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"What do you mean they're not at the Duke farm??" Boss Hogg hollered into the CB. "I'm sorry Boss! I can't find Mabel Lynn" Rosco repiled. A bold-faced lie. He was standing right next to her. "I'll keep looking Boss!" Another lie. Boss just growled to himself as he slammed the radio down on the desk.

"Damnit!" Jessi shouted when the car had stopped. Daisy just nodded as she opened her door and ran out into the bushes. Jessi followed, climbing out Daisy's door, "Hurry Daisy!!! There catching up!!" She cried as the two women raced through the thick brush as best they could in high heels. Daisy gazed over her shoulder to see how far they were. "Look out!" Jessi shouted right before Daisy smashed into a tall man, carrying a shotgun bi his side. "That's far enough ladies." He yelled in his raspy deep voice.

Cooter shook his head, "Ya'll are really in it now ain't ya? Specially if'n ya got the sheriff on your side." He grinned a big greasy smile. "That ain't funny Davenport!" Rosco snapped. Cooter put his hands up laughing. "Ok Cooter that's enough." Luke said calmly as he held Mabel, trying to calm her down. "Sorry Lucas!" Cooter replied sheepishly. Bo sat in the window thinking about Jessi and Daisy. He was worried about them off at the Boar's nest alone. At least they have each other, he thought.

"Ok! Give up the runaway you Dukes!" A voice boomed from outside. Luke released Mabel and boldy walked out to the front porch. "No chance in hell!!" He shouted. A shot rang out. "Luke!!" Mabel called from the house, she was struggling to get out to him. Cooter had her by the waist, he was whispering, "Shh...that's what they want, you to go out where they can see you."

Luke wasn't shot, the round had been fired into the air. Luke now stood on the ground, face to face with Hatcher, disscussing what their next moves were. "If you don't give her to me, your cousin Daisy and Jessi Mae ain't gonna see next Christmas!" Luke stepped closer to Hatcher, ready to pund some sense into him. "You wouldn't!" Hatcher just laughed at the foolish young man infront of him. "I will, so just give her up!"

Mabel came out to the front step as Luke pulled his elbow back, ready to land a punch between Hatcher's eyes. "Luke....I'll go.."She said, barely more than a whisper. Luke felt his heart sink, everything he had worked for, for Mabel, all the risks they had all taken, now it was over. She was willingly giving herself up to him for Daisy and Jessi's lives.

Hatcher smiled slyly, "I knew you'd see things my way!" He walked up the step and took Mabel by the arm. Cooter and Bo came out to the porch to see what was happening. Luke went to lunge for Hatcher, sheer hatred in his eyes. Cooter grabbed him before he could reach the Boss. "Let her go for now, we'll get her back." Cooter whispered. Luke struggled one more time before he gave up and went limp, leaning on Cooter. Luke started to cry as Hatcher drug Mabel to his car. She looked back at Luke, and blew him a kiss. He sobbed loudly.

Balladeer "Well it looks like the fat's fixin' to fall in the fire!"


Bo looked at Luke who was leaning on Cooter for support, and seemed to be crying. "Why'd you let him take her?" Rosco asked, staring at Luke in horror. Luke looked up at the Sheriff and stared hard at the older man. "I had no choice." He said dully, no emotion in his voice at all. Bo stared hard at his cousin. "What do you mean you had no choice?" He asked. "Bo. Hatcher had Jessi and Daisy and he threatened to kill them if Mabel didn't go wih him." He cried. Bo's eyes widened in horror. "What?" He yelled. Luke shrugged and walked towards the house. "They won Bo." He said dully. He was about to go into the house but found his path blocked by Rosco. "Shame Shame on you Luke Duke. You can't give up on them gals. Not while they're still alive. Cause you know if that was you an Bo in their place they wouldn't give up on you." He said. Luke sighed and met Rosco's gaze, knowing the old Sheriff was right. "All right. We need to think of a plan." He said.

"Get up that Ladder." Hatcher's men yelled at Daisy and Jessica, shoving them roughly towards the ladder. As Daisy started up the ladder Jessi turned back to glare at the two men. "You ain't gonna get away with this." She snapped. The two men only laughed and shoved her towards the ladder. She climbed up and stood with Daisy as the two men climbed up and yanked the girls hands roughly behind their backs and tied them up, then put gags in their mouths, pushing them into a far corner. "No one's gonna think to look here for you gals. We'll be back as soon as Hatcher decides what to do with you," they said and then left.

Balladeer: Now friends why is it whenever there's trouble Jessi and Daisy are right smack dab in the middle of it. I sure hope somebody finds em.


"I've got the girl...bring the other two out to the place right away!" Hatcher whispered into the phone in the boars nest. One of his men replied into the payphine outside of Cooter's garage, "Ten Four Boss. We won't be long...so long as them girls don't give us no trouble. Or those lousy Dukes..." "Don't worry about the Dukes...just get them girls out here!!!" Hatcher cried.

Daisy wiggled her way to the window and stood on her knees peering out of it. She had managed to get the gag out of her mouth, "Jess! They're coming back! We gotta get outta here!!" She cried crawling back over to Jessi, who was nodding her head. Jessi was racking her brain trying to figure out a way they could escape.

Luke lay on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, tears still running down his soft cheecks. I have to get her back. He kept saying it over and over in his mind. He loved her...and now he was going to lose her before he could even tell her. He sat straight up, and stood up. Luke walked all the way outside, like a zombie, his mind set on one thing, getting Mabel back. Alive.

"You should have come to me sooner Mabel Lynn! I'm dissappointed in you, running away from yer problems! Yer Daddy tought you better than that, didn't he?" Hatcher asked with a scowl. Mabel slapped him. "You better watch it lady...or you'll be seeing those pearly gates a hell of alot sooner!" Mabel scowled back, "Well if I go, I'm taking you with me!"

Hatcher's men grabbed Daisy and Jessi by the arms and stood them up. Jessi squirmed and tried to loosen his grip. "Oooh! I like em fiesty!" He smiled. Jessi swung her knee up into his...well you know!! He released her doubling over in pain. Jessi spit out her gag, "How do ya like that fer feisty Mister?" She grinned down at him. "Joe get your fat ass up!" The other man shouted. As Joe pushed himself up he replied, "Oh Shut yer goddamn mouth henry, you weigh twice as much as I do!" The girls burst out into to laughter, "Jess! They can't even get along with each other!!!"Daisy cried through her chuckles. Joe and Henry pulled out the guns, pointed at the two young women. "Shut yer mouths! Or you ain't never gone see yer family again!!" Henry yelled. He took Jessi by the arm and pulled her to the ladder. Daisy growled at Joe as he pushed her after the others.

"Luke? Where are you going??" Bo cried as Luke walked out of the house and slid into the window of the General Lee. Luke didn't relpy he just started the engine. Bo ran down the steps and climbed in beside Luke, "What are ya doin' Cousin?" He pleaded again. Luke looked at his cousin, his face was expressionless, "Getting her back." He turned back to the front and shifted the General into gear, kicking up the dust as they tore out of the driveway.


Rosco ran outside when he heard the General leave the yard. "Those dang Duke boys don't have an ounce of sense." he muttered to himself and then looked back over his shoulder at his deptuty. "Come on dipstick. We gotta find out where they're goin' before they get themselves killed." He said. Enos ran down the steps to his patrol car. "You dipstick. Your car not mine." Rosco hollered, starting his engine and heading after the General Lee. Enos turned back around and ran to his patrol car and jumped in starting the engine and following the old Sheriff.

Bo glanced back over his shoulder when he heard sirens and saw Rosco and Enos behind them and closing fast. "Don't look now Luke but here comes Rosco and Enos." He said. Luke looked in the rearview mirror and then back at his youngest cousin. "Not for long! Hang on." He said, and sped up.

Jessi tried to run as soon as her feet hit the floor of the garage but a burly arm around her waist hauled her back around. "I don't know where you're going sugar but the Boss has got other plans for you." Joe said with a nasty grin, as he hauled her out to the car in the parking lot. Jessi's eyes roamed the street and lit up when she caught sight of Lulu Hogg across the street. "Now let me go you dirty sidewinder. You're not gonna get away with this, just wait till Bo and Luke get ahold of you." She screamed and grinned when she saw Lulu's eyes fall on the men and the girls. She heard Lulu gasp and then watched as she turned and ran into the police station, no doubt to call for help.

"Bo and Luke Duke are y'all out there?" Bo jumped when he heard Lulu's voice over the Cb. "This is Bo here Miss Lulu. What's wrong?" He asked. "I just saw two men forcing Jessi Mae and Daisy into a car and it looks like they're headed for the Boars Nest!" She cried. "We're on it Lulu. Thanks." Bo said and turned to his cousin who was already turning around. "Let's go." He said.

Balladeer: Now ain't nobody knows what's in store for them gals when they get there. I just know it ain't good.


(This is a joint post between DixieRose_00 and myself)

"Thanks Miss Lulu!" Bo cried into the CB as Luke whipped the General around. They tore down the road towards the Boar's Nest. Rosco, Enos, Jesse and Cooter followed in their own vehicles. A dark car pulled into the road in front of the boys. They could see Jessi and Daisy pounding on the back window, crying for help. "Let's go get em Cousin!" Luke cried as he accelerated.

Jessi cried out in joy when she saw the General Lee behind them. "Daisy. It's Bo and Luke." She cried, tears of relief starting to run down her face when she realized that maybe they had a chance after all. Daisy looked at her friend and nodded, her eyes showing their own relief when she saw her cousins bearing down on them in the big orange car. Henry looked over his shoulder to see the stock car on their bumper. "Sonofab****! Joe, lose those hayseeds!" "I plan on it!" Joe replied hitting the gas harder. "Luke you'd better get up there! They're pulling away!" Bo shouted looking over at his cousin. "Bo just settle down, we don't want to get too close...I want to see those girls again...alive." Luke glared back at Bo. Bo sighed and nodded, he fully agreed with Luke.

"Luke Duke! Come back this Rosco!" The sheriff cried into his cb. "Yeah I hear ya sherrif!" Luke replied. "What do ya want Enos an I to do?" Rosco asked. Luke paused, "Just hang back there where yer at. We're gonna have to follow them, and hope we can out muscle them at the Nest." "Ten-four!" Rosco called.

The Duke boys watched and followed the big black car as it pulled up to the boar's nest."Daisy we're stopping..Now's our chance!" Jessi whispered as the car started to slow. Daisy and Jessi pushed their doors open and prepared to jump. "Just hold it ladies!" Henry cried pointing his gun at them.Jessi sighed and sank back into her seat a grim realization filling her and she raised tired and saddened eyes to meet Daisy's. Daisy felt the same way as the men opened their doors and grabbed them by the arms, half pulling half dragging them out of the car and towards the Boars Nest door. Jessi flailed wildly, hoping that maybe if she distracted them enough that Bo and Luke could sneak up on them. But her struggling proved futile as she and Daisy were shoved roughly through the doors.

"Dang it!" Bo shouted as he slapped his hand on the dash in front of him. "C'mon let's go quietly." Luke said glaring at Bo for his outburst. They climbed out of the General and tiptoed, the best they could in boots, to the door. Enos and Rosco followed, their guns drawn. "On my count!" Luke whispered. He held up three fingers, then two, then one. Then the four men burst through the door. "Arrrgghh!!" Luke hollered. "Frrrreeeeeeeeeezzzzzeee!" screamed Rosco. Bo and Enos growled angrily. Everyone inside the building froze. "No you freeze!" Hatcher cried cocking his shotgun with one hand. Rosco and Enos dropped their guns and threw their hands in the air. Bo and Luke slowly and reclcutantly put their hands up. "Girls are you alright?" Bo asked looking at Daisy and Jessi. They nodded, gagged agian. Luke took a step forward, "Where is she?" He growled. Hatcher just laughed, "You don't really care do you ploughboy?" Luke narrowed his eyes, glaring as Hatcher, "I care more than anything." "Oh? Wow, she was a lucky girl....I hope you don't mind sacrificing your life for her?!" Hatcher laughed. He opened the door of the office and pulled Mabel out. He pointed his shotgun at her head. "Don't shoot her!" Rosco pleaded. "Shut up dumbass!" Joe snarled at the Sheriff. "No he's right...I don't want to shoot HER. I want to shoot you!" Hatcher pointed the gun at Luke's foot and pulled the trigger.

Jessi and Daisy screamed through their gags and squeezed their eyes shut. "Luke!" Bo cried when his couisn fell to the floor, holding his foot and groaning in pain. Hatcher laughed and pulled Mabel past them and motioned for his men to bring Daisy and Jessi along. Henry grabbed Jessi's arm and Joe grabbed Daisy as they followed their Boss out the door. "Say goodbye to your pretty girlfriends cause this is gonna be the last time you'll be seeing em alive." Hatcher sneered at the Dukes and the police. Bo dropped down next to Luke. "Bo get the General and pull him up close. Rosco you and Enos help me outside. We're gonna put a stop to this once and for all." Luke said, his anger almost drowning out his pain.

Bo jumped up and raced out to pulled the General up close. Rosco and Enos each put an arm under Luke's and pulled him up. He gasped in pain as he stood on his foot. His blood trickiling to the floor, leaving bloody foot prints as they walked to the car. The two lawmen picked Luke up and helped him slide through the window. They rushed off to their own cars. Bo climbed in to General and started it up, he was just about to pull out when Enos dove through the window, landing on Luke. "Enos!!" He cried. Enos climbed into the backseat, "I'm sorry ya'll but my ding dang car wouldn't start!" Bo just shook his head and took off after Hatcher, Rosco close behind. Luke took his hankerchief out of his pocket and pulled off his boot to examine his gunshot. The left side of his right foot had been grazed by the bullit. He winced in pain as he tied the hankerchief around his foot and shoved it back into his boot. "Let's go get those sons of b****es!" Luke yelled. Enos and Bo's eyes got wide, "Yes sir!" Bo replied.

Jessi's eyes were wide and frightened as she realized these men really had no intentions of letting them live. She had to fight. She wasn't ready to give up that easily. She threw herself back against the seat and kicked Henry, who just happened to be sitting in her line of fire once again. Hatcher whipped around and pointed his gun at the blond spitfire as she leveled a hard gaze back at him. "I think you're gonna be the first to go." He sneered, aiming his gun so it was leveled point blank between her eyes. Jessi stiffened and gasped. "Now let's all just calm down! She didn't mean nothing by it!!" Daisy laughed nervously, and looked at Mabel and Jessi hopelessly. Then Daisy raised an eyebrow, an idea coming to her mind. She tossed her long hair over her shoulder and smiled at Joe. Mabel followed Daisy's lead and put her hand on Henry's, who was driving, shoulder, she leaned over andwhispered something in his ear. "Sit down!" Hatcher shouted pointing his gun at Mabel. "Henry slow the car down over there!"

Jessi's heart pratically stopped as the car slowed down. Was this the end? Were they gonna shoot them? Bo's eyes widened as he saw the car ahead of them slow down. "What are they doin'? he gasped, not liking it one little bit. Luke narrowed his eyes. "I don't know Bo. But I don't like it." He said. "Don't stop completly," Hatcher told Henry. He turned back to the girls, "And you three! Jump! Now!" Bo, Luke and Enos watched as Dasiy dove out of the car tumbling down the steep incline. She was followed by Jessi who landed on her backside, sliding after Daisy. Then Mabel came, her hands extended to break her fall. The three girls tumbled and rolled and slid down farther and farther. They tried desperatly to grasp onto anything that would slow them. Hatcher, satisifed that the fall would kill them insrtucted Henry to pull away. Luke grabbed the CB, "Sherrif, Shepard, and Crazy C!! Ya'll get that car, we're going after the girls!" "Ten-four!" "We're gone!" "Careful Boys!"

Jessi cried out as she landed and then tumbled down the hill, trying to grab at anything to break her fall. "I'm gonna die." Was her last thought before her head struck a rock and she sank into darkness. Bo slammed on the brakes, bringing the General to a halt and sending up dust and gravel everywhere. He leaped out of the car and ran to the edge of the cliff, peering down trying to get a glimpse of the girls. "Jessi!" he cried, anguish in his voice. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Luke with Enos right behind them. Both men had tears in their eyes. "I was gonna ask Jessi to marry me when this was all over with and now I'm never gonna get that chance." Bo cried, tears starting to spill down his cheeks. Even Enos was starting to cry for the loss of Daisy. Enos sniffed back a tear, "Now Bo," he sobbed, "All we can do is hope! They is tough girls." Enos wiped his face with his sleeve. "That's right think postive." Luke replied, now let's drive down on the road there."

"Ahhhh!!" Mabel cried as she tumbled down into the mud at the bottom. She lay face down her cheek in the wet ground. Mabel was conscicious and alive, but barely. She moaned feeling the pain pulse through her body. Daisy sat with her legs crossed and her head in her lap, she thought she was the only one still alive, untill she heard moans form both girls. Daisy flopped onto her stomach, too tired and worn out to walk. She crawled through the mud to Jessi. "Wake up Jessi Mae! We're alive." She whisperd then made her way to Mabel, rolling her over to her back. "We're alive she repeated laying down on her own back, feeling the drowsiness she felt take hold.

Enos helped Luke back into the General Lee and crawled in after him. Bo hopped in and they took off down the road. Bo stopped the car and they gasped, the three girls were laying still on the ground. Luke was out of the car and racing through the muddy ground. He ignored the throbing pain in his foot. He slid across the mud, dropping to his knees beside Mabel. Bo leaped out of the General and raced across the muddy ground, nearly slipping and falling several times before he reached Jessi. He slid his hand gently under her head and lifted it off the ground, his tears falling down his cheeks as he stared into her pale face. "Jessi. Open you eyes sugar. Please open your eyes?" He begged, his voice choked up. Enos fell as soon as he stepped into the mud, he slid through it stopping beside Daisy. "Daisy! Wake up Daisy!" He cried fanning her with his hat. Luke sobbed as he looked down at Mabel. He took his hand and gently wipe blood an dirt from her face. "Mabel??" he whispered. She moaned and rolled to her side, her eyes opening slowly. "Luke? Is that you?" Luke smiled and pulled her up to him, resting her head on his chest, "Yes! It's me, I'm here." Jessi's eyes slowly opened as she felt something wet drip onto her face, running slowly dwon her cheek. "It ain't sposed to rain today." She mumbled, as her eyes slowly brought Bo's tearstained face into focus. "Bo." She whispered. Bo lifted her upper body and cradled her against his chest. "It's okay now Jessi. They can't hurt you anymore." He cried.

  • 2 weeks later...

(This is a joint post between DixieRose_00 and myself)

Daisy opened her eyes and looked up to see Enos above her, "Enos? What's goin' on?" Enos just smiled down at her, "You're safe now!" He smiled a big Enos grin at her."Luke!" Mabel cried as she buried her muddy face in his chest and cried. "Shh..Don't cry! You're safe now darlin'!" Luke cried as he gently rocked Mabel in his arms, "You're alright." He repeated, taking comfort in the words himself. Jessi closed her eyes as tears started to spill down her cheeks. "Oh Bo!!" She cried. Bo pulled her inot his arms careful not to jar her too much case she was hurt. "It's okay Jessi!! You're safe now!! I love you Jessi Mae, Marry Me!! Jessi pulled back and stared at him her eyes wide.

Rosco pulled his patrol car up behind Jesse's pickup. Cooter slid to a stop beside him. "Where'd they go?" Jesse cried as he peered over the hill to look for the kids. "Careful Mr. Duke!" Cooter cried, "We don't need you fallin' down there too!" Jesse looked at the mechanic and the Sherrif, who was nodding in agreement. "Yeah yer right..." Jesse walked back to his truck and plopped down in the seat.

Bo grinned at the stunned look on Jessi's face. "Well?" He asked. Jessi's pretty face broke into a smile and she flung her arms around Bo's neck nearly knocking the two of them backwards into the mud. "Yes!!" She squealed and kissed him on the lips. Bo grinned and pulled her to her feet as he got to his. "Guess what everybody!! Jessi and I are gettin' married!!" He yelled. Daisy put her hand to her forehead, fighting back a headache, "What???" Enos smiled at her and wiped the mud from her chin. "Shh, Daisy, we can talk about it later..we need to get you home to bed!" Daist just shook here head and smiled at Enos as he helped her up.Luke and Mabel sat in the mud..holding each other tight, not wanting to let go. The world was moving around them, and they didn't care. They were content to sit together.

Jessi swayed on her feet feeling the dizziness and then grabbed her head as it throbbed painfully. She groaned and collapsed, going down fast. "Jessi!!" Bo cried, and caught her just before she hit the ground. Her eyes were still open but they were glazed. "I...I'm sorry Bo!!" She mumbled sleepily. Bo shook her gently. "Don't go to sleep Jessi!! You can't go to sleep!! " He cried, knowing full well that when someone had a bad concussion they shouldn't be allowed to fall asleep and if they did they were to be woken up every hour to make sure they knew where they were. "Jessi come on you gotta help me tell everyone the good news." He cried, tears streaming down his cheeks.

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