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Starsky & Hutch movie

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Well now! I ain't gonna spoil the movie for any of y'all who haven't seen it yet. But I just wanna warn ya, within this movie I saw shades of what the Dukes movie could be like...an' heaven help Hazzard.

The Starky & Hutch flick is enjoyable, tho'. You just gotta go into it expectin' a parody of the original series. Some of it is right down sacriligious, especially if yer thinkin' this to be anythin' in the way of a tribute. It ain't! But it falls just short of a complete insult. Khee.

There were definately some unexpected moments that are worth the price of admission. If you've got an adult sense of humor, and you don't mind seein' a whole lotta license taken with the characters involved...then g'wan n' see it.

Besides, it may prepare ya for what lies ahead for the Dukes movie.

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