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Everything posted by SouthernEagleUtah

  1. It was one of those days in my home where the sun was in the sky the birds chirping but something was missing, My very own mother had passed away. Now this could happen to anyone but a Dukes fan is more than just a fan they are well kin folk. So after someone at Lou Step productions had read the obit, they called me right there on the phone. After we talked some they all said they'd come to the services for my mom. Now understanding this is happeing in a small town in Idaho of about 800 people. On that morning here came several rental cars, and everyone from the TV show was there to offer me sympathy. Fast forward to the day Paul Picard passed away. As I sat at the bed of the man who in part had created The Dukes of Hazzard TV show, I told him then and there that I would always hold in memory and honor that TV show that for me became more than just a TV show but a way of life. Since that day, my tow truck has worn the sign of The Hazzard County Garage, my shop has stayed that name no matter what and I still live each day even though now I live in the city of Utah, I still do it all Hazzard style. Over the years formed a hot rod club and Dukes fan group called the Hazzard County Knytes, still do a weekly radio show on public radio called Hazzard County Radio, still write and publish a newspaper called The Hazzard County Gazzette, and still have every picture I have ever had of all things Dukes, and Hazzard. So am I more than just a fan? You decide.
  2. to the new member. If you want to find pics of the Gen Lee, go to www.confederategeneralleeclub.com they have plenty of them.
  3. Okay we have had our jollies with the TV Show american Chopper. On there is a motor bike shop called Orange County Choppers. What if, a bunch of Harley types, who were also fans of the Dukes got together a club? Answer, The Hazzard County Choppers Club. Know anywhere else that fight the system anti establishment types would be accepted other than in Hazzard? The Hazzard County Choppers Club, is a branch of the Hazzard County Knytes(KNIGHTS) Kustmz Association . We are more than the casual fans we live the show in real life. Be watching for our Hazzard web site coming soon. Just passing this along to all Duke fans.
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