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Everything posted by lee1

  1. Although I agree with most of what you'r saying about actors and movie making I have to disagree with some of it. I live in French Settlement, La and I was present for some of the Boars Nest filming this past week. I was extremly excited about this movie being filmed here. I met Johnny Knoxville and he sighned autographs for as many people as he could. Johnny seems to be great guy who is down to earth and really enjoys his fans. Now I have heard a few rumors about Jessica Simpson such as "I can't wait toget out of this hick town." and " Get these hicks away from me." also she supposedly said that the only reason the movie was being filmed here was because Louisiana was trashy. Now like I said these are just rumors and I won't judge her on rumors. Last Thursday my seven yr old daughter and I stopped by the Boars Nest filming. We saw Jessica pass by a few times going back and forth from the set to her trailor. A little while later Jessica came up to her Range Rover preparing to leave for the evening. There was a group of about fifteen people including myself calling to Jessica smiling and waving including my daughter who I had picked up so she could see and wave to Jessica. Jessica then looked our way in what looked like disgust and jump into her vehicle. Now we weren't trying to get her attention while she was filming. All we wanted was maybe a smile and a wave, but I guess we were not worthy of it. Now you people can say what you want, but that was wrong and I could care less about the girl. As far as the movie goes I will watch it, but after that Miss Got My Nose Stuck In The Air Simpson will not get a penny of my money.
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