I love it.Speaking of Bo and Luke, they drove the General to the nearest hotel to spend the night. They were invited to Dale Earnhardt, Sr.'s wake and were made pall bearers to Dale's casket. Both Bo and Luke had to rent tuxedo's, since they didn't think they needed one. They were getting ready for the wake.Bo: I never been to a funeral before other than Henry Flatt's.Luke: Bo, we didn't bury Henry, we buried tons of rocks in his place of him, remember? He shucked and jived everyone including Boss Hogg.Bo: I remember Luke, but Henry isn't as famous like Dale Earnhardt, Sr.Luke: (Chuckles) Yeah, I know that Bo.. (Interrupted by room phone) Hello?Dale, Jr.: (Luke gave Dale the number) Hi Luke.Luke: Hey Dale, what's up?Dale, Jr.: Nothing much, I just wanted to know if you and Bo wanted to meet me and my family at the International House of Pancakes (I.H.O.P.) for dinner after the first viewing of my father.Luke: Yeah, sure. What time do you want us to meet?Dale, Jr.: Well, it will be awhile yet Luke, the funeral director has to fix him up to make him presentable to everyone and to GOD.Luke: Ok Dale, give me and Bo a call and we'll be ready.Dale, Jr.: You got it Luke. See y'all later. Bye.Luke: Bye. (Hangs up the phone) Dale just invited us to IHOP for dinner after the first viewing of his father.Bo: Ok. What time are we goin' Luke?Luke: He says he's not sure yet. He'll give us a call later. While we have time, I'm goin' to check on the General Lee.Bo: Do you want help?Luke: If you remembered the toolbox, sure. (Evil grin)Bo: Cute Luke. Yeah, I remembered them.As soon as Bo and Luke left the hotel room, the cop that Luke had called about the theft of the ticket booth of Daytona International Speedway, was outside waiting for the owners of the orange car with 01 on the doors.Luke: Can I help you officer?Officer: Yes, I was looking for the owners of this car.Luke: We are the owners, officer.Bo: (Whispers to Luke) I told you Luke, we're in trouble.Luke: (Whispers to Bo) Relax will ya, I have this under control.Officer: Which one of you is Luke Duke?Luke: I am officer.Officer: Can I see your license and registration, please?Luke: Sure thing officer. (Hands cop his license and registration)Officer: (Returns them to Luke) Ok Luke Duke, your license and registration are ok. I want you and your cousin to come down to the station and answer some questions.Bo: I told you Luke. I told ya that we'd be in more trouble.Luke: Bo, will you relax. (To cop) I am sorry about that, officer. My cousin is still in shock from another incident that happened at the Daytona International Speedway.Officer: Oh? Another incident?Luke: Yeah, a racecar driver by the name of Dale Earnhardt, Sr. died in the crash.Officer: Sorry to hear that. (To Bo) Don't worry son, you and your cousin aren't in any trouble. I just wanted to ask you questions about the robbery, so I can write it in my report.Bo: Oh ok. Let's get that over with now, Luke.Luke: Ok, let's get cleaned up first.Officer: I'll be right here.As Bo and Luke get ready to the police station, the phone rings. Bo answers it.Bo: Hello?Dale, Jr,: Is this Bo?Bo: Yeah.Dale, Jr.: Good, it's me Dale.Bo: Oh, hey Dale.Dale, Jr.: I just wanted to let you and Luke know that we're leavin' in about an hour.Bo: Ok. Does Luke have the directions?Dale, Jr.: Yeah.Bo: Ok. We'll be there. In an hour.Luke: Let me talk to him.Bo: Dale, Luke wants to talk to ya.Dale, Jr.: Ok. (Bo hands Luke the phone)Luke: Dale.Dale, Jr.: Hey Luke, what's up?Luke: We might be a little late.Dale, Jr.: That's ok, Luke. My family won't be here until later anyway.Luke: You got it. We'll see ya when we get there.Dale, Jr.: Alright. See ya then. Bye.Luke: Bye. (Hangs up the phone) Dale said that his family will be there late also.Bo: Ok. I guess we better finish gettin' ready to go to the police station.Luke: I haven't seen you so interested in goin' to a police station before.Bo: Cute Luke.While Bo and Luke were getting ready to go to the police station in Florida, something strange was going on back home in Hazzard. Cooter was losing business, because Bo and Luke weren't there to provide him with business, so Cooter closed the garage for the night.Cooter: (Talking to himself) I hope Bo and Luke come back soon. They know I need the money. Well, I'll stop by the Dukes and see if they can help me out, while Bo and Luke aren't here.Cooter walks to his tow-truck and drives off to the Dukefarm for advice. Uncle Jesse was in the kitchen getting ready to make dinner, when he heard Cooter's tow-truck. Cooter gets out and Uncle Jesse walks outside to meet him.Uncle Jesse: Hey Cooter.Cooter: Hey Uncle Jesse. (Sighs)Uncle Jesse: What's the matter?Cooter: Business is slow, Uncle Jesse. I just wish that Bo and Luke were here to give me the business and help me make some more money.Uncle Jesse: (Chuckles) Yeah, I know what you mean Cooter. I miss those boys. I also miss hearin' the roar of the General Lee.Cooter: Yeah, and hearin' the Dixie Horn in the background.Cooter and Uncle Jesse laugh. Speaking of Dixie, Daisy was just arriving home from a busy day at the Boar's Nest.Daisy: (Notices Cooter) Hey Uncle Jesse, hey Cooter.Cooter: Hey Daisy.Daisy: I noticed that your garage was closed. Did Boss foreclose on it?Cooter: (Laughs) No Daisy.Uncle Jesse: Cooter was sought of havin' one of those slow days, Daisy.Cooter: What Uncle Jesse means is that Bo and Luke haven't givin' me any business since they went to Florida.Daisy: I know what you mean. Ever since they left, there hasn't been a fight at the Boar's Nest.Speaking of Bo and Luke, they were at the police station in Florida. Bo was talking to the sketch artist describing what the thief looked like.Bo: He had short curly hair. (Looks at sketch) No, he had bushy eyebrows. The eyes were narrower and close together. (Bo looks at Luke)Luke: You're doin' good cous. (Smiles and winks)Sketch Artist: How about the mouth?Bo: That was covered with a scarf.Sketch Artist: Ok. How does that look?Bo: That's him! Oh My God, that's him Luke!Luke: Good job!Officer: I want that picture circulated around. Mr. Duke, I believe that guy will be caught and put away for "grand-theft".Bo: Will I have to testify?Luke: Oh Bo. (Chuckles)Officer: Not if you don't want to. (Smiles) No, you won't.Luke: Bo, since when have you testify for Grand-Theft of anythin'?Bo: Luke, the law's different than it is back home.Luke: Boss Hogg is the one who frames us for stuff like that.Officer: (Confused) Huh? Quote
tanya71 Posted June 20, 2006 Author Posted June 20, 2006 Luke: Long story. Which we don't have time to talk about. (Looks at the time on the clock) Which reminds me, we have an hour to get ready for the wake of Dale Earnhardt, Sr. (*message from writer * - Did you think I forgot about Dale Sr's. wake? LOL!)Bo: Oh Lord, that's right. (Looks at officer)Officer: You're free to go.With that said, Bo and Luke left the police station and headed towards the General and back to the hotel. As Bo and Luke were getting ready for the wake, the phone rang.Luke: I got it Bo. (Picks up the phone) Hello.Dale, Jr.: Hey Luke.Luke: Oh hey Dale, what's up?Dale, Jr.: I just wanted to let y'all know that we're leavin' now.Luke: Ok. Me and Bo will be there shortly.As Bo and Luke were getting ready, back in Hazzard there was a ruckus going on in town in the square.Little Boy: You take that back! I am not a poor plowboy from the backroads! (Guess who's back? Make that whom..)Dewey Hogg: Yes you are. My Uncle Boss knows you are and so are the Dukes.Hughie Hogg: You got that right brother.While Dewey and Hughie Hogg were back in town, Cooter was just returning from the Dukefarm and saw what look like to him 2 men in suits. One in Black and one in White.Cooter: (Does a double-take) Oh Lord, I better CB the Dukes. (Picks up the CB) Breaker one, breaker one. I might be crazy, but I ain't dumb. Crazy Cooter callin'. Any Duke's home on the Hazzard Net, come on?Daisy: You got Bo-Peep Cooter.Cooter: I just want to let you know that 2 Hoggs are loose in town.Daisy: HUGHIE AND DEWEY?Cooter: Yes ma'am.Uncle Jesse: Give me that. (Daisy gives Uncle Jesse the CB) Cooter, are you sure?Cooter: Yes sir, I saw them pickin' on a little boy. Sayin' that he's poor like Bo and Luke.Uncle Jesse: (Frustrated) That tears it!Cooter: Uncle Jesse, calm down before you have a heart-attack.Uncle Jesse: I'll calm down as soon as I get my hands on them both. This is Shepherd and I'm clear.At the Dukefarm:Daisy: Please calm down Uncle Jesse? I know that Bo and Luke don't wanna see ya buried right now. Please calm down Uncle Jesse.Uncle Jesse: You're right Daisy-girl. (Takes deep breaths) Bo and Luke have to worry about buryin' one person. They don't need to bury another.Daisy: (Confused) What do you mean, "bury another"?Uncle Jesse: Didn't I tell ya?Daisy: No sir.Uncle Jesse: That call at the Boar's Nest, when I was talkin' to Bo. You asked about Dale.Daisy: Yeah, I remember.Uncle Jesse: Daisy.. Bo and Luke's friend Dale Earnhardt, Sr. died in an accident.Daisy: Oh Lord. Did Bo and Luke say how?Uncle Jesse: No baby, they haven't. They did say that they'll be stayin' there a little longer.In town Rosco was just about to go out to his patrolcar to go and patrol, when he heard ruckus going on in the square. He went to investigate, not knowing that the 2 Hogg brothers were in town.Hughie: Hey Dewey, why don't we show Hazzard County who we really are.Dewey: Sounds like a good idea, little brother.After Rosco had heard the name Dewey, Rosco ran back inside the courthouse to tell Boss that 2 of his nephews are in town.Rosco: (Barges into Boss' office) Boss, you won't believe this, but it looks like both Hughie and Dewey are in town.Boss: (Chokes on his pig knuckles) WHAT?!Rosco: I said.. (Interrupted)Boss: I heard you Rosco. DANG IT! I thought those Dukeboys were a handful. Hughie and Dewey Hogg at the same time is just too much. I can only handle 1 of my nephews but 2 of them? Now I know how Jesse feels handling Bo and Luke. (Interrupted by the phone) Commissioner Hogg speakin'.Uncle Jesse: Did you know that your nephews are here?Boss: I just heard from Rosco, Jesse. I just told Rosco, I know how you feel handling 2 of your nephews, Bo and Luke.Uncle Jesse: I know what you mean J.D. Want any help?Boss: Not right now Jesse, but you're on my help list.Uncle Jesse: I'll be around just incase J.D. Bye.Boss: Thanks. Bye now. (Hangs up the phone) There's gotta be away to get rid of Hughie and Dewey.Rosco: Ooh ooh, Boss. Why not frame them like you do the Dukeboys.Boss: Yeah, I could, but.. No, I can't frame them. My brother will kill me for that.Rosco: Why not? I mean they cause enough trouble just tryin' to shuck and jive their way into you givin' up Hazzard.Boss: No, Hughie had done that once with the Boar's Nest and puttin' up that steel door to my office.Rosco: You mean like the time when Bo and Luke... (Interrupted)Boss: ROSCO! Will you go out and do your patrol? I don't pay ya to hang around and talk about Bo and Luke Duke. Especially when they're not here. (Gets an idea) I'll call Jesse and see if he can get his other nephews Coy and Vance Duke to... That'll not work. They won't help. But it's worth a shot. (Picks up the phone and calls Jesse)Back at the farm, Jesse was just feeding the chickens when the phone rang. Jesse picks it up.Uncle Jesse: Duke residence, Jesse speakin'.Boss: Hi Jesse.Uncle Jesse: J.D. did you make up your mind?Boss: Yes I did Jesse. I was wonderin' if you wouldn't mind givin' Coy and Vance a call to help.Uncle Jesse: Are you sure J.D.? I know how much you dislike any of my boys.Boss: Yeah, I'm sure. I need your boys help desperately. I don't want Hughie and... (cut off)Uncle Jesse: J.D.? Uh, hello? J.D.? (Hangs up the phone) Huh. Quote
tanya71 Posted June 20, 2006 Author Posted June 20, 2006 Daisy: (Walks in) What happened Uncle Jesse?Uncle Jesse: J.D. called for some help from Coy and Vance and then the line went dead.Daisy: That's unusual. Maybe he forgot to pay his phonebill.Uncle Jesse: I seriously doubt that Daisy. He owns the phone company and he pays on time. I'm gonna give Coy and Vance a call and see if they can lend a hand.Daisy: Do you really think that Coy and Vance will help Boss?Uncle Jesse: They'll think I'm crazy, but J.D. is desperate.Daisy: Ok.Uncle Jesse calls Aunt Bessie and Uncle Albert to find out if Coy and Vance were still there. Aunt Bessie answers the phone.Bessie Duke: Duke residence, Bessie speakin'.Uncle Jesse: Hello Bessie.Bessie: Jesse?Uncle Jesse: Yeah. Is Coy and Vance still there?Bessie: They're about to leave to the store for me. Hold on. (Puts hand to the phone) VANCE?!Vance: (Yells from outside) Yes Aunt Bessie?Bessie: Uncle Jesse is on the phone.Vance: Ok. (Walks inside and Bessie hands Vance the phone) Hello Uncle Jesse.Uncle Jesse: Hey Vance. I was wonderin' if you an' Coy can do me a favor.Vance: What about Bo and Luke?Uncle Jesse: They're in Florida for a race.Vance: They're back on the Circuit?Uncle Jesse: No. I need you and Coy for a desperate favor. I'll explain when you come.Vance: Ok. Coy and me will be right there. That is, if we can finish goin' to the store for Aunt Bessie.Uncle Jesse: Sure. See ya then.Vance: Bye. (Hangs up the phone)Coy: What did Uncle Jesse want?Vance: He just said that he needs a desperate favor.Coy: What about Bo and Luke?Vance: He said they're in Florida for a race.Coy: Are they.. (Interrupted)Vance: No, they went to watch it.Coy: What favor does he want?Vance: I ain't sure cous, but I have a feelin' it has to do with Boss Hogg.Uncle Albert: Is that white marshmallow still runnin' that town of Hazzard?Coy: Yes sir. He still has that sheriff, Rosco P. Coltrane.Vance: We'll deal with them later. Let's go do some grocery shoppin' first.Uncle Albert: I'll take care of the shoppin' boys. Go on and help your Uncle Jesse.Coy: Uncle Albert, we.. (Interrupted)Uncle Albert: Go on now. Git! (Smiles)Vance: You heard him cousin. Let's git. (Laughs)Both Coy and Vance jump into the yellow car (*See Welcome Home, Bo and Luke) and drive off to the Dukefarm to help out Uncle Jesse.Coy: I can't wait to see Uncle Jesse and Daisy again cous.Vance: Yeah, me too. I wonder if it has to do with the crops and that Bo and Luke aren't there to help him.Coy: I doubt it cous. I mean if Uncle Jesse was havin' problems with the crops, he would've sold the farm. We know that he wouldn't do such a thing like that.Vance: You got that right. Besides, it's been in the Duke Family generation even before Uncle Jesse was born.Coy: You make Uncle Jesse sound old. (Sees Vance's face like he's saying "Watch it Coy Duke") Now Vance, I'm just kiddin'.Vance: You best keep on kiddin', or you won't see the broadside of the barn.Coy: Cute.Coy and Vance finally pull up at the Dukefarm. Uncle Jesse comes out of the house.Uncle Jesse: That was fast. Anythin' wrong?Vance: No, nothing's wrong Uncle Jesse.Coy: Unless you were booted from Uncle Albert.Uncle Jesse: What?Vance: What Coy means, is that Uncle Albert said that he'll do the shoppin' and told us to come help y'all.Uncle Jesse: (Laughs) Yep, that's your Uncle alright. Stubborn as ever. More stubborn than me that is.Coy: I thought I only knew 1 stubborn Uncle. (Laughs)Uncle Jesse: Watch it young man. I can still take the switch to ya.Coy: I know that. But you'd have to catch me. (Laughs some more)Vance: I'd catch him for you Uncle Jesse. (Evil grin)Coy: Now that ain't fair Vance Duke.Uncle Jesse: You can do that later. Right now, J.D. needs our help gettin' rid of both Hughie and Dewey Hogg.Coy: Hughie and Dewey are in town? What a time for Bo and Luke to be out of town.Vance: Uncle Jesse, do we still have the General?Uncle Jesse: No, both Bo and Luke took him to Florida.Coy: Dang it. (Sees Uncle Jesse's expression) Sorry Uncle Jesse. I guess we'll have to use this car.Vance: We can always paint it the same color as the General and paint on the number 01 on the doors and paint the Confederate flag on the roof. What do you say?Uncle Jesse: Actually you would just have to paint the car Orange. Cooter's got those magnetic numbers and letterin' and a big Confederate flag. Why don't ya see him and have him give the car a nice paint-job.Coy: Cool. As Luke would say, "Let's do it to it." (Laughs)Vance: See ya later, Uncle Jesse.Both Coy and Vance drive off to Cooter's Garage to see if Cooter has the paint and those magnet signs in. Pulls in and sees Cooter under the hood working on a car.Coy: Excuse me sir, can you check out my car?Cooter: (Looks from under the hood) One min.. (Sees Coy and Vance) Oh my Lord. Coy! Vance! What are you 2 doin' back?Vance: Uncle Jesse called us about those 2 Hoggs that are loose in Hazzard.Cooter: (Laughs) So Boss decided that he needed help? I'll be darned.Coy: Besides, that should even up the score a little bit. I mean, 2 Dukeboys and 2 Hogg's.Vance: Too bad that Bo and Luke aren't here. We'd have the advantage.Cooter: Yeah, I could see it, 4 Dukeboys and 2 Hogg's. The Hogg's would be out-numbered.Coy: Unless they have Cletus and Enos.Cooter: Enos isn't here. He's back in L.A. He's a Detective now.Coy and Vance: Detective Strate? (Laughs)Cooter: Yeah. He's got his own practice.Coy: I didn't think Enos would make it that far.Cooter: Neither did anyone. Especially you Dukes. (Laughs)Vance: Anyway, Uncle Jesse says you got magnetic numbers and letterin' and a confederate flag magnet to put on our car.Cooter: You heard right. I got them special ordered from Hot-lanta last week. Bo and Luke wanted to put some cool letterin' on the General.Coy: As if there isn't anything else they want on the General. (Laughs)Vance: What type of letterin' do they want on the General now?Cooter: Just their names on both sides of the door. On the driver side, they want it to say, "Luke and Bo" and on the passenger side, "Bo and Luke".Coy: "Luke and Bo" on the driver side and "Bo and Luke" on the passenger side. Now why would they want to do that for?Vance: You don't get it, do you Coy. Luke and Bo on the driver side, because it was Luke's idea to make him.Cooter: And Bo and Luke on the passenger side, because Bo had the idea for the 01 on the doors.Coy: Oh, I got it now.Cooter: 'bout time. I thought I had to get it through your thick Duke head what it meant. (Laughs)Coy: Cute Cooter.Vance: Cooter, can you paint our car to match the General and put on those magnetic stuff to make it exactly like him?Cooter: (Looks at the yellow car) Yeah, I think so, but I'll have to do something with those hubcaps.Coy: What's wrong with the hubcaps?Vance: (Looks) You're right Cooter. They don't match.Coy: What are you 2 talkin' about? (Finally looks) Oh, I see. Do you have a set of hubcaps in your garage Cooter?Cooter: I can do better. I have 4 sets of customized General Lee wheels that I was saving for Bo and Luke when they get back.Vance: Cooter, you are a genious.Cooter: That's what Luke keeps tellin' me. (Laughs)Coy: Uh fellas, shouldn't we get started and help out Boss get rid of his nephews, Hughie and Dewey?Vance: You're right cous. Hey Cooter, you get started on that and me and Coy will pay a visit to Boss to let him know that we're here to help out.Cooter: You got it.While Coy and Vance go tell Boss Hogg that they are back and willing to help out, Bo and Luke were just arriving at the church where Dale's casket is being shown. Open casket.Bo: I don't know if I can do this Luke.Luke: Sure you can. I'll be right with you.Bo: I heard that looking at somebody with the casket open will bring out bad memories.Luke: Who told you that?Bo: Nobody, I just heard about it.Luke: It's not true. You can't get bad memories by looking at a dead person. Come on, let's go inside. I have plenty of handkerchief's if you need them. Ready?Bo: Not really, but let's go.Bo and Luke walk in and stop near the registry to sign in.Luke: Look at how many people came to say good-bye to Dale.Bo: Michael Andretti, John Andretti, Mario... I didn't know the Andretti's knew Dale.Luke: Well, maybe John invited them to pay their respects. Oh hey, there's Richard Petty. Let's go say hi.Bo: Are you sure?Luke: Yeah, why not. Come on.Bo: I got to sign in first.Luke: Oh yeah, I forgot.As Bo and Luke sign the registry, Dale Jr. walks up to them.Dale Earnhardt, Jr.: Hey, I'm glad you guys made it.Luke: Thanks. Thought I missed it.Bo: He almost made the mistake of goin' right instead of left at that turnoff.Luke: Do you mind, Bo? Yeah, I did almost make that wrong turn. Thanks to Bo, my co-pilot.Bo: Hey, without me, you'd never make the correct turn.Dale, Jr.: Fella's can we discuss this later. I got someone for y'all to meet.Dale, Jr. takes Bo and Luke to meet his grandmother. Dale Earnhardt, Sr.'s mom.Grandma Earnhardt: Who do you got me to meet Dale?Dale, Jr.: Grandma Earnhardt, I want y'all to meet Dad's closest friends, Bo and Luke Duke.Grandma Earnhardt: Bo and Puke Duke?Bo: (Laughs) Did she say Puke?Luke: Yeah, she said Puke.Dale, Jr.: (Laughs) No Grandma, it's Luke. With an L. (To Bo and Luke) Sorry about that. She's hard of hearin'.Luke: No problem. (To Bo) Tell that to Uncle Jesse and Daisy and I'll kill you. (To Grandma Earnhardt, alittle loud) Nice to meet you.Bo: Shh! Luke this is a church. (Laughs)Luke: Cute.Richard Petty: (Walks over to Bo and Luke) Hey fellas. Glad y'all could make it.Luke: Thanks Richard. Is Kyle here?Richard: I'm sure he is. Anyway, I haven't met your family yet. When can I meet them?Bo: When are you free. I mean from managing from the race?Richard: Well, how about before Christmas?Luke: Sounds good to me. You got to try out our Uncle Jesse's Crawdad Bisque.Richard: I'm sure it's as good as mine.Dale, Jr.: Sorry to interrupt, but did you see my dad yet?Bo and Luke: Not yet. Quote
tanya71 Posted June 20, 2006 Author Posted June 20, 2006 Luke: I think I'll go first.Bo: I want to come up with you cous.Luke: Ok.Bo and Luke both walk up to Dale, Sr.'s casket and before they reach it, Bo's eyes start to tear.Bo: (Crying) I can't do it Luke.Luke: Shh.. it's ok cous. Go on outside and wait for me.As Luke was walking towards Dale's casket, Bo was outside by the General crying his eyes out.Bo: (To the Lord) WHY DID YOU TAKE HIM AWAY FROM US!!!! WHY?? (Bawling) Why, did you die Dale?Kyle Petty: (Sees Bo crying) Hey Bo.Bo: (Sniffs) Hey.Kyle: You ok?Bo: Our friend has died and you ask if I'm ok? No, I'm not ok. Why did he die, Kyle?Kyle: I don't know, Bo. I really don't.Bo: He swore that after the race that we would race each other.Kyle: (Gonna try and make Bo laugh) You mean race Dale and the 3 car with your orange piece of crap car, the General Lee?Bo: Hey, he's not a... (Sees Kyle smiling) Oh, you are bad. (Laughs) I'm trying to be mad at God for taking Dale away from us and you're making me laugh. That's not fair.Kyle: Life's not fair. And Dale's life wasn't fair either. I'm sure he had a reason to die. Come on. Let's go see Dale and get on with our lives. Ok?Bo: I don't know if I can do it, Kyle.Kyle: It's alright, I'll go with you.Bo: I'll just run out again.Kyle: No you won't. I'll be holding you. I'm not gonna let you run away and not say good-bye to Dale. Come on.Bo: You drive a hard bargain. Ok. I'll do it. (Takes deep breaths before walking back in)Luke: (Sees Kyle and Bo walking back in) You alright cousin?Kyle: He will be after he sees Dale.Luke: I'll be right here cous if you need me.Bo: Ok.Bo and Kyle both walk to Dale, Sr.'s casket and this time Bo didn't cry.Kyle: See, that didn't hurt now, did it?Bo: No, it didn't. (Looks at Dale, Sr.'s body) Hey Dale. I'm sorry that we never had the chance to race against each other. I guess you'd think the General would beat ya. Huh? Well, I'm just glad that you're in a safe place now. We'll meet again someday. Don't know when, but we will. Count on it. (To Kyle) He looks so peaceful.Kyle: Yeah, he does. You know, he has it made. I mean he was in no pain when he died.Bo: Well, maybe a whiplash that was a little too hard for him.Kyle: (Laughs) Yeah. But just think, we're down here and he's up there with the Lord now. He's probably thinking, "I'll get you someday Bo Duke." (Laughs)Bo: Cute Kyle. (Laughs)Luke: (Walks up to Bo and Kyle) Well, it looks like you're in the spirit, cousin.Bo: Yeah. I guess that seeing somebody like this, isn't as half bad as bein' alive.Luke: It don't get any better than this. (Laughs) Come on, some other people want to meet him.Bo: Ok. Thank you Kyle.Kyle: No problem Bo.Bo: I love the flowers that these people got for Dale.Luke: Yeah, me too. I especially like these. (Luke shows Bo the flowers that he ordered for Dale)Bo: When did you order these?Luke: When I had to make a quick stop to use the restroom, I used the phone to place an order.Bo: But how did you pay for them?Luke: One guess.. (Commercial scene) "Don't leave home without it."Bo: You used your American Express card? (Laughs)Luke: How else do you think I paid Beauregard?Bo: I wish you'd stop callin' me by my full name, Lukas.Luke: Why? I'm not embarrassed when you or Uncle Jesse or Daisy or even Cooter calls me "Lukas". I mean, that's my name.Bo: Yeah, I know. But I really hate my name. Why couldn't it be Jimmy? Or James? I could live with those.Luke: So, I could call you, Jim-bob.Bo: You wouldn't dare.Luke: I might. (Evil smile)Bo: You're too much.Luke: Only you would think that. (Laughs)Bo: Think what?Luke: That I'm too much.Bo: Oh. (Chuckles) Hey you know, we should give Uncle Jesse and Daisy a call.Luke: Why? You worried about them? (Smiles)Bo: No, I just miss talkin' with them, is all.Luke: Ok. (Sees somebody in charge) Excuse me.Person in charge: Can I help you?Luke: Yeah, we were wonderin' if we can borrow your phone to make a collect call to Georgia.P.I.C.: Sure, I don't see why not. Right down that hall.Bo: Thanks.Bo and Luke walk down to the office to where the Person in charge has shown them.Luke: I'll make the call. You can talk first if you want.Bo: No that's ok, you can first.Luke: Ok. (Dials the Hazzard operator)Hazzard Operator: Hazzard County Operator, can I help you?Luke: Connect me to the Dukefarm please.Hazzard Operator: One moment please.Luke: (On hold) Sheesh.Bo: What's wrong?Luke: Nothing. Usually all of the Hazzard Operators know who this is. This one didn't even say hi to me.Bo: Maybe it's a new person that Boss hired.Luke: Maybe. (Connected)Uncle Jesse: Duke residence, Jesse speakin'.Luke: Hey Uncle Jesse.Uncle Jesse: Luke! Hey, how's it goin'? Where are ya?Luke: It's goin' alright. We're at the church seein' Dale for the last time before the services. How's it goin' over there?Uncle Jesse: Hectic. But that's no problem. I called Coy and Vance to help out.Luke: Coy and Vance are there?Bo: What? (Laughs)Uncle Jesse: Yeah, they're helping us get rid of 2 Hoggs that decided to show up at the same time.Luke: Hughie and Dewey are there too?Bo: Oh Lord.Uncle Jesse: Yeah. Coy and Vance are paintin' their car the same as the General Lee and puttin' on the same numbers on the door.Luke: You mean that they're puttin' 01 on their car doors and paintin' it orange like our General Lee and the same rebel flag on the top?Uncle Jesse: Now Luke.. (Interrupted)Luke: I'm not mad Uncle Jesse. Just stunned that they'd use those magnetic numbers and letters to make their car look like ours, is all.Uncle Jesse: Oh, ok. Look, I got to go. Coy and Vance are back.Luke: Let me talk to them.Uncle Jesse: Ok. Hold on. (Hands Vance the phone)Vance: Hello?Luke: Hey Vance.Vance: Luke! Oh my Lord. Uncle Jesse didn't say who was on the phone. How's it goin' cuz?Luke: It's ok, I guess.Vance: What's wrong?Luke: Did Uncle Jesse tell ya?Vance: Tell us what?Luke: Remember that Bo and I told you about us beatin' Dale Earnhardt, Sr.?Vance: Yeah. What about him?Luke: Dale died Vance.Vance: Oh no. I'm sorry Luke. I didn't know. Is his family alright?Luke: Theresa and Dale, Sr.'s son, Dale Earnhardt, Jr. is taking it harder than all of us.Vance: Oh man, wish we were there to pay respects to him and his family. How's Bo holding up?Luke: I'll let him tell you himself. Hold on. (Hands Bo the phone)Bo: Hey Vance.Vance: Hey Bo. How are you doin'?Bo: Not so good. I don't like bein' at anybody's funeral.Vance: I know what you mean. Oh, Coy wants to speak with ya.Bo: Ok, put him on. (Vance hands Coy the phone)Coy: Hey Bo. How you doin'?Bo: Like I told Vance, Not so good. Why did Vance all of the sudden quit talkin' to me?Coy: Uncle Jesse needed him. So, what's new? How was the race over there in Daytona?Bo: The race was good. Michael Waltrip came in first and Dale Earnhardt, Jr. came in 2nd. Coy: What place did Rusty Wallace come in?Bo: 3rd place.Coy: (Accidently yells in Bo's ear) YEEEE-HAAAA!!Bo: OW! Not in my ear Coy Duke. (Laughs)Coy: Sorry Bo.Bo: I think that woke up the dead and the people in the next room. (Laughs)Luke: Let me talk to Coy.Bo: Luke wants to talk to you Coy. I think you're in trouble now. (Hands Luke the phone)Luke: Coy Duke, what am I goin' to do with you?Coy: I'm not sure cous, but by the time you get back from Florida, I'll be long gone.Luke: We'll see about that. I'll give Aunt Bessie and Uncle Albert a call.Coy: You wouldn't dare do that.Luke: Watch me. (Evil laugh)Coy: Oh Lord, you would. Alright Luke Duke. You win. This time.Luke: What do you mean "This time"? I always win Coy L. Duke. I do know what the L stands for in your name.Coy: Who told you?Luke: Oh, an old canary told me.Coy: Uncle Jesse?Luke: Who else? (Laughs)Coy: Well, I got to get off now, Luke. Uncle Jesse needs help with the chores and us to get rid of 2 Hoggs.Luke: Ok. Well when you get rid of them, Bo and I should be back for a big feast. I'm in the mood for Uncle Jesse's Bisque and Daisy's pie. See if she can pick some Crab-apples at "Skunk-hollow"Coy: "Skunk-Hollow"? Luke, are you crazy? Skunk-Hollow stinks over there.Luke: Yeah, I know. Just do it, huh? See ya Coy Ludwig Duke. (Laughs)Coy: You keep that to yourself Lukas Keith Duke.Luke: Hey now! Let me guess. Uncle Jesse told ya?Coy: Yeah. Oh, I've noticed that Daisy has a laptop on the kitchen counter. What does she need it for?Luke: She's working a part-time job as a reporter for the Hazzard Gazzette. Bo and I bought it for her with the last race that we ran.Coy: You mean the one in Darlington?Luke: No, in Atlanta for the 500. See ya Coy.Coy: See ya Luke. Tell Dale, Jr. that we're sorry about his dad.Luke: Will do. Bye. (Hangs up the phone)Bo: What was that about?Luke: Coy noticed the laptop that we got Daisy.Bo: I'm surprised he noticed it now. (Laughs)Luke: I am too. Let's get back. (Bo and Luke walk back into the hall and see everyone still there)Bo: I didn't know that Coy's middle name was Ludwig.Luke: Yep, it is. Just like I know Vance's also. Vance Rutherford Duke. (Sees Bo's eyes in a weird way(*Editors note- Don't ask!*)) Don't look at me that way Beauregard James Duke.Bo: (Cringes at his first name, just wanted to see if Luke knew his middle name) DAMN! You do know everyone's middle name. Luke: Only everybody that has the name Duke, I know. (Laughs)Bo: How about Uncle Jesse's?Luke: Well, maybe not everybody's. Uncle Jesse hasn't told me his. But I'm still tryin' to find out. He keeps hidin' his driver's license and birth certificates. All I know, is that it starts with letter L.Bo: Hmm... Jesse Lukas Duke?Luke: I doubt it. We'll try and guess later. Let's go see Dale again. It looks like everyone's leavin'.Bo: Ok. Just curious... (Interrupted)Luke: My middle name is Keith. OK?Bo: (Shocked) How did you know I was goin' to ask?Luke: I know that look.While Bo, Luke and rest of the guests were leaving for tonight for dinner, back in Hazzard, Vance was getting ready to help Boss Hogg get rid of 2 Hogg brothers.Vance: (Planning by using the Hazzard map) Ok. Here is what we're goin' to do. We'll meet Boss here at the bank, and we'll be... (Interrupted)Coy: Now wait one moment cous. You mean that Boss is gonna be here and we're gonna be at another part of town and we're gonna surround both Hughie and Dewey and what? Just get rid of them both, just like that?Vance: No Coy. We're gonna meet at Cooter's garage and Daisy is goin' to be the bait for either Hughie or Dewey, since they both like her. Don't worry, she knows what to do. We'll just trap them and have Rosco and Cletus do the rest.Coy: That's what I'm afraid of.Vance: Will you relax. I know what I'm doing. (CB's Daisy) Lost Sheep to Bo-Peep you out there?Daisy: I'm ready Vance. How about you and Coy?Vance: We're ready on our end too. Uncle Jesse, Boss you know what you have to do.Uncle Jesse: Yeah, we do. We're ready.Boss: Let's just get this over with. The sooner those 2 nephews are out of here, the better Hazzard will be.Uncle Jesse: J.D. Relax. My boys know what they're doin'.Daisy: I'm going in now fellas.Daisy was walking towards either Hughie or Dewey Hogg.Dewey: Hey Hughie, where'd ya go? (No response)Daisy: Hey Dewey.Dewey: Not now Daisy, can't you see I'm... (Looks behind him) Daisy? Daisy Duke, what are you doing here?Daisy: (Begins the shuck and jive) Lookin' for you, sugar. Who's with you?Dewey: Hughie's here helpin' me with something.Daisy: Oh? What's so important that you bring your brother Hughie with you?Dewey: Well, it's.. (Interrupted)Hughie: Dewey! What are you doing with Daisy?Daisy: Well, there you are sugar. I was wondering where you were.While Daisy had both Hughie and Dewey busy, back in Florida, Bo, Luke and a few friends showed up at International House Of Pancakes for dinner.Bo: So Kyle, I'm still sorry about Adam's death.Kyle Petty: Thank you Bo. Everytime I'm in that car, I feel like he's in there with me.Luke: Must still be really hard to forget about it.Richard Petty: I miss him too. I had so much stuff that I wanted to share with him before he died.Kyle: That's alright dad. He knows. There was one thing that I never got to say to Adam before he died.Bo: What was that?Kyle: That I loved him so very much.Luke: He knows that Kyle. He'll always knows that.Dale Jr.: Hey Luke, how's it goin' over there back home?Luke: Well, other than the Commissioners nephews invading Hazzard, I guess you can say it's doing good.Dale Jr.: The 2 nephews of the Commissioner, Hughie and Dewey?Bo: How did you hear about them?Dale, Jr.: (Smiles) My dad. He told me about them.Luke: (Laughs) I can't believe he did that.Dale, Jr.: (Confused) Was that supposed to be a secret?Bo: No, it's just that we didn't know he told anyone about it, that's all.Luke: Yeah, it's ok Dale.Dale, Jr.: Ok, I just thought it was some sought of "Secret" that nobody was supposed to know outside of Hazzard.Back in Hazzard, Daisy was shuckin' and jivin' both Hughie and Dewey. Coy, Vance, Rosco, Cletus, Boss and Uncle Jesse were beginning their plan of getting rid of the Hogg brothers.Vance: Do you know what you have to do, Coy?Coy: Yes Vance I know what I have to do! (Walks over towards Cooter to let him know the plan's in action. Whispers loud) Hey Cooter!Cooter: (Yells) Yo Coy!Coy: Shush! Not so loud. They're here.Cooter: Who are here?Coy: Hughie and Dewey Hogg.Cooter: Oh that's right! Help me with this.Coy: Cooter, we don't have time with tinkering with your tools now. We got to.. (Interrupted)Cooter: Ye of little faith. (Shows Coy his plan) Presto! (Shows a racing engine that could fit into Coy and Vance's car)Coy: Cooter Davenport! Where did you get that?Cooter: From a mutual friend of your cousins, Bo and Luke.Coy: The only friend I know is you. Who else is their friend?Cooter: Would you believe Cale Yarborough and a few other Nascar drivers?Coy: Cale Yarborough! Cale is their friend?Cooter: Close friend, but yeah. He heard of our situation and so he and his mechanic helped out.Coy: Good ol' Bo and Luke.Cooter: Yep, they're 2 good ol' boys, your cousins are. Let's get this over with and get the Hogg boys out of here so Bo and Luke don't have to deal with them.Coy: Good idea.Both Coy and Cooter work on the plan of taking out the engine of their car and putting a racing engine in and painting the car the same color as the General Lee and putting on the magnetic numbers and lettering. Cooter was finally putting on the final touches into the engine area. The dixie horn that he had ordered from a friend in Atlanta.Cooter: Well, there she is. Try it out.Coy: Whoo boy! (Starts engine) Yee-Haa!Cooter: Nothing can stop you now!Coy: You got that right. (Picks up the CB) This is lost sheep No. 2 callin' lost sheep No. 1 you got your ears on, come back?Vance: You got lost sheep No. 1 come back.Coy: We got operation "General, Jr." ready and waiting.Vance: Good. I'm right behind the General Store waitin' for you. Come pick me up.Coy: That's a big 10-4 cous.Coy picks up Vance and operation General, Jr. was operational and were just waiting for Daisy to finish shucking and jiving both Hughie and Dewey enough so they can get this job over and done with.To be continued on another board.. LOL! Quote
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