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Everything posted by cartleague

  1. Frankly I was not pleased with the movie. The Spirit of the Dukes (TV show) was NOT there at all. Too much foul language throughout the movie (the TV show very seldom used swearing (season 1-2). Also, uncle Jessie was not a amoral character and foul mouth, he was a wholesome moral character that folks liked. I bet that Denver Pyle was rolling over in his grave. It was like watching Mash the movie compared to the TV show-more raunchy and left me having to tell folks I know NOT to watch the movie or have their kids go to it. The other issue was the sex scenes/inuendoes (albeat-sanitized for the PG-13). That was never an issue that was brought up in the show (not even in the original 5 episodes of season 1). The only things that were the stunts in the movie. Other than that, it was not in the spirit of the original Dukes. I felt that Reynold's Boss Hogg was more edgeier than Booke. I wonder how the movie would have been if Danny Devito was Hogg and Kenny Rogers was Uncle Jessie. I hope that if there is a Dukes 2, it goes back to the spirit of the show. Get rid of this "it must have foul mouth and sex (more than the usual Daisy in the bikini)" in order to make it modern. Anyone else felt the same way?
  2. Frankly I was not pleased with the movie. The Spirit of the Dukes (TV show) was NOT there at all. Too much foul language throughout the movie (the TV show very seldom used swearing (season 1-2). Also, uncle Jessie was not a amoral character and foul mouth, he was a wholesome moral character that folks liked. I bet that Denver Pyle was rolling over in his grave. It was like watching Mash the movie compared to the TV show-more raunchy and left me having to tell folks I know NOT to watch the movie or have their kids go to it. The other issue was the sex scenes/inuendoes (albeat-sanitized for the PG-13). That was never an issue that was brought up in the show (not even in the original 5 episodes of season 1). The only things that were the stunts in the movie. Other than that, it was not in the spirit of the original Dukes. I felt that Reynold's Boss Hogg was more edgeier than Booke. I wonder how the movie would have been if Danny Devito was Hogg and Kenny Rogers was Uncle Jessie. I hope that if there is a Dukes 2, it goes back to the spirit of the show. Get rid of this "it must have foul mouth and sex (more than the usual Daisy in the bikini)" in order to make it modern. Anyone else felt the same way?
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