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The Dukes find a pretty runaway in their barn and after learning she's in danger try to help.

"Bo, would you move it? Rosco an' Enos are gonna catch us if you don't get a move on." Luke Duke said, as his cousin sped down a dirt road in Hazzard County on a bright sunny afternoon. Boo shot his older cousin a look of annoyance. "If you'd like Luke I'll pull over and you can drive." he snapped. "If you pull over they'll catch us for sure." Luke cried. "Well then cousin stop being a side seat driver." Bo yelled, his face reddening angrily.

"Would y'all quit arguing an' drive or we're all gonna be eatin' food from the Busy Bee Cafe tonight instead of Uncle Jesse's cookin'." Daisy Duke protested from the backseat, where she sat with her best friend Jessica, who also happened to be Bo's girlfriend. "Tell Luke he needs to stop telling me how to drive!" Bo yelled.

Jessica and Daisy exchanged glances as Bo headed towards the creek. 'Oh, here we go." Luke muttered as the General hit the take off point and flew over the creek, the musical notes of Dixie trailing behind as a loud YEE-HAW from Bo followed.

Rosco tried to hit the brakes but he slid right over the bank and hit the bottom nose first. "Oh what a horrendous crash." he muttered as he watched the General disappear.

Jesse Duke had just stepped out of the farmhouse when the General pulled into the yard and headed towards the barn. He watched as Bo pulled the car inside and parked, getting out and shutting the doors, hiding the car from view. He stormed over to the barn and went inside, glaring at the two boys. "You idiots, you shouldn't come back here. You know this is the first place Rosco is gonna look." He yelled.

Daisy paused. "It's too late now Uncle Jesse." She said as sirens shattered the still air. Jesse sighed. "You boys stay in here and I'll go see what they want." He said, leaving the barn followed by Daisy. Jessica walked around the General to get a pitchfork to help cover the General, but suddenly stopped dead, staring in amazement.

Bo went to her side when he saw the startled look on her pretty face. "What's going on?" Luke asked when Bo's look mirrored Jessica's. He walked over to their side and stared too. They saw a girl laying in the hay and she seemed to be sleeping.

Balladeer:I bet that's the last thing they were expecting to find in the barn.


"Well, I'll be...." Luke gasped. He couldn't help but smile, there was a beautiful girl, asleep, in his barn. "Should we wake her up?" Bo asked. The three looked around at each other and shrugged. "I don't know, maybe we should. We outta know who's sleepin' in our barn!" Luke answered his cousin. "You do it then!" Bo cried. Luke grinned, "It'd be my pleasure!" He mumbled to himself.

Luke knelt down beside the woman, he took in the features of her face and whispered, "Hey Ma'am!? Wake up!" Luke waited for her eyes to open. That was the last thing he remembered.

"Luke!" Bo cried after his cousin fell limp to the floor of the barn. "OMIGOSH! I'm so sorry! I... I didn't mean to hurt him! It's just reflexes ya know!?" The woman sobbed as she moved over to Luke. "Nah... He'll be okay. I think." Bo told her. The woman sighed, she'd hurt a man for no good reason. "Oh! I'm sorry!" She whispered to Luke. His eyes opened a crack, "Where did that truck come from?" he asked. Luke opened his eyes all they way and sat up. I'm dead aren't I? I always thought I'd die with Bo behind the wheel of the General. Luke thought to himself, trying to shake his grogginess.

Balladeer: Well they sure hit it off didn't they?

It took Luke a minute to realize that he wasn't dead, and he hadn't gone to knock on the pearly gates. He was still sitting on the dusty floor of the Duke barn. "Whew-wey! That was quite a hit!" said Luke. "I'm so sorry! It's was just a reflex! It won't happen again, I can promise ya that!" The young woman said to Luke with a smile. Bo helped Luke up, he was still shaken, and sat down on a bail of hay. Bo, Jessica, and the stranger watched Luke for a moment. He spoke again, "What were ya doin' in here anyway?" "Maybe a better question would be who are you? I'm Bo Duke, that there's my cousin Luke, and this is Jessica!" Bo explained. "Well howdy ya'll, I'm Mabel Lynn. Luke I'm awfully sorry about all this!" She smiled apoligetically. "Aww, shucks Mabel, you ain't gotta be sorry for nothin'. But I still would like to know why you was sleepin' in our barn." Luke replied.

Balladeer: Meanwhile ol' Jesse was keeping Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane and his deputy Enos Strate at bay!

"Now Jesse I know those boys of yers come this way, Enos here's seen em'!" The Sherrif pointed over his shoulder to Enos, who was busy watching Daisy hang clothes on the line. "Enos!" "Oh.. s-sorry Sherrif!" Enos started, " ya I seen Bo an' Luke headed back this may Mr. Duke! I'm sorry!" Enos frowned. "Hush, you're not spose to be sorry! Dipstick!" Rosco scolded Enos. "Well I'm sorry Rosco, but my boys ain't been around since this morn'n!" Jesse grinned, "Have you looked at Cooter's?" "Cooter's! Whadya think I am of course I looked a Cooter's! Come on Enos!" Rosco turned around and strolled back to his car, he whispered to Enos, "C'mon, let's go look at Cooter's!" The two lawmen got into their vehicles and headed for town.

"That was close Uncle Jesse!" Daisy called as she jogged over to her uncle. "Too close. Now let's go get those boys!" Jesse said as he adn Daisy headed over to the barn.

"And he thinks I over heard him talking about his latest plot to scam somebody outta their money!" "Well did ya hear him" Bo asked. "Yeah, but I promised I'd stay quiet, only he don't belive me! An now their lookin' for me! That's why I hid out in yer barn!" Mabel explained. "If you was from Hazzard I'd say we were dealing with Boss Hogg!" Luke replied. "Hogg? I know that name!" Mabel gasped. "Somehow that don't surprise me!" Bo laughed. " That's who Boss Hatcher was trying to shuck an jive! JD Hogg!" Mabel exclaimed. "Lemme guess, you didn't know JD Hogg was Boss Hogg of Hazzard county?" Luke asked. "No. Now they probably think I came to Hazzard to tell Hogg what I heard. I just thought it'd be safe here!" a tear rolls down Mabels cheek. Luke takes a tissue out of his shirt pocket and wipes her tear away, "Don't cry, we'll help ya!" he whispers. "Luke, they're coming after me, "she cries harder, "They're comin' to kill me!" she shouts through her tears.

(Tag! Dixie you're it!)


Luke exchanged glances with Bo and Jessica, who both looked worried. "Don't worry Mabel Lynn, we ain't gonna let nothin' happen to ya." He told the sobbing girl, as he reached out to hug her. She paused for a moment and then stepped inot his arms just as Jesse and Daisy walked in. "You boys are safe now. Rosco's....."Daisy said and then caught sight of the girl in Luke's arms.

Mabel Lynn jumped and pulled away from Luke when she heard Daisy's voice. She turned to run but found Bo and Jessica were in her way. She sighed and turned back to face the group, resignation in her eyes. Who's she?" Daisy asked in surprise as she joined Bo and Jessica. "We found her sleeping in the hay." Jessica said. Bo laughed. 'Yeah. She sure gave Luke a knock on the head." He said.

Mabel Lynn flushed and Luke sent Bo a glare. Jessica interceded, knowing that the boys were still a little tense about the earlier chase with Rosco and Enos. "Cool it fella's." She said and walked over to Mabel Lynn, resting a hand gently on her arm. "Why don't you come on in the house with Daisy and I and we'll get you some clean clothes and a bite to eat." She offered.

Mabel smiled at the blond haired young woman. "Thank you." She said and followed the two girls to the house.

Jesse turned to Bo and Luke. "Tell me everything." He said. The boys nodded and started telling their Uncle about what Mabel Lynn had told them. "Bo! I want you and Jessica to go into town and see what you can find out." Jesse said after they got done telling their Uncle everything they knew. Bo grinned. "Yes Sir!" He said and headed out of the barn for the farmhouse. "What about me Uncle Jesse?" Luke asked. "You're gonna stay here in case them men come here." Jesse said.

Balladeer: Now ain't nobody knows it yet but Boss Hatcher and his men are headed to Hazzard right now and it ain't for no social visit neither.


The engine roared as Bo and Jessica pulled away form the farm in the General Lee. Jesse sighed, "Let's hope they find something useful!" Luke watched his cousin drive off in the General Lee, if they needed to get out of there in a hurry, they'd have to take Daisy's car. "Well ya'll, if I don't get to work Boss is gonna fire me fer sure! So I'll see ya later!" Daisy said as she got up from the porch. "Daisy! Wait!," Luke grabbed his cousin by the arm, "Maybe you should take Unca Jesse's truck, if we need to get outta here.." Daisy cut Luke off before he could worry Mabel anymore than he already had, "Sure, that's a good idea! Well bye, I'll see you later!" Daisy waved, and jumped into Jesse's truck. Daisy started the truck and peeled away from the old farm house.

Mabel watched Luke as he helped his uncle gather firewood from the fields. Why are they helping me? She asked herself. Maybe they're working for Hatcher's gang, and they're waiting for the right time to turn me into him. Mabel had decided that was the case, she didn't know the Dukes, they're a mighty friendly bunch!

Cooter's tow truck pulled up to the farmhouse, and Greasemonkey Cooter hoped out. "Well howdy Lucas Ducas!! Uncle mister Jesse Sir!" Cooter called waving to his friends as he jogged towardds them. Cooter didn't even notice Mabel sitting by the house. I wonder is this is who's gonna take me to Hatcher? It must be! Mabel stood up, she made her way over to the tow truck. "There ain't no way I'm lettin' ya'll take me to Hatcher she called to the men working several hunderd yards away!" The two Dukes, and Cooter look up to see Mabel Lynn tearing away from the farm in Cooter's truck. "Oh, no! What is she thinking?" Luke hollered as he ran to Daisy's roadrunner. Luke started the engine and burned out. He followed the tow truck. Luke reached down and grabbed the CB, "Mabel, this here's Luke Duke! Now I know yer scared, but I ain't gonna turn ya in to nobody! Ya gotta beleive me!" Mabel was shocked when she heard Luke's voice, he sounded genuine, maybe he was telling her the truth, "Luke, I just don't know who to trust no more, he's gots spies everywhere! An' well you could be one of em'!" Mabel slowed the truck, he wasn't going to let her get away, she'd more likely kill herself trying to runaway from him. Mabel stopped the truck, Luke pulled the roadrunner into an easy 90 degree turn, coming to a stop just in front of Cooter's truck.

Mabel sat in the truck with the door open, the tears rollong down her face. Luke pauses, resting his left arm on the door of the truck, he looks at Mabel. "Mabel, I ain't out to hurt ya! I'm here ta help ya! Ya gots beleive me, we Dukes ain't about ta turn ya in." Mabel looked up into Luke's deep blue eyes, "I do believe ya Luke, I'm just scared!" She cries even harder. Luke reaches out and pulls her in close, he holds her tight and whispers in her ear, "Don't be scared, I'm gonna protect ya, I promise."

(Tag you're it!)


Meanwhile Bo and Jess had just gotten to town and hid the General out of sight in case Rosco was anywhere around the area. Bo slid out the window and dropped to the ground as Jessica slid out the other side and walked around the front to join him. They snuck around the edge of the building and headed for Cooter's to see if he had seen or heard anything.

As they were doing this Big Boss Hatcher and two of his men were just outside Hazzard when they heard Luke's broadcast to Mabel over the CB. "That's gotta be that gal that we're after." Harcher said. "But who's this Luke Duke fella and where does he live?" Simon one of his men asked. Hatcher thought for a moment. "Let's go into town and ask around to find out where he lives, there's gotta be someone who knows." He said. Simon nodded and headed staright for Hazzard.

Balladeer:Now I knew there was gonna be trouble for the Dukes. I sure hope ain't nobody gonna get hurt cause them fella's look dangerous.

Jessica decided to go over to the Busy Bee Cafe and get some lunch since Cooter said he would buy. She crossed the street just as Hatcher and his men came around the corner and headed straight towards her. Bo and Cooter looked up when they heard the tires screech. Bo jumped to his feet and ran for the door. "Jess." he yelled. She whirled around and her eyes widened in terror.

She dove away from the car narrowly avoiding being hit in the process as the car swept around a corner. Bo ran across the road to where Jessica lay on the other side of the street, He dropped down next to her and helped her sit up. "You okay?" He asked. She nodded shakily. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm gonna go after them fella's." She said and headed for the General only to find her path blocked by Rosco. "Freeze." He said.

Balladeer:Now I know this ain't the way they wanted tio find out what's going on.

(You're It!!)


The door to the post office flew open startling postmistress Ms. Tizdale. "Where can I find a Duke?" A burly man asked slamming his hands down on the counter. "Well I can't help ya unless you take a number an' show me some i.d.!" She looked up with a smile. The man grumbled as he torn a number off the counter. He whipped his wallet out and showed his driver's license to Ms. Tizdale. "Well Mr. Hatcher, The Duke family lives out on Mill Pond Road. If ya need a map, they sell em over at Rhuebottoms across the road." She smiled as she pointed to Rhuebottoms General Store. "Thanks Lady." The man mumbled as he left the post office.

"Luke. Thank you." Mabel said as she cried. Luke held her tighter and kissed her on the head. "It's okay, now let's get you back to the farm where you'll be safe and sound. How does that sound Honey?" Luke asked with a wink. Mabel nodded, and followed Luke to the General Lee.

Balladeer "It ain't gonna be much safer at the Duke farm then sitting on Boss Hatcher's front step. Not with those boys headed that way now!"

"I'm sorry Cooter! Bo'll drive ya out there to get yer truck. Won't ya Bo?" Luke looked at his younger cousin with a smile. "I guess I'm drivin' Cooter out to get his truck ya'll!" Bo hollered into the kitchen as he an Cooter made their way outside.

Daisy put a steaming bowl down on the table in front of Mabel. "Eat up honey, you've had one hack of a long day!" She told Mabel. "She's right Darling!" Luke said as he put his hand on Mabel's back. "I'm sorry Mr. Duke, I just ain't hungry." Mabel apoligized. "Luke why don't ya take her to get some fresh air. "Jesse suggested. "Yessir!" Luke replied with a grin. "C'mon Mae." Luke took her by the hand and lead her outside.


Jessica and Bo stared at Rosco and then looked at each other. Jessica placed her hands on her hips and glared at him. "Now we ain't done nothin' Rosco." She snapped. "Oh Tiddly, Tuddly. You did too." He said. Jessica shook her head. "And just what is it that we did?" She asked. "Not you. Bo an' Luke." He said with a smug look. She rolled her eyes. "Fine. What is it that Bo and Luke did?" She said, looking back at Bo and giving a slight nod of her head. Bo nodded back as she twisted her body and maneuvered herself so she blocked Rosco as Bo suddenly took off around the corner for the General.

"Freeeezzzeee." Rosco yelled, and moved Jessica aside. "Oooh,Oooh. You're obstructin' justice." He said. Jessica smiled sweetly and then ran to the edge of the sidewalk as the General came around the corner and slowed enough for her to climb up and slide inside and then picked up speed again and headed away from Hazzard. "Freeezzzeee! I see you!" Rosco yelled as he ran for his patrol car and hurried to follow the orange stock car.

Jessica straightened up in her seat and glanced behind them at the patrol car. "I sure hope you've got a plan cause we sure ain't gonna be doin' anybody any good if we're both sittin' in jail." She said. Bo grinned at her. "Rosco's about to get his daily bath." He said as they neared the Hazzard pond. Bo spun the wheel and stepped on the gas moving away from the water. Rosco muttered and stepped on the brakes but was going to fast and ended up right in the middle of the pond.

Balladeer: Right in the middle of the Hazzard car wash. That's just a daily occurence for ole Rosco.


"Lost Sheep Two calling Lost Sheep one , Country Cousin, and Shepard!" Bo called into the CB. Jesse looked up from his stew, "Now what?" he mumbled, "Ya this is the Sheprard Come back?" He said into the radio. "Well I've got a smokey bear report for ya'll! The Sheriff's been playing leap frog agian, and he's hoppin' mad! Say where's Luke?" Bo's voice crackled. "He's.. busy. What do ya need honey?" Daisy said taking to CB from her uncle. "Tell him to meet me still site number five, maybe ya'll better come too! Lost Sheep out!" "That's a big 10-4 cousin!" Daisy called to Bo.

Luke and Mabel stood near the tall oak tree in the yard. Mabel rested her back agianst it and sighed. "Don't worry Darlin'" Luke told her as he leaned on his outsteched hand. "I'm scared Luke!" She cried as she put her arms around Luke. He hugged her back, and held her tight.

"Luke!! Luke? Mabel? Where'd ya'll get to?" Daisy called as she ran into the yard. "We're over here Daisy!" Luke called from behind the tree, he stuck out his hand and waved it at his cousin. "Well get yerselves over here!" She cried.

"Yer sure he said five?" Luke asked glancing over at Jesse who was sitting next to him in the front seat of Daisy's roadrunner. The yellow car tore cross country towards the old still site. "Yea I'm sure!" Jesse defended himself. "Alright alright! I was just checkin'! No need to get yerself all worked up Unca Jesse!" Jesse shot his nephew a look. Luke tried to ignore it. "Here let's hid the car over there Luke!" Daisy pointed to a large overgrown bush. Luke slid the roadrunner amongst the leaves and got out.

"We didn't find much out. Cooter said Rosco and Enos had been comin' and goin' all day, but other than that nothin'." Bo said with a frown. Jesse's brow creased in confusion, "So what are they after you boys for?" He pondered. "At least we got rid of ol Rosco!" Jess smiled.

"Oh No you didn't! Gyuk! Gyuk! Gyuk!" Roscs laughed as he and Boss Hogg stepped out from the bushes. "Luke you amatuer you let him follow ya!" Bo shoved his cousin. "We didn't follow him ya ninny, we followed you Bo Duke! Gyuk! Gyuk!" Rosco smiled at Bo smugly. "That's right, " Boss started, "We followed the General Lee all the way to you Dukes!" "An' now I'm gonna cuff ya an' stuff ya!" "You know the rule Sherrif, ya gotta catch us first!" Bo cried. He and Luke turned to run, but Enos stepped out of the brush and blocked their path. "Besides we ain't here to aresst you Dukes!" "You ain't?" Luke asked, puzzled. "No we're gonna cuff that female deliquient! Gyuk! Gyuk! Gyuk!" Mabel shrunk behind Luke trying to hid. "Ok take her!" Luke said casually. "Luke Duke!" Daisy yelled at her cousin. "Go ahead. Take her Rosco, Enos?" Luke took Mabel by the hand and looked her the eyes, I have a plan he mouthed to her. Enos stepped in and placed his handcuffs on Mabel. "Luke? Help me!" She protested, catching on to his plan. "C'mon let's go you dipsticks, I've got bigger fish to fry!" Boss mointioned for Rosco and Enos to follow. "Like Boss Hatcher?" Enos asked innocently. "Hush you dipstick hush!" Rosco scolded Enos. The three men walked away pulling Mabel with them. She looked back at Luke and gave him a wink.



As soon as Boss and Rosco were out of sight and heaing distace Bo Jessica and Daisy all turned and glared at Luke, none of them underdstanding why Luke had just told Rosco to arrest Mabel Lynn. Both girls planted themselves in front of him and took on their defensive stance with their arms crossed over their chests and their eyes sparkling angrily. "Luke Duke. How could you even do such a thing?" Daisy yelled angrily. Luke shook his head and sighed. "I figrued she'd be safer iin jail while we find this Boss Hatcher fella and try to figure out aome way to take care of him." He explained, watching as the two girls relaxed their stance and leaned against the General.

"What if Boss Hogg an' Rosco decide to turn her over to Hatcher?" Bo asked leveling a steely gaze on Luke and raising his eyebrows. "Well I figure since neither one of em wanna see anyone hurt they wouldn't do that but just to be safe we're gonna stake out the jail and make sure they don't." He said. "Who's we?" Jessica asked curiously. Luke grinned at the pretty blond. "You an Bo are gonna watch the jail from the General." He said. Bo raised his eyebrows somehow expecting that wasn't all. "And just what are you gonna be doing Luke?" He asked curiously. Luke smiled. "I'm gonna be keeping an eye on her from inside the jail." He said, watching as they all stared at him. "Now how exactly are you planning on doing that?" Bo asked. Luke just grinned.

Balladeer: Now I wonder what ol' Luke meant by that. I sure hope he ain't gonna be doing something stupid.


"As long as you promise not to take the General!" Bo protested to his cousin. "Ok OK. I'll get a car from Cooter." Luke replied. "Bo's right, we don't want the General to get impounded!" Daisy added. Luke picked up the CB and called Cooter. "Lost Sheep callin' Crazy C! You got yer ears on?" They waited for a while before Cooter's voice replied, "Breaker one breaker one! Might be crazy but I ain't dumb! CCRRRAAAZZZYYY Cooter comin' at cha! Ya I got ya lost sheep!" "Cooter, could you bring a clunker out here to Still Number Five? I need to borra it!" Luke said. "Yes sir! I can do! Hold tight I'll be there in a jiffy!" Cooter spun his truck into a one hunderd and eighty degree turn and headed to his garage to pick up an old car sitting out back.

(I have to finish later if nobody else posts!)


Cooter pulled out and jumped out of his truck. "Here ya go Lucas, one clunker car!" He smiled and held out his hands. "Thanks Cooter it perfect." Luke said as he and Bo helped Cooter lower the car, "Say whose car is this?" Bo asked. Cooter paused and wrinkled his brow, "I.. don't know! Hope they don't mind!" He shrugged and continued with his work. Bo and Luke looked at each laughing, good ol Cooter.

"Now ya'll know the plan so far? Just stay low till I call the garage. 10-4?" Luke said into the CB radio as he drove towards Hazzard. "I still think yer a dang fool to go through with this!" Jesse replied to his nephew. "Ya we'll talk to ya later. Good luck Luke!"

Luke slammed on the brakes, and pulled off to the side. The General Lee, with Bo and Jess raced past, Bo honked the Dixie horn. Next was Cooter in the tow truck, then Daisy in the roadrunner, and Jesse in the pickup. So far so good! Luke thought as he strapped the speaker to the roof.

"Hey Sheriff! Come an' get me!" Luke called into the CB, broadcasting it through Hazzard square. "This is Luke Duke! I'm ready for a chase when you are Sheriff! That is if ya think yer man enough to take me on!" Nothing, no Rosco, no Enos. Luke threw his hands in the air as he past the garage where Cooter and the rest were watching. "Try some doughnuts Luke!" Bo shouted. Luke spun the old car every which way through the town, he knocked over signs, he crashed he into Rosco's car, he drove on the sidewalks. After ten minutes of chaos Rosco ran outside. "Freeze Duke Boy!" He hollered stepping in front of Luke's car. Luke's eyes got wide, he slammed on the brakes and stopped inches from the old Sheriff. "Come out with your hands up, so I can cuff and stuff ya!!" Rosco pointed his gun at Luke. "Put that thing away before ya hurt yerself rosco." Luke sighed as he got out of the car.

"Luke!" Mabel cried standing up. "Lock im up Enos!" Rosco called from upstairs. Mabel looked confused as Enos opened to cell door and guided Luke through. "What are you doin'?" Mabel looked at Luke, "You sorry son.."she stopped herself, "You dang fool! Why'd ya go an' do this?" Mabel whispered as she hugged Luke. "This is why." He whispered back. "Okay Luke, that's enough." Enos said blushing. "Hey Enos, ain't I entitled to a phone call?" Luke asked still hugging Mabel.


Enos nodded and smiled at Luke. "You sure do Luke." He replied, realizing the Duke boy probably had something up his sleeve that he was working on with the rest of his family, Jessica, and Cooter. "Just don't try no escapes on me now Luke." He said as he opened the cell door and stepped aside so Luke could leave the cell and led him to the phone. "Don't worry Enos. I ain't goin' nowhere." Luke said as he picked up the phone and dialed the operator. "Hey Maybelle! Get me Cooter's Garage! He said and grinned at Enos who smiled back.

"You got Bo here." His youngest cousin's voice came over the line a minute later. "I'm in jail Bo. I need some help. Y'all know what to do?" he asked. "10-4 cousin!" Bo said. Luke nodded and after saying goodbye, hung up the phone and followed Enos back to the cell.

"What did you do to get yourself in here?" Mabel Lynn asked as he sat down on the bunk next to her. Luke grinned. "Let's just say I rasied a ruckus out there in Hazzard Square." He said. Mabel's eyes widened. "What about Bo, Jessica and Daisy?" She asked. Luke smiled. "Don't worry Sugar. They all know what they're doing." He said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, pulling her against him. Mabel sighed and leaned her head on his shoulder.

Bo and Jessica parked the General out of sight of Rosco in case he came out of the jail but they were in a spot where they could see the jail. Bo sat at the wheel, while Jessica sat next to him in the middle. She glanced over at him. "Do you think Daisy will learn anything from Boss?" She asked, keeping one eye on the police station. Bo grinned. "Don't worry darlin' she'll find somethin'." he said and leaned over capturing her lips with his. Suddenly Jessica's eyes widened when she saw a car pull up in front of the police station. "Bo! That's the car that almsot ran me down." She cried. Bo turned to look and they both watched in horror as three men got out and went inside.

Balladeer: This don't look good at all folks...that's ol Boss Hatcher and his men and they're mad. It means trouble for the Dukes...and for that pretty little runaway....and maybe for all of Hazzard County.


"Uncle Shepard, Crazy C? Ya'll got yer ears on??" Bo called into the radio. "Go ahead Lost Sheep."Cooter replied. "We got trouble the fox is in the hen house an the fat is fivin' to fall in the fire!" Bo said, "I'm goin' in there to get them out!" "No Bo!" Jessi said grabbing Bo's shirt, "you'll get arrested if ya go in there! I'm goin'." She slid out of the passangers window and dropped to the street. "Be careful!" Bo called out the window. She waved and blew him a kiss.

"Well howdy Sherrif! How are you today?" Jessica smiles sweetly at Rosco. "Well shucks, I got one a them Duke boys in jail, so it's been a good mornin'. Now I'll I need is the no account boyfriend of yours! Gyuk!Gyuk! Gyuk!" Rosco grinned. Jessica rolled her eyes, "speakin' of that Duke ya got locked up... I'd like ta visit him!" She said as she glanced into JD Hogg's office, where the men who had nearly killed her were waiting. "Go on, you know the way you've visited those boys in there enough...." His voice trailed off as she jogged down the stairs. "Luke! Mabel!" She cried. "Jess?" Mabel looked up and smiled. "Howdy ya'll I hope yer doin' alright." she paused, "But I got some bad news for ya. I think Hatcher and his men just walked in, they're in Boss's office!" She whispered. "Oh no!" Mabel buried her head in her hands and started to cry. "Oh Darlin' don't worry. I'm here!" Luke said as he sat down beside her. "I'm sure that's real comfortin'!" Jess teased. Luke looked back and forth between the two women as he said, "Don't worry girls. If he's cuttin' a deal with Hogg he probably came up here to wok out the details. There ain't no way he knows yer here, I promise.

~Back in the sherrif's office~

"Where is Hogg? We's gots more important things to do!" Boss Hatcher yelled at Rosco. "Well ya see I.... Lemme see if I can raise im on the CB!" Rosco said nervously stepping away from Hatcher. "You'd better Coltrane!"

"Boss you got yer fat little ears on buddy?" Rosco called into the CB. "Yeah, I'm listenin'. What do you want?" Boss' voice replied. "Well...uh...Boss, the other Boss is here to see you." "Good take them out to my car and have my driver bring them out here to the Boar's Nest! Ya got that meadowmuffin?" Boss cried. "Ya, I'm gone!" Rosco said turning back to Hatcher. "Follow me gentlemen's!" Hatcher and his gang follow Rosco outside. "Take this here fellows to the Boar's nest an... ooh ooh it's the General Lee!! FREEZE! I see you Bo Duke!!" Rosco hollered as he ran towards his patrol car. Hatcher and his men got into Boss limo and headed out for the Boar's Nest.

"Uh Oh! Rosco's seen me!" Bo said aloud, "Better get outta here!" Bo started the engine and slammed the General into gear, he tore out from behind the bushes, tires screahing, leaving a cloud of smoke and rubber on the road. Rosco's car sped after him. Bo slid the General ninty degrees around a corner.

"What's all that racket?" Mabel asked. Luke hopped up into the cot and peered out the window to the square, "It's Bo, Rosco's spotted him!" Luke replied. Jess sighed and shook her head, "Well I better get up there before he leaves me in that could of dust too! I'll keep ya'll posted!" She shouted as she ran up the stairs and towards the door. "Hi Enos!" She called. "Hi Miss Jessica!" Enos replied with a smile. "Bye En..." Her voice trailed off as she ran out of the door.

"There's Jessi, I better pick her up!" Bo said. He slowed the General, just enough. "He ain't gonna stop!" Jess cried when she saw him comin around the corner. As he slowed she ran and dove head first through the window. She landed on her face, legs sticking out the window. "Nice move!" Bo smiled at her. "Thanks for stopping!" She replied, pulling her feet inside the moving vehicle.

"Just pull it over Duke! I know it's you in there!" Rosco's voice crackled over the CB. Bo reached for the radio, Jessica stopped him. "There ain't no Duke here sherriff, Just lil ol me!" Jessica said into the mic.

~Several Minutes Later~

Rosco stepped out of his car with an arrogent smile on his grizzled face. "Alright now Bo Duke, just get out of hte car!" He called, walking around to the driver's side. "I said get out! Now I'm the law!" Rosco cried. "Sorry Rosco, I told ya. there ain't no Duke in this car!" Jessica stuck her head out the window to look at the old Sherrif. "Huh? But... I.... He... where'd he go?" Rosco scratched his head and wrinkled his brow in confusion, "He was there just a minute ago. Open the trunk!" Jess pulled herself out of thw car and walked around to the back, she unlocked the trunk and pulled it open. Rosco looked puzzled again. A jack, a spare tire, a tool kit, some work gloves, a poster for the Hazzard County Derby, but no Bo. "Well... I guess yer free to go." Rosco mumbled Frozen and looking in the trunk. "Thanks Sheriff!" Jess cried as she slammed the lid closed and jumped back into the General Lee. She left Rosco coughing and choking in the dust.

"Whew wey! That was a close one!" Bo said as he peeked his head up from under a blanket in the back seat. "Nice work sweetheart!" He cried as he climbed up front. "Turn down this road." He said. "Uh... are you sure?" She asked. "Trust me, I'm surer than a month of sundays!" He replied. They drove on down the road. Jess looked up ahead of them and gasped, "Bo... the bridge is out!" "Really!" Bo asked excitedly. He slid closer to Jess and put his foot on top of hers, pushing the gas pedal to the floor. "Hold on!" He told her. She gripped the wheel tighter, as they took off, the wheels leaving the ground. "YYEEEEEEE-HAW!" Bo hollered at the top of his lungs. The general landed on the other side with a thud. Jess just smiled.

(tag you're it!)


Bo laughed at the silly grin on Jessica's face as she brought the General to a halt on the other side. She turned and placed her hands against his chest, shoving back lightly. Bo grabbed her wrists and pulled her over with him, causing her to release a startled shriek as she landed on top of him and stared down into his blue eyes as he pulled her down closer and pressed his lips to hers. She giggled as he wrapped his hands in her long blond hair and kissed her again.

She finally pulled back and sat up, staring down at him, smiling though she couldn't help but be worried about Luke and Mabel considering those men that almost ran her down had been in the police station and if Rosco let something slip Luke and Mabel would be in a heck of a lot of trouble. Bo sat up and reached for her hands which were starting to fidget nervously as she moved to get out of the car so she could switch places with Bo. "It's gonna be okay Jess. We're gonna get out of this. You just wait and see honey." he said.

Jessica sighed and looked away. "I sure hope so, Bo." She said and continued sliding out and then dropped to the ground and walked around the front of the front of the General and leaned against the hood with a loud sigh as Bo got out and walked around to join her. "Don't you worry Sugar! " He said and pulled her into his arms for a hug, pressing his lips to her forehead. Jessica smiled slightly.

"Shepherd to Lost Sheep, y'all out there?" Uncle Jesse's voice came over the Cb. Jessica made it to the Cb first. "This is Jess. What's your 20?" She asked. "We're back here at Cooter's. Where are you two?" Jessica looked up at Bo as he slid through the window. "We had to make a quick getaway. Rosco spotted Bo so we're sitting out here by the pond." She replied. "Well you two better get back to town quick! We've got trouble." Jesse told her. jessica's eyes widened and she looked up at Bo who was already throwing the General in gear and did a 180 heading back towards town.

Balladeer: Well I sure hope nothing too bad is wrong. But then you know the Dukes! Trouble will find them anywhere and everywhere they go.


Luke leaned against the bars of their cell. He was thinking, how could they get outta here? "Luke." He heard Mabel's voice behind him. He turned around and looked at her, he smiled, "C'mere Honey!" He said holding his arms open. Mabel Jumped up and ran into Luke's arms. He held her tightly. "I'm so scared Luke!" She whispered. Luke kissed the top of her head and held her tighter, "Me too." He replied. Mabel paused, she looked up at Luke, staring deep into his blue eyes. "What do you have to be scared of?" she frowned, "I'm the one they're gonna kill." He looked into her eyes, and said, "That's what I'm afraid of." He stared at her for another moment, then kissed her.

Rosco walked into the jail quietly. He looked at Mabel and Luke, still kissing. "Gyuk! Gyuk! Better make that one count! Knee! Cause it's yer last one for a long time. Jit... Gyuk!" he sputtered. Luke looked up, staring at Rosco. It was one of those, if looks could kill...

"Rosco, what exactly is it that you want?" Luke asked angrily. "Knee! I'm gonna take that female deliquint away! Gyuk! Gyuk! Gyuk!" Rosco answered, with a grin on his face, "So you jus let her go Luke Duke! Yer about to become a very lonely man! Jit. Knee!"

Rosco took his keys out of his pocket and fished around for the right one as he stepped towards the cell door. Luke, letting go of Mabel, stuck his hands out between the bars, "Here Rosco, lemme help ya with that, it's this little one right here." He helped Rosco fumble with his keys. "Oh thank ya Luke!" Rosco said as he put the key into the hole. He turned it and pulled the door open. Luke grabbed Mabel's hand and sprang out of the door at Rosco. "No thank you Sherrif!" He shouted. Luke led Mabel up the stairs and into the office, "C'mon!" He cried.

"Okay jus freeze it there!" Rosco said from behind them. Luke put his hands in the air and turned around. He closed his eyes and sighed heavily. "We tried!"Mabel said turning to face Rosco. "Hush! Just hush!" Rosco shouted. "I'm cuffin' ya," he looked at Mabel, "An' I'm stuffin' ya!" He looked angrily at Luke.

The General Lee pulled into Cooter's garage. The doors swung shut behind it. The engine was turned off. The tall blonde Duke slid out of the window and sat on the edge. He turned and rested his arms on the roof, covering the rebel flag. Jessica climbed out, Cooter took her under the arms and helped out. "What's this trouble Uncle Jesse?" Bo asked looking in Jesse's direction. "It's big trouble Bo!" Daisy said from the other direction. Jessica glanced at Jesse with a look of concern. "It seems that Hatcher fella knows Mabel is here." Cooter replied to her worried expression. "Thanks to JD!" Jesse added. Daisy continued, "I overheard Boss talkin' on the phone, he's gonna trade her for Fifty thousand dollars!" Jessica and Bo's mouth opened in disbelief. Did I hear her right? Bo thought. "Rosco's taking her out to the Boar's Nest today!" Jesse cried. Bo swung his legs out of the window, his old boots hit the floor. He walked to the door's and peered outside, Enos was cleaning plants, from the pond, out of the backseat of Rosco's car. "So how are we gonna Get her back?" Bo puzzled.

Luke flopped down onto the dusty old cot. He lay looking at the cement ceiling of the cell. He sighed, what use I'm I now, locked up. I can't even help myself get a meal, He thought. Luke contiued to lay on his back, thinking. He had to get out of jail, now.

"Hi Luke! I'm going over to the Busy Bee cafe. Can I get you anything?" Enos asked as he walked into the jail. Luke sat up he thought about it for a moment. "Sure Enos I'll have a Chicken and liverwerst sandwich, with a side of pickles!" He grinned slyly. Enos' face wrinkled in disgust. "Ok Luke! Whatever ya like!" Enos leaves the jail and heads off for the cafe. "I hope they get that message!" Luke says to himself. He sits back down, thinking about Mabel.


Jessiva joined Bo at the door and looked out across the road over to the Sheriff's station, where Enos was just leaving and watched as he headed across the street to the Busy Bee Cafe. She grinned and snapped her fingers as she turned to look at Daisy, who stood behind her and Bo. "Hey Daisy! Don't one of Luke's old girlfriends work there at the Cafe?" She asked, her eyes starting to sparkle mischeviously. Daisy thought for a moment and then grinned, catching on to what her friend had in mind. "You're right!" She said and joined them at the door. Jessica shrugged and grinned. "Maybe Luke sent some kinda message over with Enos." She suggested. Daisy nodded and grinned. "Well honey what are we waiting for?" She asked and motioned to the door. Jessica grinned. "I guess it's time for us to use some of that good ol' Hazzard County charm." She said. Daisy laughed and started out the door with Jessica until they found the doorway blocked by Bo's arm.

Bo glowered down at them, his eyes sparkling angrily. "How come I don't get no part in this?" He asked. The girls exchanged glances and shrugged but Jessica was the one that responded. "Because Bo if Enos saw you he'd see fit to arrest you and you ain't gonna do us any good if you're sitting in jail." She said gently. Bo sighed and pulled Jessica close to him, pressing his lips to her forehead. "Both of you be careful!" He said. Jessica pulled back and touched his face with the tips of her fingers. "Don't you worry Bo! We know what we're doing and how to do it." She said with a laugh and followed Daisy out the door. The girls strode across the street and walked through the door of the Cafe. "Hey Enos!" Daisy said and went over to the deptuty, giving Jess a nod. Jess nodded and went to the counter.

"Hey Bobbi Joe!" She said, greeting the waitress with a smile. Bobbi Joe smiled at her. "Hey Jess!" She said. Jess grinned and glanced back over her shoulder to see Daisy flirting with Enos. "I was wondering if you could tell me what the most disgusting thing is someone has ordered today?" She said. Bobbi Joe grimaced. "Sure thing, Jess! Luke ordered a chicken and liverwurst sandwich with a side order of pickles." She said. Jessica grimaced and then turned on her heel. "Thanks Bobbi Joe!" She said and headed for the door, grabbing Daisy's arm as she passed. "We gotta go!" She said.

Balladeer: Them girls sure do work a good shuck an' jive don't they?


"Whew-wey!" Cooter exclaimed as the to girls walked back into the garage. "So did ya find out anything?" Bo asked Daisy and Jessi. "Uncle Jesse? Does Luke like chicken and liverwerst sandwiches?" Daisy smiled."With a side of pickles?" Jess added. Jesse shook his head as he laughed. Cooter's eyebrows raised. "Uncle Mister Jesse Sir? What's so funny?" He asked. "Cooter," Bo started, "could you honestly see Luke eating a chicken and liverwerst sandwich?" Bo looked at Cooter with a smile. Cooter stared at him blankliy and shook his head, "uh uh." "That was Luke's message Cooter!" Jessi explained as Cooter shifted his blank gaze to her. Daisy rolled her eyes, "Cooter I'll explain it to ya later!" She stated.

Luke looks up and listens intently to the floor above him. He can here three, no Four pairs of familar boots stomping across the floor. He can hear Rosco scampering about, with Flash's paws clicking on the floor as she follows him, and Enos hopping around behind them.

"I got all the bail money right here Rosco! " Luke heard Jesse's voice as he came down the stairs. "Alright Jesse! Alright, don't rile yerself." Rosco grinned slyly as he came down the stairs. Bo was about to say something, but decided not to, seeing how he was still on the run and the sheriff had not noticed him. They walked into sight of Luke, but no one looked at him just yet, they were all still fussing about with paying the bail.

"Unlock the cell Enos." Rosco said, extremely unhappy. "Yes sir sheriff." Enos replied as he gleefully unlocked Luke's cell. Daisy ran over and hugged her cousin. Luke smiled, glad to be free. The Dukes (and friends) walked back to Cooter's garage in a bunch, all chattering away.

Balladeer" Well folks, now they've got Luke, Bo ain't been caught yet and that pretty little runaway is gettin' deeper into trouble by the minute.


As soon as the group reached Cooter's Garage and got through the doors they closed them behind and gathered around the General Lee to discuss their plan on how to get Mabel back. "Since those men wanna kill her you can be dang sure that they ain't just gonna let us walk in there and grab her and then walk right back out." Luke said, looking at the small group. Jessi stomped her foot. "Well I ain't gonna stand back and not do anything!" She said. Daisy looked at her and nodded. "Now hold it. Those men are dangerous and they'll stop at nothing to get what they want even if it means killing two innocent girls just cause they're in the way!" Luke said.

"Luke Duke! You're one to talk after all we all know you're gonna risk everything to get Mabel back." Daisy yelled. Luke looked surprised for a moment and was about to respond when Bo stepped in. "Luke, we're all in this together whether you want us to be or not. After all, we're family." He said. Luke glared at Bo. "You're alot of help cousin. I wanna keep them safe, after all we already had a close call with them fella's once when they almost ran Jessi down. I know you don't want it to really happen." He said. Bo's face flushed angrily but this time Jessi stepped in. "Take it easy fella's. All our nerves are a little on edge right now but that's no reason for us to be turning against each other." She said.

Uncle Jesse nodded approvingly, watching as Bo calmed down and leaned against the General, next to Jessi, slinging his arm over her shoulder. Luke took a little longer to calm down but he eventually did and looked at Jessi. "I just want you and Daisy to be safe." He said. Jessi shook her head. "Don't you worry about us Luke." She said, and pulled out of Bo's embrace leading the way to Dixie which sat out in the alley behind the garage. Daisy was right behind her as Jessi reached in the back and pulled out her set of Bow and arrows that she had learned to use when Bo and Luke had been placed on probation and could no longer use guns. Bo smirked. "Don't worry Luke. They'll be fine." He said.

Balladeer: I just hope ol' Bo is right cause I just hate it when something happens to Jessi and Daisy.


"Okay let's go darlin'!" Rosco said coyly as he lead Mabel out to his patrol car. "I ain't gonna make this easy for you Sherrif, I know where yer taking me." She snapped back at the old Sherrif. Rosco opened his eyes wide in surprise, "Jit! You do?" Mabel stood on the sidewalk defiantly, "I ain't going with you!" She shook her head. "Get in there! Gyuk! Gyuk!" Mabel sighed and looked at Rosco pleadingly, "Will you as least take these off?" She held up her cuffed hands. Rosco sighed and took out his keys he unlocked the cuffs and took them fumbling with them and the keys, "Here, let me hold those keys while you put the cuffs away." Mabel said politly. Rosco handed her his keys and continue to fumble with his handcuffs, he looked down to see what he was doing. Mabel smiled to herself and slowly moved around the car to the driver's side, closing the door quietly. She leaned over and looked at Rosco through the passenger's window, "Bye Bye Sheriff!!" "Huh?" Rosco looked up as his car burned out away from him and through the square. His eyes opened wide when he realized what was going on, he pulled his gun out and ran into the street shouting, "Freeze! I see you! Jus freeze it!"

"What Rosco hollering about now??" Cooter asked looking towards the door. "Why don't we go find out!" Luke smiled as he got up and walked out the door. Everyone followed, keen to find out what was going on. Luke noticed the abscense of his patrol car and called across the street, "Hey Rosco! Did ya lose something?"

Mabel looked behind, checking to see if she was being followed, she could see Rosco madder than a bee stung bear flailing about in the street. She smiled and laughed to her self.

"Well Hogg! Where's your goddamn Sherrif?" Hatcher yelled angrily. Boss Hogg swallowed hard, "He should have been here, lemme find out what happened." Boss Stood up from behind his desk and went to the CB radio, "Rosco you lugnut! Where are you?" "Uh Boss....bad news, bad news. I lost her." Rosco's voice replied a minute later. "What? How did you do that? Grrr Rosco!!! You dipstick!!" Boss yelled into the radio, "You get her back! Now, or you'll be the night rent-a-cop at Shorty's all-night rib shack on Mud River Road!" Rosco's voice came back again, "Uh, Boss? She's..ah...she's got my car." "Grrrr! You meadowmuffen!!!" Boss cries slamming it down. He turns back the Boss Hatcher and his men and smiles weakly. "Problem Hogg?"


Bo and Jessi stood behind Bo and stared at Rosco. "Hey Luke!" Bo said. Luke looked back at his cousin. "Yeah Bo. What is it?" He asked. "Wasn't Rosco supposed to be takin' Mabel to the Boars Nest?" Bo asked. Luke's eyes widened when he realized what Bo was saying. "Uh-oh." Cooter muttered, getting what Bo was saying. Jessica ran for the General. 'We gotta find her. She could get into trouble if Hatcher is somewhere around here." She said, climbing up and sliding behind the wheel and started up the engine. "I'm going with you." Luke said and ran over, jumping up and sliding through the passenger side window and slid into the back as Bo slid in the front. "I'll follow y'all." Daisy hollered as Jessica pulled away from the garage and roared past Rosco, who shook his fist at them in annoyance.

Luke leaned between the seats and grabbed the cb. "Mabel. This here is Luke Duke. Where are you sugar?" He asked. The all waited tensely for an answer, concern lining their faces when there was no response. Jessica raised her eyes to meet Luke's gaze in the rearview mirror. He saw concern in her brown eyes. "Don't worry Luke. We're gonna find her." She said, her voice firm and full of stubborness. Luke nodded though he wasn't really convinced. Bo shifted in his seat so he could get a better view of his older cousin. "Luke. You're a Duke and us Duke's don't give up without a fight." He said. Jessica sent an understanding glance at Bo. She remembered all the times the Dukes fought for what was right. She'd been there, helping hold everyone's heads high, refusing to let them give up. That was one of the many things that Bo loved about her.

"I don't think Mabel came this way." Bo finally said. Jessica finally pulled off to the side and slammd her fist into the steering wheel, angry tears filling her eyes. "Dang it. How are we gonna find her if we don't even know which way she went?" She cried. Bo reached out and took her hand. "Jess were gonna find her. You just have to have some faith." He said.

Balladeer: I have a feeling it's gonna take a lot more then faith to get the Dukes out of this mess that it looks like they're in. Stick around folks. It's about to get interesting.


"No! No! Well....!" Boss started as he slumped down into his desk chair. Hatcher slammed his hands down on JD's desk, "Where is the girl Hogg?? If you want your money you'll get her here within the next hour!" He growled angrily. Boss Hogg nodded slowly and nervously as Hatcher and his associates left the office, strolling into the Boar's Nest. JD sat watching the door, wide-eyed. He was waiting for them to com back in. They didn't. He leapt up and reached for the CB radio, "Rosco! You got yer ears on?" He paused awaiting Rosco's response. "Yeah little fat buddy! I'm listening!" The Sherrif's voice crackled over the radio. "Rosco you move your hiney and find that girl....or my wife your fat sister is gonna move back in with you!!" Boss cried into the CB. Rosco gulped, " Ten-four good buddy! I'm gone!" "Good! And cut out that trucker CB jive!" "That little fat meadowmuffen!" Rosco mumbled to himself.

Mabel drove up to an old barn, Hmmm... I wonder if they'd mind? She got out and pulled the doors open and drove the patrol car inside. Mabel closed the doors behind her as she left. "I have to get to the Duke farm!" She whispered to herself.


While Mabel was trying to make her way to the Duke Farm, Jessica, Bo, Luke and Daisy were just arriving, hoping that maybe Mabel had gone back there to hide from Rosco and Boss. Luke and Daisy went to search the barn while Jess and Bo went to search the house. Jessica stood in the middle of the kitchen with her hands on her hips as Bo reappeared from down the hall. "I don't like this Bo." She said, stating the obvious fear she was feeling. The fear that maybe Hatcher had caught Mabel. Bo reached out and pulled her into his arms and kissed her gently on the forehead. "Don't worry Jess. We're gonna find her." He said, just as Luke and Daisy came through the door. Bo and Jessica turned to face them and could tell by the looks on their faces that they hadn't had any luck either.

Luke looked like he was ready to bite someone's head off. Daisy rested her hand on his arm. "We're gonna find her Luke." She said gently. Luke shook his head. "What's the use? Hatcher's probably got her already!" He said. Jessica glared at him. "Luke Duke! I ain't never knowed you to give up on someone you care about before. So what makes you think you can start now?" She yelled, losing her temper. Luke stared at her for a moment. "I'm sorry y'all. It just seems so hopeless." He said, running his hands down his face. Bo grinned. "Ain't nothin' hopeless when you got a whole family of Dukes behind you." He said, drawing Jessica close and smiling at his cousin. Luke grinned back. "Thanks Jessi. I needed that." He said.

Balladeer: They think it ain't hopeless but then again they ain't seen nothin' yet. Have they?


Mabel ran as fast as she could, glancing over her shoulders checking for Hatcher. She stopped, huffing and puffing. She rested her hands on her knees taking deep breathes. She looked up, to the backend of a bright orange stock car. She stood up and collapsed onto the trunk still gasping for air. She hugged the car and said "I've never been so happy to see a car in my life! Now where are those Dukes? Huh General?" As if the car had answered her question she stood up and nodded. She smiled and jogged towards the old farm house.

"Luke?? Bo? Where are ya? Jessi? Daisy? Are ya'll in here?" Mabel cried as she burst through the front door. Luke looked up, his blue eyes wide and his heart racing with fear and excitment. "Mabel!" He cried as he ran to her and wrapped his arms around her. She closed her eyes and took in a deep sigh, relieved to be in his arms again. They stood in the doorway holding each other for several long minutes. Daisy put her arm around Bo, sighing with releif. Jessi wiped a tear from her face, thankful Mabel was alright. Bo put an arm around both girls smiling as he watched his cousin.

"Enos! You dipstick! Get out to the Duke farm!! That female deliquint has escaped!" Rosco shouted into the CB radio in his new squad car. "Yes Sheriff! I'm on my way!" Enos replied as he whipped his car one hundered and eighty degrees and tore off down mill pond road to the Duke farm. Rosco caught up quickly and followed Enos' car.

Luke looked up, his sensitive ears catching a sound. "What's that?" Mabel looked up and asked, "What's what Luke?" Bo added, "Luke what on earth are you talking about?" "That." Jessi replied as she looked out the window to see the two police cars headed for them. She held back the curtian for all to see. "Great." Was all Bo could mutter.

"Go around back. Don't let them get out." Rosoc instructed Enos when they got out of their cars. Enos nodded and snuck around the back of the house. Rosco knocked on the front door, "Hey Dukes! Are ya home?" He called trying to be polite. Rosco leaned on the door, listening for sounds of movement. Bo pulled the door open quickly, Rosco tumbled to the floor. "Oh sherriff! You poor thing let me help you up!" Daisy cried giving a wink to Luke. Luke nodded and took mabel by the hand, running for the back door. Daisy went to Rosco to help, Jessi stuck out her foot, tripping Daisy, pushing Rosco back down to the floor. Bo tried not to laugh.

Balladeer " Those to girls sure can work a good shuck n' jive!

"Hold it Luke!" Enos cried his gun pointed at Luke and Mabel. Luke rolled his eyes and held up his hands, "Alright, alright! Put that thing away Enos." "I'm sorry Luke, Miss Lynn. I'm just doing my duty." Luke nodded as Enos leaded then back into the house. Rosco was finishing dusting him self off and muttering something about obstructing justice. "Gosh Sherrif! Me and Jessi Mae are so sorry!" Daisy said sweetly smiling Rosco. He looked up at Enos and grinned, "Gyuk! Gyuk! Gyuk! Good work Enos! Let's get her out to the Boar's Nest. Luke stepped in front Rosco, preventing him from leaving the house, "Rosco," He started calmly, "If you take her to Boss Hatcher, he's gonna kill her." "Jit! Shoot Luke Duke, do ya think I believe ya?" Rosco laughed. "You should! It's the truth!" Bo shouted. Jessi put her hand on his shoulder, trying to relax him. "Sherrif, we wouldn't lie about something like this." Daisy cried. Rosco looked back and forth between all of the people standing around him, he stopped on Mabel. "Please Sherrif!" She pleaded, "It's the truth!! Don't make me go!!" She looked into the old Sherrif's eyes, tears filling her own. She was full of fear. Rosco raised an eyebrow as he thought about what he was being told, the tone in his voice more serious, "Shoot, Boss Hogg wouldn't give you to them fellers knowing that." "But Rosco, Boss doesn't know they want to kill her! He just knows he's gonna get fifty thousand dollars if he does!" Jessi cried. Enos' eyes got wide and his mouth opened slightly, he blinked, staring blankly at Daisy, looking for an answer. Daisy nodded, creasing her brow.

Balladeer "Now I would believe them kids, wouldn't you?"


Rosco looked from one face to the other. "I ain't never knowed you Dukes to lie before." He said, half to himself. "And we're not lying now either Rosco." Jessi said, desperation on her face. Enos looked over at Daisy. "I beleive em Sheriff." He said, smiling at Daisy. Rosco muttered. "All right. I ain't gonna turn you in. If it's gonna end in someone getting killed, I'm not having no part of that." Mabel laughd and threw her arms around Rosco's neck, kissing him on the cheek. "Oh thank you Sheriff." She cried. Everyone laughed as Rosco's face turned a bright shade of pink. Jessi motioned towards her and Daisy's room and walked down the hall with Daisy close behind her. "I think we should go to the Boars Nest and see if we can find anything out." She said. Daisy nodded and reached into the closet pulling out a clean pair of shorts and a tank top. Jessi followed suit and got a change of clothes out too. They quickly changed and rushed back out to the living room and told the others what they were planning to do.

Luke shook his head. "You two be careful." He said, as they headed out the door to Daisy's roadrunner and got in. Mabel watched them go, fear in her eyes. "Are they crazy? He's there at the Boars Nest."She cried. Bo grinned and walked towards the door. "Don't worry about them Mabel. They know what they're doing." He said. "What are we gonna do Luke?" Enos asked. Luke thought for a moment. "We're gonna go hideout at Cooter's Farm. We'll radio the girls later and let them know where we are." He said as they walked out to the cars. Rosco and Enos followed the General Lee to Cooter's farm. Bo was hiding it from everyone but inside he was worried about Jessi and Daisy. He knew they were good at what they did but they'd never gone up against someone like Hatcher before and if either one of them got hurt or killed he'd never forgive himself for letting them go in the first place.

When Daisy and Jessi reached the Boars Nest they walked in and started setting up for the evening. Jessi walked around and gathered salt shaker's to fill. She watched as Daisy sidled up to the door and placed an ear against it, hoping to hear what was going on in the other room. Jessi started filling the salt shakers while keeping an eye on the door in case someone decided to walk in. She finally tired of the salt shaker's and walked over to join her friend, who placed a finger to her lips. Jessi placed her ear against the door. I don't care what you say JD. You're irresponsible Sheriff let that gal get away." Hatcher yelled. "Well she's about as tricky as them Dukes." Boss whined. Jessica rolled her eyes, causing Daisy to smile. "Hey!" A voice said. They whirled around to see two men with gun's standing in the doorway. Jessica and Daisy moved away from the door and slowly raised their hands.

The two men walked towards them. Jessica looked over at Daisy who gave a slight nod. Jessica nodded back and then kicked out with her foot, knocking the gun from one of the men's grasps, sending it flying across the room as Daisy kicked the other. The two girls ran out the door and jumped in the roadrunner, firing up the engine and tearing out of the parking lot. The two men took off after them and aimed the recovered gun at the car. A sharp retort caused the car to swerve and go off the road, going into the brush on the edge.

Balladeer: I just hate to see Jessi and Daisy in trouble. And ain't nobody knows about it neither.

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