Alright a little back ground on the situation at hand. Im not much of a Mopar man i perfer my Fords. But dont get me wrong who doesnt love the General? Well abt a year and a half ago I wrecked my Mustang. and i finally got it redone and my body work completed so about 6 months ago i got it painted the General Lee Orange., mainly becuz i like the color and ive never seen a 93 foxbody mustang with that paint sceam. Well abt 1 month ago what do i see? A car exactly like mine with the exact color. YOu wanna talk about pissed. I thought abt keying the car but i decided against that. So i was just searchin around on Ebay on day and found the General Lee Decal Kit for 200 bucks... and i got to thinkin.... hmmmm Ive got the color .... how abt i add the stickers? that would deffiently be Orignal. But im wonderin if i do that what people would think... so as fellow duke funs. What do yall think?