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Sarah Duke

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  1. I think I may know the reason for all those stories about Bo being sick. Most of those stories say he has asthma or another disease that affects breathing. Something I've noticed while watching Dukes episodes is that everytime the Duke boys have to do something physically exertive or stressful John Schneider is out of breath afterwards. He breathes really loud, coughs, comments on dizziness and gasps as well (like in the Byline Daisy Duke episode, when they run from a truck rolling down hill). Bo Duke doesn't have breathing problems, but John Schneider does. John said he had asthma as a kid, and asthma is something you never really are cured of. Even if a person no longer has attacks (and most adults who had asthma as kids don't) they still can have breathing problems. I think that is the case here. Sorry if this is a really long post, but I hope it answers your question!
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