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This just sort of happened one day at work...I try not to fight these things!! And it is set two years ago.


Jeffery Grant Duke was tall, dark and handsome. His deep blue eyes sparkled brightly as he watched the race with the warm sun in his face. His smile was kind and friendly. He watched the deep orange stock car pull into the lead. His mother sat to the left of him, her hands covering her face. Her long blonde hair blowing around her face in the gentle breeze. She peeked her green eyes out from between her fingers, wanting to watch the race, but she was still fearful for her husband out on the track. Jeff's two younger twin brothers sat on his right. He'd always thought they looked more like their uncle then their father. They had fair hair and features. They were whooping and cheering. "Go Dad!!" Jesse shouted. "Yeah number one!!" Kevin hollered holding up one finger. Their sister, Stephanie, sat to the left of them. She was waving a rebel flag in the air as she watched the race, admiring all the cars. She was a perfect female clone of their father, her features striking, yet still femine. Jeff liked to tease her, one day she'd break all the boys hearts. She would tease back by saying he'd already broken the hearts of every girl in Hazzard County, twice over!

A reflection of the sun glimmered off the roof of the General Lee as it blew through the finish line. "C'mon Momma!! Let's go congratulate them!!" Jesse pleaded, his eyes sparkling brightly like his father's did. Anna smiled back her son and replied, "I think that's a fine idea!" She stood up and followed Jeff out to the asle. Jeff stopped, putting a hand on each of his little brothers shoulders. He spun them around, his darl blue eyes staring into theirs. "Jesse, Kevin, you stay behind me and in front of mom at all times. Got it?" he asked them with a smile. They nodded there heads in unison.

Jeff lead the way down to the track, followed by his sister. Who was pulling on the back of his red button-up shirt, "Jeff!! Oooh Jeff look!! There's a Challenger!! And a 'Stang!!" He sometimes wondered if his sister should have been a brother the way she talked about cars, she knew everything about a car, from the Carberator, to the driveshaft, to how to check AND replace the timing belt. Following Stephanie was Kevin, who was being poked in the ribs by Jesse. Until their mother had seperated them, taking both by the hand. Jeff was seven years older than his sister, she was two years older than the twins. He was eighteen, but not yet a man, in his mother's words, he had alot to learn.

They walked out on to the track were their Father and Uncle were sitting on the hood of their orange stock car, The General Lee. The General was the fastest car south of the Mason-Dixon line. It was a MANY times restored 1969 Dodge Charger. It was painted Hemi-Orange, the only color in the garage when they got it. Painted on the roof was a battle flag of the Confederate States of America. It represnted the Duke family's rebelion against "The System". The numbers Zero One were painted in black on both doors. Aww the doors, which were welded shut, meaning the only way in and out was through the windows.

His father smiled when he saw his family approaching. His deep blue eyes shone brightly when he smiled. All his childern had been given the same friendly blue eyes. Anna released Jesse and Kevin's hands and jogged over to her husband. "Congrats fellas!" She called stopping in front of her husband, she put a hand on her hip and frowned a little then hugged him tightly. "Do you like frightening your wife Luke Duke?" He looked at her his eyes sparkling as he smiled down at her, He nodded and replied, "I love it, because she always hugs me just a little bit tighter afterwards!" He laughed hugging his wife tightly. Jeffery rolled his eyes, Steph giggled and the twins stuck their fingers in their mouths making gagging noises.

Jeff watched as Cooter Davenport, the best mechanic in the state and long time friend of the Dukes, snuck up behind his brothers. He had a greasy grin on his face as he wrapped an arm around each boy, picking them up of the ground. "Ahhh! What's going on?" cried Kevin. "Dang it old man! Put me down!" Jesse shouted. Anna shot Jesse a look and cried, "Jesse Lucas Duke! Watch youe mouth! And apoligize to Cooter this very instant!" "Aww...Mom..." He protested. "Jesse....." He father scolded, "Listen to youe mother!" Jesse looked down at the floor, still hanging from under Cooter's arm. "Sorry Cooter! Sorry Momma!"


"So Jeff! What did ya think of the race?" His uncle came over and slapped him playfully on the back between his shoulder blades. "It was great Uncle Bo!" He smiled, "What happened on turn two of lap eight? The backend swung wide and the rear tires locked up!" Jeff looked his uncle thinking. Bo raised his eyebrows and asked, "You caught all that??" Bo looked puzzled. "Yeah! So what happened?" Jeff asked eargerly, ready to make mental notes. Bo looked his nephew straight in the eyes, one of the only people he could without bending down, both of them towered over the rest of the family at six feet four inches, and Jeff was still growing! "I don't think Jeff! I just drive! Yer Daddy does all the thinking for the both of us! Ask him!" Bo smiled and laughed. Jeff nodded, still scratching his head.

Cooter and the twins were rolling in the ground roughhousing. Steph and gone over to a Chevelle close by to "...see what e's got under the hood..." Anna and Luke were standing beside the General engaged in a heated disscussion. Jeff wondered what it could be that they were in such a hurry to discuss it. They ussually saved those kind of talks for after dinner, when the kids were working on their chores, or homework.

"So Jeff!" His uncle interuppted his thoughts, "Do ya wanna drive the General into town? Cooter wants to fix the fender right away. And I have to pick Sara, Bailey and Nicole in Capitol City." Jeff's eyes lit up with excitment, he almost jumped in the air. It was not very often he was given the oppourtunity to drive the General Lee. "I'd love to!" He replied.

"Drive carefully Jeffery!" Anna warned. "Sweetheart...Relax! He's a Duke!" Luke said to his wife, putting a hand on her shoulder. Jeff smiled at his parents while resting his hip against the window. He swung his long legs up and tucked them through the window. "Aww...That's no fair! We want to go in the General too!!!" Kevin cried and put a hand on his hip. "Yeah Dad!! We want to go too!" Jesse shouted, stomping his foot and crossing his arms in front of him. Jeff looked at his mother, pleading with his eyes, please let me go alone, he thought. "No. You need to finish your homework." Anna replied. "But Momma! I finished my homework!!" Jesse shouted. " No boys. And that's final." Anna said, her voice firm, but caring and gentle. "Yes Momma." The twins muttered looking down at the floor.


"Bye Ya'll!" Jeff cried as he slid into the driver's seat. Luke jogged over to the car and rested his arms on the window. "We'll send Bailey or Nicole into pick you up later, after they get back from Atlanta," He paused, "Now Jeff, watch out for the sherrif at pine ridge crossing, that's his favorite speed trap. He'll be watching for the General. Make sure you slow down to fifty!" Luke smiled. His son grinned back, "Yes Sir!!" Jeff started the engine, and stepped on the gas. The tires spun and the Genreal Lee tore off towards Cooter's Garage. Cooter followed closely in his wrecker, at a respectable speed. Bo and Luke shared a Yee-haw as they watched the two vehicles pull away. Jesse and Kevin cheered and clapped. Stephanie, who had joined her family mumbled something about, "Five more years!" Refering to how long it would be before she could get her driver's liscence. Anna just shook her head, I knew what Dukes were like when I married one, she thought. "Well let's get home and get some supper in these Champions!" She smiled down at her children. "OKay!!" Steph cried, she ran over to Bo and took him by the hand, "Hey Uncle Bo did ya'll put that new carbuerator in cause I was thinking...." The two walked off towards the parking lot. Luke bent down and picked Kevin up. He swung him onto his around piggybacking him to the car. "Let's go Kev!" Luke said. "I ain't Kevin! I is Jesse!!" Luke rolled his eyes, "nice try mister....". The Dukes had always been able to tell the twins apart. Anna took Jesse by the hand and lead him off after the others.

I love this car! Jeffery Grant Duke thought to himself as he sped through Hazzard County. Oops! Here comes pine ridge! Better slow down before Rosco catches me! He stepped on the brake pedal. Nothing happened. He pumped the brakes with both feet. Nothing. "Crazy C! This is Lost Sheep One! I ain't got no brakes!!" Jeff cried into the CB radio. "I got ya lost sheep hang tight!" Cooter cried, stepping on the gas to pass the General Lee.

"Racing huh boys? I see you!" The Sherrif's voice crackled over the radio. "Just pull it over!" "Didn't you hear tha man? He said he ain't got no brakes!" Cooter yelled as he pulled infront of the General.

  • 5 months later...

(gosh, I can't believe how long it's been since I even thought about this story, yikes!)

"A likely story!" Rosco replied, giggling and chuckling to him and Flash the third.

"It's true!!! I swear I can't slow down Sheriff!" Jeff cried back as Cooter swung his tow truck out in front of the General.

He tapped the brakes and the General Lee smashed into the truck's rear bumper. Cooter continued pressuring the brakes and eventully piggybacked Jeff and the General to a stop.

The sheriff pulled up right behind them and leapt out of his patrol car, pistol drawn and aimed at the young Duke. "FRRREEEEESZZZZZZEE!!!!"

Jeff rolled his eyes and slowly slid out from the window, hands held up in defense, "Now Rosco.... you can't arrest me for havin no brakes..."

"HUSH! Jus hush! You have the right to remain slient!" Rosco shouted as he grabbed Jeff's wrists and handcuffed them together. "You were speedin', and you were racin with grease monkey Cooter there. I'm takin ya in..."

The old mechanic gave the sheriff and dirty look, Grease Monkey!?? Who fixed your car when you rolled it chasin the Dukes, you tows you outta the pond after you crash chasin the Dukes?!!? He thought to himself as Rosco loaded Jeff into the back of his car and they headed off towards town, and jail.

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