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  1. Jenyfer Bo's girl friend was working late at the Boars Nest with her best friend Denise. Jenyfer noticed some bruises on her and her black eye. Jenyfer asked what happened but she told her she fell. Jen knew that was not true, Jen took her to a side and asked again she told her " I want the truth your husband Judson did this." Denise burst in to tears and said it was true . Jenyfer told her " You need to report this to the law." Denise told her " Jud wants me to quit my job here." Denise told her that she did not have a car . Jenyfer told her "Denise you need to leave him for good. You and I have been best friends since High School we were cheerleaders and had so much fun ." Jenyfer told her before we close and I am calling Enos I will ask him to escort us to your home then we are packing your items and you can at the Farm . Denise told her that Jud told her if she leaves he will find her and kill her. Jenyfer told her if he hits you call the law and have him arrested. If he calls and asks to post his bail hang up on him. Jenyfer called Enos and explained the situation. Enos followed Jenyfer and Denise in Christine. Christine's radio was playing these Shoes . Denise got out of the car . Jenyfer told her I will wait in case something happens that way you will have help to escape.3. Bo was getting worried so he called her cell phone . Jenyfer told him what was going on . She told him her friend was being beat by her boyfriend and was staying there incase she needs to escape . Jenyfer and Enos heard some slapping punching and screaming. Enos went in Jen told him to be careful. Enos went inside and seen Denise covered in blood . Enos told Jud he was under arrest Enos placed put his hands behind his back and put the cuffs on him . Enos told him he was under arrest for domestic violence. Denise did not want to press Charges. Enos told her that he has seen it and he was pressing charges. Jen seen Enos coming out with Jud and putting him in the back of the patrol car. Jud started to get violent Enos called for back up but the closest back up was Sheriff Little. Ed Little came to back up Enos and placed Jud in the back of his patrol car. LIttle followed Enos back to the Hazzard County Jail and helped Enos put Jud in the jail cell. Jen and Denise had a talk she told her that you need to press charges and get a restraining order, Jenyfer helped her pack and put her items in Christine's trunk and closed it . Denise heard the phone ring . Jud called to ask her to bail him out. Jen over heard and advised her not to post his bail . Denise told him she was not bailing him out and it was over and hung up on him. Jen and Denise got some more of her items but put them in Christine's back seat . Denise told her that Jud made her give him her checks. and knew were they were . Jen and Denise went in side and got all of her money. Jenyfer told her that they were going to the bank and open an account in her name only. Bo called again 'Hey Darlin were are you? Jen told him that Jud has been arrested and jailed and she help Denise pack her bags and they are on they on the way. Jen and Denise arrived to the Duke Farm . Bobbi Jen's Identical twin sister asked in Spanish what happened and she answered back in spanish. Denise spent the night and slept in room with Bobbi and Jenyfer. The twins helped Denise get a place to stay . She got a restraining order against Jud and its for good. Denise opened an account in her name and every day would put money in the account Jenyfer arrived back to the farm . Jen said she had a long day and wanted to rest but she was glad to help her friend get out of an abusive relationship
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