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Everything posted by 88fan

  1. My kids were just watching a Christmas episode of Full House on ABC Family channel and Sorrell was on. It was an episode from 1988, where everyone was stranded at an airport and little Michelle ripped of Boss's tupe' . In the end he was really Santa Clause and appeared dressed up as Santa, then magically disappeared. It was neat, cause I've never seen him perform anything else besides Boss. He still had a little southern draw in his voice.
  2. yeh this is my first post, I've been watching this site for a while, cause I've always been a Duke fan. I didn't see anywhere on here about anybody else seeing that preview last night during Joey. Like I said it starts out with the General jumping onto the highway(scene at the end of the trailer previously released) then goes into introducing the characters.....meet Luke, meet Bo, meet Daaaiiiisy!, meet Boss Hogg, then it goes to the scene I haven't seen yet where Boss slaps Enos over the head with his hat and says "Enos, you dipstick!" just like in the old shows. Then it says coming to the theaters on August 5th.
  3. Anybody see the trailer during tonights episode of Joey on NBC? Starts out with the General jumping and blowing the Dixie horn, then introduces the characters, then says in theaters August 5th.
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