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I have tried to contact the owner of this wonderful site as to whether it is ok i have linked this site for my nostalgia website www.theretrokids.com. I tried contacting you several times by email but have been met with no response. I know this is unorthodox but i couldn't think of any other way off communicating. Anyway is it possible for the owner of anyone reading this. To give me a description of the premise of the Dukes of Hazzard tv show and a little bit of the features of such as triva, fan history so i can put into my description box. My email address is lnostt@aol.com


Howdy, Retroboy -

Sorry if we missed your email. Sometimes it comes in pretty heavy and we get backlogged. Or we get distracted by things like a really good episode of Dukes of Hazzard being on.

Anyhow, I don't think MeadowMufn would mind if you put a link up to HazzardNet on yer site. Nice of ya, actually.

However, we can't write the Dukes content for your site. (We get backlogged enuff just tryin' to hold our own. And hell, ain't you bein' just a little lazy? :wink: )

But, we'll leave your post up, and maybe one of the kind folks around here will help ya out. ( So long as nothin' is "borrowed" from HNet's content without permission, or we'd have to cuff and stuff somebody. )

Good luck with the site!



To make a long story short i tried to make a website similar to the defunct yesterdayland as i am one person its difficult maintaing my website and i always like permission before i like a site and plus there are so many sites i have linked its difficult to find the time to write all the description some webmasters gave me a description and some didn't so i thought i would ask.

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