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  1. Jenyfer was driving down the road in her 1958 plymouth the radio was on and Hank Williams was singing you never get out of this world alive. The song stopped in the middle and the news was warning people to find a safe place until help comes. There was a disease that caused people to die and come back no matter what the cause was. People were told to get guns ammo any weapon that would put these walkers down. Jenyfer stopped at Cooter's garage she filled up Christine's gas tank . She asked "Did you hear the news?" He told her yes he filled up gas cans and a motor home pulled up . It was a man named Dale who had an RV that was having problems . Cooter pulled the RV in his garage and found the problem and repaired the problem he also filled his fuel tank and gave him gas cans full of gas. 2 girls came out 1 named Andrea and the other named Amy. Jenyfer came back from the store getting non parishable food and water. She opened Christine's trunk. Andrea asked her "Is this your car?" Jenyfer said with a smile "yes" Andrea said " The car is beautiful I have never seen 1 of these before'." Bo Luke, Daisy and Uncle Jesse pulled up in their vehicles they also heard the news and filled their cars with fuel Cooter packed his tools , parts , Filled his truck with gas and motor fluids for other cars in case they were needed. Bo asked " How do we put these sick folk attacking us? " Jenyfer said a bullet to the head or a knife to the skull." Jenyfer looked in Boss Hoggs window . He was not acting right . Jenyfer went in to Boss Hoggs office she was armed with a knife and a 9mm. She already knew what to do since she has been through this before. Roscoe was hollering " Little fat buddy stop ." Jenyfer knew Boss could not be helped he was 1 of the walking dead.. Jenyfer snuck up behind Walker Boss Hogg and put the knife through his skull and it put him down. Rocsoe told her I could of helped the Boss. Jen told him that there was nothing that could of been done to help him. She told him once you get that fever you die and come back as a walker the only to stop it is a bullet to the head , a heavy blow the skull or a knife in the head. We better go get what you need to survive and fill you patrol car with fuel.Roscoe and Enos filled both patrol cars with fuel but left 1 with keys in it so some one can escape to survive Bobbi Jenyfer's identical twin sister just got off and also heard the news she also got survival gear. The Dukes arrived in Atlanta . Roscoe noticed a noticed Rick Grimes on a horse got out of his patrol car and offered to help. He asked were did y'all come from? Jenyfer told him Hazzard County. Rick told Roscoe he was searching for his wife and son. Roscoe told him to hop in his patrol car and he did . Jenyfer noticed other people she waved them over . They were apart of Dale's group when they arrived every body followed Dale to the camp site . When the Dukes arrived with Dale they helped set up camp Daisy and Jenyfer went in to Dales RV to start cooking dinner. they cooked the fish that was caught , cooked corn and pasta it was enough for every body then a man named Shane complimented the women on their cooking. He said I wish I had a girl like that . Jenyfer said " I am sure the right 1 will come along and I hope you do find her ans she treats you good." Daryl and Merle Dixon noticed Christine parked at the camp sight . Merle tried opening the door the Radio came on Webb Piece was singing in the jail house now . Shane looked in side and the radio went off. He said " Now that is a strange car." Bo heard a man named Ed yelling and he also seen him beat on his wife . Bo went over and knocked Ed out . He asked Carol "Ma'am are you alright? " My girl Jenyfer is a counsler she helps women in your situation. " Bo motioned Jenyfer to come and talk to Carol . Jenyfer told Carol about the friend she had that was in the same situation she is in and how she helped her get out. Jenyfer told Carol " You do not deserve this you deserve better . " Walkers came to the camp and started attacking every body got a weapon and started putting down the wakers. Jenyfer seen 1 near Amy and killed it before it bit her. She killed more walkers than every body else in the group they were amazed. Rick asked her " How did you know what to?" Jenyfer told him" I have been through this a couple of times. In the last crisis the other person I was involved in was killed by these things. It really hurt to watch him die and come back but I was the 1 who put him down again." Rick told her " I am sorry you went through that I really am." Jenyfer told him "Bo was there when it happened and he was there for me when I needed a friend to talk to."
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