Carrie Says "Well I guess that sounds allright but do you dare touch Julie Duke she's my friend and well she's been through too much allreadry why did you pick her begin with now as well she did nothing wrong as well. Oh please don't tell me Julie was bait now as well I would sick thinking I betrayed my best friend so the two of could get ahold of the others as well, what are you going to do with them once you get ahold of them as well." Meanwhile Coy and Vance was there as well and they was going to stop at there Uncle Jesse's house and visit with the family as well after here they had heard what happened to their cousins right now and can't believe she could be responible as well. Coy looks at Vance Says "Let's get there and tell them who we had just seen now as well they just have to know as well and I can't believe it I went out with her and stole my car on me as well, that lying woman." Coy Says "How did you end up falling for her Vance, she's pretty but I thought you liked taller woman and classy than her now as well." Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke