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  1. Ahhhhhhh, yah done unscuffed mah quote! Thanks for the translation!
  2. In Baa, Baa White Sheep (season 3, I think) Cooter is at his garage on his tow truck's CB telling Luke and Daisy about Boss Hogg changing into the black suit in the scheme to trick the judge. Cooter said that Boss was changing "Quicker than a mineral swimmin' nickel dipper." At least this is what I think he said, even after "rewinding" several times. Cooter sorta mumbled his way through this one. I love all of the odd phrases in the show, but this one has me stumped. Is Cooter really saying "Quicker than a mineral swimmin' nickel dipper" and what in the world does it mean? Or is Cooter saying something else?
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