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Strawberry Wine

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Posts posted by Strawberry Wine

  1. Just saw the movie (unrated version) a few days ago. I have never seen the dukes of hazzard before, so I thought i'd give it a chance. Anyway, it made me want to see what the real dukes was like, so I'm watching a marathon on CMT right now.

    I think I like the series better. The few eps I've seen have the characters portrayed a lot different than on the movie, i think.

    Anyway, the one thing about the movie i thought was cool was seeing my university on the big screen (LSU). They only showed the nicer parts of campus (thank God), but it was weird seeing all the LSU logos blocked out.

    Just some things I thought were funny and no one else might:

    Incidentally, I thought the campus police (which at lsu are even more ticket-happy) were stopping the dukes b/c of the flag on the car and because they were driving in a closed street. That parking spot is ok to park in by non-students, but where they were driving in that scene is closed during the day for thru traffic.

    I was laughin too that the boys drove thru campus without pedestrians jumpin in front. our campus is hell to drive thru like that. people have gotten run over too (resulting in some deaths, sadly)

    oh yeah, that "geology lab" does not exist in the Life Science bulding. I thought that was funny as heck, b/c that place where all the career people looked more like the Cotillion ball room in our school union. The real geology building is across from where the boys got stopped by the campus police. Our school union is that ugly building where they parked first.

    i was surprised they letthe car on campus, b/c there's been such an uproar on this campus against that flag. there's an unlicensed version off the battle flag in our school colors that minority groups want to ban from campus (they can't of course, but they are sure tryin!)

    and yeah, there would be guys makin passes at other guys like that on our campus

    anyway, back to watchin the dukes on tv.

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