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Posts posted by rigidhd

  1. It is sad to hear that there will be no flag on the general. So lets see take the confederate flag off the general as to not offend anyone, however we will not take in to consideration other offensive content in our movies. What happened to freedom of expression, freedom of speech or just plain freedom? I can watch gangbanger movies where crack and hookers and calling people cracker honky or whity are acceptable. The Flag did not hurt anyone. The flag is an inanimate object, it cannot feel hate nor love. Oh wait it is what it represents right. It is part of our history in the United States, However I still see British flags in American made movies. Did they forget about the war for independence? I say put the flag on the car and make it right. I Guess we are going to get a politically correct re-make of the dukes of hazard.

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