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Everything posted by gimp2005

  1. that would be me!!!!!
  2. also rosco had serious moments when he thought "killed" the boys that was a tearjerker when he told jesse i almost balled my eyes out.
  3. kudos to a first rate man who's acting is on great par w/ some of the greats of yesterday's greatest films from westerns to action comdey this man proved he had the acting chops . so let's give it up for mr. james best !!!!!!!!!
  4. http://latinoreview.com/films_2005/wb/dukesofhazzard/doh.html
  5. write a fanfic about the dukes meeting a young man who is in the hazzard special olympics and become close to the dukes also has a crush on daisy as a tribute to scott romine and wonderful work he does .. also i think scott deserves a cameo apperance!
  6. http://schwing.wouldyouhitthis.com/member_files/2004/08/19/103008/forum_attachments/1112713900IMAGE0003.JPG.JPG
  7. next on the dukes:daisy meets her dream man Stephen Jacobs and his 1971 dodge charger "Rebel" .... waylon:well folks in hazzard county it seems everyday in hazzard there's a car chase somewhere a black 1971 dodge charger w/ a american flag on top and number 07 on the doors is being chased by the local law ,meet Stephen Jacobs a young rebelrouser from good old alanta who loves fast cars beautiful and uh huh fast cars.... Stephen hits a button and Rebel does a popawheelie for 5 seconds making rosco and enos fly off the road . Stephen travels more down the road and stops at the boar's nest to get something to drink he steps thru and sees a beautiful brunette w/ white tank top and jean shorts that make any day hotter than usaul .. "hey suga need a drink ?" daisy asks winking at him"uhhh sure a sodapop could be good right now" steve said grinning as daisy blushed and got his order for him.... 2 men walk in and start talking to daisy Stephen thinking they are harrasing the pretty lady stands up and tries to impress her"then Stephen punches the guy in the blue shirt square in the jaw "LUKE!!!!!" yells the blond as he tackles Stephen to floor, they begin to tussle breaking sevreal tables in process several people including cooter try to break up fight ,,,, {freeze frame as daisy gasps} ya'll better hang on cause it's gonna be a bumpy road ahead....
  8. HEY BACK YOU LIKE MY SHOW? i promoted the heck outta hazzardnet last nite had 60 listeners!!!!!!!
  9. http://brainboxradio.com/archives/?cmd=listen&mp3=/Rosco%20P.%20Cole.mp3&dir_id=0&file=filename.pls this was done a year ago done by me rosco enos boss voiced by gimp funy eh? hope ya'll like!!!
  10. also a tribute to the hazzard police deparment ? "bad boys bad boys" by inner circle! khee khee!!
  11. just think i came up w/ the comcept for it khee khee!! how about a video for enos straite? of his time in the big city of los angles set to the music of randy newman"i love la" i never saw"enos" so it would be a treat for me....
  12. imagine if scott was in hot pursuit of those duke boys !ijit! at you would'nt go in the lake right? right? cause i bet hazzards insurance preminums are horrible! ijit!! now is scott scott romine of romine videos ? ....
  13. how about a video just for daisy featuring daisy in all her glory "she's got legs" by zz top is my choice for music video ....
  14. i quote enos on this on"possumonagumbush" yummy!!!!!
  15. scott{ our hazzard insider!!!} hey man that must be pretty neat! i have a replica diecast of general and dixie and plan on filming my own stunts w/ general and a hummer h2 police car ,i even have a evil general lee{black 1971 dodge charger} now if i only had a real general lee khee khee but a replica is better than nothing ... btw any news on dukes action figures?i kinda want a daisy one lol...
  16. hey ya'll here are the angles i will be using left side -shows alot of great detail back wheel angle-shows a great view of the action front v after foiiew-- the classic slide and tilt effect after footage is shot i will piece together music and me playing the driver in vocal tracks ....
  17. i have to wait for warmer climates {ahhh warmer days ahead}
  18. http://schwing.wouldyouhitthis.com/member_files/2004/08/19/103008/forum_attachments/1109366661generallee1.JPG http://schwing.wouldyouhitthis.com/member_files/2004/08/19/103008/forum_attachments/1109366626generalfront.JPG
  19. http://schwing.wouldyouhitthis.com/member_files/2004/08/19/103008/forum_attachments/1109366661generallee1.JPG
  20. yeeeeeha!!!!
  21. http://www.mtv.com/shared/movies/features/d/dukes_set_visit_050105/ word!
  22. well i've been doing net radio since 1998 always fun to rant about something in the world tune in wednesday k? because you never know what's next!!!
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