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Everything posted by Tgh_76

  1. I'm not saying that JS is not pretty and everything; but, she is just not what Daisy (Catherine Bach) was all about. I mean shes like 5 foot nothing and bleach blonde. I have to agree with someone else whose post I read earlier about Daisy. The best person I can think of for looks, stature and personality would have to be Carmen Electra. Just another opinion, and you know what they say about those. LOL L8R
  2. OK, lets talk scoop. I hear that Dee may keep the facade on the building. Dee is the new owner....2 wednesdays ago Roger signed the papers. So the Moonlight Inn belongs to her. They are allowing people to go in there and scope the place out until tonight...as after tonight she has to turn it over to the crew. The mustang under the tarp is apparently a promotional deal and is supposed to be identical to the picture on the side of the 18-wheeler.#23 i think. There are no LEE'S as I could see at the Boars Nest. They took the horns off the Boss Hogg Caddy's because they were afraid that someone might steal them. I got in with Security and got a few closeups of the cars and the exterior of the Bar. There are also a few pics of the cast staging area at the local elementary school.(all the trailers) All the cast were in their trailers today as it was a dreary overcast day, but the security personnel were instructed to tell me they were in town....LOL. The sign for the Boar's Nest is neon lit and I will try to catch it lit upo tonight.....until then I have a few daytime shots. Well anyway here they are........:the newest spywitness pics: http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose1.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose2.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose3.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose4.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose5.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose6.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose7.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose8.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose9.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose10.jpg http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohclose11.jpg
  3. These were pics from last night. The car under the tarp is the 60-something black mustang. http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/doh1.JPG http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/doh2.JPG http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/doh3.JPG
  4. these are the pics from this morning, would've been better but looks like the 2 pseudo-fuzz wanted to sweat me. LOL So anyway, http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohml1.JPG http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohml2.JPG http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohml3.JPG Nice Job on the cars, the white Boss Hogg cars have the gun door handles and the bull horns on the hood even though I couldn't get a good shot of the horns. Look what they did with the vertical siding planks and columns. WOW....nice work making it look old. They will be tearing it down when it is all done with, which sucks, but it is not framed solid to the building anyway,...just effects. Anyway, L8r for now...talk atcha in a bit............
  5. Man O Man, I could kick myself in the ass for not carrying my camera 24/7. The crew at The Boar's Nest was the biggest yet. They busted some serious tail yesterday to finish up and all I can say is WOW. I came back through late and got some night shots. It gets dark around 5:00 over here so its the best I could come up with right now but I'm on my way out for more building shots. There were 2 jeeps there, 2 of Boss's cars and a BIG 18 wheeler which must have carried them there or was housing some LEE's. They have a manlift for some aerial shots and tons of crew, cast and extra transport vehicles. I don't know if they were shooting inside or rehearsing something, or maybe having a meeting....But I saw a buddy of mine who is an extra and he was going in the Bar. Anyway here are a few pics for now.......more in a few hours. http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohmlan1.JPG http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohmlan2.JPG http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohmlan3.JPG http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/dohmlan4.JPG
  6. Hey beanie......I got a question. To the best of your knowledge, is she driving around in a Renault 25 V6 with european plates? (it was grey I think) If so, I have to second your opinion. Get back to me on that if you can. L8r
  7. Hey, I ran by and got some digital shots of the construction at the - soon to be - Boar's Nest. These guys from Film Fleet were working in the rain. I tried not to be too intrusive so sorry bout the picture quality and I will get them up in a few. Ok lemme try this: http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/doh_ml_1.JPG http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/doh_ml_2.JPG http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/doh_ml_3.JPG http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/doh_ml_4.JPG http://members.cox.net/tgh_76/Doh_pics/doh_ml_5.JPG The bar is SUPPOSED to be closed until mid December.....but.... the owner is letting a few loyal patrons in the back for now. Thanks Roger(<<<<Roger Hutchinson is the owner) I'll report back when I get more scoop. L8r all
  8. The Boar's Nest will be at the 'Moonlight Inn'(That's and old bar room) in French Settlement, Louisiana. That's in Livingston Parish, where I'm born and raised. Some of the chase seens will be on dirt roads in Donaldsonville and also various backroads throughout Louisiana. I gotta run now but when I get some new scoop I'll holla back. PEACE
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