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Boss Hoggwash

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Everything posted by Boss Hoggwash

  1. What if the Hogg Burt Reynolds plays is really a nephew or something with the exact same name as the original JD? The film could open up with a scene where Burt is sitting behind his desk counting cash, with a painting of the first Boss Hogg (may he rest in peace) on the wall in the office. Yeah, the latest Hogg is tall and skinny, but still a Hogg for money. Here's something else not related. I'd kind of like to see Shiriff Cotrane with a promotion or two under his belt. Like give him a couple more men to command, or something like that. A way of showing that even Hazzard county evloves with the times. Anyway, that's my two cents. Can't wait for Daisy and the General.!!
  2. What's next....the General Lee will be a ford Pinto?
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