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Graeme Hurst

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  1. Thanks for the info guys. anyone know how I can contact Jon Scheneider or Travis? thanks, Graeme
  2. Hi there, I'm a writer for Classic Cars magazine in England and I'm looking for information on the General Lee. We're doing a feature on the General (in anticipation of the movie) and I'd like to get in touch with anyone that can give us more information on: -The specs of the original General Lee. -Which were the best/most famous scenes in the General. -Who prepared the cars. -What was done to them. -Who owns the original General today. -Any other cool/interesting facts about the General Lee. We have a replica of the General over here in England that we 've used for the photography. Please email me (graeme.hurst@emap.com) if you can help. Thanks, Graeme
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