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  1. Yeah ok. And Keanu Reeves is the greatest actor of all time, right? Listen, you don't have to be mean about it! I really don't like your sarcasm... I don't know why you want to get on a forum for DoH fans, then insult the show and the actors we all like so much! So... There's my 2 cents. See ya. Look, I am not putting down the show at all or being mean. I love it and always have. But, that doesn't mean it wasn't hokey and had bad acting. If you look back at a lot of the old shows....Knight Rider, The A-Team, etc... They were hokey and sometimes had bad actors but, we loved them any way. I watch some of those shows today and realize how silly they were. But, I grew up with them and still love it because of it. These guys aren't going to win any Oscars any time soon. But, that really doesn't mean anything either if EMINEM can win one!!
  2. Yeah ok. And Keanu Reeves is the greatest actor of all time, right?
  3. I saw an interview with John where he says he wasn't happy with the movie. He says something like " I wouldn't even drive my car on that set." I'll try and find it. I am sure someone else here has read that interview.
  4. Oh and by the way, everyone is always harping on Liberal Hollywood...well I got news for you Cooter is a liberal democrat. Hellooooo....Has anyone looked into his political background? He may talk to everyone at these Dukes fests like he is a "fight for what's right" good ole boy but, his political affiliations speak his true beliefs. This is the same people that want to take any mention of "god" out of everything. This struck me the other night watching an episode of the Dukes. They were all sitting at the table praying to God for help about something going wrong. If Jones' liberal pack had their way back then you would have never seen that scene. I mean how often do you see that kind thing on tv today ? And this same crowd would like the Rebel to be outlawed. Jones is always harping on what the Dukes stood for but, it seems to me he is playing on the wrong side. I am not either republican or democrat but, I have seen enough to know which side has more of my beliefs. Jones was interviewed in our local paper during dukes fest in Bristol. He was quoted "When I am not pushing for the Dukes, I am pushing for John Kerry for president." This is the same John Kerry that the liberal hollywood crowd was voting for. I don't agree with everything George Bush does but, I definately have a problem with bleeding heart wussies. This is the same crowd that says cartoons we grew up with are too violent or that video games make kids kill people. What do you think they would say about the Duke boys fighting at the boars nest all the time? Do you think John Kerry and Ben Jones would solve their problems with their fists like the Dukes did? NO! They would do it with their lawyers! I am not saying violence is the answer but, I am just trying to make a point. I don't want to start a political discussion here but, sometimes you guys have to realize these guys are actors not the charactors they play on TV. Stop and think about their motives in what they are doing and saying. Stop being star struck and look at the whole picture. THESE PEOPLE ARE ACTORS, stop holding them up on pedalstools!!!
  5. Who gives a crap what "cooter" thinks? Mr. Jones is in it for the money. Do you really think he cares about you or the rest of the Duke fans? Him and Scheinder are as phony as 2 dollar bills. Cooter has milked his fame for 25 years now. Him and John are upset because they weren't asked to be in the movie. I love the show but, current audiences don't want to see these old actors doing the same thing they did 25 years ago. This movie is not the show. Get over it.
  6. I agree, I have seen a lot of posts about putting the old actors in the movie. It is best to leave them out. I think you are some what right about Burt. But, if they are going to copy Boss's suit and his car, than his looks should be similar as well. If wasn't going to be fat then they should have changed his looks (outfit) all together. Plus I like Burt in Smokey and THe Bandit but, he is a has been. But, like I said it doesn't really matter. They are making a Dukes movie!! Hooray!!
  7. Ok guys, I have been reading a lot of posts about the new movie. People are upset about the cast and compare them to the TV show actors. First things first, I love the show as much as anyone but lets be truthful. Some of the actors were bad...very bad. John Scheinder and Catherine Bach are probably two of the worst actors ever. Bach looked good but, not that great. Even if Jessica Simpson can't act she can't be as bad as Bach. Lets face it, she looks way better than Bach did in the show. The same goes for Sean William Scott and Johnny Knoxville. A mean we are not talking about Macbeth here. I will have to say that Uncle Jesse, Roscoe and Boss Hogg were fantastic actors. Especially Boss Hogg. I think the biggest flaw in this movie would be Boss Hogg played by Burt Reynolds. This to me is the worst part about the movie. Boss Hogg is a charactor like the General Lee it can not be changed. Boss Hogg has to be a fat guy...hince the name Hogg. Hellooo????!!! Danny Devito would have been perfect. I can deal with Nelson, Scott, Simpson, Gainey, and Knoxville. Its ok that the update the movie to todays audience, if they didn't it wouldn't make money. The studio has to see dollar signs before they even begin to put it into production. Sad truth. But heres the thing, we argue about the actors, theme songs, cars or whatever but, they are making a Dukes movie!! We will all go to see it and we will all love to see the General Lee fly on the big screen. And the General is the star of this movie and the show. It will bring millions of new fans to the show. Maybe it will even start a new show!? Plus if the movie does good more seasons will be put on DVD. So lets enjoy it even with all of our disagreements on what they are doing. At least we can say we were Dukes fans before the movie came out. I say...THANK GOD THEY ARE MAKING IT even with the flaws!!
  8. Here some more pictures. http://www.tashastevens.com/00gl1/index1.html http://www.tashastevens.com/00gl2/index1.html Here are some video clips. http://www.tashastevens.com/112804_web/gl_mov/001ashlyrides.MOV http://www.tashastevens.com/112804_web/gl_mov/002ashlyrides.MOV http://www.tashastevens.com/112804_web/gl_mov/003ashlyandtashaswap.MOV http://www.tashastevens.com/112804_web/gl_mov/004tasharides.MOV http://www.tashastevens.com/112804_web/gl_mov/005tasharides.MOV http://www.tashastevens.com/112804_web/gl_mov/006firstjump.MOV http://www.tashastevens.com/112804_web/gl_mov/007aftermathoffirstjump.MOV http://www.tashastevens.com/112804_web/gl_mov/008secondjump.MOV http://www.tashastevens.com/112804_web/gl_mov/009aftermathofsecondjump.MOV Enjoy!!!
  9. Hi check out http://www.tashastevens.com/ It has a ton of General lee pics and videos from the movie.
  10. Hey guys!! You must check out this site!!! http://www.tashastevens.com/ This is the best behind the scenes of the "General Lee garage" for the movie. It even has some video clips!!
  11. Hey guys!! You must check out this site!!! http://www.tashastevens.com/ This is the best behind the scenes of the "General Lee garage" for the movie. It even has some video clips!!
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