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Story of what really happened to Bo told in Flashbacks from Jessi's and from Bo wondering if anyone found Jessi or if she's been killed.

If you have any ideas or want to leave me a message about whether or not you liked it please pm me.

Summary: Jason Steele returns to Hazzard and supposedly kills Bo, not realizing he's left behind a witness that knows what really happened, though for the time being she doesn't remember anything. Now as she slowly regains her memory the remaining members of the Duke family work with Boss Hogg and Rosco to keep her safe and find out what really happened to Bo. Can a broken hearted young woman and the missing Duke boy find their way back together and save Hazzard? Stick around folks, this one's gonna be a mite tricky.

Chapter One--Live Without You

Luke sat next to the bed where Jessi Mae Parker lay, her eyes closed and face pale. He rested his face in his hands, drawing in deep breaths. He wasn't looking forward to breaking the news to her, afraid of how she'd take it. Bo was dead...Bo was dead and he wasn't coming back. he jerked his head up when he heard a groan. "Jess!" He cried, moving closer to her as she slowly brought his face into focus. "Luke! Where's Bo?" She asked.

Luke bit back a cry of distress, not looking forward to telling his cousin's pretty girlfriend that Bo was now dead. Jessi looked around the room, confusion on her pretty face. "Why am I in the hospital?" She asked, fear flitting across her face. Luke was surprised. "Jessi! There was an accident! You hit your head and Bo..." He started, but his voice got choked up. Jessi's eyes fell on his face. "Bo, what?" She asked, her voice quivering slightly.

Luke looked back up at the young woman. "Jessi! Bo didn't make it! He's dead!" He cried. Jessi's eyes widened in horror, pain flickering in her eyes. "He can't be dead." She screamed. Luke sat up on the edge of the bed and pulled her into his arms, feeling her body shake. Luke felt her bury her face in his shoulder and reached up stroking her long blond hair. Jessi closed her eyes and took deep breaths. Bo couldn't be dead. He'd been with her the night before and they'd talked about going for a drive the next morning. She pulled away from Luke and looked into his eyes. "Bo ain't dead. We went to bed last night when we got home and in the morning we were gonna go for a ride. He can't be dead!" She cried.

Luke stared at her, realization flickering in his eyes. She didn't remember. She remembered up to the night before, but nothing that morning. Jessi suddenly closed her eyes and put a hand to her head as images rushed through her mind.


I got something I wanna ask you Jessi! Bo Duke said as they drove along towards Hazzard. Jessi looked at Bo in surprise. "What is it?" She asked.

*End Flash*

Jessi's eyes snapped open and she stared at Luke who was looking back at her, concern on his face. "I wanna go home." She said. Luke smiled weakly at her. "Ok Jessi! Doc Applebee said as soon as you woke up he'd release you." He said. Jessi nodded her eyes following Luke as when he got to his feet as the doctor came in. He smiled at her. "Well Miss Parker! I'm glad to see you're awake. How are you feelin'?" He asked. Jessi stared at him. "I...my head hurts." She said. Doc Applebee smiled. "That's normal with a head injury." He said gently as Daisy and Uncle Jesse walked through the door. Daisy ran over to her. "Oh Jessi!" She cried. Jessi saw her best friend and broke into anguished sobs as Daisy engulfed her in her arms.

Luke motioned to the Doc and Uncle Jesse, pulling them off to a far corner of the room as Daisy helped Jessi into the bathroom to get changed. "Doc, she don't remember anything." He said worriedly. Doc Applebee stared at the older Duke boy for a moment. '"With the kind of truama she went through, it's normal that she's suffering some memory loss." He said gently. Luke looked over at the two girls as they came back out. "Will she ever get it back?" He asked. The Doc smiled. "She may in time." He said, patting Luke gently on the shoulder and turned leaving the Dukes alone with the only remaining link they had to Bo.

Luke walked over to Jessi and Daisy. "Y'all ready to go?" He asked, smiling gently at them. Jessi nodded and gasped in surprise when Luke lifted her into his arms. He carried her down the hall and out to Daisy's jeep. Jessi settled back against the seat with a sigh. Daisy looked at her in concern. "You okay sugar?" She asked, as she climbed in the back next to Uncle Jesse. Jessi nodded and then gasped as more images hit her.


"Bo! They're gonna hit us!" She screamed. Bo glanced quickly behind them. "Not if I can help it Sugar!" He said. Jessi screamed as they were forced off the road and went into a stand of trees hitting the biggest one.

*End Flash*

Jessi sat up fast and suddenly realized she was no longer in Dixie but in the bed she shared with Daisy. She looked around and noticed it was dark and Daisy was sleeping soundly next to her. She got to her feet, careful not to wake Daisy and went to the kitchen to get a drink and got into the cupboard, grabbing a glass and filling it. She turned around as more images hit her leaving her dizzy and frightened.


"If you don't come with me, I'll put a bullet in your pretty girlfriends head." The voice said. Jessi fought to open her eyes but they just felt to heavy. 'That voice. She knew that voice.' "No Mister. Don't do that. I...I'll come with you. Just don't hurt her." Bo cried desperately. "Now get outta that car plowboy." The man said.

*End Flash*

Jessi's eyes snapped open, her quivering hands losing their grip on the glass of water, sending it crashing to the floor. Luke heard the glass shatter and leaped out of bed, running down the hall to find Jessi standing in the middle of the kitchen her eyes wide and full of terror. "Stay there!" Luke said, moving around so he could get to the frightened young woman. Jessi obeyed but Luke noticed she was shaking violently. He grabbed her, pulling her to him. "He's gonna kill me Luke." She cried. "Who Jessi?" He asked. "Jason Steele! He's come back to Hazzard." She sobbed. Luke gasped as she turned and grabbed his shoulders, fixing him with a wide eyed stare. "Luke! He's got Bo!

Balladeer: Now don't that beat all! Bo's alive and Jessi know's who's got em. I sure hope she can convince Luke she's not goin' crazy.

  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter Two--Lost And Found

Luke stared at Jessi like she'd gone crazy. "Jessi are you sure? Are you sure you're not dreaming? He cried. Jessi's eyes darkened in anger. Lukas Kenneth Duke!! Have you ever known me to lie to you?" She yelled. Luke placed a hand over her mouth. "Sssh!! I believe you Jessi!! But Uncle Jesse and Daisy might not....unless we get proof!!" He said. Jessi glared at him. "I have the proof!! I remember it!!" She said, the sadness returning to her brown eyes. Luke gripped her shoulders. "Jessi, if Bo's still alive we'll find him and take care of Steele!!" He said. Jessi nodded and met his gaze, her eyes full of something he'd never seen before. "Luke!! I need the General!!" She said. Luke stared at her. "Jessi!! What do you need the General for?" he asked. Jessi smiled. "Don't you worry Luke!! I'm gonna take good care of em!!" She tossed back over her shoulder as she went back to bed.

Jessi awoke the next morning, her mind feeling fuzzy and hher heart racing. "Bo!!" She whispered, her voice quivering as she rolled over on her side, her eyes falling on a picture on the stand next to the bed. She saw her and Bo, standing in the entryway of the Boars Nest. he had his arms around her waist and her's were around his neck, her face tilted up to his and he was smiling at her. Tears filled her eyes and started to fall down her cheeks. She wanted to cry and scream, but she had to be strong for Bo and for Luke. She got out of the bed and walked to the closet, reaching for a pair of shorts and a tank top, her hand coming to rest on one of Bo's old t-shirts that she'd claimed as her own. She grabbed it, pulling it to her chest and sank to the floor, clutching thwe shirt tightly. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to stop the tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks.

A low whimper escaped. She jumped when someone lifted her to her feet and she raised red and swollen eyes to look inot Uncle Jesse's saddened face. He looked ten years older, like he'd aged overnight. "I'm so sorry, Jessi Mae!!" He said sadly, bringing new tears to her eyes. Jessi paratically had to bite her tongue to keep from telling him that Bo was indeed alive and that she and Luke were gonna look into his disappearance, hoping to discover where he'd been taken. She didn't dare tell him or Daisy because she didn't want anyone else in danger. Luke was already involved because he'd been present when she'd had the latest flashback and she also needed the use of the General Lee. "Thanks Uncle Jesse!!" She whispered and turned so he couldn't see the tears poolong in her gentle brown eyes. Jesse watched her for a moment then turned and left the roomso she could change.

After Jessi was done changing she heard a knock on the door and went to open it and found Luke grinning at her, though she could tell his eyes were troubled."Let's get the General and go nbefore Jesse and Daisy start asking questions!!" he said. Jessi nodded and pulled out her bow and arrows, slipping them outside the window and followed Luke out to the kitchen. Daisy looked up and smiled at them. "Y'all want some breakfast?" She asked, though jessi could see the deep sadness in her friend's eyes. jessi shook her head. "I promisedRosco I'd give him the details of what happened when I regained my memory and he wants me there early!!" She said. Daisy nodded sympathetically as Luke joined Jessi at the door. "Luke!! Where are you going?" She asked, suddenly looking at them suspiciously, no doubt wondering why Luke was going with her best friend into town. Luke raised an eyeborw. "Daisy!! She asked me to go along for support!! None of this has been easy on her!! He said.

Daisy looked at Jessi who seemed to be trying hard not to look her in the eyes. "what's goin' on you two? Why all the secrets?" She asked. Luke and Jessi exchanged glances. "We don't have any secrets!!" He said. Daisy rolled her eyes. "Dang it Luke!! I know y'all better then that!!! What are you hiding?" She yelled. Jessi flinched. "We can't tell you Daisy!! Please just respect that!!" She begged. Daisy looked at her best friend standing behind Luke in the doorway, looking lost and alone. "I don't think I even know who you are anymore Jessi Mae!!" She said and walked away. Jessi moaned and Luke turned to see tears in her once sparkling eyes but now they looked dull and lifeless. He reached for her but she backed away and shook her head. "I...I've gotta tell her Luke!!" She said. He nodded and watched as Jessi made her way towards the room she shared with Daisy, stopping midstride as more images hit her.


"No! No!! You promised you wouldn't hurt her!! Bo's panicked voice cried. She heard Steele laugh and felt something slam against the back oof her skull. Just before she lost conciousness she heard Steele speak to someone. "Get him out to the Coffin Works till we decide how we're gonna get his cousin!!!" What about the gal?" the unfamilar voice asked. "Leave her!! Someone will find her!!" Steele said.

*End Flash*

Luke saw Jessi starting to fall even before she screamed and covered her ears. He darted across the kitchen and caught her in his arms, her head falling against his chest. Daisy came out and stared in horror at Luke holding Jessi. "Luke!! What's goin' on?" She cried. Luke looked up at hjis cousin. "Jessi's having horrible flashback's!! He said as Daisy knelt next to him. Daisy nodded and smoothed some hair away from Jessi's face. "What else Luke?" She asked. Luke sighed. "Daisy!! Bo ain't dead!!" He said. Daisy's eyes widened. "You sure?" She asked. "Jason Steele has em!!" Jessi said, struggling to her feet and then whirled to face Luke, her eyes wide. "They're gonna come after you next Luke!!" She crieed. Luke got to his feet and took Jessi's arms, looking into her eyes. "We ain't gonna let that happen Jessi and we're gonna get Bo back!!" He said, looking confused when her dull and lifeless eyes suddenly lit up. "I know where he is!!" She said.

Luke's eyes widened when he heard that. "Where is he?" He asked. Daisy looked onin concern. "He's at the Hazzard Coffin Works!! Jessi said, pushing past him and going out the door. Luke and Daisy followed her as she walked around the edge of the house, stopping to grab her bow and arrows. "What are you doing Jessi?" Luke asked. Jessi swung back around to face him. "I'm gonna go inot town and let Rosco know and then I'm gonna go get Bo!!" She said, walking around to the driver's side of the General and climbing inside, settling behind the wheel as she started the engine. Luke and Daisy scrambled around the car and got in. "Well let's go then!! Luke said. Jessi nodded and put the car in gear, speeding off towards Hazzard.

Balladeer: That gal sure is feisty!! I'd sure hate to make her mad!! Wouldn't you? Stick around folks cause we're just getting started!!


Chapter Three--Memories

Boss Hogg was sitting at the desk in his office in the courthouse when there was a knock at the door and it opened up a moment later admitting a dark haired young man and two young women, one with light brown hair and the other with blond. He was a little surprised when he realized it was none other then Luke Duke and Daisy Duke and Jessi Mae Parker. He stood up when he saw them and went around his desk to where Jessi stood. "Jessi, darlin'!! I'm so sorry about Bo!! I may have wanted them boys caught and jailed but I never wanted neither one of em dead!!" He said. Jessi nodded and smiled slightly down at the short fat man dressed in the white suit. "Thank you Boss!!" She said softly her eyes filling with tears. Boss grabbed her hand squeezing it gently.

Jessi turned to look at Luke and Daisy almost laughing at the bug eyed looks on their faces. She turned back to Boss. "We need to talk to Rosco!! Is he around?" She asked. Boss nodded and smiled kindly at her making them wonder if he'd hit his head. "Rosco!!" He yelled and a moment later the door opened and Rosco came in followed by Flash and Enos. Flash went straight to Jessi and sat down at her feet, looking up at the pretty blond and wagging her tail. Jessi smiled and knelt down to pet the hound dog. "Howdy Rosco! Hey Enos!" She said. Enos smiled at her but his eyes were on Daisy. "Gyuk, Gyuk!! What are you Duke's doing here?" Rosco muttered when he saw Luke, Daisy, and Jessi.

Jessi stopped petting Flash and took Luke's offered hand, getting to her feet. "Rosco! I need your help!!" She said. Rosco stared at her. "What do you need my help with?" He asked. Luke moved over next to Jessi. "I know this is gonna be mighty hard to believe but Bo ain't dead!!" Jessi said. Rosco, Boss, and Enos all stared at her like she'd lost her mind. "Are you sure? How'd you figure that out? Where's he at?" They all asked at once. Jessi stepped back at the onrush of questions looking vulnerable. Luke moved forward. "Jessi's been havin' flashbacks about what happened! She knows who has Bo and where!!" He said.

"Well why haven't you gone to get him back then?" Rosco asked, stepping back when Boss gave him a sharp glance. Jessi rested her hands on her hips and glared at Rosco. "Now see here Rosco! I thought it better to let you know what I knew before we go rescue Bo!!" She yelled. Boss held his hands up, glaring at Rosco. "What do you remember?" He asked gently. Jessi looked at him. "Jason Steele has Bo and he's holding him out at the Coffin Works!!" She said. "Why that good for nothin'...." Rosco muttered." Rosco, we need your help gettin' bo back!!" Jessi said. Rosco nodded. "You got it!!" He said. Jessi nodded and managed a small smile. "Good! Let's go!" She said, and headed out the door for the General, followed by everyone, includin' Flash.

Bo leaned his head back against the wall in the Coffin Works, tears in his blue eyes. He hoped Luke was taking good care of Jessi because he knew he'd never see her again. He closed his eyes and tried to picture Jessi's face in his mind.


Luke! I love Jessi so much I just don't know how to explain it! Bo told his older cousin one day while they were in the Boars Nest waiting for Jessi and Daisy to get off work. Luke grinned at his younger cousin. "Then ask the gal to marry you cousin!!" He said. Bo stared at him. "You really think so?" He asked. Luke nodded. "I know she loves you Bo! Just ask her!'

*End Flash*

Tears slid down Bo's cheeks. The day he was gonna ask her to marry him was the day that he was taken by Steele. He'd actually started to when they got run off the road.


Jessi screamed as the General smacked against a tree, then her head struck the dash. Bo looked out the window and gasped as two men with guns got out and came towards them. Jessi groaned, struggling to sit up, but Bo pushed her back down. "Stay down Jessi! They got guns!" He whispered. Jessi's eyes widened a little though she went still. "Get out of the car plowboy!!" Bo turned in surprise when he recognized Jason Steele's voice. "I....I can't leave her! She's hurt! Bo cried. "If you don't want me to shoot her get outta that car!!" Steele snapped.

Bo sighed and took one last look at Jessi one more time before sliding out the window. Steele turned and leaned through the car window. "No! You promised you wouldn't hurt her!" Bo cried as Steele's gun hit the back of Jessi's head with a solid crack. Bo bit back a cry as she slumped in the seat, her head falling against the door, blood running down the left side of her face, staining her golden hair red. "Let's get em out to the Coffin Works til' we decide how to get his cousin!" Steele told his partner. "What about the gal?" The man asked. "Leave her! Someone will come along and find her! Steele said.

*End Flash*

Bo growled angrily and struggled against the ropes that held him, but had no luck. "I promise you Jessi if I ever get outta this, I'm gonna make Steele pay for hurting you!!" He mumbled under his breath.

Jessi sat on the hood of the General holding a pair of binoculars to her face as she kept an eye on the Coffin Works. She was waiting for Luke's signal though she jumed when he sat down next to her on the hood. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked gently, watching as she laid the binoculars on the space between them. She nodded and looked back at the Coffin Works as Rosco, Boss and Enos approached the door. "Luke I've gotta do this!! I need Bo back and if I have to risk my life to do it then that's what I'm gonna do!!" She said as she slid off the hood and walked to the driver's side, grabbing the edge of the door and pulling herself up and then slid behind the wheel. Luke jumped off the hood and crouched down on the passenger side, peering through the window at her. "Be careful Jessi!!" He said as she started the engine. She smiled. " Ain't I always!!" She said.

Balladeer: I sure hope they know what they're doing cause if they don't I'd sure hate to see what Steele and his man are gonna do if they catch any of em!! Don't go away ya hear!!

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...

Sorry it's taken me so long to do an update. I've been busy and then my computer quit on me so I had to wait to get a new one. And now Chapter Four of Heartache In Hazzard.

Chapter Four-The Rescue

Boss and Rosco went to the door of the Coffin Works and Rosco knocked loudly, waiting for whoever was inside to come to the door. Both men were angry that Steele had returned to Hazzard and attempted to kill Bo and threatened to kill Jessi. Boss Hogg hated violence in Hazzard and this time was no different. They jumped back a little when the door opened and Steele appeared, smirking at them like he'd beat them all. "What do you want Coltrane?" He sneered, glaring at Rosco.

Rosco stared at him for a moment before answering. "Gyuck, Gyuck. We know you have Bo Duke here and we want him back. He has a family." Steele's face reddened in anger at the mention of the blond Duke boy he had tied up out back. "I knew I should have killed that pretty blond gal of his when I had the chance. She squealed about the accident didn't she?" He yelled.

Boss and Rosco jumped at the loud and angry tone in Steele's voice. "Well, maybe she just thought she saw something." Boss tried, doing his best to smooth things over until Jessi could get in there and get Bo out. Steele smirked. "And I suppose that gal is gonna come traipsing in here to save her beloved boyfriend." A short laugh came from behind Steele and Jessi came into view, holding a rifle. "I wouldn't call it traipsing. I think most would call it sneaking. Hands in the air."

Steele hesitated, then slowly put up his hands. Rosco snickered and pulled out his handcuffs, ready to put them on Steele, just as he whipped out a gun and fired it at Jessi. She'd seen it coming and dove to the side, landing at the side, hidden from view. Rosco and Boss had scurried out of harm's way, not wanting to get shot. Jessi loaded her gun and stood up, quickly firing it past Steele.

Bo heard the shots fired and struggled harder to free himself, the extra tug, giving him the leverage he needed and he got to his feet, running towards the sound of gunfire. "Jess." He cried when he came into sight of Jessi and Steele, each looking like they were having a showdown. Jessi turned towards him a look of relief on her face. "Bo." She cried. Steele ran forward and grabbed Jessi, wrenching the rifle from her grasp and threw it aside.

"Let her go." Bo yelled. Steele smirked, and whipped Jessi around by the arm, making her stumble and go down to her knees. "I'll let her go alright." He yanked her to her feet and backhanded her hard across the face, making Jessi fall to the ground in a heap. "Jess." Bo yelled then turned towards Steele as the bounty hunter pulled his gun from his belt and aimed it at Bo. "Goodbye Duke."

Jessi lifted her head and kicked Steele's feet out from under him, sending him crashing to the floor next to her. She then scrambled for the gun and cried out in pain as he grabbed her hair, attempting to stop her but she turned and delivered a hard right hook to Steele's face, making him release her. She then grabbed the gun and aimed it at him, her voice full of anger. "Don't move." She got to her feet, slowly backing away from him in case he tried anything else.

Steele glared at her but decided to obey. Boss and Rosco rushed in and Rosco handcuffed Steele, leading him away. Jessi turned and looked at Bo, then ran into his arms, holding onto him tightly. She was just thankful Bo was alive. "I thought I'd lost ya Bo." She said looking up into his eyes, her own soft and full of love. Bo smiled gently at her and touched her face tenderly. "You ain't ever gonna lose me Jess."

Jessi smiled and touched his face, her fingers gently stroking his jawline. "That's good because I need ya in my life Bo." Bo smiled at her and gently kissed her soft pink lips. "I need ya too Jess."

Balladeer: Don't ya'll just love happy endings.

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