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Everything posted by Gothic_Duke_72

  1. I have been dreaming alot lately because at the end of this month we are moving to a new house...but last night I had a dream that John was helping to move into the new place...dressed just like Bo..yellow top and blue jeans...LMAO...He was very nice and the best part of it was when he took the top off and was sweating... so to dream of my hubby and John topless and sweating lifting boxes was quite nice indeed... That put a smile on my face when I woke this morning..woo hoo
  2. Thanks for answering me...she is still e-mailing and trying to call me, because she knows I'am not speaking to her...I know that is because she feels guilty about everything... Child services have been called on her a few times already by the school and they did nothing about it...but I do believe she's jealous, her marriage went in the crapper last year, but they ALWAYS had big issues between them...and any guy she's ever been with has never worked out.. And I'am not saying I have the "Perfect" marriage, everyone has some issues at some points along the way, but for the most part it has been wonderful...so I guess she can't stand for anyone to be happy if she's not..so I guess it's best to keep her out of my life... Thanks again everyone
  3. My younger sister and I have never seen eye to eye on alot of things..she has three kids 9, 11 & 12..I have one child 16 months.. She has ALWAYS had a mouth and hand problem when it came to her kids or anyone else for that matter..well alittle over a month ago we where at my mom's visting and my sister went after her oldest and repeatly hit him..my husband got in her face about it...well she turned and hit my husband non-stop..all my hubby did was push her back away from him...she fell backward into my mom's tub.. Even after that she went after her son for a second time, saying it was all his fault...well the next day I thought things had cooled off, but I recv'd a e-mail from her with pictures of her arm with marks on it..also she claims my husband had made a pass at her last summer...I have been with this man for 9 years and he has NEVER given me any reason not to believe or trust him.. My husband and sister NEVER got along at any time...I know she only made that statement because she was trying to make trouble for him..but she won't flat out admit it...this is not the first time she has done this before(trying to make issues between me and a boyfriend or friend) if she didn't like them...everyone wants me to just let it roll off my back but, I just can't do that..and she is making it seem that I'am immature about all this... Even if she is my sister I just want her out of my life, I now realize that she will do whatever it takes....cross any line..meanwhile she still wants to act like nothing happened but, I just can't do that...I just cannot forgive her this time... This still keeps me awake sometimes at night, I just can't make heads or tails out of it...why she would go that far??? Any advice anyone can give me on this???? Thanks
  4. I think it's a knock down to the song & again to "Daisy Duke"...she never acted like that...I don't know maybe it's just me but, I find it sick & sad.. It makes her look like a bar tramp Wonder what the old cast think's of this???
  5. Found it!!! called "Dream House" 1981 made for TV movie.....
  6. There was a TV movie he did years ago...He came to a urban area and tried to build a house..and had alot of troubles, at the end they messed up the place up on him...and he went back too his hometown... I was young when they aired it...but I remember he cried and so did I..awww He can still too this day touch my heart...love ya John
  7. It's so werid I have been a fan since I was eight years old...and started watching the show again and love it just as much...I always had a thing for Bo .... and it's like hanging with a old friend...the show brings so many memories back for me... I guess I'am a Duke fan and always will be.... GO BO!!!!!!!!!
  8. I just watched the trailer and I wasn't impressed..if they wanted to stray from the shows' flavor they did that for sure...the movie may be funny and have better stunts, but I for one would rather watch the show then the movie any day...no one can copy the real cast... It's like someone else playing Freddy Kruger..the cast gave a life to Bo, Luke etc...and you cannot copy that...certainly not Johnny Knocksville, Jessica Simpson or Seann William Scott...I liked the idea of Willie playing Uncle Jesse, but the rest of the cast they have could picked other actors for the roles...just my two cents Just cause you drive the "General Lee" doesn't make you a Duke
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