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  1. Hi! I want to try to create a family tree and a family history for the Duke, Hogg, and Coltrane families. In several episodes they drop names of family members, here is what I have so far. There are some inconsistancies. Any help is appreciated. Duke Family: Jesse L. Duke, either uncle or great uncle of Bo, Luke, Daisy, Coy, Vance, Jeb Stuart, and Jud Kane. Was married to Lavinia. Lukas K. Duke, nephew of Jesse, brother of Jud Kane. Beauregard "Bo" Duke, nephew of Jesse. Daisy Mae Duke, nephew of Jesse. Came to live with Uncle Jesse at age 6. Coy Duke, nephew of Jesse. Vance Duke, nephew of Jesse. Jeb Stuart Duke, nephew of Jesse from Placid County where there are other Dukes. Jud Kane Duke, nephew of Jesse, brother of Luke. Raised by a Miss Norris until her death when he found out about real family. Gaylord Duke, third cousin of Bo, Daisy, and Luke from England. Philip Duke, died ten years ago presumably in England. Katrina "Kay" Duke, lives in England. Henshaw Duke, Grandfather of Daisy, Luke, and Bo, maybe Jesse's father? Grandma Denton Duke, grandmother of Jesse Duke, maiden name Denton. Caleb Duke, settled Hazzard County in 1762 (I think) with wife Martha and infant son Joshua. Martha Duke, settled in Hazzard County in 1762 with husband and infant son Joshua. Joshua Duke, son of Caleb and Martha settled in Hazzard in 1762 as an infant, born that year. Jerimiah Duke, great grandfather of Jesse Duke, husband of Jenny Duke. Uncle of Hank, Dixie, and Joe Duke. Lived on Duke Farm in 1872, assumably age early 40s to early 50s. Jenny Duke, great grandmother of Jesse Duke, wife of Jerimiah, great great great grandmother of Daisy Duke. (Might lead to fact that Jesse was their great uncle). Lived on Duke Farm in 1872. Age late 30s to mid 40s. Jerimiah & Jenny Duke Problem: If they are Jesse's great grandparents, where are their children? They are already in their 40s assumably. Hank Duke, great grandfather of Luke and Jud Kane Duke, alive in 1872. Lived outside of Hazzard County (aka Sleepy City). This might be a hint that Luke and Jud's parents were distant cousins because Jerimiah would be Luke's gg or ggg grandfather, and yet Hank DUKE is his great grandfather, and Hank is Jerimiah's nephew. Dixie Duke, great grandmother of Daisy M. Duke, alive in 1872. Lived outside of Hazzard County (aka Sleepy City). This might be a hint that Daisy's parents were distant cousins because Jerimiah would be Daisy's gg or ggg grandfather, and yet Dixie DUKE is her great grandfather, and Dixie is Jerimiah's niece. Joseph "Joe" Duke, great grandmother of Bo Duke, alive in 1872. Lived outside of Hazzard County (aka Sleepy City). This might be a hint that Bo's parents were distant cousins because Jerimiah would be Bo's gg or ggg grandfather, and yet Hank DUKE is his great grandfather, and Joe is Jerimiah's nephew. Holly Comfurt, Jesse's second cousin twice removed. In simple terms that means that two of Jesse's grandparents are her great great grandparents. As for the different last name there are a wide range of possibilities, one scenario could be that Jesse's mother was maybe a Miller and her father's brother's great great granddaughter is Holly Miller who married a Comfurt. John Henry Comfurt, son of Holly Comfurt, distant cousin of Duke Family. Lori Comfurt, daughter of Holly Comfurt, distant cousin of Duke Family. Hogg Family: Jefferson Davis Hogg, "J.D." "Boss Hogg," husband of Lulu Coltrane. Son of big daddy. Uncle of Hughie Hogg, Jamie Lee Hogg, and Dewey Hogg. Lulu Coltrane Hogg, wife of J.D. Hogg, brother of Rosco Purvis Coltrane and Hortense Coltrane. Daughter of Momma Coltrane. Big Daddy Hogg, father of Abraham Lincoln Hogg and Jefferson Davis Hogg. Grandfather of Hughie, Jamie Lee, and Dewey. Died in 2003. Momma Hogg, died before start of series. Ashes on Boss's mantel. Dewey Hogg, older brother of Hughie Hogg. Nephew of J.D. Hogg and Abraham Lincoln Hogg. Grandson of Big Daddy Hogg. Hughie Hogg, younger brother of Dewey Hogg. Nephew of J.D. Hogg and Abraham Lincoln Hogg. Grandson of Big Daddy Hogg. Jamie Lee Hogg, cousin of Dewey and Hughie. Nephew of J.D. Hogg and Abraham Lincoln Hogg. Grandson of Big Daddy Hogg. Grady Byrd, cousin of J.D. Hogg and Abraham Lincoln Hogg. Cletus Hogg, 3rd cousin of J.D. Hogg and Abraham Lincoln Hogg. Mabel Tillingham, J.D. and Abraham Lincoln Hogg's cousin. Dan Hogg, J.D. and Abraham Lincoln Hogg's cousin. Thadius B. Hogg (not Thaddeus), J.D. and Abraham Lincoln Hogg's great grandfather. Was alive in 1872, age about mid 40s. Was alive when J.D. and Abraham were born. "Lighthorse" Henry Hogg, J.D. and Abraham Lincoln Hogg's great grandfather. Fought in the Civil War on the Confederate side. Sadie Hogg, J.D. and Abraham Lincoln Hogg's great great grandmother. Sadie Hogg Day named in her honor. Coltrane Family: Rosco Purvis Coltrane, younger brother of Lulu and Hortense. Son of Momma Coltrane. Lulu Coltrane Hogg, younger sister of Hortense and older sister of Rosco. Daughter of Momma Coltrane. Clara Coltrane, aunt of Hortense, Lulu, and Rosco. Momma Coltrane- Mother of Hortense, Lulu, and Rosco. Hortense Coltrane, older sister of Rosco and Lulu. Emma Coltrane, aunt of Rosco, Hortense, and Lulu. Married to Wilbur. Wilbur Coltrane, uncle of Rosco, Hortense, and Lulu. Married to Emma. Brother of Clara. Davenport Family: Cooter Davenport, father of Nancy Lou Nelson. Cousin of B.B., Longstreet, and Earl Davenport. B.B. Davenport, cousin of Cooter, Longstreet, and Earl Davenport. Longstreet Davenport, cousin of B.B., Cooter, and Earl Davenport. Earl Davenport, cousin of B.B., Cooter, Longstreet Davenport. Nancy Lou Nelson, Cooter's 18 year old daughter whose mother is Beverly Hibbs. NOTE: I have researched mine, and other family trees before, and it is possible for a person, such as Boss Hogg, to be descended of two great grandfathers with the last name, Hogg. This could simply mean that his parents/grandparents were distant cousins. Remember Daisy's line in One Arm Bandits: Bo: "If you weren't my cousin I'd marry you." Daisy: "That's never stopped anyone in this family before." THANK YOU FOR ANY HELP!!!
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