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Everything posted by hope

  1. i heat the so called (BLEEP) dukes of hazzard movie the tv show is a hell of alot better and funnyer and the tv show is a family show one i would let my kids watch if i had kids but why does that matter no way in hell would i let them see this movie unless they had their own apartment and even then if I knew they watched it I wouldn't speak to them for a year. In the tv show there are no tits hanging out unless you count John and Tom having their shirts off but in the movie all you see are tits i am mad as hell that they make a movie and call it the dukes of hazzard because it is not at all any thing like the tv show the Partridge Family. i grow up watching baseball every friday night on cbs at 8.00pm or was it 9.00pm i am 28 years old going on 13 now was about 3 maybe 4 was bron in 1977 but was about 3 maybe 4 when i got hooked have 1 and 2 on dvd got 3 and 4 on dvd (BINGO!) for xams this past xams that is all i need now is 5 on dvd and i think i will have all of them to go with a photo i bought one time it is a group photo. anyways the movie is nothing but (BLEEP) in my book no good at all love the tv show way better now there is a show but the movie not wroth a (BLEEP) at all it is all (BLEEP) up from the time it comes on until the movie is over with i was thinking of takeing the carp out of my dvdplayer but said no i got to see how this (BLEEPING BLEEP) ends i was like hurry up and go off i almost fall a sleep on the porch but never fall a sleep on the tv show only on the commercials. ok i am getting off my soap box now but i for one heated the movie if you want to call it that like and enjoy the tv show way better. any other real dukes of hazzard fans with me i say that because the movie is not real at all so fake in my book. got to go watch john on smalllville and take a bottle of asprin and maybe see a doctor see you later hazzard fans.
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