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Everything posted by ditzyallthtime

  1. my cousin met jessica simpson today bc she knew the owner of moonlight and he told her to go on in bc they were havin a break and she met all of the cast including jessica and she said she was really nice...the other day they had these fans that made hearts for jessica and wanted her to sign them and she was tryin to find them to get them in there to sign them for the girls that made them... i think there is more to the story than her callin us country hicks...
  2. i just came back from where they were filming (moonlight or as it is known for rite now the Boar's Nest) and i got Johnny Knoxville's autograph and he touched my hand! OMG! anywayz...i have heard the things about jessica simpson and i dont know where everyone is gettin it from and whether its true or not but if it was heard from the Security Guards or the producers or w/e because when i was there they were tryin to tell us to leave bc we 'werent' gonna get to meet any of them (jessica simpson and other had already left) and all who was there was Johnny Knoxville and Sean Williams Scott...Johnny Knoxville did come out about 30 mins later...the security guards and producers were rude to us and tried to say things to us about them to make us leave but i didnt so i got to meet Johnny and he was sooo nice and HOTT! he made sure all the little kids got autographs and it was sweet! so i dont know so much about Jessica Simpson...this is just what i saw...so if u didnt hear it personally from her...it may not be true... just thought i would inform all of ya'll
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