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Everything posted by glenw

  1. Been a while since I was on...the microswitch only works on the 1:18 scale with seperate sound box. It is simply a shut off switch. As for the larger 1:10 scale model, the horn should only sound when the button on the remote is pushed, not every time the car moves. Sounds like you may have a "bad" remote or something is faulty in the car wiring. As far as limiting it to only play once instead of 3 times, I had no luck. Glen
  2. I also modified the horn box for the 18th scale. It was a simple addition of a micro switch in the case...allows me to turn it off after the first set of 12 notes is played. Glen
  3. Hi all I have both the 1/18th & the 1/10th scale. The 1/10 has a few quirks though. It appears as a "low rider" out fo the box. The rear suspension is easliy modified for clearance, the front however is a bit more of a challenge. Still working on that one. I need to figure out a way to drop the a-arms for the proper stance. The horn is now integrated into the car, with button on remote (which is a plus) however is still plays the note set 3 times. I have yet to look ino the circuitry to figure out a relay or some other way of limiting to one set. Also, I had to paint the inner rim area black to get the proper look, as they are all chrome. again, not hard. If ya'll have any ideas on how to modify hte front suspension, feel free to leave me a msg. Still a nice looking ride for the enthusiast! Glen
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