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Everything posted by b17racer

  1. Yes, that is a sticker they put over Clinton..
  2. Hope this works..
  3. First let me say this is the best site I've found for info about the movie. I'm the part owner of the garage that is being used for Cooter's. The filming started on the afternoon of November 18 and ran until about midnite. It continued after lunch the next day and ran until about 2:30 am. They did not complete all the scenes and must return at a later (to be determined) date. I can let everyone know that David Koechner (Anchorman, My Boss's Daughter) is playing the part of Cooter. I had the opportunity to meet him, Seann William Scott and Johnny Knoxville. They're just super. Very friendly, didn't mind talking and taking pictures with my family and myself. Now for the other star of the show...she must not know that fans make her famous and I can tell you she lost a bunch of fans on her short stay in Clinton. Would not allow any pictures and had a body guard with her at all times. Did not get an opportunity to meet M.C. Gainey because his scene is one that got delayed. Also, I can assure everyone the flag is on the General Lee
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