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I assume it is because I'm sure I've heard that you can get 'new' rear tyres for the cars?! Anyone got a list of what other set's are compatable and their makers??




My favorite toy from my childhood was my DOH slot cars. I have been looking everywhere for a set. Any ideas on where I can find a DOH slot car set? I loved that jump it had in the middle of the track. :)

  • 1 year later...

Hi You all. I am here to help with your slot car questions.

The first DOH set was made by Ideal toys. The made to versions. A slot car ( the one with the pin hence slot car) and a TCR (Total Control Racing)version which is slotless In other words no pin. The cars can still be purchased on Ebay. You can get the orginal sets or just the cars. Ideal slot cars will work on any H.O. slot car track except Matchbox. So, if you have Tyco , Tomy AFX track it will work. The car are o.k. but hard to get parts for. The best part is that there are still alot kickin' around and should be hard to get.

The next cars made were made by Aurora AFX. This company was the best at making slot cars. The only problem is that Aurora didn't want to pay for the Royalies. Or as Boss Hogg said " The Royals". Because of that the set were call "Daredevil Hazzard" or "Dixie Challenge" The box art is cool. Another problem was that they used a '73 Dodge Charger and had the rebel flag on the hood not the roof and the car was # 11. To find a Dixie Charger in mint condition will cost about $250 to $350 today. Ebay, toy and slot car show are your best places to purchase.

Last buy not leased is the Auto World slot cars. The came out in September of 2006. The will run on any H.O. scale track except Matchbox a to date is the best General Lee made. They have made different versions aswell. The have made the following

General Lee Clean

General Lee Dirty (Muddy)

Roscoe's police car Clean

Roscoe's police car Dirty

These car sold out in no time. But you will find them on ebay. They go for $12.00 - $ 25.00.

Now Auto World is planning to release a new Duke of Hazzard set but there is some issues with the track at this time.They were going to release them this December but it will be a few more months.

Just to add to the fun of collecting Auto World has White Thunder cars. White Thunder cars are limited in number and have white chassis, tires and wheels. There are only 500 made of the clean General Lee and only 25 Dirty Police car.

The reason is when they release the DOH set you would get in a case the following

6 Clean General Lee's

3 Dirty General Lee's

2 Clean Police Cars

1 Dirty Police car

as a result the dirty police car is rare but a dirty White Thunder is very rare.

If you can't find these not to fear ,Tom (Owner of Auto World) is going to release a new series this spring with a General Lee with pushbar, better Roscoe's police car, Daisy's Yellow roadrunner, Daisy's Jeep and the Ghost of General Lee (glow in dark?) I hpe this helps. This is alot of info but I hope it helps

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