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A Louisiana Cousin - Scott

Brian Coltrane

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Just to let ya'll know, "Scott", who is one of the folks who posted info about the Dukes movie during filming - is okay! I've been worried about 'em, along with all our Louisiana cousins. But I'm happy to report Scott's awright. He is busy helping with the relief and stabilization efforts.

Y'all, we've put a link on the HazzardNet homepage to the Red Cross. The situation created by hurricane Katrina is beyond what most of us have ever witnessed for a natural disaster in the U.S. The amount of money needed to help folks survive and recover, is going to be tremendous.

Simple necessities like fresh water, food, blankets and clothing have become incredible luxuries for people who have lost everything. This didn't happen in some third-world country, where we can hope that "somebody else" will help. These people are our own friends, neighbors and cousins in an hour of great need.

HazzardNet asks ya'll to please help the Red Cross, so that they can help the thousands of people who have been made homeless and jobless by this disaster.

Thank you,


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