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Posts posted by konvoy76

  1. does anyone rember or have the doh racetrack, or all the pieces to the barn thing they had out? the race track was a basic figure8 with a see saw ramp, the general and a sheriffs car, nothing spectacular but had one as akid an loved it probably one of the best toys i had as a kid. i hate to ask but if anyone has one they would like to sell or maybe trade let me know. the barn i really don't remember that much something with the general jumping out the doors.

  2. wow what a tough choice for wb to make for cast they will never keep everbody happy. here are my suggestions:

    LUKE: tom welling(smallville plays clark kent) isn't that funny tom wopat played original

    BO: paul walker is a MUST.(fast and furious for those that do not know),but saw he has proir engagements. how about kid rock(did good in biker boys)

    COOTER: larry the cable guy, saw it posted here thought that was perfect.

    DAISY: jessica alba(fox's old series dark angel)

    UNCLE JESSE: ??? robert devale(the crew chief in days of thunder)

    or maybe john goodman

    ROSCO: bill engvale(for the goofy slapstick)

    BOSS HOOG: danny devito seems to fit perfect

    ENUS or CLETUS: jeff foxworthy(more goofy slapstick needed)

    i know it has alot of blue collar to it but think about it, most are from the south understand the south they just seem to fit nice. i know that is not the whole cast but it is a good start.

    open for suggestions. oh yeah the general lee needs to have the flag or its just another car might as well call it the general washington.

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